The GW New Release Roadmap For March 2023 & Beyond

gw-rumors-and-new-releasesHere is the latest Games Workshop new releases roadmap for March 2023, featuring tons of minis for most of the Warhammer games on the way!

Love GW miniatures? The new Games Workshop releases roadmap is back and more loaded than ever. We’re not joking either we mean loaded; there are a ton of minis on the way!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models to keep an eye out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

GW New Release Roadmap For March 2023 & Beyond

aos banner age of sigmar logo

Tons of New AoS Seraphon Models Unveiled at LVO 2023!

New Seraphon ModelsFirst up, we have the awesome new Slann Starmaster mini!

This has a lot of similar design elements to what we’ve seen before, but cranked up to 11. Read More Here!

New Saurus Warriors

New Seraphon ModelsThis is a pretty sweet rework, where they kept the original idea and feel of the models, but really made them better.

New Seraphon ModelsObviously, with all these minis, they will get a new battletome in 2023. Read More Here!

Raptadon Chargers & Hunters

New Seraphon Models


New Seraphon ModelsAnother new unit and another shrouded mini pic from the New Year’s preview were revealed! Read More Here!

New AoS Seraphon Saurus Astrolith Bearers Revealed By GW!

Saurus Astrolith Bearers

The Saurus Astrolith Bearer is a warrior marked by destiny, tasked with hoisting a powerful serpentine standard. More than merely an inspiring icon, this arcane device is inscribed with geometric symbols and powered by the orb of purest celestite that floats at its centre.

The standard is pretty awesome looking and will really make a striking feature on the battlefield! Plus, the rules for it are pretty awesome.

Read more here!

New AoS Seraphon Spawn of Chotec Revealed By GW!

Seraphon Spawn of Chotec

Found in the most volcanic regions of the Mortal Realms – and hence all over Aqshy, where they’re often hunted by Fyreslayers – the Spawn of Chotec are fire-spitting salamanders which the Seraphon revere as the offspring of the sun god himself. The Sun Acolytes who handle these sour-tempered salamanders are marked for their duty from birth. When the stars flare and the spawning pools boil, the skinks who emerge are blessed with incredible resistance to heat, as well as frills that resemble Chotec’s own sunburst. 

The models are all pretty cool, and with so many new options for Seraphon, you should be able to sink your hobby teeth into this!

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New AoS Roadmap For the First Half of 2023

New Seraphon Models

There are a ton of new battletomes on the way for AoS, and they promised basically two a month through the summer!

AoS Cities of Sigmar Dawnbringer Previews!

Cities of sigmar Preview

Unfortunately, they do say in the article that this is still a long way off. Even going as far as to say we will not see them this year. But let’s hope they don’t push too far into 2023.

Read more about Dawnbringer here!

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Warcry & Underworlds Roadmap For 2023

AoS Roadmap 2023 6


Underworlds Roadmap

Over in the Gnarlwood, there are two more Warcry expansions to come in the current season – entitled Bloodhunt and Nightmare Quest. Warhammer Underworlds is expecting one more warband and the Beastbound Assault rivals deck.

So, they didn’t really give too much on these, more or less just a promise of more. So not too much to dive into, honestly, other than the fact they promise more will be on the way.

9th warhammer 40k banner

Space Marines Primaris Desolation Squad: (Single Box Release)

New Space Marines ReleasesWhile these new Desolation Space Marines aren’t a super surprise, it’s still nice to see the actual miniatures revealed! We’ve seen rules rumors, a rumor engine, and a shrouded pic of these for a long time now… Read More Here!

Space Marines Primaris Brutalis Dreadnought: (Single Box Release)

New Space Marines ReleasesThey said this would be a successor to the Furioso Dreadnought, but every chapter can take them. Read More Here!

New Space Marine Primaris Lieutenant: (Single Box Release)

New Space Marines Releases


New Space Marines Strike Force Agastus 6We were nervous at first, but GW came through and revealed another Space Marines Lieutenant kit! They said this has a ton of options and will have many weapon load-outs. Read More Here!

Wrath of the Soul Forge King Box Set Revealed!

Wrath of the Soul Forge King


Wrath of the Soul Forge KingThey didn’t give us a ton of info on this one, but we do know both Vashtor and Azrael will be inside! So, if you want either of the new models, this will be the earliest way for you to grab either of them. Read More Here!

Vashtorr The Arkifane: (Separate Release)

As a new “brain” to Chaos operations, this faction might just become more and more deadly for the Imperium. Hopefully, these new Arks of Omen books will give us more details and perhaps how the Imperium will fight back against this new Chaos surge.

Leave it to Be’lakor to not like new Chaos toys… He always was a stickler. BUUUT, this new guy looks amazing, and not even the First Daemon Prince can deny that! Read more here!

