10th Edition 40k Core Rules: Command Phase & Battle Shock Tests

new-10th-rules-edition-warhammer-40kThe Warhammer 10th Edition 40k core rules have been spotted on the web, including the new Command Phase and Battle Shock Tests!

With the new edition dropping in June, it was only a matter of time before we saw some leaks hit the internet. It’s always nice to get a sneak peek into the rules, and these look like they are taken from the book, but with any leaks, nothing is 100% until GW actually drops it.

Click the links below for the latest on 10th Edition Warhammer 40k and the full articles!

Now, let’s jump into the new rules!

10th Edition 40k Core Rules: Command Phase & Battle Shock Tests

The new Warhammer 40k 10th Edition rules were spotted over on Imgur, but we also have them all here.

10th Edition 40k PhasesThis picture comes from Warhammer Community.

The turn structure is still the same: one player still takes the first turn, to manoeuvre and fight with all the forces at their disposal, and then the second player does the same. This is still called the Battle Round, but seven phases have now become five – and both players will now contest each one to the fullest.

Here’s the headline: the phase structure is broadly the same. You perform admin for the turn ahead in the Command phase. Then you manoeuvre in the Movement phase, take aim in the Shooting phase, charge into melee in the Charge phase, and get biffing in the Fight phase.  

So what’s changed? The Psychic phase and the Morale Phase are now no more – but this doesn’t mean that psychic powers and morale are gone. The effects are still very much present, but they’ve been smartly compressed into the other phases. Let’s break it down.

Starting with the phases of the game, GW cut out two phases, and now you take your battle-shock tests at the beginning of your turn.

10th Edition Command Phase rulesBoth players still gain a CP at the start of every command phase, and there will still be scoring, stratagems, and abilities that take place in the command phase. However, the most significant change is that all battle-shock tests occur in the game’s first phase.

Now, you have to take a test every time a unit is below half-strength.

10th Edition 40k Phases 3

This picture comes from Warhammer Community.

Morale is even simpler – that all gets sorted in your Command Phase, when you take Battle-shock tests for any units that have taken enough losses.

Battle-shock tests are super simple. Roll a 2D6 for every unit that’s Below Half-strength – that means they’re a squad with less than half of their starting models, or a single model with less than half of their starting Wounds. You’ll need to roll equal to or above your new Leadership characteristic – if you fail, that unit suffers some nasty penalties until your next turn.

This means models don’t just run away; they are not nearly as effective and cannot control objectives, etc. This is pretty huge, as you can’t even use stratagems on the unit.

Then, a Desperate Escape (rules below) needs to be taken if you attempt to fall back, meaning you can lose models.

10th Edition Command Phase rules 2Nothing too crazy here; if you put a leader in a unit, they add to the starting strength. Such as, a unit of 11 (combined) would need to get to five models to take tests. However, killing the unit and the character can give VP.

10th Edition Command Phase rules 3

When you fall back while Battle-Shocked, on a 1 or 2, a model must be removed. This is a huge change and probably a good one, as it forces players to actually make a choice to stay in combat or risk losing models.

Check out the latest Warhammer 40k rumors for the rest of the 9th and even 10th Edition, new releases, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

    All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

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