GW’s Summer New Release Roadmap

new gw releases

GW’s new release summer roadmap is filling up fast with all the new models out there on the horizon. Take a look at the latest rumors and previews!

With the trade tariff drama going on, GW has been slowed down as far as actually getting products on the shelf. However, we could finally see some of the newer things hit the shelves in the coming Summer months.

All eyes are the newly minted Warhammer Day for June that will mark three consecutive months of GW events revolved around hobby!  We already know the exclusives but what clues have we already seen that could predict more from the day?

Next On Deck: Contrast Paints!


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Release Roadmap: Bold Release Predictions Ahead For June & July

40k apocalypse

Here’s our latest speculation of what could be just over the bend moving from June and into July.

Moving Deeper Into Summer’s Releases


Still, on deck are a slew of painted models for what we can only assume will be a release in the next three months. For the most part these all have product shots and have been actively previewed from May onward.

traitor command 2

Beyond Summer:

It’s really no surprise but Sisters of Battle are coming at some point in 2019. We still have a lot to chew through in the months ahead, however. Just keep the Sisters in the back of your mind for right now.

lizardmen seraphon race hor wal

Seraphons also look to be getting a 2.0 reboot for Age of Sigmar as well according to rumors from June that seems to be supported by some of the rumor engines as of late.

Rumors From an Industry Insider: 

Lizards are coming back late summer for a bigger release than Sylvaneth.

The only “lizard” faction we know about is Seraphon and while the Sylvaneth are still being held up, they’ve definitely gotten a lot of support. That makes us wonder exactly what kind of help the Seraphon could be getting this summer. Most overhauled factions at the very least get their own set of Endless Spells, however, Seraphon have a lot of older models too. Maybe we could see some minis transferred over to plastic or even get reworked.

The trade tariff may have caused a hiccup in GWs stream of constant releases, however, their previews have been going strong.

With that said, it’s only a matter of time before we see more on their latest projects. With Summer ahead of us, we should keep our eyes peeled for everything that was mentioned above to be hitting the shelves. So what are you most excited for? When would you like to see Space Marines get a 2.0 codex?

Do you think we could see the Porphyrion in Adeptus Titanicus get released next month?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.