New Plastic Horus Heresy Plastic Model Kits Leaked!

Horus-Heresy-new-plastic-kits-spotted-warhammer-40k-forge-worldThere was a leak of new Horus Heresy plastic model kits ahead of the GW reveal- let’s take a look at the rumors, and what we’ve seen already!

We heard rumors of some new plastic tanks and upgrade coming to the new edition of Horus Heresy, and these pics more or less confirm that! Obviously, these are rumors until we see the big reveal tomorrow, but they look awfully legit. Then, there are even some upgrades for regular Space Marines Legionairees that we weren’t sure about.

Let’s take a look first at the hints from GW, then get into the pics!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Horus Heresy Rules & Product Leaks. Click on the gallery above to see new Horus Heresy models and rules rumors!

GW Reveals New Space Marines Tank For Horus Heresy

Warhammer Community talked about a new tank for the upcoming Horus Heresy game revamp in their trailer. In the image below, it appears to have a turret-mounted battle cannon with a shorter co-axial weapon, one traversing hull-mounted gun above the port treads, and one behind the lower treads in the fore of the hull.


The Horus Heresy is the game to play if you love war machines clashing on the grandest possible scale. From the Spartan Assault Tank to the Legion Sicaran Battle Tank, mighty vehicles were mainstays on the front lines throughout the Heresy, giving treadheads plenty to enjoy. But we don’t recognise this tank – what could it be?

Here you can also see a pintle gun mount on the top turret hatch as well.

New Horus Heresy Plastic Model Kits Leaked!

These images were spotted all over the internet a day before the official Horus Heresy Warhammer Fest reveals.

horus heresy leaks 4

Horus Heresy Tank LeaksWell, look at that! GW said it would be on the way, and now we get to see the Kratos tank in all its glory for Horus Heresy! Especially considering this will be a plastic kit, judging, by the way, all the gaps and seams line up perfectly!

Best of all, we’ve also seen playtest rules for it as well.

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kratos battle tank horus heresy rules.jpg

From the looks of it, this tank can have a ton of loadouts, and as we mentioned above, the weapon locations seem to match the tank in the trailer exactly.

The new Kratos tank will be quite an addition to the game of Horus Heresy!

Plastic Kratos Heavy Assault Tank

We saw rumors, and some leaks of this quite some time ago, but it’s good to see the Plastic Kratos Heavy Assault Tank is coming out for sure!

Kratos Heavy tank

Eagle-eyed viewers of the stirring trailer for Warhammer: The Horus Heresy will have noticed something new for the Age of Darkness. If you were one of those people, award yourself five hobby points because you spotted the Kratos Heavy Assault Tank.

Kratos Heavy tankThis tank is pretty awesome, and it has plenty of firepower to boot. Plus, it looks like it will be super fun to hobby on!

Kratos Heavy tank 2

In terms of hitting power, the Kratos sits between the Sicarian and Fellblade, armed with a massive battlecannon, a volkite cardanelle, or a melta blast-gun – in other words, your choice of huge weapon to kill whichever type of unit might give the rest of your army problems. But what do these three new guns do?

Plastic Kratos Heavy Assault Tank Horus Heresy Rules

Kratos rules

First up, the Kratos battlecannon offers a choice of shells. Need to kill a lot of enemy troops in one shot? Go for the high-explosive shells. Want to take out more heavily-armoured threats? Load in the armour-piercing ammo. Facing a massive enemy tank? See how it likes the taste of flashburn.

Kratos rules 2

If you’re happy to trade flexibility for sheer firepower, the melta blast-gun will give your tank a more specialised role – it makes the Kratos the bane of enemy tanks and transports.

Kratos rules 3

Alternatively, if you want to chew through massed ranks of enemy infantry, you can go with the volkite cardanelle. This giant heat ray will merrily melt the flesh from their lightly-armoured bones.

We hadn’t seen the weapons quite yet, so this is awesome! However, we’ve also seen rumored rules for the overall profile below!

You can see the guns are the same as they showed rules for, so we’d say these are pretty legit. One other thing to note, you have to pay for the third type of shell on the main cannon.

Plastic Deimos-Pattern Rhino Leak

Horus Heresy Tank Leaks 2Last but not least is the Deimos MKI Rhino. Notably, this has also been taken off the FW site, meaning they are awaiting the kit in plastic!  

Another giveaway is the lack of gaps in the armor plates in the front that seem to indicate they may be one-piece subsections similar to the Sisters of Battle tanks that, for the most part, use the Deimos chassis as well.

Deimos-Pattern Rhino (Mk1)

The Deimos-pattern Rhino was a common sight on the battlefields of the Age of Darkness, and a new plastic kit is on the way for this legendary vehicle.

Deimos Pattern Rhino

Hot on the heels of the RTB01-esque Mark VI Space Marines comes the classic look of the Deimos-pattern Rhino. It will be easier than ever before to roll out a fully mechanised army for Warhammer: The Horus Heresy.

RhinoFinally having this kit in plastic is just awesome! Plus, who doesn’t want more trusty Rhinos hanging around?


You’ll notice that the plastic Deimos-pattern Rhino shares design cues with the Sisters of Battle Rhino, and you’d be perfectly within your rights to drive it around in Warhammer 40,000 – after all, a number of these venerable workhorses survived until the 41st Millennium. 