New Primaris Chapter Master Azrael Warhammer 40k Miniature: (Separate Release)

Warhammer Community gifted the latest details on Christmas Morning 2022 about the new 40k Primaris Chapter Master Azrael.

Primaris Chapter Master Azrael Warhammer 40k Miniature

Abaddon and Vashtorr’s plan to destroy the Imperium has caught the Dark Angels in its jaws. Still recovering from crossing the Rubicon Primaris, Azrael has taken up the legendary Sword of Secrets and his master-crafted combi-plasma, The Lion’s Wrath.

It looks like the new model will be part of the upcoming Arks of Omen releases that hobbyists hope will lead us into the 10th Edition 40k in the summer of 2023.


Primaris Chapter Master Azrael Warhammer 40k Miniature 2

Scale-wise, he got his swole on when he jumped to Primaris, but the styling remains the same from the Original model from the 1990s. Read More Here!

GW Reveals Shrouded Warhammer 40k Minis & What’s Next For 2023!

Warhammer Community unveiled the new models, so let’s get into what they might be

Warhammer 40k 2023 minis 2

Our look ahead at the Arks of Omen series revealed a fourth book lurking beyond the shadows, its details shrouded by decree of the Ordo Xenos. What dreadful alien threat could cause such drastic action to be taken, so far beyond the Imperium’s sight?

Talking about Xenos, this looks like it would be something for Eldar, Tau, or maybe if GW gets crazy, an Exodite Army even (check out the rumors here)! Exodites are sort of like Eldar, who left before the fall and are much more in tune with nature. Maybe the trees are a giveaway to that?

Or perhaps it’s none other than Commander Farsight getting that 2020’s glow-up like so many other characters…

Warhammer 40k 2023 minis 5This sneaky fellow could be a rework for Snikrot or any Kommando, but it definitely looks Orky, and we would love to see a new Snikrot model!

Read More Here about the new models

New Warhammer 40k Boarding Patrol Box Bundles Announced

New Boarding Patrols

The only problem? Everyone else wants in on the action, and now the whole galaxy is boarding the Arks of Omen in search of glory, treasure, or just a big punch-up. In fact, four more Boarding Patrol boxes are preparing for launch in the near future – and only one of them might be said to have the Emperor’s best interests at heart…

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Tyranids, Necrons, & Grey Knights Boarding Patrol Boxes Revealed!

Grey Knights Boarding Patrol Boxes

The Grey Knights, Necrons, and Tyranids have all mustered Boarding Patrol boxes to join the fun, three swift and adaptable forces ready for decisive action in the darkness of space. With the Mustering Rules available as a free download, you can build your box and get boarding right away!

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New Boarding Patrol Boxes Announced For Eldar & Drukhari

Boarding Patrol Eldar

Plenty of Boarding Patrol boxes are coming to join the fun – but the starfaring Aeldari are masters of sailing through the void, and their spiky cousins are no strangers to raiding stranded vessels and even space hulks.

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World Eaters Combat Patrol

World Eaters Combat Patrol

While Chaos Space Marines are limited to a single Chaos Lord per Detachment, the World Eaters aren’t subject to such petty jealousy. They can field as many beast-bound Lords as their HQ slots allow, meaning you can muster the complete contents of two Combat Patrols – all without needing to spend any Command points on the new Heroic Support Stratagem. 

This looks like a decent Combat Patrol, with plenty of troops and just a lot of minis. So, it should be a good pickup for new players getting into the faction!

Plus, they say this will be available in just a few weeks, so let’s hope that means three maximum and not more! Read more here!

New Tzeentch Miniature Revealed!

New GW roadmapOn their Twitter, GW revealed this new 5-limbed Tzeentch mini. They didn’t really say anything about it other than it’s new. So, who knows? Maybe this is a precursor to a new Kill Team box, or perhaps something else altogether.

Either way, it’s always nice to see new minis.



new horus heresy logo banner

New Horus Heresy Sicaran Venator Revealed By GW!

The new tank comes from this Warhammer Community post.

Sicaran Venator


For every battlefield problem in the Horus Heresy, the Legiones Astartes have at least one tank-shaped solution. The Typhon Heavy Siege Tank can level heavily fortified buildings, Scorpius Missile Tanks pin troops down with high-explosive salvos, and now the new plastic Sciaran Venator kit tears other tanks apart with its impressive primary armament.

We knew more variants were coming, and it’s nice to finally see them continuing to roll out! It would also make sense for the tank to be about the same price as the current kit.

Read more here!

New Horus Heresy Esoterist Consul Model Revealed By GW!

The model comes from this Warhammer Community post.

