Games Workshop New Release Roadmap For 2023 & Beyond

gw-rumors-and-new-releasesHere is the latest Games Workshop new releases roadmap leading into 2023, featuring tons of miniatures for Warhammer!

Love Games Workshop miniatures? Well, the new release roadmap is back and headed into 2023; it’s more loaded than ever. 

Between rules leaks and rumors for Imperial Guard, World Eaters, Horus Heresy, and Age of Sigmar, there look to be many new releases for all the Warhammer lines.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should keep an eye out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

GW New Release Roadmap For 2023 & Beyond

Table of Contents & Article Summary

aos banner age of sigmar logo

New Beasts of Chaos Battletome Book Revealed!

Let’s start with the Beasts of Chaos Battletome.

Beasts of Chaos

The new battletome brings new rules and abilities for loads of current units, with a strong emphasis on ambushing your enemies. There are all sorts of tricks you can play to surround your opponents and make them regret the day they decided to enter the wild lands.

Well, first up, they announced a new Beasts of Chaos battletome and said it will be next (well. alongside the Gloomspite Gitz). In the preview, they promised there will be some buffs and big ways to bring them into the new edition.

It sounds like anything from previous iterations will all be put into one big book, which is always easier than trying to gather a bunch of rules!

New Gloomspite Gitz Battletome Book

Gloomspite Gitz

We heard rumors for a long time about Beasts of Chaos and Gloomspite Gitz getting a combined box set and their books being revealed at the same time. Now it’s looking like those rumors might just be true!

They also promised a ton of buffs in this battletome, so things are looking up for the goblins!

New AoS Battletome Roadmap for 2022-2023

Last but not least, we got a huge AoS roadmap!

AoS Battletome RoadmapThey are promising the next two books before the end of the year, which is pretty awesome. Then, Spring will see five different battletomes and one big one in summer. So, if you had to ask us, we would guess the summer book will be reworked Cities of Sigmar, but we’ll hopefully know more soon on that!

That being said, we would love to see the Seraphon get their time in the spotlight as well.

RUMORS New Bundle Box Sets Coming to Age of Sigmar

The first box is said to be Gloomspite Gitz vs Beasts of Chaos. This box is rumored to be full of new minis, so be on the lookout! We have also heard of Gitz vs. Slaves to Darkness too.

No one is 100% sure about the box, but the upcoming Oath Breakers (Chaos Dwarves) will be kicking off the “Broken Realms” of the new edition, but that’s supposedly not coming until 2023 at the earliest.

Gloomspite Gitz vs. Beasts of Chaos?

gloomspite gitz trollRumors said this would be a dual army box, meaning you’ll get new stuff if you play on either side! The Gobbo side of things will see a new Scuttleboss on Giant Spider. While the old mini isn’t too bad, it’s nothing to write about.

While that’s nice, Beasts of Chaos will get a host of new minis; Doombull, Bullgor, and Jabberslythe. All three of those kits really need a rework (not to mention everything they have). 

Gloomspite Gitz & Slaves to Darkness AoS Battlebox?

Another set of rumors from 2021 pointed to this battlebox for Age of Sigmar.

60030209010_GloomspiteGitzBattletomeArtThe Gitz Battletome is about a 3-year-old book, which is quite old with how much things have changed with AoS in that time. Not to mention a new edition of the rules.  If we had to guess, they may need a little bit of work.

Whereas the Slaves to Darkness have not grabbed as many updates as we would expect for them or even had new models in quite some time (start collecting box aside), so hopefully, they get all this around that December 2022 timeframe for their Battletome.

 Ossiarch Bonereapers

bone kings ossiarch bonereapers age of sigmarThey received some new stuff for Underworlds, so that’s usually a good precursor to new minis for AoS. This probably won’t happen for a while, but supposedly they will be getting a new hero on foot and Mortek Archers, and a Vanguard box.

Sogetting  two new units are something you can’t complain about for any faction these days!


malerion walIt all started when they did a preview of Shadow, Iron, and Broken Realms and revealed this shadowy artwork. It reminded us of Malerion taking a new form. Some of you may have heard of the name “Malerion” aka Malekith, aka the Witch King before from the world that was… We’ve also seen a little short story of him talking to Morathi and the fact that he is finally manifesting himself into the mortal realms.

Well, he needs an army to lead, so we expect them to be kind of like dark elves in a sense. We haven’t seen any minis, but this looks like GW has been setting them up for a long time now. If you want to read more about the initial time we thought they were coming, check that out here.

According to this new rumor, though, these will be near the end of 2022 at the earliest…

Looking into 2023

seraphon lizardmen wal horEven more rumors about a Seraphon vs. Skaven may be the first battle box of 2023, but that’s pretty far off and not super-confirmed. So take that with as much salt as you need; we’ll just have to wait and see yet another thing.

Global disruptions seem to be putting more and more releases farther and farther out. Before, we used to be able to tell when a new edition of any game would drop.  These days, however, look for more time to pass in increments of years between editions as well.

It is worth noting that if this rumor is true, Skaven will end up getting two battle boxes, as they were just in the Echoes of Doom from the Summer of 2022.

Oath Breakers

chaos-dwarfWhile it’s been a long time since we’ve seen a full-scale release for them, minis released here and there for a long time now from Forge World- which have since disappeared.

This would just be a cool rework of an army that never got its day in the sun (well, maybe they did about ten years ago). With these being the last of the three mentioned, we’re not really sure when we would see them, but they are probably who we are most excited for!

They have some really cool old minis to style the new army on, and with the sculpts GW has been putting out, they could look amazing! Unfortunately, according to the rumors, they won’t be hitting the game until 2023 or later…

New AoS Slaves To Darkness Ogroid Theridons Revealed by GW!

Just to note on all the Slaves to Darkness stuff, while the army box has been released, the individual models have not yet. 

Theridons are shock-assault infantry par excellence, corded with thick muscle and standing head and shoulders above lesser, human warriors. Their speed and bulk carries them straight through enemy lines with an unstoppable horn-tipped charge, swinging colossal axes as easily as an aelf would flick a paintbrush.


Once possessed of a mighty empire that stretched across great swathes of Ghur, the ogroids – known to themselves as Goroans – fought alongside Gorkamorka’s hordes, seeking the Destruction of all that threatened their civilisation. Unfortunately, the Bonesplitterz aren’t the most reliable neighbours, and the Goroan empire fell to rampaging greenskins. 


Ogroids 2

What remained of the Goroans were enticed by Archaon with promises of a new home, secure against all invaders – the land that would become the Eightpoints. There, under the shadow of the Varanspire, the ogroids raise dark citadels, forge mighty weapons, and serve as overseers in the armies of Chaos. 

And from the recent AoS Slaves to Darkness Battletome leaks, we may already know their rules as well:

ogroid theridons new rules slaves to darkness

These rules seem to confirm a squad-type unit for the Ogroid Theridons, which looks pretty cool!

New Models For Slaves to Darkness

Slaves to Darkness new minis


Slaves to Darkness new minis 4The new Chaos Chosen models are actually really sweet, as each one is about as cool as a character model themselves!

Daemon PrinceWe saw the daemon prince revealed last time, but it’s nice to know what all the options that are coming in the kit will look like.

AoS Slaves to Darkness New Chaos Knights Preview by GW!

GW just confirmed new AoS Slaves to Darkness Chaos Knights, and it looks like they will finally be a multi-part kit (sort of)!

These were only available as fixed-pose miniatures in the Start Collecting box released in December of 2019, so it’s nice to see them finally getting their own kit, especially because Chaos Knights are just so cool and such a cornerstone of AoS/Fantasy Chaos armies. 

Warhammer Community unveiled one new mini for the kit so far, but also some of what to expect next. Let’s take a closer look.

Unfortunately, they edited their post, and now there are two versions of their teaser post, one that seems to indicate the new models; both are and are not the Easy To Build versions.

Currently only available in Start Collecting! Slaves to Darkness, Chaos Knights are a Warhammer essential – and now these iconic mounted warriors are coming as a standalone kit with a new standard bearer, champion, and that all-important musician.


Currently only available as fixed-pose miniatures in Start Collecting! Slaves to Darkness, Chaos Knights are a Warhammer essential – and now these iconic mounted warriors are coming as a standalone multipart kit.

We have no clue which “Scrodingers Knights” version is correct, as there are no update notes on their post.

Rumor is that there will be an additional sprue included with the ETB knights from the Start Collecting Box set that will have bits for the musician, standard bearer, champion etc.

New AoS Slaves to Darkness Chaos Knights Revealed by GW!

AoS Chaos Knights

Just look at this horn-blowing herald – a gifted Chaos Warrior outfitted with menacing armour and a blood-red cloak, mounted upon a warped steed covered in ornate barding, ready to thunder into the enemy’s craven front line as an avalanche of blood and iron. What could be better than that?

We saw Eternus, Blade of the First Prince a few weeks ago, which you can check out here. So we really wished they would follow up with knights, and thankfully, they have!

