All the New Tyranids 40k Rumors & Previews So Far

tyranids-rumors-codex-new-modelsDon’t miss all the Warhammer 40k Tyranids rumors on new Codex rules, teasers, and even previews for all the new model kits that are coming soon…

Before we get too far, these are rumors from several sources that we have seen lately but they seem pretty solid. Again though, these are rumors so take them with as much salt as you need, especially considering they are for Tyranids…

GW Confirms New Tyranids 40k Codex Rules With Preview

Tyranids codex


Inside the book you’ll find fully updated rules for the Tyranids and their key hive fleets, as well as background information leading from their first contact with mankind right up to the present day’s apocalyptic Octarian War. Despite the Imperium’s best efforts, Hive Fleet Leviathan runs rampant, and it seems that not even the largest Ork empire in the galaxy can stop them.

As befits a new codex, there’ll be a wealth of rules content from Stratagems and Warlord Traits to Hive Fleet adaptations and the return of Synaptic Link abilities. You’ll also be able to take your fleet on a Crusade campaign of its own, and while we can’t say anything about the specifics just yet, it’s safe to say you’ll be doing the complete opposite of any local T’au Empire players.

The new art is actually pretty cool and we’ve seen a ton of rules leaks which may be confirmed by this Synaptic Link abilities bit above.

This was the latest rules rumor for Synapse:

Synaptic links:

    • Included on every synapse model for no additional cost, and are the mono-faction bonus. At the beginning of the round and once per game effects that work on every unit within 6″ of every Synapse Unit. Once per link, but unsure.

So we have somewhat of an idea to expect, however, don’t judge too soon as we need to see how everything works together. There has been a little bit of salt out there, but new books are always good, so don’t get too worried yet!

Plus don’t forget to check out all the new Tyranids Crusher Stampede rules they just got as well by clicking here.

40k Tyranids Combat Patrol Box Set: What’s the Value?

Besides the codex, we know there is at least one other release on the way for the Tyranids relatively soon…

Tyranids Combat Patrol

Fortunately, the Norn-Queens have been hard at work splicing together a new Combat Patrol box, which is ideal whether you’re brand new to the Tyranids or have been on board since Hive Fleet Behemoth was first sighted.

The box actually has some useful units and minis inside, so this could be a good starting point for players. Let’s see what type of cash it will save you though.

  • Hive Tyrant $60
  • Tyranid Warriors $60
  • 36 Termagants $105 (includes the Ripper Swarms)

 Total MSRP: $225

Savings Versus Box Price: $75

Old Tyranids Rumors Coming True in 2022

These old rumors (from Hastings in 2016) had some come true, but others are still lingering, and not too far-fetched given the current teasers from Games Workshop for new Tyranids models.  So obviously with the new preview video from GW, we have reason to believe they might finally be real, and if they are true, it means Tyranids are getting some much-needed new kits.

Plus, one other thing to note, it takes GW a long time to get models out, so these could have easily been in development for many years already.  Especially since we heard Castellan Crowe was done and ready for a release over three years ago too.

First though, Obviously these are rumors and from an old source, but hey, with the new GW video, and Tyranids Codex confirmation, we have more hope that they may pan out.

Several new kits including: –
  • Broodlord: plastic clampack CONFIRMED
  • Genestealers: plastic kit completely redone
  • X-a-vores: combo kit would include options for Biovore, Pyrovore, a new psychacvore
  • Termagants Kit: completely redone with new weapon options
  • Gargantuan Creature in Plastic

Within the video above which debuted on Warhammer Community, there are at least seven, possibly nine or even ten, new models. We don’t get a full look at any of the models, however, we do get glimpses, and one definitely stole the show at least for us. And some are quite obviously big bugs!

Here are the old rumors we’ll be covering:

  • Broodlord (plastic – clampack) – This actually came true, so that’s a good sign.
  • Genestealer Kit (plastic completely redone) – Still from 2005
  • XX-vores combo kit (plastic and includes build options for, Biovore, Pyrovore, a new “psychicvore”) – Not happened yet, still could.
  • Termagants Kit (plastic completely redone with “new” weapon options) – Still also from about 2005
  • plastic Gargantuan Creature (no further details) – this could easily be in the video above.

Now, let’s check out the pics that could easily be a new giant bug!

gw 2022 tyranid 1That is a clear Tryanid model! With a very large tail, and wings, maybe the Flying Tyrant is getting an update? Either way it looks huge!

