This is How Big the New Eldar Avatar Size Actually Is

eldar-avatar-model-spottedWow, this model’s size may be even bigger than we thought, check out the scale of the new plastic Eldar Avatar 40k “miniature”.

We won’t know for sure until GW tells us (or the pre-order listing hits), but from the images they have already provided, we have a pretty good idea of the size and scale of the new Eldar Avatar miniature. Plus the talented folks on Reddit have given us a cool composite image of all the Eldar Avatar models out there compared to each other as well.

So far, GW is four for four recently using one prolific artist’s work to base their new minis on. With a blurry datasheet and model spotted online recently, we know now the number may be up to five! So let’s quickly recap the old artwork then compare it to the spotted Eldar Avatar of Khaine model. We can also compare the rumored rules to the new datasheet and see just how correct it was.

We’ve included the art below, but if you want to see all four of the old examples and comparisons to previous Mark Gibbons artwork you can read our click here to read our previous post.

What The New Plastic Eldar Avatar Was Thought To Look Like

Mark gibbons Eldar AvatarHere’s Mark Gibbons’s artwork for the Avatar and honestly it’s pretty awesome. Since GW has been loving to put minis on the base (like primaris lieutenants) this makes even more sense. There have been rumors floating around for a while now about a new Eldar Avatar miniature, and while we like the old one, we would love for it to look more like the picture above.

avatar of Khaine EldarMuch like with the other minis updated from his art, they keep true to the old model, but just make them way cooler.

New Eldar Avatar Model Teasers

new eldar models 2These rumors (and composite image above) come from Aeldari Warhammer 40k Discord, which you can sign up for here.

When you look at these two pictures side by side, it really looks like this could easily be the model. The blood effects on the old one are, shall we say, old. When compared to his artwork, the Rumor Engine looks so much more like his piece.

Speaking of a reveal, here is what may be the star of the Games Workshop New Years Day 2022 Preview, the New Eldar Avatar looks absolutely stunning!

New Plastic 40k Eldar Avatar Model

Glorgious (misspelled on purpose), this new model looks like GW replicated the 80s with today’s technology and it is stunning!

Eldar avatar revealed

Next up spotted on Reddit and promptly removed, were these images from the LVO 2022 preview:

new-eldar-avata plastic reveal

So it looks like the Avatar will not only have a helmeted head but also a bare one that has some serious Night Elves vibes. Also, note the axe version of the Wailing Doom as well as a sword.

new-eldar-avata plastic reveal

Not only does the new kit come with three head options, it also has three weapons; in addition, the new Avatar is adorned with the runes from a number of different Craftworld Aspects, creating a truly customizable monster to add to your Craftworlds army

The flames seem to also be separate bits that can be placed on the base.

new eldar avatar options (4)

new eldar avatar options (4)


RUMORS: New Eldar Avatar Rules & Stat Line Are Hot

As seen in the Christmas Leaks on discord, these new rules rumors for the Eldar Avatar are definitely exciting to read.

Eldar rumorsKeeping the 4++ is nice plus the halving of damage and other Eldar rules will let him stay alive longer. Then, getting two types of attacks will make it more versatile, overall. Plus, d6+2 damage is nothing to overlook! He can kill tanks and other big guys super easily with 14 S and 7 attacks!

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Again, his points will be depending on the rest of the rules in the book, so hard to judge that but he is expensive.

With the artwork and teaser looked at, we had a pretty good idea it would be similar. With rumored rules, we also had an idea of how hed function, but now let’s check out the actual spotted model and datasheet!

New Avatar of Khaine Datasheet & Model Spotted

Originally seen on Reddit, this blurry datasheet features the model and the full rules page! So let’s dive in and see what we can get from it.

blurry new avatar of khaineStarting out with the model image in the top left, we can match up all the teaser video screen caps to more or less confirm this as legit! The fire/armor image looks like it was his knee, with everything else being pretty obvious.

As for matching the artwork, it also looks pretty dang close, making the fifth model match up to old-school MG art! The only real difference is a slight posture change with his arms being slightly canted, instead of parallel. The glowing fire effect was also reimagined to the burning on his knees.

We cant see the base, but we might be able to expect some sort of (tactical)corpse, we’ll just have to wait and see, but the track record supports that conclusion!

