New Primaris Rumors, AoS Gitz, Forge World Previews LATEST

By Rob Baer | January 2nd, 2019 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

sould bound space marine wal hor

Don’t miss all the latest hobby updates from the holiday including new 40k and Kill Team rules, Gloomspite Gitz, Forge World, and New Primaris rumors all in one BIG feature!

Here are all the latest announcements for the tabletop hobby, with our expert commentary that you may have missed if you were winding down the weekend to unleash the New Year’s beast tonight!

New Forge World Necromunda Upgrade PREVIEWS

Thundehawk crop forge worldGet ready to spice things up soon with the six new sets of Necromunda upgrades this New Year that were just previewed from Forge World. Read More

Gloomspite Gitz Release Lineup & Pricing CONFIRMED

gw money cashDon’t miss the new lineup and pricing for the new Gloomspite Gitz that are going on the pre-order menu for next week. These are their wave one releases! Read More

These are GW’s Last 27 Rumor Engine Bits from 2018

space marine wal horWhat are the these last 27 GW rumor engine from 2018? Even with rumors of new Marines on the horizon, and Gitz in route, they haven’t slowed down a bit. Read More

New 2019 Codex Space Marines: & Primaris Unit RUMORS

Redemptor Dreadnought space marine hor wal primarisDon’t miss the latest New Year’s rumors swirling about more new Primaris Warhammer 40k models and Codex Space Marines 2.0 for 2019. Read More

RUMORS: GW’s Missing Boxing Day Exclusive Model

sm chaos wall hor question 1Did you notice there was no Boxing Day mini from GW this year? We had the word on what it was supposedly was and why it never made it to store shelves. Read More

AoS Gloomspite Gitz New Rules & More SPOTTED

dankholdt trogg bossDo you love Troggoths and grots? Don’t miss the new rules and more images of the new Gloomspite Gitz units that were spotted recently as Troggoths are getting a massive update! Read More

4 Best Warhammer Starter Set Box Values of 2018

primaris book cover hor marineGames Workshop has had a busy year pumping out starter boxes with all kinds of factions inside. Check out the best four value-wise from 2018! Read More

Top 40k & AoS Start Collecting Box Values From The Year

aos start collecting box setsWhich ones have the best value?  Check out our list for this year’s lineup of Warhammer 40k and Age of Sigmar Start Collecting boxes from 2018. Read More

GW’s 2019 Rumored New Release Roadmap LATEST

dark aposotle chaos marine hor walEven if you’re not a fan of the new Grots, check out the latest rumored releases for 40k and AoS that may be headed our way from GW in 2019! Read More


New WD Space Marine & Kill Team Rules REVEALED

space marine top hor walDon’t miss all the new rules that were just spotted for 40k Space Marines and Kroot Kill Teams in the first White Dwarf of 2019! Read More

Last Chance For Holiday Vostroyan Firstborn MTO Lineup

Still in stock! Don’t miss out on Games Workshop’s one-week offering of new MTO Vostroyan Firstborn models that are sure to please! Read More

Leviathans & Knights: Which is Better For Your 40k Army?

leviathan dreadnought wal horWhich is better? Every Warhammer 40k Army list needs a stubborn heavy-hitter. Some people use Leviathans and others use Imperial Knights. Read More

How To Trap Warhammer 40k Units in Combat

Learn from one of the best, as 40k Champ Sean Nayden breaks down how to use easy tactics to trap units in combat in Warhammer 40,000! Read More

New Gloomspite Gitz Models for 2019 SPOTTED

mangler wal hor gloomspite gitzIt’s Gobbapalooza!  Destruction fans don’t miss all these amazing teasers for not one, but two weeks of Gloomspite Gitz that are going on pre-order in 2019! Read More

Top 8 Cosplay Costume Features of 2018

Celestine Returns! Sisters of Battle Cosplay

Some people take their hobbies beyond the tabletop and onto the con scene as a Cosplayer. Check out these one-of-a-kind top eight Cosplay outfits! Read More

And that’s a wrap! Don’t forget to keep your eyes glued to Spikey Bits for what else the gaming world is throwing at you this week.