While they only showed the one mini, it’s just really cool and a definite upgrade from the old ones. 

AoS Chaos Knights 2

Whether they’re spiking skulls on lances for Khorne, outrunning reality itself with Tzeentch, carrying plagues across the battlefield for Nurgle, riding hell for leather in Slaanesh’s name, or seeking glory and reaving for the Undivided forces, these cruel cavaliers are always ready to rout foes with minimal fuss and maximum carnage.

They kept a similar feel to the old models, but the details look much crisper, and we’re hoping the multi-part kit (if it is real) gives you plenty of options for the different gods. Considering they mention it, there’s a chance there will be something to signify each in the kit and more than just how you paint them.

GW Previews New Slaves to Darkness Models, But There’s a Catch

Warhammer Community unveiled the new minis and some more of what to expect with the battletome, but not necessarily in a good way.

Slaves to Darkness new Models


New Slaves to Darkness

Huge swathes of the range are getting updated. First up, and cutting a mean-silhouette in their heavy armour and swirling capes, are the Chaos Warriors. This is a brand new multipart kit with new options, including a choice of hand weapons or halberds, an aspiring champion, a standard bearer, and a musician.

New Slaves to Darkness 2These guys have had the same kit for a really long time, so it’s nice to see a new multi-part kit coming out for them.

New Chaos Knights

New Slaves to Darkness 4


New Slaves to Darkness 5

Charging into battle on blood-caked hooves, Chaos Knights are ready to make a shish-kebab of the enemy. The knights from the Start Collecting! Slaves to Darkness box will get a standalone release, with a new command retinue frame. There is also the option of an ensorcelled warhammer for their Doom Knight champion.

New Slaves to Darkness 6We saw the musician earlier, so it’s nice to see the rest of the models for the ETB/multi-part kit.

New Heroes

New Slaves to Darkness 7

Warriors who catch the attention of the gods may be presented with dark powers on the Path to Glory. These Exalted Heroes are armed with rune-etched weapons, tailor-made for taking heads and winning infamy.

The new heroes are definitely cool and really have a great chaotic feel.

New Slaves to Darkness 8


New Slaves to Darkness 9

Those who claw their way to the heady heights of Chaos Lord find themselves on the precipice of great power or eternal damnation – but at least they can always get a sweet daemonic mount.

What’s better than a boring old horse? A daemonic mount of course!

AoS Cities of Sigmar Dawnbringer Previews!

Cities of sigmar Preview

The Dawnbringer Crusades are Sigmar’s grand push back into the lost regions of the Mortal Realms, founding new settlements that they hope will someday grow into Free Cities of their own. Each expedition is spearheaded by a contingent of soldiers armed with hardened steel, behind which trails a caravan of colonists, supplies, beasts of burden, and pre-fabricated buildings. If all goes well these soldiers will be able to join in and settle down peacefully, too – if all goes well.

Unfortunately, they do say in the article that this is still a long way off. Even going as far as to say we will not see them this year. But let’s hope they don’t push too far into 2023.

Cities of sigmar Preview 2

Unfortunately, these shattered realms are beset with horrors, raiders, and unfriendly fauna – or flora – but an honest cutting edge or doughty spiked maul is just as good as the lightning-wrought divine weapons of the Stormcast Eternals. Probably. In a pinch.

We had seen a few of these before now, but it’s nice to see a bigger arsenal. They also did this with the World Eaters, then we started seeing minis about a month or so later, so this might follow the same path.

Cities of sigmar Preview 3

Although rare and unreliable, gunpowder weaponry is also available for those who’d rather keep their distance, from intricate flintlock pistols that can shoot through the breastplate of a Hobgrot Slitta at 40 paces, to an ingeniously brutal combination of pike and man-portable cannon. 

While it’s not a ton, it’s better than nothing! Hopefully, we see some more soon.

More Dawnbringer Previews

Warhammer Community unveiled a decent amount of pieces, just enough to give us hope! Let’s check out the previews!

Dawnbringer previews

Now we can reveal the shields and armour these people use to protect themselves in the harsh wilds beyond their walls. Seb Perbet, a senior designer at the Warhammer Studio, offered his insight into the decisions behind the designs.

“One of our main goals is to show the mindset and culture of the Cities of Sigmar in every item they’ve produced,” said Seb. “Whether it’s a breastplate, a shield, or even a bag or bottle, we want to show a certain fashion and level of craftsmanship rooted in their culture.”

They are pretty stylized and look like a great start to us. They also did this sort of preview (showing the renders of weapons and such first, with the World Eaters for Warhammer 40k (and Sister of Battle a few years before that). Then we started seeing minis about a month or so later, so this might follow the same path.

Dawnbringer previews 2

“The materials shown – such as wood, metal, cloth, and leather – are all chosen and rendered to make the Cities feel relatable compared to the other factions of the Mortal Realms,” Seb explains. “The overall silhouettes are simple, with many straight lines and robust proportions, showing the users are resolute, determined, and sturdy.”

This looks pretty classic for the faction, so it’s nice to see them keeping with the aesthetic while updating it to the new edition.

Dawnbringer previews 3

“Within this austere silhouette, there are more ostentatious details, which tells us many of these people are proud and wealthy too. We’re carefully setting a level of wear and tear that communicates they’ve been through storms and battles – these soldiers are exhausted, but still standing.” 

Of course, they would have awesome Sigmar inlays on their armor! Again, this is just the beginning, but we hope to see more soon!

New Beastlord

The venerable Beastlord is being redone in plastic, as you need someone formidable to lead your new herd! They even released some rules for him as well.

Beasts of Chaos 4Adding +1 to your hit and wound rolls as long as this is within 3″ of an enemy hero is no joke! Just make sure to get him into combat with enemy heroes, and your units will be far more formidable.

Wolf Riders Are Now Snarlfang Riders!

Snarlfang RidersAs we said, these are basically the reimagining of Wolf Riders, and you just love to see them! Goblins riding wolves are just so iconic for all fantasy, so this is just really cool to see and them getting a rework!

Gloomspite Gitz rules

Armed with grot bows, stabbin’ stikkas, and the slavering, toxic jaws of their snarlfang partners in crime, these gobbos are great at flanking enemy positions and finishing off wounded targets, thanks to their cruel ability to Smell Weakness.

This is a pretty easy thing to achieve, so should make the wolves that much better!


9th warhammer 40k banner


This is the New Daemon Prince Kit For Chaos Space Marines!

Chaos Daemon Prince official GW imageThis is the section of the kit we saw revealed first, but the one kit will be able to make all kinds of variations!

Daemon Prince

This fearsome arch-fiend can be built in numerous ways, with different options to pay homage to each of the four dark gods, or Chaos Undivided! You’ll note that he bears some of the marks of his former existence as a Chaos Space Marine, now rippling and twisted into a horrifying new form.

Chaos Daemon Prince

Of course, this battlefield behemoth will have a datasheet to match his prowess. We aren’t quite ready to reveal that just yet, but you can bet your bottom credit that he’ll be a match for the best the Dark Millennium has to offer.Daemon Prince 2

This massive, evil-eye-popping miniature – if you can even call it a “miniature” – won’t be out for a while yet. We’ll certainly have more information on what this fantastic fiend can do in due course, however. Incredibly, he’s part of a dual kit – you’re also able to build the Daemon Prince for Warhammer Age of Sigmar, albeit with very different accessories.

New World Eaters Codex Officially Announced For Warhammer 40k

Games Workshop has confirmed that they have taken them out of the Chaos codex, meaning they will have a new set of miniatures with new Khorne Berzerkers, and they said a few surprises as well!

Earlier today we saw some major reinforcements that the Heretic Astartes are getting alongside their new codex. But while this heretical tome is certainly fuelled by hate and driven by vengeance, it isn’t quite as angry as you might expect – one Legion is conspicuous in its absence.

World Eaters 2They also mentioned that they would get rules in White Dwarf as a holdover until they get their own book.

World Eaters

Khorne Berzerkers can’t go anywhere without their roaring chainaxes, and they’ll be using these heinous hatchets to chop their way through everything the 41st Millennium has to offer.

That’s not all – the codex will contain old favorites, dark legends, and some things that you’ve never seen before… We’ll be bringing you more updates on Codex: World Eaters and these murderous new miniatures over the next few months on Warhammer Community – so you can follow the Eightfold Path right up to release.

It looks like all the rumors we’ve seen about them getting a codex book are true! This also means that Emperor’s Children has a big chance of getting their codex book down the road!

New Khorne Berzerkers are Finally Here!

Khorne berzerkers

It’s been a truly bracing Khorne Day. We’ve seen a realm-murdering Gorechosen, rules for hordes of blood-slicked daemons, and downright hungry-looking XII Legion shoulders. Mountains of skulls tower towards the sky, blood sloshing down from their lofty peaks – and out of the rising carnage steps forth a solitary figure clad in crimson and brass.

This is a heavily updated version of the old model but still keeps with the old aesthetic. While this is the only model they showed off, we expect to see more before too long.

