Chaos Space Marines Traitor Legions Rules Revealed!

New-Chaos-Rules-Codex-Space-Marines-GW-Warhammer-40kNew 40k Chaos Space Marines Traitor Legion rules are here from Games Workshop, here is what each one is capable of in the new codex!

We know that Chaos is finally getting its time in the sun soon and with even more of the rules coming from GW, it’s coming up fast! Now we get to see what some of the new Chaos legion traits, stratagems, secondaries, relics, and Warlord Traits will get you.

Let’s start with some of the overall rumors we’ve seen, then check out the new rules from Warhammer Community!

Plus, we’ve already seen the Raptors and Warp Talon Rules, so if you missed those you can check them all out by clicking here or the Lord, Sorceror, and more by clicking here.  It also looks like these match most of the rumored rules leaks from earlier in the year as well…

RUMORS: New Codex Chaos Space Marines Rules

Let’s check start with the Overall Chaos Space Marines Codex and Legion rules rumors we have already seen.

Some of those are super spicy for sure, and some are not. Either way, we know new Chaos Space Marines are on the way. Check out all the pages of the new Chaos Space Marine Codex rumors above!

  • CSM doctrine:
  • Exact same thing as SM, except replace +1AP with exploding 6s (unmodified hits)
  • Icons:
    vengeance +1 CA
    wrath +1ap melee
    flame +1ap shooting
    excess +1 to hit melee
    despair 6s to hit = autowound
  • All legions are getting 6 WT, 8 relics & 8 stratagems
  • What else is in the book  They have a way of consistently hitting on 2s (even with thunder hammers)

Chaos Space Marines Traitor Legions Rules: Black Legion

Legion Rules Chaos

Although their colleagues might not agree, the Black Legion are the foremost power among the forces of Chaos. Their leader, Abaddon the Despoiler, demands nothing short of excellence from his fanatical Black Crusaders, ceaselessly drilling them in the devastating speartip assaults that earned their former Legion top-dog status during the Emperor’s own Great Crusade.

Getting +1 to hit with your whole army is pretty insane, however, it does have to be the closest enemy or a charge. Still, if you can get this with the majority of your army, they will be hitting on 2’s almost all the time. Meaning you’ll be 16% more accurate!

Word Bearers

Legion Rules Chaos 2

As you might expect from the guys who started the whole ‘fall to Chaos’ trend, the Word Bearers are experts at channelling warp entities. The most strong-willed (or foolishly naive) of their kind can even rent out their body to powerful daemonic forces in an Exalted Possession, gaining unnatural strength… at the cost of maybe becoming a fleshy marionette for eternity.

These are some serious buffs, however, we don’t really know what else they will have, so it might not be taken all that often. Either way though, buffing a character this much has to be good.

Night Lords

Legion Rules Chaos 3

Taking the example of their fallen Primarch, the Night Lords love nothing more than to creep into position before throwing a surprise party for their victims. This year’s gift? An outrageously bloody assault! While In Midnight Clad, these bat-eared terrors can use the shadows to weave between curtains of incoming fire – despite being eight-foot supermen.

For only 1 CP this can be quite strong (even with the serious reductions in CP) and could hopefully keep your high-cost units alive!

Iron Warriors

Legion Rules Chaos 4

Undisputed champions of breaking nice things, the Iron Warriors prize destruction of a more calculated sort than their warp-wracked cousins. These Masters of Demolition are a dab hand at drawing up mid-battle plans for dismantling all kinds of vital infrastructure – trust the former IV Legion to find a route to victory through the ruin of their enemy’s works.

This could be hard to actually achieve since your opponent gets to set them up, however, if they set them up in their deployment zone, or near, you’ll gain almost double the VPs for each. Pretty interesting mechanic and could make for some fun games.

Alpha Legion

Legion Rules Chaos 5

Where many of the Traitor Legions are screaming berserkers or chanting demagogues, the Alpha Legion are subtle manipulators par excellence. Their battles are carefully planned, full of traps and schemes – and with the help of the Hydra’s Wail, a sorcerous jamming gadget sneaky enough to put Phobos kill teams to shame, they can shut down any enemy’s command structure.

This is basically the Vect stratagem, and with fewer starting CP, it could really make a big difference throughout the game.

Emperor’s Children

Legion Rules Chaos 6

The Emperor’s Children, on the other hand, are all about being seen. These sinister sensationalists are true maestros in the art of combat, each a dark reflection of their Primarch’s obsessive perfectionism… and while their skills are immaculate, the Unbound Arrogance of their greatest champions can get them in serious trouble. Are you ready to gamble for greatness?

Honestly, this is fun, but it kind of stinks. Because if your opponent just always picks 3, and you pick 2, 2 extra attacks are okay but nothing crazy for a Warlord Trait. Then, if they happen to get it right, you get nothing. Still, it is really fun and adds a little wrinkle to your games.

Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

 Check out all the pages of the new Chaos Space Marine Codex rumors above!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

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