For a split second, you can also see what appears to be a tentacle-like appendage from higher on the model.  Plus from the side what may be the torso is clearly visible before the model spins revealing a wing.



While this probably is for the gargantuan creature, that doesn’t mean we won’t see a new Biovore kit as well. Plus, we’ve also seen other Rumor Engines from not that long ago that point at other new Nids.

GW Reveals New Tyranids Parasite of Mortrex Model & Rules

Parasite of Mortrex 2


Parasite of Mortrex 3

Wait, could that be? Yes, it’s the legendary Parasite of Mortrex! This winged Tyranid monstrosity will soon cast a gruesome shadow over the battlefields of Warhammer 40,000.

This huge flying gribbly – first encountered on the planet of Mortrex – was originally mentioned in the 5th edition Tyranid codex, and Crusade rules have allowed Tyranid characters to mimic its horrifying implant attack… but nothing compares to the real deal. With its new plastic model, this classic critter is lunging out of the lore and onto the tabletop for the first time ever. 

Honestly, it’s a pretty cool model and from the size of what we’ve seen before, it’s just about the size of a Warrior.

It all sticks to the Hexapod style of the Tyranids organism design with a consolidated thorax, six appendages consisting of two sets of wriggly arms, and a set of wings.

When compared to the old 5th edition artwork of the Parasite, this is about as close as you can get. Plus, it makes for an easy addition to the codex because there is already background lore for it and plenty of people remember it

Parasite of MortrexSure there are a few new pieces of flair on the new model, but it looks about the same to us!

It also really looks like Games Workshop may be pushing Gargoyles in the new book, as they even mention it leading a group of them with Synapse.

Reportedly the image below image was on a lore post on Warhammer Community and then removed ahead of the official reveal. Cheeky teaser huh, doesn’t sound like Games Workshop at all…

It does give us a better idea of how large the model will be, as the new Tyranids Parasite of Mortex appears to be on a 40mm base, the same as the ripper swarm in the foreground.


Unfortunately, this also fulfills most of the Nids rumor engines we’ve seen so far, so that means there is less chance for other new minis, but you never know.

Confirmed: Rumor Engines

Rumor Engine Tail or clawThis was the first Rumor Engine we saw, and it’s pretty obviously Tyranids, and in the new pics, you’ll see how it may fit in for a Parasite of Mortex. This was actually all the way back in January of 2021, so for over a year, we’ve been waiting for this one to come true.

3dartguy ruler cropClick Here To Get The New Sci-Fi Ruler Miniature!

rumor engine 3-09-21This was the second one we saw and it was also from almost exactly a year ago. So if you’ve been waiting and waiting, the time is almost here for new Tyranids!

Parasite of Mortrex Rules

Parasite of Mortrex 4

This beastie has the SYNAPSE keyword, giving it sway over lesser bioforms like Gargoyles and making airborne swarms an altogether more tasty (and horrifying) prospect. Better still, it has a fairly worrying statline of its own, with a monstrous 16” Move characteristic and enough of a melee punch to gobble up weaker foes all by itself.

This has a pretty decent statline and we’ll have to see on points and how many you can take, probably just the one though we would imagine.

Parasite of Mortrex 5

The Parasite’s clawed limbs can rip enemies to shreds, but just wait until you see what it can do with its barbed ovipositor – that’s that pointy bit it uses to lay eggs, just in case you’re not familiar with Ordo Xenos lingo. Spoiler alert – there are about to be a LOT more Ripper Swarms running around.

This is super interesting as you can just keep the infection on a unit for multiple turns. However, you only get one attack that gets to do this (it is a free attack which is nice), but it means you can get one Ripper Swarm for it, and that’s if you roll well enough on the D3. so really, you have to hit then wound, and roll good for multiple turns to get more than one Ripper Swarm.

Still, you can get free Mortals and get free Ripper Swarms, so pretty cool overall.

Parasite of Mortrex 6

Bringing new life into the world is never easy – unless you’re a Tervigon – and the Parasite’s victims can suffer mortal wounds round after round as newborn Rippers gnaw their way out of enemy hosts. It gets worse – these literal stomach bugs will also itch any survivors into such a frenzy that they lose their Objective Secured ability.

All the Spicy New Tyranids 40k Rules Rumors

Tyranids Codex hor wal

More rules rumors, datasheets, and a pretty thorough compilation of everything speculated so far is up on the Tyranids discord that you can join by clicking here.