Khorne berzerkers 2

The current Khorne Berzerkers are one of the longest-serving plastic kits of the 41st Millennium – a genuine classic that has spent two decades out on the battlefield, earning them a nice retirement in Khorne’s Domain on the soothing banks of the Rivers of Blood.

The new model looks bigger and has much more detail all around. However, you might be a little sad if you’re a fan of those old heads. Still, it’s great to see such an ancient kit get a rework finally!

Khorne Berzerkers Full Squad

Khorne berzerkers 2We saw that the new World Eaters codex will drop sometime in winter, so we hope the rest of the models actually make it before the end of the year.

Khorne berzerkers 2We already saw one model revealed for the World Eaters, but it’s nice to see the whole squad of Khorne Berzerkers now too!

They basically kept the old style of their armor, and dedication to Khorne, but really brought them into the new age of 40k.

Khorne berzerkers


Khorne berzerkers 2They did mention the box set or Khorne Berzerkers will have ten models, which is pretty sweet.

Khorne berzerkersThere will be more than just new Berzerkers models too, but for now, it looks like this will have to hold us over for now.

Plastic Daemon Primarch Angron Confirmed by GW!

If things weren’t dire enough for the Imperium, what with the opening of the Great Rift and all the other threats from within and without, another Daemon Primarch has rejoined the battle for the fate of the galaxy – he might not look it, but he’s extremely happy to be back.


The Daemon Primarch of Khorne is a gigantic slab of warp-fuelled muscle. He’s been totally reforged into the image of his bloody master, flesh as red as the cascade of gore he leaves in his wake. 

He is quite the monstrosity! This will be huge based on the base size and the model itself; let’s just hope the rules represent his insane power and ferocity.

angron 2

Yet take a closer look and you can still see the origins of this Daemon Prince. The Butcher’s Nails are still present, now fused into his very form. Likewise, scraps of his old Nucerian warplate still remain – like the shoulder pad that pays homage to his former Legion, even if the teeth are now somehow more… daemonic, a gaping maw almost literally eating worlds.

When you get close up on the details, they are quite awesome! As we said, this release is probably far off (perhaps even in 10th Edition) they said we’ll learn more about it in the coming months. Now, let’s look at the leaked picture and what else could be coming with it.

More Khorne Leaks & Imperial Guard

angron daemon primarch khorne berserkersIt seems like there will be a slew of new miniatures, including new Khorne Berzerkers, the other half of the Kasrkin kit, and perhaps a new guard tank as well!

The very first comment on the Angron thread (especially now that it’s confirmed) also pretty much hit the nail on the head as well:

About 6 months before Wraith of Magnus dropped, one of the reliable rumor-mongers of the day (by the name of Hastings) reported seeing detailed design work for Magnus, Guilliman, Mortarion, Angron, and Russ. He was met with skepticism about the idea of Primarchs coming back to 40K until Magnus was released. He is now 3/5 and although Hastings has long since disappeared (or switched identities) I still give this rumor a lot of weight.

Berzerkers are 20-ish years old and in need of a revamp. Redoing World Eaters with Angron to lead them would certainly tick a lot of GW‘s boxes.

So from the image above, we can see a slew of new units, all of which will probably get revealed cheekily soon by Games Workshop making fun of the Photato image that they probably leaked in the first place…

Overall the model seems based on the art from the early 2000s and just really well done from the looks of it.

daemon primarch Angron artRegardless to us, at least, this already looks to be one of the best models Games Workshop has ever produced!

World Eaters Lord Invocatus Revealed On Juggernaut

Another taste of the long-awaited World Eaters in the form of Lord Invocatus on Juggernaut was revealed at the 2022 Warhammer Day preview!

Lord Invocatus

Clad in every kind of spike and tooth, Lord Invocatus will lead future armies of World Eaters on a path of destruction. He has been previously mentioned in past Chaos-themed publications, so we’re excited that he finally has a proper mini to represent him on the battlefield. 

Scholars of Chaos lore may have heard of Lord Invocatus’ exploits already, particularly his devastation of a powerful Deathwatch watch fortress in a previous Codex: Chaos Space Marines. He leads thunderous charges of Bloodcrushers and Berzerkers in frontal attacks that light the sky aflame, and some claim he even rides the flames themselves. 

Lord Invocatus

Lord Invocatus

Lord Invocatus’ design harkens back to the earlier days of Warhammer, and it’s been a long time since we have seen such a majestic glow-up.

Check out the full video below for a closer look at all the new World Eaters Lord Invocatus on Juggernaught:

RUMORS: New Word Eaters 40k Khorne Juggernaut

There are some spicy rumors about a possible flying Brazen Beast Warlord with a connection to the Dark Mechanicum. However, these are rumors so take them with as much salt as you need. 

According to an Industry Insider, something big is coming for the World Eaters  (besides Angron)

  • There will only be one Juggernaut, but he will be insanely strong. It looks to be a single character, not a unit. 
  • He might just fly
  • Has a link to the Dark Mechanicum 
  • Called the Brazen Beast Warlord
  • Unstoppable, B!$@%

Again, these are rumors, but if they turn out to be true, this would be awesome! Plus, if it can fly like the teaser text seems to indicate, this will be a beast that can smash through the weak enemies of Lord Khorne!

Hopefully, we don’t have to wait long for Lord Invocatus to rip and tear on a battlefield near you!

New World Eaters 40k Codex & Eightbound Models

world eaters army

First and foremost, yes, there is a huge Khorne World Eater release nearing the horizon. Meaning new models, rules, and lore! This preview added to the early previews we saw of Angron and Lord Invictus from earlier this year.

If you haven’t seen the video, be sure to check it out below. However, we’ll also break down everything right here as well!



The Eightbound

Virtually unrecognisable from the mortal Space Marines they once were, every member of the Eightbound is each possessed by eight (8!) separate daemons of Khorne. As you might expect, this makes them some of the most terrifying combatants in the galaxy – warriors locked in a constant battle for their own souls.

Ok, first of all, BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD, second, this fluff is insane, and these new World Eaters Eightbound models are sick to boot.

As Khorne is the defacto lover of melee, expect these new models to absolutely trash in close combat. Who even needs ranged weapons?

Sometimes the spirit of an Eightbound World Eater can even emerge triumphant, becoming one with the eight neverborn sharing its physical form. These are the Exalted Eightbound, even more dangerous and daemonic than others of their kind.


The World Eaters army isn’t just about the elite combat monsters of the Butcher Astartes. There are also new mortal followers in the form of Jakhals… who are combat monsters in their own right. These cultists are only slightly less deranged than their masters, and favour sheer brutality over tactical niceties such as “guns”.

Call me silly, but these look like Khorne-specific cultists! As WHC hints, these are probably even better at Khorne stuff than normal cultists (aka melee).

There is actually a ton of variety in these kits, so shoutout to the designers for giving them such dynamic and varied models. Speaking of which, there’s one special guy too…

This guy is big, so expect him to slap quite a bit harder than the other models in the squad.

Lord on Juggernaut

Lead your ground-shaking charge with the savage Lord on Juggernaut. Anything lucky enough to survive a sweep of his exalted chainblade will find itself impaled on the Juggernaut’s bladed horn.

That is pretty much what we expect from a model update. This guy is very similar to his previous self, but now looking better than ever!  Games Workshop mentioned this is the generic build version of Lord Invocatus, as the kit makes two models.

Lord Invocatus

GW Reveals New Imperial Guard Kasrkin, Sentinel, & Creed Models!

Just like with the Slaves to Darkness models, the army box is on sale, but not the minis by themselves.

As you know, communication across vast galactic distances is complex, and the work of faithless traitors can lead to pictorial intelligence of a substandard quality ending up in your dutiful hands. Fortunately, we stand ready to address this oversight – our astropaths have been able to broadcast glorious images of forthcoming Astra Militarum reinforcements.

Traitors? That’s a little harsh, but it got GW to reveal the minis! Plus, the new models are looking pretty sweet!

New Imperial GuardIf you ask us, there are more units than they showed off below in the picture. However, we’ll also speculate on those

New Imperial Guard 4

The new Lord Castellan deserves to command only the finest troops in battle – and who better than the renowned Kasrkin? These warriors are the elite of the elite, and they’re getting a stunning kit to match their fearsome reputation.

Clad in the finest carapace armour, these special forces have more skills than your standard Astra Militarum trooper, and are able to cut down their enemies with volleys from their hot-shot lasguns.

The New Imperial Guard Kasrkin models really take the look of the old ones and just up the ante! They are sleeker with better-looking weapons and just overall. If you ask us, that’s a pretty good upgrade.

Ursula Creed

New Imperial Guard 2

Ursula Creed is the Lord Castellan of Cadia – and we dare any of you to tell her that she can’t hold the post simply because Abaddon destroyed that entire planet. Creed follows in her father’s footsteps – but while nepotism is alive and well in the 41st Millennium, this is no hereditary title. She’s earned that mantle like her father before her, and is every bit as ruthless, tactical, and unflinching.


