Free Forge World Index Cards Downloads: 10th Edition 40k Rules


GW has dropped a ton of Imperial Armour Forge World 10th Edition 40k index cards for free, and they are all tournament-legal rules!

Unlike the Legends datasheets they dropped a little while ago, these will all be tournament legal, so they should keep up with these and make changes as the edition moves forward. So, if you have any of the Forge World models that just got new 10th Edition Warhammer 40k index card rules, it’s a good day!

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Click the links below for the latest 10th Edition Warhammer 40k index card datasheet rules!


Now, let’s jump into the new rules!

Free Forge World Index Cards Downloads: 10th Edition 40k Rules

The new Forge World 10th Edition 40k Index Cards Rules downloads come from Warhammer Community.

Forge World Index Cards

Though millions of war machines churn through the grinder of endless war in the 41st Millennium, some are so rare or massive that they acquire an enduring notoriety.  These precious assets are detailed in Imperial Armour, and you can download updated versions of these essential documents for the new edition of Warhammer 40,000 today.

The Thunderhawk has been a staple of 40k for a long time, so it’s good to see the rules and keep the hope alive for a plastic 40k kit! Just to note, we’ll be showing one card for each faction, and you can download them all at the link below that faction. Forge World

You can Download all the Space Marines 10th Edition Forge World Index Cards rules here!

Aeldari Forge World Index Cards

Forge World Index Cards 2

The Imperial Armour datasheets comprise many units found on the Forge World webstore, and unlike Warhammer Legends, these forces are all sanctioned for use in official tournament games. Points for these units will are available in the Munitorum Field Manual 2023 Mk I.

The wraith Seer has a ton of weapons, and with Strands of Fate, you can re-roll some of your most critical big shots.

You can Download all the Aeldari 10th Edition Forge World Index Cards rules here!

Adeptus Custodes Forge World Index Cards

Forge World Index Cards 4Many people were worried about what Forge World units would be legal for Custodes, and luckily, a lot of the more important ones are included!

You can Download all the Adeptus Custodes 10th Edition Forge World Index Cards rules here!

Imperial Knights Forge World Index Cards

Forge World Index Cards 5

If you have a bunch of Knights hanging around, they are just some of the most fun minis to play with! With Strength 20, and 8 Damage, this will be perfect for killing other giant machines!

You can Download all the Imperial Knights 10th Edition Forge World Index Cards rules here!

Grey Knights Forge World Index Cards

Forge World Index Cards 6Just like all Land Raiders, you get the assault ramp and can unload a bunch of those terminators onto the enemy!

You can Download all the Grey Knights 10th Edition Forge World Index Cards rules cards here!

Necrons Forge World Index Cards

Forge World Index Cards 7Besides having one of the coolest names out there, this has a ton of weapons, and a Strength 6 flamer with D2 is always going to be strong!

You can Download all the Necrons 10th Edition Forge World Index Cards rules here!

Chaos Knights Forge World Index Cards

Forge World Index Cards 8

If you just stand this in the backfield, it will be destroying vehicles all over the place! While it’s not great for infantry, you know why you’re taking this, killing tanks and monsters!

You can Download all the Chaos Knights 10th Edition Forge World Index Cards rules here!

Orks Forge World Index Cards

Forge World Index Cards 9This is an iconic mini for the ORks, and if you want to stomp through your enemy, this is the mini for you!

You can Download all the Orks 10th Edition Forge World Index Cards rules here!

Tau Forge World Index Cards

Forge World Index Cards 10The Manta is one of the biggest models ever made, so might as well use it to transport 200 models at once!

You can Download all the Tau 10th Edition Forge World Index Cards rules here!

Titans Index Cards

Forge World Index Cards 11If you have one of these, you want to play it as it takes so much hobby love to get finished! It has all the wounds and guns and should be fun to throw down on the table.

You can Download all the Titans 10th Edition Forge World Index Cards rules here!

Tyranids Index Cards

Forge World Index Cards 12The Tyranids have some really cool giant bugs, and if you really want to put fear into your opponent’s hearts, throw some down on the board!

You can Download all the Tyranids 10th Edition Forge World Index Cards rules here!

Drukhari Index Cards

Forge World Index Cards 13Unfortunately, they put the Reaper to Legends, but at least the Tantalus survived! This model is really cool, and if you want a big party boat, grab one or two of these!

You can Download all the Drukhari 10th Edition Forge World Index Cards rules here!

Astra Militarum Index Cards

Forge World Index Cards 14They have the most index cards and actually have two entire sets of cards! So, if you play them, you have plenty of choices to pick from! Luckily, a ton of the DKoK minis survived going to Legends.

You can Download all the Astra Militarum’s first set of 10th Edition Forge World Index Cards rules here or, the second set of Astra Militarum cards here!

Click Here to Download the Forge World Index Cards!

Check out the latest Warhammer 40k rumors for the rest of the 9th and even 10th Edition, new releases, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

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