Synapse getting changed to a once per game ability is something we have never seen before, and a 4++ heck even a 5++ mechanic as rumored would be interesting for sure.

General Rules:

  • Double move + charge is completely gone from the codex

Synaptic links:

  • Included on every synapse model for no additional cost, and are the mono-faction bonus. At the beginning of the round and once per game effects that work on every unit within 6″ of every Synapse Unit. Once per link, but unsure.
  • Zoanthropes: give 4++ to Monsters and 5++ to non-Monsters.
  • Maleceptors: give the following abilities: shoot and do actions, fall back or advance and do an action, perform a psychic action and still cast powers.
  • Warriors: give 6s to hit in melee generate an additional hit
  • Tyranid Prime: gives exploding 6s for shooting when shooting a target within 24″ • Tervigon: +2” move
  • All other synapse units have changed links.

Hive Fleet:

  • Hive Fleets get 2 traits as standard and an extra from a list.
  • Leviathan – 1-2 TransNid on non-synapse creatures. 1-3 TransNid on synapse creatures.
  • Gorgon – Some weapons get Poison (wound non vehicle on 4+)
  • Kronos – +1AP when in half range (not confirmed)

Force Org:

  • Trygon Prime – HQ
  • Gargoyles – Troops
  • Genestealers – Elites
  • Rippers – Fast Attack
  • Mawloc and Trygons – Fast Attack
  • Hive Guard – Heavy support

Misc Codex Information:

  • 1cp strat for regen d3+3 Terma/Horma/Garg
  • Nid dex has been ready since November
  • Only new unit is the parasite

Tyranids Unit Datasheets:

  • Swarmlord • Loses Hive Commander and 3++. • Gains Chapter Master Re-rolls and gives a unit Obsec.
  • Hive Tyrant • Gives reroll 1s to hit to a unit in command phase.
  • Tervigon • 210 points • +1 to hit for Termagants in range (don’t know what). • If there is a 15+ model Termagant unit within 1″ of her she is untargetable.
  • Broodlord • Free org slot if you snag Genestealers
  • Warriors • S5 T5 • Devourers on warriors are 5 shots s4 ap0 d1 • Access to -1D strat in all phases. Can get to A4 S8 AP2 D2.
  • Genestealers • Get a deployment infiltrate now
  • Termagants • Devourers on termagants are 2 shots, s3 ap0 d1. • Fleshborers go to Assault 1 S5 AP1 D1 (There is some discrepancy here, some testers say s4)
  • Lictor • Lictor gets the saboteur targeting rule, -1 to hit, cannot be targeted while benefitting from cover and more than 12″ away • 5++ (Deathleaper is a 4++)
  • Hive Guard • Keep Impaler Cannons {Shockcannons are apparently getting a buff though, and are good for hunting light vehicles and heavy infantry}
  • Zoanthropes • Get +1 to cast for each model in the unit and +1 mortal wound on smites for each model in the unit (up to +3 mortals).
  • Carnifexes • T7, 2+ armor, WS 3+, 4a, +1a on the charge. -1d • With certain combos, can get up to 11 s7 ap-3 d3 attacks hitting on 2s, exploding 6s and 6s auto-wounding plus 2d3+3 mortal wounds on the charge
  • Parasite • Has extremely weird rules.


  • Heavy Venom Cannon: 36” Heavy 3 s9 ap3 d4 (DATASHEET)
  • Stranglethorn Cannon: 36” Heavy d3+3 s8 ap2 d2 (DATASHEET)
  • Bioplasmic Cannon: 36” Heavy d3+6 s8 ap4 d3 (DATASHEET – EXOCRINE)
  • Monstrous Scything Talons: User ap3 d2, +2 attacks
  • Bone Swords: S+2 AP2 D2 Adrenal Glands: +1S/+1Mv

Other big game changers if they pan out to be true would be Gargoyles to troops, and Transhuman abilities conferred to any Tyranid model regardless of synapse is potentially the spiciest of all of these honestly.

2nd Set of Tyranids 40k Rules Rumors:

The last set of Tyranids rules rumors come from a screencap from the site that shall not be named, that was posted up in the same Tyranids discord above.

tyranids rules rumors

Some of these seem to confirm the earlier write-up and expand on the leaked IKEA rules datasheets for the monstrous creature stats.