New Imperial Guard 3

Wait, could that be her father’s battered old greatcoat? But wasn’t he wearing that when Cadia fell?

This is a really cool addition to the line, and the model has all kinds of throwbacks to Creed. However, we’re not so sure about the paint job on this one, mainly the face, but we’re sure it can be made to look cooler.


New Imperial Guard 5

Finally, there’s an incredible new take on a classic kit – the Sentinel. These agile walker-vehicles are superb hunter-killers, and can be equipped with a variety of weaponry and wargear that enables them to deal with any foe – from blasting apart a tide of frenzied cultists to bringing down xenos monstrosities.

New Imperial Guard 6

The new miniature can be assembled as an Armoured Sentinel or – if you prefer to feel the wind in your hair as you slay the enemies of the God-Emperor – a lightweight Scout Sentinel.

This is pretty sweet! While it keeps the feel of the old one, it really updates it to the new edition! Plus, if you look hard enough in the picture at the top, you can see the scout sentinel there!

Cadia Stands: New Imperial Guard Army Set Box Revealed!

Technically still not released as of this writing; we know this box set releases on Black Friday 2022.

cadian army box contents

Games Workshop has revealed a new army box set for the Imperial Guard featuring a ton of new Cadian miniatures during the Warhammer Day 2022 preview!

The box contains 20 Cadian Shock Troops, a Command Squad, a Field Ordnance Battery, and a Sentinel – plus a spoilerific codex that we can’t show quite yet – but these are far from the only new miniatures coming for the Astra Militarum.

This long-awaited update to the Astra Militarum line looks better than we could have expected. The 35th Anniversary Warhammer Day Stream revealed a ton of new multipart kits in this new army box so that players will have plenty of options!

cadian army box set imperial guard heavy weapon teams

cadian army box set imperial guard heavy weapon teams


cadian army box set imperial guard heavy weapon teams

cadian army box set imperial guard heavy weapon teams

cadian army box set imperial guard heavy weapon teams

cadian army box set imperial guard command squad

According to the Warhammer Day preview stream, all the new Imperial Guardsman models will be on 28mm bases like the revamped Eldar line.

Not to let the new Cadians outdo them, the classic Sentinel is also getting a makeover! There are concrete ways to differentiate between the varieties of sentinels available, but it looks like the box will make two kits.

There aren’t just revamped miniatures either; new units will also premier in this army box. Check out the Field Ordinance Battery we had been hearing rumors about. It can be built in three different ways and comes with various poses for the Guardsmen manning the guns.

Games Workshop also mentioned these would have a wide stance and be mounted on 100mm bases.

cadian army box set imperial guard ordnance battery field

Not to be left out, the stream also discussed the basic idea behind the new Imperial Guard Codex’s design. Regimental Doctrine is the new keyword that dictates how your guard army will differentiate how your Guard army fights vs. other Guard armies.

The stream also mentioned that the new Kasrkin’s 40k rules function a bit differently than regular Guardsmen. As fitting their veteran status, the Kasrkin are capable of using not one, but TWO Regimental Doctrines.

Check out the full video below for a closer look at all the new models coming in the new Imperial Guard Cadians Army Box:


New Imperial Guard Lord Solar Leontus Mini Revealed!

The new model was unveiled by Warhammer Community along with a new rule and the codex art for the book coming in the Cadia Stands army box!

Lord Solar

As the Lord Commander Solar, Arcadian Leontus sits among the highest echelons of the Imperium, boasting an unimaginable roll of titles, peerages, ranks, and probably a whole gaggle of attendants tasked solely with ensuring that his horse has enough cyber-hay.

The model itself is interesting, and the base is definitely cool (is that a dead Chaos Reaver Titan Head?). It also looks like they left plenty of room on the cape to really go crazy with some painting effects.

Lord Solar 2

With an army of logistical advisers, priests, tacticians, tarot readers, prophets, seers, confidants, and sub-commanders at his beck and call, Lord Solar Leontus is personally responsible for hundreds of stunning Imperial victories. Though his remit is technically confined to the defence of the Segmentum Solar, Leontus has led campaigns far beyond its boundaries. How else, he argues, can he protect Holy Terra from distant foes?

There are plenty of details all over the model, and if you want someone striding into battle at the spearhead of your forces, why not bring him along?

His steed Konstantin is decades old, now largely cybernetic and clad in gleaming armour. From this lofty perch, Arcadian Leontus commands the men and women of the Astra Militarum as they endure horrifying battles in their mission to protect the Imperium from the heretic, the mutant, and the alien.

Obviously, it was Lord Solar Leonatus on the cover of the Imperial Guard codex.  While some thought GW might be trolling us with that one, it turned out true!

Lord Solar 3

Unorthodox use of the tarot readers of The Collegiate Astrolex gives Leontus the ability to change one of his army’s secondary objectives or Agendas on the cusp of battle, reacting to his foe’s plans. Or if he’s feeling secure in his tactical choices, he can proceed with steely confidence and gain an additional Command point in the first Command phase.

Being able to change your secondaries based on your opponent is pretty sweet actually, and if you already like your choices, you just get a command point for free!

New Imperial Guard Rogal Dorn Battle Tank Confirmed by GW!

Warhammer Community unveiled the new tank along with what you can arm it with! If you’ve been waiting patiently for this, it’s not too far away now!

Rogal Dorn Tank

The new Rogal Dorn Battle Tank is a behemoth of a vehicle, perfectly suited for smashing enemy positions and anchoring defensive lines. Its heavy armour gives it durability worthy of the Praetorian’s name, while its powerful engines ensure it doesn’t fall behind squadrons of Leman Russ Battle Tanks.

The rumors were for this to be bigger than a Leman Russ but smaller than a Baneblade, and from the pictures, it looks like this is exactly what we’re getting!

Rogal Dorn Tank 2

Its turret mounts either two full-size battle cannons, or an enormous oppressor cannon. The latter in particular is a devastating anti-armour powerhouse, capable of knocking out almost anything up to a Chaos Knight in a single salvo – and it’s still got room for a cheeky co-axial autocannon to the side.

We’ve even heard rumors about the oppressor cannon (below), but it seems hard to go wrong with two battle cannons as well!

Rogal Dorn Tank 3

The firepower doesn’t stop there – the Rogal Dorn mounts a deadly castigator gatling cannon on the hull, perfect for scything down infantry. Or you can be trade that out for a pulveriser cannon – the demolisher cannon’s only-slightly smaller brother. The tank can be further augmented with a pair of heavy stubbers or meltaguns, and in classic Astra Militarum fashion, you can also strap a pair of heavy bolter or multi-melta sponsons on the side. There’s even a pintle-mounted heavy stubber for any gunner brave enough to clamber up top.

It’s nice to have extra options, and honestly, this looks pretty awesome! If you don’t feel like throwing a Baneblade down, this might be the way to go!

Rogal Dorn Tank 4

While this doesn’t show the size directly next to a Russ, you can tell how much bigger it is when putting next to the sentinels and Guardsmen. From the 60mm weapon team base in the back, this appears to be a similar size to a Space Marines Land Raider!

The Rogal Dorn Battle Tank will be rolling off the assembly lines before long, but there’s still time for one last model reveal next week. Have we saved the best for last?

It looks like we have one new model to go for their promise of a month of new model revals! The rumors would all point to a new Lord Solar on horseback, so maybe that will be the last one. Plus all the rumors have been right so far, so we wouldn’t be surprised to see that next.

For now, though, let’s check out the rumors we’ve seen about the new tank!

New Attilan Rough Riders Models for Imperial Guard!

Warhammer Community unveiled the new Attilan Rough Rider Imperial Guard minis and a rule for what they can do on the charge!

Attilan Rough Riders 2

Do you like going fast? Do you want to plunge into battle sat astride a powerful steed, armed with nothing more than a lance, a sidearm, and a fur-trimmed hat? Then polish your spurs and book a trip to Attila – the legendary Rough Riders are back in the saddle with some brand new models. 

It’s pretty awesome to see Attila get some models! While they didn’t say anything about DKoK, we hope they are in the book, or at least we assume you can use them as proxies and no one would care!  We know we are, at least!

Attilan Rough Riders 4

Rough Riders first appeared way back in White Dwarf #111, with the planet Attila – home to the most famous of these far future cavaliers – arriving a few years later in the second edition of Warhammer 40,000. They’ve been on something of a hiatus since 2009, but the wait is over – they’re raring to go, and ready for horseplay. 

They really took the old look and revamped it, so pretty sweet to see the direction they are going with them.

Attilan Rough Riders 3

It takes a ridiculously brave soldier to ride into the horrors of the 41st Millennium on horseback – not to mention a ridiculously brave horse! Daring Rough Riders specialise in lightning assaults on enemy weak points, and punch far above their weight thanks to the sheer destructive power of their hunting lances.

We’ll have to see if this is all the Attilan get, but we’re expecting some sweet conversions to get a full army of them!  Or perhaps some folks putting Death Korps on tops if it possible.

