New 40k Ork, Death Guard Rules & Slaanesh Rumors LATEST

weekend-newsHere are all the new releases, previews, rumors, and more from the weekend, plus the latest from the top manufacturers around!

These were the biggest announcements from the wargaming hobby, along with our expert commentary from the second weekend of December! Let’s take a look at what you may have missed for Warhammer and the latest releases for tabletop wargaming in general!

GW Confirms New Orks Model For Next Week!

Table of Contents & Article Summary

GW just confirmed the new Orks model as the release for the Christmas Holiday! However, you’ll have to wait until the 26th to get it! Read More


Blood For The Blood God: 40k Army List Of The Week

An awesome Chaos Daemons 40k army list emerged in a tournament recently that we just love- take a look at what it tried to accomplish! Read More

$60 Space Marines Assault Intercessors Unboxing & Build

Revin Up The Bikes: New GW Rumor Engine

What looks like a bike tire is here on Day 11 of the GW Advent Calendar rumor engine Warhammer previews for December! Read More

Hidden In Plain Sight: New Slaanesh Models Incoming

Sure we’ve seen new Sigvald and Slaanesh mortal models revealed, but turns out there might be even more hidden in plain sight! Read More


And that’s it for all the latest 40k rumors and releases for wargaming in general. Don’t forget to keep your eyes glued to Spikey Bits for what else the gaming world is throwing at you this week.

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