Esoterist Consul

With the Heresy in full swing, the Traitor Legions are free to explore the forbidden arts anew – and the Esoterist Consul steps out from the shadows. No matter how fiercely the Emperor suppressed the Primordial Truth, there were always those willing to explore the Immaterium’s secrets – whether to ward off its eldritch denizens, or harness their unnatural power.  Read More Here!

New Horus Heresy Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer Revealed!

Horus Heresy Cerberus Heavy Tank DestroyerThis was another shaded mini from the New Year’s preview, and it’s pretty much what we expected!

Horus Heresy Cerberus Heavy Tank DestroyerThis is obviously made for destroying tanks; just look, it has a triple-barreled neutron laser battery! Read more here!

Horus Heresy Alpha Legion Exodus Assassin Revealed!

Alpha Legion Exodus Assassin

Sometimes, however, clever disguises and unseen infiltration aren’t a match for power armour, and a really big gun designed for the express purpose of annihilating Astartes is what you need. Enter Exodus, the Assassin.

The model itself is pretty sweet and the sniper rifle is basically as big as the entire model! If you have to punch through power armor and destroy your enemy, you need the firepower and range. Read more here!

Typhon Tank

Warhammer Community unveiled the preview and the new shrouded pics; let’s take a closer look!

Typhon Heavy Siege Tank

The Typhon Heavy Siege Tank is rumbling towards the front lines as we speak, and already the clamour of war echoes just over the New Year’s horizon. What else is in store for the Legions battling for the fate of the fledgling Imperium in 2023?

GW has been previewing every major game for 2023, and now it looks like 40k is really the only thing we have left after this preview! The Typhon Heavy Siege Tank is actually built on the Spartan chassis, but with a few extra sprues.

If you want to see more details about the Typhon, you can check that out here.

New Horus Heresy Contemptor Dreadnought Legion Upgrades Revealed!

Contemptor Dreadnought Legion Upgrades 7

However, this does mean that the original resin Legion Contemptor Dreadnoughts – which have Legion-specific shoulders, legs, and other details – are not long for this world. They’ll soon be marked as Last Chance to Buy, and after that will disappear for good, so if you want one before the upgrade set becomes available, you’ll need to order it soon.

Well, if you want any of the previous whole resin kits, you might want to get them now before they are gone for good! Read more here!

New Horus Heresy Infernus Abomination Assassin

The model and heads come from this Warhammer Community post.

Horus Heresy Infernus Abomination

Loyalist forces deploy many agents of the Divisio Assassinorum. These deadly operatives come in all sorts of forms – some are deadly duellists, while others are experts in information warfare, or masters of toxins. 

They’re all extremely lethal in their own way – but they pale in comparison to the inhuman horror used by the Traitor Legions – the Infernus Abomination. 

The model is definitely interesting looking! It could probably be used in 40k as a bunch of Chaos minis, but hey, if you need a wild traitor assassin, this might just be the perfect one.

Just keep in mind they do say this will be resin and from Forge World. Read more here!

Necromunda banner

New Necromunda Sanctioner Pattern Automata Announced By GW!

Necromunda Sanctioner Pattern Automata

 with this many scofflaws in open insurrection, regular assault rams and concussion rifles won’t cut it. What you need is a fleet of semi-sentient servo-automata piloted by the psycho-conditioned transplanted brains of especially fanatical enforcers. You need the Sanctioner.

Known as ‘Lawtomata’ by a surprisingly witty populace, these armed and armoured constructs are protected by thick carapace armour and wield much larger versions of regular Enforcer weapons – concussion cannons, heavy shock batons, and no less than five types of grenade.

They have a ton of weaponry, and when these come rolling through the alleyway, it might just be better to run! Plus, with five types of grenades, they can lay down the suppressing fire for your Enforcers.

Read more here!

A New Necromunda Outland Beastmaster Announced By GW!

Warhammer Community unveiled the new minis and some of what they can do.  Let’s take a closer look!

If that weren’t enough, there are even more breeds of Beastmaster on the loose, and they’ve found some other nasty vermin to pal about with – Millisaurs.

These ichorous invertebrates were likely smuggled onto Necromunda centuries ago – courtesy of the planet’s lax import controls – to help clear debris and other critters from mining tunnels. Left unchecked, the voracious worms have by now spread across much of the planet, from outland ore-pits to underhive sump-nests. 

New Necromunda House Cawdor Ridge Walkers

House Cawdor PreviewsFrom the looks of it, you’ll grab four Necromunda Cawdor Ridge Walkers in the box, which makes sense since they really aren’t too big. In the stream, they also mentioned there are going to be a ton of bits, so hopefully, you’ll be able to kitbash these!

Read more here!

New Necromunda Lady Haera Will Try to Take the Throne!

Necromunda Lady Haera

This is actually a pretty wild mini, and she could be used in some serious dioramas. Plus, if you throw her down with your gang, the other dregs might just bow down to her!