Attilan Rough Riders

Far from lonesome outriders, Rough Riders are an integral part of the Imperial war machine – the PLATOON keyword lets them receive orders from Cadian Castellans and other officers, while the CORE keyword grants access to a wide variety of bonuses. They even pack a lasgun each for the rare moments when they’re not ramming explosive lances through traitorous faces.

Having Core and being able to receive orders will make them much more flexible, and really be able to cause some serious damage!

Attilan Rough Riders 6

Maybe this was the picture in the codex, and GW wasn’t actually trolling us! Either way, the horses are back in the Imperial Guard line!

Attilan Rough Riders Rules

Rough RidersThey have WS3, which is nice, two wounds, 4S/T, two attacks, and a 4+ save. So, they don’t have a ton of survivability, but with a 12″ move, hopefully, they will be able to get there before being shot off the board!

Then, when they charge, they get +2 Strength, and when you add that to a melta tip, they will be getting Strength 8 at that point! Meaning they will hit on 3’s and wound on 2’s versus all T4 models.

Attilan Rough Riders 5

You need more than just a sharp stick to face foul xenos war-beasts – fortunately, these lances pack a deadly explosive payload. Employing reckless battlefield techniques refined by the horsemasters of Attila, the hunting lances wielded by Rough Riders can deliver your choice of an infantry-shredding frag tip or vehicle-busting melta tip. 

Join us next week for another reveal from Codex: Astra Militarum – a big one.  


New Narrative 40k Campaign Series & Products on the Way!

GW has announced the first new narrative-expanding series in a long time, dubbed Arks of Omen! The new series will be called Arks of Omen, and it follows the schemes of Abaddon as he attempts to weaponize the various Space Hulks strewn about the galaxy.

The team at Warhammer Community has been tight-lipped about the in-depth rules, but they did give us a few choice nuggets. The most important piece of news regarding this new series of books is that they will NOT have matched play rules!

no more rules

The Warhammer Community team announced that, due to feedback from players not wanting army rules spread out between multiple books, they have decided to dedicate the new books to having only narrative rules. This is huge for new players that can’t figure out what rules they need to pick up to start playing their army.

Associated with this new series of books is the terrain used for the settings of the narrative battles. Focused centrally around Space Hulks, the battles described in Ark of Omens will be similar in style to Kill Team games.

The stream mentioned that Combat Patrol size games will be the focus, and to facilitate that, Games Workshop has decided to rerelease the terrain that originally premiered in the “Into the Dark” Kill Team box.

Check out the full video below for a closer look at all the new kits coming to the narrative Arks of Omen 40k campaign series and the products on the way!

Get ready to board some Space Hulks in the near future! Games Workshop will give you the tools; all you have to do is dive in!

New Arks of Omen Books


Arks of omen abaddon

Each book is named for the character it stars – with two names you’ll definitely recognise, and one new player in the ranks of Chaos – and follows a dark crusade against the Imperium as the galaxy slips deeper into madness. Abaddon’s balefleets have set out to recover mysterious artefacts from all corners of the Imperium, and whatever he’s planning can’t be good news. 

The first book is Abaddon, so expect lore and a spotlight on him in the first foray into this new set of expansions.

Arks of Omen 1 contents

The Arks of Omen series also contains rules for a new style of Warhammer 40,000 game, called Boarding Actions. This self-contained expansion pits elite 500-point forces against each other in nail-biting close-quarters combat, fighting through the claustrophobic confines of ship decks and space hulks.

This isn’t Kill Team – in Boarding Action games, whole armies will smash through doors and clear corners. The twist? There’s no room for bulky monsters and war machines, nor for burning rubber down tight corridors or taking to the skies in cramped hallways. Instead, infantry and elites take centre-stage, locked in a desperate battle for control. You must adapt your tactics to the close confines of a voidship, and you’ll need to bring your best to survive point-blank firefights and sudden ambushes.

At first glance, these sound like Kill Team games, but they aren’t. Boarding actions are more akin to small-scale 40k, specifically inside hulking spaceships. Smaller games are always welcome, especially when you can use models you already own!

Arks Of Omen

The first three books reignite the classic struggle between the Imperium of man and the forces of Chaos – with the third introducing a major new character to the setting, Vashtorr. The fourth book will be a distinctly xenos affair, however. We’ll have more on that next year, along with news on the rest of the series…

With four books already planned and three shown, this is clearly a confident move by GW, so expect decent support, at least through this revealed schedule and probably beyond!

What do you think the odds are that the last book has Genestealers in it and will lead into some sort of Space Hulk-type release in the summer of 2023?

We’re 50/50 right now, but there have been rumors…

Now that new name… Vashtorr…

Vashtorr The Arkifane

You might remember this next model from this teaser from earlier this year! Well, now we’ve got a name and a full look at the model, thanks to this preview!

Vashtorr the Arkifane is a major new character for Warhammer 40,000 – he’s an enigmatic daemonic mechanic, a fiendish forge-master who specialises in corrupt machines and insane innovation. Unsurprisingly, Warpsmiths and the Dark Mechanicum think he’s great.

Fiendish doesn’t even scratch the surface. This guy is downright horrifying.

Not to mention this concept art is absolutely fantastic…





Alongside his ally Abaddon, Vashtorr is the master planner behind the whole Arks of Omen scheme. His meticulous mind is constantly at work, whirring away to craft plans within plans, embedded with complex sub-plots and subroutines alike. Has the Despoiler has bitten off more than he can chew?

As a new “brain” to Chaos operations, this faction might just become more and more deadly for the Imperium. Hopefully, these new Arks of Omen books will give us more details and perhaps how the Imperium will fight back against this new Chaos surge.

Vashtoor detail

Not everyone is a fan – Be’lakor especially seems to dislike this uncanny upstart. With one of the most stunning daemonic miniatures ever, could it be that the Dark Master is just jealous of Vashtorr?

Leave it to Be’lakor to not like new Chaos toys… He always was a stickler. BUUUT, this new guy looks amazing, and not even the First Daemon Prince can deny that!

8 New Christmas 2022 Battleforces are Coming For Warhammer 40k

Thanks to Warhammer Community, we know there will be a whopping eight Warhammer 40k Christmas Battleforces in 2022.  That is huge, as starting in 2016, there were only eight battleforces altogether for both AoS and Warhammer 40k total!

2022 Games Workshop 40k Battleforces

Somehow, it’s happened again – Christmas is nearly here. It’s time for the greatest gift possible – Yuletide cheer and festive spirit. Or even better, massive Battleforce boxes full of Warhammer 40,000 goodies. 

While the price hasn’t been revealed yet by Games Workshop, these were previously $210 each in 2021, with a value of around $300.

Necromunda banner

New Necromunda Escher Cutter Revealed!

The Escher Cutter is a solution dreamed up by the engineers of the House of Blades, who are clearly enjoying slightly too many of their own Clan Chymists’ chemical creations. 

Escher Cutter 2

It’s a jetbike in its purest form – a giant engine propelling Escher gangers at staggering speeds, granting them a Movement of 9″ and the ability to soar over buildings and rivals. Combine that with the underslung weapons – a choice of twin-linked grenade launchers, plasma guns, or heavy stubbers – and these beauties really pack a punch, no matter where they are in the engagement zone.

With super high movement and plenty of weapon options, we’re sure to see these terrorizing battlefields soon.

Escher Cutter 3

Perceptive hivers will note that Cutters don’t count as vehicles – instead, much like the dirtbikes found in the Book of the Outlands, they grant the Mounted condition.

This is interesting as they aren’t vehicles, but it also makes sense.

Escher Cutter 4

That means they’re personal equipment, and can be handed to Queens, Matriarchs, Prospects, or even Death Maidens. Of course, with a 9” move, if your gang leader is clipped at top speed, she’s really going to feel it when she reconnects with the ground. Better hope that famous Escher Initiative helps her cling on…

This gives you many options, and you seem to be able to really kit your bikes the way you want!


Escher Cutter 5

The rules for the Escher Cutter, the Goliath Mauler, and specialist vehicle crews for both gangs are only some of the goodies being made available in The Aranthian Succession: Cinderak Burning, the upcoming narrative supplement for Necromunda. 

New Escher Hangers-on

Escher hangers on

Paying heed to a Shivver’s precognitive talents can save a gang from tragedy or lead them to great riches. Of course, the future isn’t always clear, and a Shivver can sometimes give misleading predictions. That tall, moody stranger about to crash into your life could always be arampaging Ogryn.


Escher hangers on 2

Joining the new Shivver miniature is the Apprentice Clan Chymist. House Escher knows that the best way to learn all about poisons and toxins is through trial-and-error,* so they put their aspiring alchemists on the front lines with the gangs to pick up some practical experience.

Escher Upgrade Packs

Escher upgrades

Give your gang a fighting chance with the Escher Ash Wastes Upgrades pack from Forge World – a 30-piece resin toolkit guaranteed to make your matrons stand out in their next wasteland dust-up.

