FFG’S Top 4 Armada Fleet Commander Lists

By Barclay Montgomery | July 14th, 2016 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

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The Star Wars Armada Fleet Contest pitted the best minds against each other as they cooked up ideas using the new ships that will be in Wave III and IV. Here are the top 4 finalist lists and a rundown from each finalist of how their respective fleets might work on the battlefield.

Via Fantasy Flight Games


Craig Lincoln’s List

MC80 Star Cruiser – Mon Karren, Gunner Teams, Leading Shots, Spinal Armament

MC30c Torpedo Frigate – Lando Calrissian, Fire-Control Team, Assault Concussion Missiles,  XX-9 Turbolasers

Nebulon-B Escort Frigate – Yavaris, Flight Commander, Fighter Coordination Team

GR-75 Medium Transport – Bright Hope, Leia Organa, Repair Crews, General Madine

B-wing Squadron, B-wing Squadron, “Dutch” Vander, Dash Rendar

Total Fleet Points: 398

Craig Lincoln states that he designed his Rebel fleet so that it would feature “three imposing, threatening, and flexible ships with the flotilla there to patch any holes. An adaptable squadron wing is capable of eating up enemy squadrons as well as bombing ships.” He went on to add that he “chose General Madine solely for the added maneuverability he lends to the MC30c and MC80 Star Cruiser .”


Immobilizer_Interdictor_Cruiser armada

James Lockwood’s List

Imperial II Star Destroyer – Devastator, Captain Needa, Gunnery Team, Electronic Countermeasures, XI7 Turbolasers, SW-7 Ion Batteries, Darth Vader

Interdictor Suppression Refit – Interdictor, Admiral Titus, Targeting Scrambler, G7-X Grav Well Projector, MS-1 Ion Cannons

Gozanti-class Cruisers – Repair Crews

Gozanti-class Cruisers – Repair Crews

“Howlrunner”, TIE fighter Squadron, TIE fighter Squadron, TIE fighter Squadron, TIE fighter Squadron

Total Fleet Points: 399

James Lockwood had said, “At an eye-watering 193 points, the Devastator is the centerpiece of this fleet, chaining together its upgrades for extreme, targeted damage. This works by firing the unmodified battery dice, then using Darth Vader to reroll as many dice as possible, ideally discarding a defense token. The Devastator Title and concentrate firepower commands are then triggered to add blue dice, which are guaranteed damage with SW-7 batteries . The XI7s are the nail in the coffin, virtually shutting down redirects without any use of accuracy. Any accuracy not used to target other defense tokens are converted to damage.”



Adam Pye’s List

MC80 Battle Cruiser – Liberty, Raymus Antilles, Flight Controllers, Medical Team, Spinal Armament, XI7 Turbolasers, Leading Shots, Garm Bel Iblis

Nebulon-B Escort Frigate with Yavaris, Medical Team, Turbolaser Reroute Circuits

GR-75 Medium Transports with Bright Hope, Boosted Comms, Bomber Command Center

Jan Ors, Dash Rendar, Wedge Antilles, X-wing Squadron, “Dutch” Vander, Y-wing Squadron, Y-wing Squadron, Y-wing Squadron, Scurrg H-6 Bombers, Scurrg H-6 Bombers

Total Fleet Points: 396

Adam states “Mine is a carrier fleet, and my three ships are not interested in charging into battle. Instead, they want to send the squadrons to distract and wear down the enemy until the Liberty can blow them away. Flight Controllers on the Liberty make my squadrons much better at anti-squadron duty than might be expected from the squadrons I chose.”


armada corruptor destroyer

Alexandra Smith’s List

Interdictor Suppression Refit – Interdictor, SW7 Ion Batteries, Targeting Scrambler, G-8 Experimental Projector, and Admiral Konstantine

Victory I-class Star Destroyer – Ordnance Experts and Phylon Q7 Tractor Beams

Victory I-class Star Destroyer – Ordnance Experts and Phylon Q7 Tractor Beams

Gozanti-class Cruisers – Comms Net

Gozanti-class Cruisers – Comms Net

TIE fighter Squadron, TIE fighter Squadron, TIE fighter Squadron, TIE fighter Squadron, TIE fighter Squadron, TIE fighter Squadron

Total Fleet Points: 398

Alexandra’s thoughts on her list: “This list is designed to force the enemy into performing only maneuver commands. Utilizing the movement disruption of the Interdictor and Admiral Konstantine, it wants to trap enemies in the deadly forward arcs of all three ships and blast away. The Gozantis feed tokens to the sluggish Star Destroyers when required and allow you to activate only when it’s best for you.”

There you have it folks! Straight from the best minds that FFG has selected for thier Armada list building. Check back soon to find out the results as all 4 lists will battle it out for the Top List.





About the Author: Barclay Montgomery

I'm a weird guy wargamer and hobby enthusiast. I'm like the Thing, I can take many forms. I could be a bounty hunter looking for Rebel prey, a commander of an Imperial fleet, or the Hive Mind of the Great Devourer of Worlds.