Deimos Pattern Rhino 2

The kit comes with loads of options, including pintle-mounted weapons and wargear. The Rhino can be taken by any Legion, making it one of the best ways to get around whether you’re a Loyalist or a Traitor.* It’s similar (but not identical) to the Deimos-pattern Rhino from Forge World, and it will sit perfectly alongside your existing collection.

New Horus Heresy Space Marine Upgrades Leaks

horus heresy leaks

horus heresy leaks 3As you can see, there looks to be a ton of special and heavy weapon choices for the Marines. However, we aren’t 100% sure yet if the upgrade kits will be from FW or GW. Either way, it’s good to be able to upgrade your troops. Let’s just hope they come in plastic and are not too expensive.

Fortunately, it looks like you will be able to buy these in box sets of whatever weapon loadouts you want, and not get locked into things you dont!

Horus Heresy Special Weapons Packs

It looks like the rumored bits we saw are all coming true and in plastic!

The Mark VI Tactical Squad is one of the most flexible kits ever. It’s the lynchpin of your army – which you need to claim objectives and win games, and with the addition of these new weapon upgrade kits, you can transform it into Legion Tactical Support Squads or Legion Heavy Support Squads to really bring the hurt.

Special Weapons Horus Heresy

The Special Weapons upgrade set contains 10 meltaguns, 10 plasma guns, 10 volkite calivers, 10 volkite chargers, 10 flamers, and 10 rotor cannons.

This is honestly a ton of weapons, and it’s so nice as you’ll actually be able to arm your squads with the weapons you want!

Special Weapons Horus Heresy 2

Need to kill your enemies from further away? There’s an upgrade kit containing 10 heavy bolters and 10 missile launchers.


Special Weapons Horus Heresy 3

Prefer fire, melta, and plasma weapons? There’s an upgrade kit for you! It features 10 plasma cannons, 10 heavy flamers, and 10 multi-meltas.

Getting 10 of each is just so much better than worrying about what you’re arming each model with. Let’s just hope they are easy to magnetize.


Special Weapons Horus Heresy 4

Finally, there’s an upgrade kit with 10 volkite culverins, 10 lascannons, and 10 autocannons.

Plastic Sicarian Battle Tank

Horus Heresy Tank Leaks 23PNGNext up is the Sicaran Battle Tank! There were some big clues about this moving to plastic (like being taken off the Forge World site), and we’re happy to see it, especially considering the resin kit had some issues…

You can see below the resin versions have droopy treads and track guards- even in the stock paint image pictures from their webstore!Sicarian

SicarianHappily, the leaked images above indicate that the Sicarian has moved to plastic. If you ever built one of these, you know how much of a hassle these old treads were, so we’re ready here for it 100%

RUMORS: Horus Heresy Releases June-September with Prices

Horus Heresy Art Wal HorAccording to Faeit, these are the new Horus Heresy releases that we will see this summer! Keep in mind these prices seem a little low compared to some of their 40k equivalents.

Releases for June:
  • “Heta-Gladius” Launch Box: – £240
  • Rulebook – £43
  • Three Codex like compilation Books – £32.50 each: Loyalists, Traitors, Other Age of Darkness Armies – Loyalists and Traitors
Releases for July:
  • Three different Starter Sets – £180 /£100 / £40 each
  • Space Marine Legionary + Paints Sets (A + B) – £23 each  featuring 3 Space Marines and 7 paints
  • Getting Started with Horus Heresy Magazine – £10 Includes 2 Space Marine Legionaries
Releases for August:
  • Space Marine Legion Tactical Squad – £36
  • 10 Models multipart in the same fashion as the Chaos Space Marines
  • Common weapon options
  • Deimos Pattern Rhino – £31
  • Space Marine Legion Praetor – £22  Not the same Model than was already shown
Releases for September:
  • Deimos Pattern Predator – £39
  • Upgrade Sprue Sons of Horus – £9.50
  • Upgrade Sprue Imperial Fists – £9.50
  • Upgrade Sprue Blood Angels – £9.50
  • Upgrade Sprue Emperors Children – £9.50
  • Upgrade Sprue White Scras – £9.50
  • Upgrade Spue World Eaters – £9.50
Releases without date:
  • Deimos Pattern Vindicator – £39
  • Kratos Battle Tank – £52.50
  • Land Raider – £52.50
  • Land Raider Spartan – £60
  • Contemptor Dreadnought – £35
  • Space Marine Tactical Squad + Rhino – £57
  • Deimos Pattern Rhino Suqadron – £87
  • Deimos Pattern Predator Squadron – £107
  • Space Marine Auxiliary (details below)

From how this looks, there may be a pretty aggressive four-month path to market for the new edition of Horus Heresy starting in June of 2022.

So from the looks of it, lots of new plastic model kits are on the way from Games Workshop for Horus Heresy soon, and we may even see some of their Forge World kits getting rebranded and moved as well.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Horus Heresy Rules & Product Leaks. Click on the gallery above to see new Horus Heresy models and rules rumors!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

Are you excited about the new Kratos Space Marines Battle Tank and other plastic model kits for the Horus Heresy?

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