Legs look to be costing a slot option on Hive Tyrants which would be new, and Shrikes making an official appearance could explain the New Year’s Day teaser images that show some sort of new Winged creature(s).

More New Tyranids Codex 40k Rules Rumors

These all are rumors from Maelstrom Gaming Studios over on YouTube.

Tyranids Army Wide rulesSupposedly the Tyrannofex and Exocrine would be losing double shots. This is a bummer, however, it looks like their profile got better along with better weapons. Plus, they can use the Single-Minded Annihilation Strat for free once per turn. This does mean though that only one unit per turn can take advantage of it.

If Carnifexes really go to 65 points per model and elites, then we might be seeing them all over the place for that cheap. Next, all of the snake-like bugs going to T8 and a 2+ save is pretty sweet. The Mawloc being able to Deepstrike and charge from 6″ means you should be able to get off basically any charge you want.

Lastly, the Flyrant is being forced to take a leg attack option, then taking this will allow Gargoyles to be troops, and  Swarmlord will move to Supreme Commander and get a named strat for free.

Tyranids Army Wide rules 2Zoanthropes losing out on their invuln is pretty hurtful, then they will grant a 5++, but we don’t know to what degree yet. Meaning, we’re not sure if it will just be synaptic bugs or such.

Warriors actually getting more Strength, Toughness, and a better save could be some of the best news out of all of these. On top of that, Boneswords look to be better than ever, but we expect a points increase. Genestealers are moving out of the troop list, which is sort of sad to see. However, we could see them get the same thing from GSC and get the same buffs from that codex.

Rippers moving to Fast Attack is another hurtful one, as they are really forcing the troop choices down to a small number of units. Lastly, the Gaunts are improving, which is nice because they are going to be one of the few troops left.

Last Key Changes

Tyranids Army Wide rules 4Tervigons not needing reinforcement points is a nice little change and getting ten free, then replenishing Gaunts is really nice. The Adaptive Physiologies changes really make sense with all the books we’ve seen lately. Where you have to pay for them, on top of that, it also looks like they will all be changing.

They aren’t too sure exactly how Synapse will be changing, but we know it will be reworked somewhat. Then, you will be getting exploding 6’s on multiple units, with some in combat, some in shooting.

Lastly, Adrenal Glands will now be giving +1 to Strength and Movement.

RUMORS: New Tyranids 40k Swarmlord Rules Spotted!

SwarmlordOld Rules

New rules spotted on social sites.

First up, its base stats are getting much better. With more Wounds, Attacks, better Save, and more Toughness. So right off the bat, we’re pretty excited.

Swarmlord Codex Datasheet Rules

Swarmlord rules datasheet Tyranids codex

Shadows has changed a bit to potentially more dangerous to enemy casters:

While an enemy Psyker unit is within 18″ of this unit:
• Subtract 1 from Psychic tests taken for that enemy unit.
• Each time that enemy unit suffers Perils of the Warp, it suffers
1 additional mortal wound.

Domination lets you just dish out re-rolls in general and a fat 2+, 4+ invulnerable, and T8 will help keep him alive some. However, at 13 wounds, he will get picked on for sure. Tyrant Guard are probably an auto-include for him if they still work that way.

Although the rumor is that Catalyst gives a unit a 5+ feel no pain (6+ for Titanic models) on a cast of a six, so maybe they will not be needed.  About the only thing not listed here is its’ new Warlord trait.

Now, let’s check out the Hive Tyrant rules.

Hive Tyrant Rules

It’s worth noting that there are two entries for “Hive Tyrants”, one with wings and one without. Also, these are limited to one per detachment as we have seen in other codex books.

You can include a maximum of one Hive Tyrant model in each
Hive Tendril Detachment in your army.

hive tyrantOld Rules

Tyranid RulesNew Rules

Attacks, BS, and Strength are all increased in the new sheet, so again, some decent buffs. It looks like they are really trying to increase the power of the big bugs, which makes us excited for how everything will shape up.

Winged Hive Tyrant Codex Datasheet Rules

Flying Hive Tyrant rules datasheet Tyranids codex

Let’s check out the weapon changes:

  • Heavy Venom Cannon: Set at 3 attacks, no longer D3 so way stronger as well as -3 AP, we can’t see the damage but hope it stays the same or improves. 
  • Stranglethorn Cannon: D3+3 (decreases variance) along with better Strength and more AP. So quite a large buff right off the bat. 
  • Monstrous Bonesword: Now gives an additional +3 Strength instead of the user along with 2 more AP. Much stronger now.
  • Monstrous Rending Claws: Strength still user still-3. 