Additionally, all of the rumored rules from the Christmas Eldar leaks above for the new Eldar Avatar also look 100% correct, which means it was a pretty reliable source after all!

If you aren’t familiar with the old rules, We’ve also got that for you right here:

avatar of khaine oldJust by comparing the sheer size of the sheet, we can see that the Avatar of Khaine re-work/update is a big one, getting a ton of added power!

For an extra 70 points (rumored to be 270 from above), he sees upgrades across his entire statline, with everything getting better (except the WS and BS which were already at 2+)

His ranged attack gets a huge power boost and gains a very similar effect to Mortarion’s pistol getting a “shoot over” effect damaging models to passes over. Which thanks to the upgraded stats of the attack, make it much, much better overall.

As for melee, he gets a two-profile option for focused and multi-target attacks. The focused hit has a base of 7 attacks at 14S, -5 AP, and averages 5 damage, making it ridiculously strong. While the sweep has 14 attacks at 7S, -2 AP, 2 damage, making for an easy space marine squad wiper with each wound removing a full model.

His old 5+ invulnerable save has been upgraded to a 4+, but now ALSO reduces damage by half! His auras were also slightly changed, now “moral tests” just ignore modifiers instead of auto-passing, which is fine. While his re-roll charge aura was reduced to 6″ range. Both auras of course also only affect CORE units, as with every other updated factions’ auras. He also gained an explosion on 6s when destroyed which is fine, and on the theme for the violent departure of the Avatar.

Lastly, there is a new downside, which restricts him to not being able to take a Warlord Trait or Relic, which seems completely fair seeing as this guy just got upgraded all the way up to a mini-Mortarion for a fraction of the cost!

This is How Big the New Eldar Avatar Size Actually Is

First, off we have this really cool scale composting photo from Reddit that shows all the Eldar Avatar models through the years, their scale, and size.

eldar avatar size and scale

Unfortunately, they leave out the base sizes, which for the most part are 40mm except the 1991 and 1995 Avatar models which are on 25mm.

According to Forge World, the Avatar with spear pictured is:

Complete resin model standing approximately 118mm (4.7 Inches) tall includes brass rod for spear.

Now let’s take a look at the size and scale clues Games Workshop gave us in their preview of the new Plastic Avatar model.

eldar avatar whole army base size

Let’s take a close look at the center of this image below:

avatar base size

So the Avatar’s base looks to be at least 3 Guardians wide. We would think they would be on the new “Craftworlds” sized 27mm bases that came with the latest Howling Banshees models.  That looks about right scale-wise when you compare them to the Space Marine Bladeguard in the lower right frame, or Magun Ra on the 40mm far right.

Remember Jain Zar and Drazhar came on 40mm bases with their new figures debuted back in 2019, so Magun Ra will probably follow suit.

3dartguy ruler cropClick Here To Get The New Sci-Fi Ruler Miniature!

That would make the Eldar Avatar base size either 100mm like the Eidolon of Mathlann for Deepkin that sells for $125.

Eidolon of Mathlann – Aspect of the Storm

Or it could also be on a 105mm base like the new Slaanesh “twins” models who sell for $110 ea. It doesn’t appear to be on a 130 like some of the Great Daemons of Chaos, however.

Synessa, the Voice of Slaanesh

As far as price goes, the Forge World version of the Eldar Avatar currently goes for $110 and is on a 60mm size base. So the new plastic Eldar Avatar may share more than just its size and scale with the Slaanesh twins models, it may also share their price too.forge world eldar avatar

It’s also interesting to note that if the new Eldar Avatar base size is anything over 100mm that would make just the base itself nearly as wide as the current Forge World Avatar model is tall!

So How Big is The New Eldar Avatar in Size?

eldar avatar whole army base sizeBy comparing base size to models around the new plastic Eldar Avatar it is most likely 6″ in height if it is on a 100 or 105mm base.

All that of course is just speculation on the sizes from the images we have currently.  Either way, after a nearly 30-year wait, the new Eldar Avatar model is turning heads in the hobby with its size and beautiful design.

Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

Do you think the height of the Eldar Avatar will be size-wise- and what about the scale to other models? 

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