Wow, GW Made a Bone Flute: New Rumor Engine

gw rumor engineWrite this date down, because it looks like GW revealed a bone flute in their latest rumor engine pic! Is this more proof of new Death models?

Coming from Warhammer Community, we’ve got another rumor engine pointing to more Death in Age of Sigmar. We can’t say for sure that this is something for Flesh-eater Courts, but it fits the bill for a rumor engine we saw just a few days ago that we could see being FEC.

Wow, GW Made a Bone Flute: New Rumor Engine

rumor engine 5-12-2020So here’s the latest bit. We’ve got a flute made of bone (bone flute, check) with some grimy hands holding it to the left of the frame. Can you see why we think this might be coming to Flesh-eater Courts?


flesheater courtsWe know that the Flesh-eater Courts’ weapon of choice is a bone, so who’s to say they can’t make it some kind of instrument?

rumor engine 5-5-2020Plus, we just saw this rumor engine hit the web with a pitted sword held by a muscular arm with long nails. It pretty much fits the description of the Crypt Horror’s arm from above.

The Big Question

rumor engine 5-12-2020Going back to the latest rumor engine, we can see how it would match up with some of the Flesh-eater Courts styles. However, whatever is holding it doesn’t look…quite right. From what we can tell, it looks like the hands only have three fingers and we don’t see any long nails like the previous bit had, which is a pretty common trait among FEC.

Plus, judging with the way the left arm is posed, whatever is playing the instrument might be really short or at least have some stubby arms.

This one is wrapped up pretty tight in mystery, but the good news is that with the sheer rate of GW pumping Age of Sigmar stuff out in recent days, we probably won’t have to wait long to see what this is.

What do you think this bit could be? Do you think Flesh-eater Courts are going to get a Warcry Warband of all-new models? Would you like for this to be some kind of Nurgling playing a bone flute instead?

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