RUMORS: Imperial Knight Releases & Rules

By Rob Baer | May 11th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

knight Armiger

More rumors today about the four new Imperial Knight releases that may be on the way for 8th Edition Codex, and what rules they may bring to the tabletop.

We’ve heard an awful lot recently about the new Imperial Knight codex, and Games Workshop even has teased us with some images of the Castellan Knight.

More exciting rumors were spotted today that may mean more of these Imperial Knight models will be hitting tables in 8th edition.

Imperial Knights 2018 Release

We already know there are GIANT FREAKING ROBOTS on the way with their very own codex from the announcement at Adepticon this year.

Castellan Knight New

Knight Castellan 


Recently we heard that there may be ten Knight datasheets, one special character, and one terrain piece on the way in the new Imperial Knight Codex, and what the fate of Freeblades and Chaos Knights may as well.

Plus supposedly there are at least FOUR new kits on the way for the Knight release.

Armiger Warglaives

Scanner is back today with a laundry list of what may be on the way rules-wise for the Imperial Knights in 8th Edition:

Terrain is like tech priest with the ability to re-load, heal, and max out weapon shots for a Knight. Amrigers get Dakka with 2 amped up guns, and character gets a laser weapon like a Chimera, but you know, bigger.

Oh and if you like wolves, you will love the new knight character.

If this pans out to be true that’s a pretty HUGE lineup of new releases with some cool rules for a codex previously only had a handful of datasheets.

Perhaps the combination of Mechanicus and Questor rules will be enough to fill a normal sized 8th edition codex, and four new releases wouldn’t hurt either.

Existing Knight Lineup:

imperial knight lineup

Still no “official” word on the release date for Imperial Knights, however, the releases for the end of the month may end up being the new Rogue Trader box that was rumored to be releasing after Deathwatch arrived.

Harlequins have been pushed back, and sources tell us to expect Knights by the second week of June 2018

All in all, we’re getting really excited to see everything Games Workshop has in store for the Imperial Knight Codex, and we’ll be putting out more codex confirmations as soon as we get them!

Are you looking forward to the upcoming Imperial Knight Codex, and some GIANT FREAKING ROBOTS?next 3 codex books

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