Breathing what passes for ‘fresh air’ on Necromunda isn’t recommended, and each of the 10 new heads cover their mouths with respirators, masks, or very optimistic bandanas. Presumably they’re also equipped with industrial-strength hair gel, to keep those bombastic bouffants from being blasted by ash wastes weather.

Escher upgrades 2

Experienced Eschers never leave home without a supply of stims and chems from the Apprentice Clan Chymist – doubly so when a faulty Cutter jetbike might mean a long trek back to civilisation. A good backpack is perfect for carrying flasks, blades, and outlands trophies – plus a few bottles of Emperor-knows-what for the road.

Necromunda Chronos Pattern Ironcrawler

Warhammer Community unveiled the newest model for the game and some of what to expect in the way of rules.

Chronos Pattern Ironcrawler

With its tracked propulsion, the Ironcrawler can drive over anything – from sand and rocks to prone enemy gangers or Gun-smyths who’ve sold you dodgy merchandise. Its sealed cab keeps the driver safe from radioactive dust storms and radioactive gangers alike, for a true all-terrain vehicle. 

The Ironcrawler even has a transport cage behind the cab, from which your gang can take advantage of numerous fire points to blast away from the comfort of their big rig ride. Ash Waste Nomads will think twice before trying to carjack you now.

This looks pretty cool, and from the sounds of it, this will have a similar base kit to the Cargo-8 and then have a few upgrade packs included.

Chronos Pattern Ironcrawler 2

It’s even tougher on the sides than its wheeled cousin, and it has an extra Hull Point, making it even more durable. It’s also just as customisable, arriving with four upgrade slots on the body, four on the drive, and four for the engines. Why not really tool up with reinforced armour, powered steering, and booby-trapped fuel tanks?

However you choose to field it, the Ironcrawler will be a great addition to your collection, opening up loads of narrative options for your games of Necromunda. This kit is a combination of plastic and resin, and it will be available to pre-order soon from Forge World. 

This is interesting, as it will have both resin and plastic pieces but will be from Forge World. Due to the customizable style, we hope that means you can carry anything they already have for the Cargo-8 kit.

Either way, it looks cool; let’s just hope the price doesn’t skyrocket since it’s coming from Forge World, as the Cargo-8 already retails for $95!

New Necromunda Underhive Traders Coming Soon!

Underhive Traders

You can hire one as a Hanger-on for your gang, depending on what you need most in your campaign. Having them around gives your gangers access to an array of naughty merchandise. Crucially, these traders have the ability to source goods that are more elusive. And with Necromunda on the brink of civil war, now is as good a time as any to stock up on guns, pets, and relics!

Who doesn’t want some elusive goods for their gang? It’s always nice to get a leg up on your enemies, and these can really help! It does seem like you can only hire one at a time, so if you’re nice, maybe you can lend out the other minis to your buddies.

Underhive Traders 2


Underhive Traders 3

This new kit contains three resin miniatures, consisting of a Relicmonger – a purveyor of dubious religious artefacts, the Gun-smyth, who can unsurprisingly source you anything from a stub pistol to a lascannon, and the Beastwrangler – because you never know when a semi-domesticated sumpkroc might come in handy.

If you need some heavy firepower, you might as well hire the Gun-smyth!

Underhive Traders 4

Of course, it is unwise to spend time in the underhive without protection, so naturally each model in the set is armed – a maul for the Relicmonger, a lasgun for the Beastwrangler, and a small arsenal for the Gun-smyth consisting of a bolt pistol, stub pistol, and shotgun (talk about sampling from your own supply).

They don’t have a crazy amount of weapons for themselves, but that’s not really why you’re hiring them!

Underhive Traders 5

It’s not just bundles of teeth and muscle that your friendly Beastwrangler can get you either – there are plenty of desirable, and very illegal, creatures roaming Necromunda, such as the Gyrinx Cat, one of which is included. This xenos felid packs a potent psychic punch and can perform the same tricks of the mind as any other psyker, including Pyromancy, Technomancy, and Telepathy.

It would be cool to get some extra pets in your gang, so why not take the Beastwrangler?

New Necromunda Chem Dealers & Brute-Handlers

Gorshiv Hammerfist

The war of succession rages on in the hives and the ash wastes of Necromunda. Plans unravel and violence sweeps the planet, so why not insure your gangs against early-onset mortality by hiring an incredible knot of overgrown muscle?

Gorshiv Hammerfist is Doc Shiv’s most remarkable success story. He’s a ginormous Stimmer and the result of lots of testing and a mountain of failures. The specimen known as Gorshiv is now the de facto leader of Shiv’s Crushers, because… well, just look at him.

This is a really cool mini with plenty of detail! Even if you don’t play Necromunda, you could use Brute-handlers for some really cool alternatives.

Necromunda brute handler

This towering slab of genewrought muscle is an engine of pure murder, able to shrug off flesh wounds and equipped with two colossal power hammers known as Wrack and Ruin – both custom-built for his big old ham hocks. He can add an almighty punch to your gang, and he gets even nastier with his sneaky stash of combat chems. He’s also one of Necromunda’s snappier dressers, with a bright green beard and the carcass of a trophy kill on his back.

If you just need to pack a real punch, then you should just go ahead and add this guy to your gang!

Necromunda Chem Dealers 

Necromunda brute handler 2

Canny gang leaders can keep Hammerfist and other vat-grown simpletons in check with skilled Brute-handlers, and topped up with combat drugs using the services of Chem Dealers. 

Armed with a shock whip for delicate applications of positive reinforcement, Brute Herders are well-trained in getting the most out of any gang’s Brutes in battle, as evidenced by the fact they still have two of their Emperor-given limbs. Fittingly, Goliath gangs can hire them for half price.

While these guys aren’t nearly as muscled, they will still really help your gang achieve victory!

New Rules

Necromunda brute handler 3

A Brute Herd can attempt to train any of the gang’s Brutes, and during a fight their very presence confers the Nerves of Steel skill to any within earshot of their barked commands.

Nothing wrong with more training, but just be sure your brutes aren’t too wilful, or they won’t learn anything!

Necromunda brute handler 4

Gangs often need to keep themselves in stims and chems with a dedicated Chem Dealer. While not particularly handy in a fight, these furtive hangers-on can source illicit substances of all flavours.

Being able to get your chems for free is always nice; be sure to pay, or you will ruin your reputation for good!

New Necromunda House  Cawdor Ridge Walkers

House Cawdor PreviewsCawdor might not have the best machines around, but these look to be quite deadly and will get your gang where they need to go!

As you can see, the Ridge Walker echoes a lineage of (much) prouder fighting machines from across the 41st Millennium. With these ramshackle creations, the pious followers of House Cawdor can make their way between the shrines and holy places on Necromunda, traversing even the most rugged terrain at a semi-dignified trot. 

House Cawdor PreviewsThey did a great job of making these not only have a pretty beat-up appearance but also look interesting at the same time. Plus, they are made for Ash Wastes, and they appear to have been in the desert maybe a little too long!

House Cawdor PreviewsFrom the looks of it, you’ll grab four Necromunda Cawdor Ridge Walkers in the box, which makes sense since they really aren’t too big. In the stream, they also mentioned there are going to be a ton of bits, so hopefully, you’ll be able to kitbash these!

The Way-Brethren who pilot these mechanical mules are capable warriors in their own right, using their speedy steeds to scout ahead of Cawdor convoys and bully their way through enemy lines. A number of them like to wield lances, aping the knights of ancient Terra, or the rather more refined technology fielded by Atillan Rough Riders. Despite their shonky appearance, these literal boomsticks can pack quite a punch – and come in a few varieties.

House Cawdor Previews

They sort of feel like small Dragoons, and the rules do somewhat reflect that idea.

New Necromunda Corpse Harvesting Party Keeps the Gangs Fed!

Warhammer Community just unveiled the new minis and a little of how they will help your gang through your campaigns! Let’s take a closer look.

Necromunda Corpse Harvesting Party 2

That’s why everyone on Necromunda absolutely loves heaped servings of delicious corpse-starch – at least, according to the corpse-starch marketing board. This morbid ambrosia doesn’t grow on trees, and that’s where the Corpse Guild makes its bacon. Er, figuratively speaking.

All the minis are pretty insane looking, but that only makes sense.

Necromunda Corpse Harvesting Party

Known officially as the Mercator Pallidus, the guild dispatches its Corpse Harvesting Parties to collect the raw… materials… required to supply each hive’s corpse grinder plants.

Led by the Pale Consorts and their Bone Scrivener attendants, these parties act as prospectors of dead meat, hunting rich seams of “freshly” disposed bodies ripe for recycling. When war rages between rival gangs, these graveyard gatherers are on the scene to harvest a fresh corpse-crop.

The leader of the party looks oddly regal for what she is, but hey…

Necromunda Corpse Harvesting Party 4


Necromunda Corpse Harvesting Party 5

Corpse Harvesting Parties can get a little… overzealous. Post-battle, any fighter who suffered a Critical Injury might suddenly, inexplicably, stop moving. The Scrivener will pass any indigestible valuables on to you, but no-one’s going to see that ganger again – except in a particularly juicy pie.

