GW New Releases Announcement, GTs are Back LATEST

weekend-newsHere are all the new wargaming releases, previews, rumors, and more from the weekend, plus the latest from GW as well!

These were the biggest announcements from the wargaming hobby, along with our expert commentary from the final weekend of April! Let’s take a look at what you may have missed for Warhammer and the latest releases for tabletop wargaming in general!

New Games Workshop Teasers & Pre-Orders for May

A look at new Sisters of Battle, Necromunda, and even more Pre-Orders are on the way from Games Workshop as we head into May. Read More


2 Models That Make Great Be’lakor Proxies Under $100

If you missed out on Be’lakor you’re probably not the only one, good news is that there are two great proxies alternatives to GW that are more affordable. Read More

Star Wars black series feature r

And that’s it for all the latest 40k rumors and releases for wargaming in general. Don’t forget to keep your eyes glued to Spikey Bits for what else the gaming world is throwing at you this week.

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