Army Construction

Well I guess its been about a year now since GW game out with the Vendetta Model, and with it ignited a rules firestorm that still flares up to this day. The one question remains; How do you play it?  Good Question.  Is it a skimmer? If so why is it on that $#%*-ing stupidly […]

Read More | April 22nd, 2010

This was the third rewrite of my Blood Angels list. I kinda did it on the fly too, and made some mistakes, BUT I knew I wanted to play around with Mephiston. As TPM Blood Angel pointed out Mephiston is a Death Star, able to kill with realitive ease most units in the game.  However […]

Read More | April 20th, 2010

MBG back again with an interesting look at selecting drop pods.  It seems like ever since the Space Marine codex came back out in 2008 pods have been at the forefront of most battles. First came the Kantor/Sternguard lists, then the podding Vulkan He’stan armies, and now we have Blood Angels throwing their weight around. […]

Read More | April 19th, 2010

TPM Blood Angel back again with some more BA ponderings.  I have a love hate relationship with these guys. They look cool and are fun to take so what’s the problem? Well, in almost every edition of the game they have had slim to no survivability. With proliferation of drop pods in the previous marine […]

Read More | April 15th, 2010

I love the concept of the Blood Angels honor guard. I used them back in ’06 for my grand tournament list despite them being horribly over valued point wise. I just really liked the idea of my Sanguinary High Priest being surrounded by fanatical followers of the Primarch. I ran them around in a Land […]

Read More | April 14th, 2010

MBG here with another guest article by TPM Blood Angel; “To Mech or Not to Mech? Part II” Not to Mech. Troops and Elite Choices – I included them together because they are essentially the same. Ok, I’ve been messing around with army list builds and based on some feedback from a few other ghost […]

Read More | April 5th, 2010

I’d like to intorduce our first guest writer here at Spikey Bits, TPM Blood Angel. Paul has been playing Blood Angels probably longer than most, and even won Baltimore GT with them.  Since the new BA’s are coming out soon I’ve asked him to do a write up on them. With the new Blood Angel […]

Read More | March 31st, 2010

MBG back again with an interesting debate, which Inquisitor ally do you take?  It seems like more and more players take an Inquisitor ally with Mystics to protect against deep strike threats like Daemons, Drop Marines, and shortly Decent of Angels. Now we’re all adding in a Psychic Hood for threats like Tyranids, Space Wolves, […]

Read More | March 25th, 2010