If you’re playing the new World Eaters, these guys could make for some perfect cultist alternatives and maybe even leaders!

Necromunda Corpse Harvesting Party 3

This resin posse of free-range bodysnatchers will be up for pre-order soon.

Looks like these are going to be resin from Forge World, but so has most of the recent Necromunda characters, etc.


40k kill team banner

Into the Dark: Individual Releases

First up, there was an announcement for a brand new Warhammer 40k Kill Team boxset called “Into The Dark.” That box was released on September 10th, 2022, but we’re still waiting on the individual box set releases, which should come out before the new year (fingers crossed).

Moloch releases came out after about three months had gone by, so hopefully, these follow a similar pattern.

Dare you brave the Gallowdark? This ancient space hulk is an amalgamation of countless ships from hundreds of civilisations. It drifts through the void, hopping in and out of the warp and realspace, and now it’s back. Factions from all over the galaxy are sending their boldest and best to plunder its innards – Welcome to Kill Team: Into the Dark.

This isn’t a new edition or anything like that, so feel free to continue all your normal warbands.  That being said, two new Kill Teams are coming in the set!

into the dark imperial navy breachers

The Gallowdark is a legendary vessel, tracked by the Imperium for centuries. The Imperial Navy Breachers are among the first to board the hulk after its latest reappearance. Also known as Voidbreachers, these elite soldiers are trained to carry out hazardous boarding actions, with gear and weapons optimised for fighting in cramped quarters of enemy ships.

As highly trained and specialized units, expect the Imperial Navy Breachers to be a pretty elite force.

into the dark kroot farstalker kindband

They aren’t the only space-faring Kill Team to have boarded the Gallowdark. A Kroot Kinband of expert trackers, sharpshooters, and guerrillas is also stalking through the hulk in search of glory, treasure, and fresh meat.

The Tau empire also has a stake in the boxset in the form of Kroot, who might just be more of a threat than we think.

into the dark terrain

As you would expect from the innards of a giant spaceship full of gloomy corridors, eerie flashing lights and inviting vents, the terrain you’ll be fighting over is a little different from previous Kill Team boxes. This set lets you create maze-like boards, full of narrow lines of sight and with sturdy doors to breach.

While we didn’t get a look at too much of the terrain, we do see a few bits and a sense of what the setting will look like!

New Kasrkin & 40k Shadowvaults Kill Team Announced: Individual Releases

Kill Team Shadowvaults

The long-awaited Kasrkin it for the Imperial Guard has finally been announced by GW, and we are pumped!


Necron Hierotek Circles

This new Kill Team Shadowvaults box set will feature an epic battle between the legendary Kasrkin Cadians and a group treasure hunting Necrons named the “Hierotek Circle.”

Necrons Hierotek

Necron Hierotek Circles Kasrkin Kasrkin The stream mentioned the multipart versatility found in the Kasrkin Kit and that the Necron half of the box will contain several previously released kits along with never before seen upgrade sprues.

Necron Hierotek Circles

Not to be left out, this exciting new Kill Team set will include exclusive terrain pieces designed to spice up your games of skirmish combat.

kill team shadowvaults

The Warhammer Community stream also mentioned that the Kasrkin’s 40k rules will function a bit differently than regular Guardsmen. As fitting their veteran status, the Kasrkin are capable of using not one, but TWO Regimental Doctrines.

Warhammer Underworlds Banner

New Warhammer Underworlds Grinkraks’s Looncourt

Grinkraks's LooncourtIn the stream, they mentioned that just like other knights in the Mortal Realms, they actually have to go on quests to join the gang, so they are all a little storied!

Grimkrak the Great

Grinkraks's Looncourt

The minis themselves are really cool and could fit into your existing Gitz army as some pretty flavorful characters.

Grinkraks's LooncourtLet’s be honest, who doesn’t love Night Goblins? These guys are just so flavorful!

Grinkraks's LooncourtThis warband has basically all the flavors; there’s a Squig Rider, a team throwing a Squig, and just so much more! If you play Gloomspite Gitz, this might totally be worth the pickup.

Gloomspite Gitz rules 2

Grinkrak the Great is more likely to be leading from the back – fungal flower of chivalry though he might be, you don’t rise to the heady heights of warband leader by taking too many risks. But, of course, if anyone gets too close, he’s pretty handy with his moon-slicer.

warhammer exclusives wal new releases pre order

Exclusive Primaris Company Champion

Warhammer Community announced the new models and some of the events you can get them at, such as AdeptiCon. Let’s check out the minis you can score in 2022!

exclusive Minis

For Warhammer 40,000 comes the sword-swinging Primaris Company Champion. These formidable warriors of the Adeptus Astartes defend their chapter’s honour on the battlefield, armed with a devastating master-crafted power sword and skills honed over countless duels.

exclusive Minis 2

The Primaris Company Champion even has an entirely new datasheet for use in Legends games of Warhammer 40,000, loaded with three deadly Blade Stances. You can also use him in other games, perhaps as a particularly cool squad leader, or even the Emperor’s Champion.

While this exclusive Space Marines Primaris company champion doesn’t have a set role in regular 40k games, it would make for a ton of really cool proxies, and since it’s a GW product, nobody can hassle you for it. It’s an interesting mini but not the wildest thing we’ve ever seen.

You’ll be able to acquire these miniatures at Warhammer events throughout 2022 – such as AdeptiCon, which is taking place from the 23rd to the 27th of March in Schaumburg, Illinois.

If you’re going to the event and want either, better to pick it up there instead of trying to fight for it on the secondary market.

Exclusive Swampcalla Shaman

exclusive Minis 3

For Warhammer Age of Sigmar, meet Mugruk Da Watcha! This Swampcalla Shaman believes he’s found a new way of observing the battlefield using a special seeing-eye rock, but it’s really nothing more than a neat hat.

exclusive Minis 4

Wearing a blindfold won’t keep this malodorous mage from getting stuck in with a bogbark staff and he’s brewing up a bevy of elixirs to empower the venom-tipped weapons of his fellow Kruleboyz. Mugruk isn’t accompanied by a pot grot, but he can still jab at foes with his own backup stabba.

Exclusive Inquisitor Erasmus Cartavolnus

You can grab the new exclusive Inquisitor and Gutrippa Boss minis this year at Games Workshop store anniversary events!

 Click to get yours on Amazon or eBay

new exclusive inquisitor

The Ordo Malleus is dedicated to hunting and exterminating daemons wherever they appear, and Erasmus Cartavolnus has been doing it for over 300 years. Despite his advanced age, this zealous Inquisitor still strides the battlefield in search of daemonic quarry, and his knowledge of binding rituals is second to none.

This is honestly pretty cool with the huge flame exploding from the book and giant sword. While the pose itself isn’t super dynamic, all the extra pieces of flair make up for it. We’ll have to see if they come up with any rules for him, but probably not.   Still, he would be a cool Inquisitor to add to your forces.

GW Exclusive Gutrippa Boss Haggok

Gutrippa Boss

It takes a wily creature to command the respect of a Kruleboyz Gutrippa mob, and Haggok is always on the lookout for his latest would-be usurper to pre-emptively run through. With a (mostly) tame vulture keeping its beady eyes open for incoming threats, Haggok has time to relax a little and survey the battlefield, leaning casually on his skareshield. He fits in perfectly with your existing Gutrippa warbands, and as a unit leader, he has a more refined air than your average Kruleboy can muster.

It’s nice, at least this year, to see something other than Necrons or Space Marines get the minis! He’s not the most exciting model, but still pretty cool. If for nothing other than the vulture! We also saw Gutrippa Boss Haggok long ago as he was hidden in plain sight and in a rumor engine (or two).

Warhammer Plus Year 2 Miniatures Revealed!

With our two guesses, we were almost dead on! Warhammer Community has just shown off the two models.

MIbyllorr Darkfang chaos sorceressFirst up is Mibyllorr Darkgfang, a brand new Chaos Sorceress model and the one we couldn’t do as much digging about. We did, however, know it was a new Sorceress!

Azrakh the Annihilator

The second model was exactly what we thought. BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!

new horus heresy logo banner

New Horus Ascended Model Announced by GW

This incredible resin model captures Horus at the height of his warp-twisted powers, adorned with his full accursed panoply and draped in the puissance of Chaos. He’s not just not just an exquisite display piece, either – you can find unique rules for this transfigured paragon in the Liber Hereticus, allowing him to lead your Sons of Horus Legion on the tabletop.

The big guy is almost here in all his Chaos glory!

Horus Ascended


HorusWell, first up, this model is just awesome! Plus, it’s really cool to have a separate model for the ascended version, as you can play both in games of Horus Heresy.

Horus Ascended 2

Rendered in highly detailed resin, this model is the first in a new Character Series from Forge World, representing each of the Primarchs at the height of the Heresy – whether they’re fully under the sway of Chaos, or rallying to defend the Imperium in its darkest hour – giving us a fresh look at the driving characters of this epic saga as they lead their Legions into the biggest battles.