She loves to go out and destroy, so if your friend’s gang is getting a little uppity, she might be the lady to knock them down a peg!  Read More Here

Blood Bowl Nobbla 2

New Blood Bowl Halfing Star Players are Bringing the Snacks!

The new star players come from Warhammer Community.

Halfling Star Players Blood Bowl

Cindy Piewhistle has a name that may tickle the ears of fans of that perennial Blood Bowl periodical – Spike! Journal. This slinger of baked goods is the sister of the famous columnist and interviewer Mindy Piewhistle.

She’s joined by a bona fide legend – Puggy Baconbreath, a player known for his amazing feats of athleticism* and dedication to the game. Often training for as long as one whole hour per day, Puggy has iron willpower and has never once snuck off for a mid-drive snack. 

You know when you’re tired on the pitch, there’s nothing you want more than a huge hoagie or a nice meat pie! Both of these are just super fun and who doesn’t want them on their team? Read more here!

40k kill team banner

Individual Releases of Soulshackle

Adeptus Arbites Kill Team

The Arbites will have a bunch of cool options, and we expect the box to come with a ton of bits.

Adeptus Arbites Kill TeamThey mentioned all the Arbites are pretty tough, have good armor, and can smash through anyone standing in their way.

Adeptus Arbites Kill TeamUnfortunately, there won’t be totally new Kabalites, but they will grab an upgrade sprue to make them a bit more unique! There is already a ton of bits in the normal kit, but this adds even more.

Again, this is another shrouded mini released from the New Year’s preview, so hopefully, we will get the rest soon.

Read More Here!

warhammer exclusives wal new releases pre order

Games Workshop Announces New 2023 Event-Exclusive Miniatures!

GW exclusive miniatures 2023

From the 41st Millennium comes The Commissar’s Duty. This vignette depicts an absolutely iconic scene – an Astra Militarum Commissar with his sword planted in the battlefield rubble, standing tall as he delivers the Emperor’s Justice. Is he aiming at a foe, or at a Guardsman who needs to be made into an example?

He’s got a full tactical rock this time that he can stand on! Seriously though, this is a pretty cool model, and while it’s a little static, it should be striking on the battlefield.

GW exclusive miniatures 2023 2

Out of the Mortal Realms charges Tolgar Split-Eye, a frenzied Darkoath warrior sporting a natty eye-patch and swinging two huge axes. He also comes with an alternative head for building a nameless Darkoath Chieftain, which trades flowing locks for a fine beard.

This guy is a lot more dynamic and with those giant axes, should be a good addition to your forces.

Read More Here!

Exclusive Miniatures For Warhammer Stores 2023

Warhammer Exclusive Miniatrues 2023

It’s nice to see Leagues of Votann getting an exclusive mini! They even say he will have the special Legends rules, which is somewhat rare. Obviously, you can just play him as a Kahl, but it will be nice to have a little datasheet when you buy him.

Read more here!

Warhammer Exclusive Miniatrues 2023 2They don’t say he’ll have special rules, but that’s not the end of the world. As we said, you’ll have to go to the store during their anniversary to score these minis. We’re sure they will be on the secondary market at some point, but they will probably be more expensive.

Read more here!

New JOYTOY Paragon Warsuit

Paragon Warsuit JOYTOYThey also mentioned there will be alloy in this, so we expect some kind of metal, but we aren’t quite sure where or how much.

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New JOYTOY Space Marine Sergeant

Space Marine Sergeant JOYTOY 2As you would expect, the Space Marine releases keep coming, but they are the most popular, so it makes sense!

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JOYTOY 40k Space Marines Action Figures Availability

It’s happening- these dope new JOYTOY 1:18 scale Space Marines action figures are available worldwide!  Currently, you can get them from Amazon, eBay as many sellers are shipping from Asia, but some stores like Entertainment Earth have availability in the US as well.

You can also pre-order them from time to time on Games Workshop’s website for delivery in 180 days, but those windows are only for one week and are hit or miss so far.

These new JOYTOY pre-orders are currently available on Flyima. Use Discount Code: SPIKEYBITS at checkout to save 10%! 

flyima pre-orders


The items below are currently available from multiple sellers; check out the links below to grab yours!

JOYTOY PRe-order

Joytoy new wave

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Be sure to click on each to see what the best deals are right now!

Click Here To Shop the Top 100 Warhammer Best Sellers

Check out the latest Warhammer 40k rumors for the rest of the 9th and even 10th Edition, new releases, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

    All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

    What is your favorite of these upcoming Games Workshop new releases from the Roadmap? Which of these will you be picking up?

    Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 

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    About the Author: Travis Pasch

    Travis Pasch

    travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

    Socials: @paschbass 

    About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

    Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

    Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!