From the looks of it, both Hive Tyrants will still give out the re-roll auras and may have stratagems for keyword abilities like Horned Chitin, etc.

Hive Tyrant Codex Datasheet Rules

hive tyant rules datasheet Tyranids codexUnlike the flying version, the new Hive Tyrant on foot does can not deepstrike but does have an impressive 4+ invulnerable save, and can benefit from Hive Guard bodyguards.

    RUMORS: 40k Tyranids Exocrine Rules

    exocrine rulesOld Rules

    Exocrine rumorsNew Rules posted to Reddit

    First off, the added BS is a great change and quite a big buff. Now it won’t be hitting on 4’s until it’s damaged. Next, they are increasing mobility and saving throw, so hopefully, it will be able to survive longer. Then, the weapon is grabbing more shots, more Strength, more AP, and more Damage.

    However, with all that said, it will probably be somewhat of a trade-off as GW is giving units more mobility and taking away some rules.

    Tyranids Exocrine Codex Datasheet Rules

    Exocrine rules rules datasheet Tyranids codex

    From the looks of it the Exocrine has lost the standstill and double shoot +1BS option, still, the baseline stats of everything are so much better,  the trade-off may be worth it.

    Haruspex 40k Datasheet

    Old Rules


    exocrine rulesNew Rules

    Just like with the Exocrine, they are buffing the move, BS, WS, Wounds, Attacks, LD, and Save. The weapons are also changing to do more wounds on average, however, we don’t really know any of the special rules yet, meaning we’ll have to wait and see how they change.

    Haruspex 40k Codex Datasheet

    Haruspex rules datasheet Tyranids codex

    Though just looking at the statline, it’s getting seriously better and with 2 extra wounds and a better save, it should survive longer. Plus from the looks of it Acid Blood being a keyword means there is probably a Stratagem to trigger it as well now.

    RUMORS: New 40k Tyranids Gargoyles Rules Spotted!

    Old Gargoyles datasheetOld Datasheet

    Gargoyle datasheetNew Datasheet

    Well, the stat line itself stays the same, but what’s really different is the Fleshborer! With 6 extra range, an extra Strength, and -1 Ap, it’s just way better.

    Wounding all Marine models on 3’s and actually having AP just makes this so much better. Not to mention the extra range. We’ll have to see on this one because as we said if this is true, it’s a huge buff.

    Tyranids Gargoyles Datasheet Rules

    gargoyles troops points codex tyranids 1

    Unfortunately, we don’t know all the special rules, but from the symbol next to the painted model it appears that Gargoyles are indeed making the move to the Troops slot!

    swarming masses

    It looks like with these new rules and a much better weapon, people might actually field some Gargoyles once again!  This would also mean Termagants might be making a bigger return as their shooting might actually do something!

    RUMORS: New Tyranids Warriors & Prime 40k Rules

    Tyranid Warriors datasheetsOld Datasheet

    Tyranids Warriors RulesNew IKEA Datasheet Spotted

    Let’s start with probably the biggest change, Boneswords are going to make them S7, with 3 Attacks, -2 AP, D2. Then, there are also rumors Adrenal Glands will give +1 Strength, meaning these will be Strength 8! So wounding Marines on 2’s in combat, so pretty wild right there.

    Next, their Devourers are moving to Assualt 5 up from 3! This is a huge buff and almost doubles their shooting output.

    If you take Deathspitters and Boneswords, you will have base Str 5 for all your weapons and just be able to tear through all kinds of stuff in assault at +2 for the swords.

    New Tyranids Warriors & Prime Codex Datasheets

    tyranid prime rules 9th codex edition

    painted Warhammer miniaturesClick Here For Hundreds of Used, & Painted Miniatures To Buy!

    tyranid prime rules 9th codex edition

    Both of these datasheets seem to match the IKEA Style rules from the box set, so chances are these are legitimate as well.

    We’ll just have to see how the points play out, but if we had to guess Tyranids Warriors will increase around 10 points and the prime will clock in at about three times that with his re-roll ability, etc.

    Either way, exciting times are on the way for Tyranids along with rules and models via all the latest rumors and reveals.  Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

    Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should keep an eye out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

    All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

    What do you think about all these new Tyranids models rumors that are out there?

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