They also mentioned we will see more ascended versions of Primarchs in the future.

Horus Ascended 3Games Workshop confirmed he will be cast in resin from Forge World, which is probably a seriously hefty price tag. But hey, what can you do?

Horus Ascended 4Lastly, they showed how big he is compared to the old model, and he looks enormous.  You can tell this is much larger than the “Lupercal” version, with a ton more detail!

Plastic Horus Heresy Scorpius Missile Tank Revealed by GW!

Warhammer Community unveiled the new tank along with what it can do. Let’s jump into the new tank!

Scorpius Missile Tank

Built on the ubiquitous Deimos Rhino chassis (seriously, what can’t that little tank do?) the Scorpius Missile Tank was designed at the request of none other than the close-combat-hungry Space Wolves. All of their huffing and puffing couldn’t blow down the fortified xenos bastion-cities they came up against in their earlier campaigns, but a massive missile launcher system was just the ticket to bring them tumbling down.

This is a really cool tank, and since it’s on the Rhino chassis, it would make sense all you need is a new top for your predator kit with the weapons, and bam, you have a new tank! Obviously, it could work with the Rhino, but you need a different top piece, which the Predator already has (we’ll compare them below).

Scorpius Missile Tank 2

Their Barrage weaponry provides invaluable indirect fire against all sorts of targets – whether they are clad in ceramite or not.

It’s always nice to get these kits in plastic as they generally get a decent drop in price and are almost always easier to build than when they come from Forge World!

Scorpius Missile Tank 3

The Rocket Barrage special rule gives these mobile ordnance platforms a reason to stay still and make the most of their 48” range. Salvos from stationary Scorpius Missile Launchers confer the Rending (4+) and Pinning special rules, resulting in a truly devastating combo.

This effect lasts until your next turn, so those Heavy Support Squads may find themselves on the receiving end of a spicy Return Fire reaction if they put their heads above the parapet.

Nothing wrong with bombarding your enemy from afar!

JOYTOY Sisters of Battle Warhammer Action Figures Revealed!

All the new pics come from Gcores

Sisters of Battle JOYTOY


Sisters of Battle JOYTOY 2The detail looks great on this!

Sisters of Battle JOYTOY 3


Sisters of Battle JOYTOY 4They have a decent number of parts, which is always cool, and weapon options!

Sisters of Battle JOYTOY 5


Sisters and Custodes JOYTOY 2When you need to purge the heretics, having a big sword is always a plus!

Sisters and Custodes JOYTOY 3


Sisters and Custodes JOYTOY 4This is pretty similar to the model above, but the face on this one is just really cool!

Sisters and Custodes JOYTOY 5


Sisters and Custodes JOYTOY 6The Imagifier is pretty awesome and if you really need to inspire your army, this is the figure to do it!

Adeptus Custodes Figures Full Reveal!

Adeptus Custodes JOYTOY


Adeptus Custodes JOYTOY 2We’re not sure how many parts they will have, but with how the heads are set back in, they might not have more than one option.

Adeptus Custodes JOYTOY 3


Adeptus Custodes JOYTOY 4Either way, the golden boys are looking amazing!

Adeptus Custodes JOYTOY 5


Adeptus Custodes JOYTOY 6These are also about five and a half inches tall, which is cool as they should be scaled correctly with the primaris marine figures! While you can’t get these right now, here are the latest JOYTOY action figures you can order right now!

T’au Fire Warrior (Set of 4 figures):

JOYTOY Tau pre-order 2If you’re getting Tau, you always need some good Tau Fire Warriors!

  • This item will be available in December, 2022, which finally depends on the manufacturer. 

Tau JOYTOY 2December really isn’t that far away now, so might as well go order some now!

Commander Shadowsun (5.7 inches):


Lead your forces into battle with Shadowsun! It looks like they actually kept to the correct scale with this, which is also good to see.


  • This item will be available in December 2022, which finally depends on the manufacturer. 

XV8 Crisis Battlesuit 02 (7.2-inch):

Tau JOYTOY 11There are actually two battlesuits available, so whichever is your favorite, hopefully, you can get.

Tau JOYTOY 12They look pretty dynamic, so there is nothing really to worry about there.

XV8 Crisis Battlesuit 01 (7.1-inch):

Tau JOYTOY 9The suits just scream mecha Tau, and at over 7″ tall, this will be quite imposing!


Marneus Calgar:

Marneus Calgar JOYTOY 2


Marneus Calgar JOYTOY 3


Marneus Calgar JOYTOY 4This figure is super detailed, and if you’ve been looking for some real inspiration for your marines, then this might be perfect!

Black Templars Redemptor Dreadnought(11.7-inch):

JOYTOY Black TemplarsWe’ll never complain about new dreads! They have pretty much been taking the base models and adding on the scheme, but it’s still really cool.

Ultramarines Primaris Techmarine Tybestis:



Techmarine 2Don’t let your machines go unloved! While this is all the new stuff, there is plenty more to buy from Flyima and other places as well!

Get 10% Off JOYTOY Warhammer 40k Action Figures:

These items are currently available on Flyima, be sure to use Discount Code: SPIKEYBITS at checkout to save 10%! 


JOYTOY Teases More Giant Grey Knights Dreadknight Pics

According to the JOYTOY Twitter account, this new action figure will be MASSIVE!

JOYTOY DreadknightYes, that is someone’s hand, and it shows just how massive this is! Then, if you look in the top left corner, the weapons also seem about the size of a normal JOYTOY!
It seems like this toy would give the Forge World Warlord Titan a run for its money height-wise, even though it is rumored to be slightly smaller (20″ and 23″ for the Warlord). As we said, this is a rumored height, so we’ll have to wait and see for the final numbers, but either way, it’s going to be giant!
Hopefully, with these new pics, we’ll actually see a teaser for the whole thing soon!

Previous Pictures of the Dreadknight

These previous images are also from the JOYTOY Twitter account.

Grey Knights DreadKnightIf that really is going to be just the foot, then this is going to be so massive and just insane! That’s a Chaos Terminator from JOYTOY in the back right, and those are big, to begin with.  With a Grey Knights version of those going in the chest, it will easily be larger than their Dreadnought figure.

Dreadknight JOYTOYThey even said in the post that this is slated to be 20″ tall and range from $250-$300.

So it will be just a giant, but obviously, the price will be quite high as well. Still, we’ll keep our eyes peeled, as this will be one of the coolest kits around!

To hold you over, here’s how you can score JOYTOY Dreads right now!

New JOYTOY White Scars Action Figures Revealed!

White Scars JOYTOY 2


White Scars JOYTOY 3These guys are serious looking, just as you would expect from the White Scars.

White Scars JOYTOY 4


White Scars JOYTOY 5These look pretty awesome and, to us, one of the coolest factions they have done yet.

New White Scars Bikers

White Scars JOYTOY 6You can’t go wrong with White Scars bikers, but it does look like you’ll have to buy the bikes and riders separately!

White Scars JOYTOY 7


White Scars JOYTOY 8These guys will ride down all enemies! When you have these watching over your games, if your small bikers don’t do well, they will surely go in and discipline them.

Kor’sarro Khan Action Figure

White Scars JOYTOY 9We love he has the option for the bird!

White Scars JOYTOY 10


White Scars JOYTOY 11As you would expect, he is superposable and with a lot of bits. Let’s just hope the price isn’t too much higher for him than a normal figure.

Heavy Intercessors

heavy intercessors


heavy intercessors 2While these aren’t White Scars, they are still really awesome!

heavy intercessors 3


heavy intercessors 4The power cords on this guy are awesome, and he will lay down some serious fire for the rest of your forces!

heavy intercessors 5


heavy intercessors 6It looks like we’ll get three figures this time around for them, so there is nothing to complain about there!

JOYTOY 40k Space Marines Action Figures Availability

It’s happening- these dope new JOYTOY 1:18 scale Space Marines action figures are available worldwide!  Currently, you can get them from Amazon, eBay as many sellers are shipping from Asia, but some stores like Entertainment Earth have availability in the US as well.

You can also pre-order them from time to time on Games Workshop’s website for delivery in 180 days, but those windows are only for one week and are hit or miss so far.

These new JOYTOY pre-orders are currently available on Flyima. Use Discount Code: SPIKEYBITS at checkout to save 10%! JOYTOY Flyima


JOYTOY Flyima 3

JOYTOY Flyima 2

The items below are currently available from multiple sellers; check out the links below to grab yours!

JOYTOY PRe-order

Joytoy new wave

Click Here To Get JOYTOY From Entertainment Earth, 10% off at Flyima, or Sideshow Collectibles

Check out the latest rumors about the rest of the 9th and 10th Edition Warhammer 40k rumors for new releases, including the next 40k Primarch, Leagues of Votann, Space Marines, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

What is your favorite upcoming release? Which of these will you be picking up?

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