New Stormhawk & Stormtalon 40k Rules Datasheet!

stormhawkThe classic Stormhawk and Stormtalon flyers are up next for the spotlight, check out the new 40k rules for these units that are on the way soon!

As a Spikey Bits exclusive, we’ve got a first look at the Stormhawk Interceptor and Stormtalon Gunship datasheets. Comparing them to their current datasheet, we’ll be highlighting all the changes that are on the way to the units. With that said, if you haven’t seen our other datasheet coverage for Space Marines, we’ve got them all listed below:

New Stormhawk & Stormtalon 40k Rules Datasheet!

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Stormhawk Interceptor



stormhawk interceptor updated datasheetThe only thing that’s changed is that the degrading movement on the Stormhawk Interceptor got a little buff.

  • Second wound bracket: +5″ max movement
  • Third wound bracket: +5″ max movement

There aren’t any changes to note on weapons it looks like (aside from the stuff we already know like Heavy Bolters going to 2 flat dmg).

With that said, the movement tweaks may seem small, however, now that maps have also gotten smaller, these guys will be even more capable of reaching exact areas of the board where they need to be.


stormtalon gunship updated datasheetFor the Stormtalon Gunship, the changes were about the same.

  • Second wound bracket: +5″ max movement.
  • Third wound bracket: +10″ max movement. 

Again, it just means you’ll be able to squeeze a bit more distance out of these flyers as they absorb a little bit of hate on the board. Although the only players still running these guys at the moment are Iron Hands.

With these changes noted, what are your thoughts on Space Marine Flyers in 9th? Are we overdue for some kind of Primaris Flyer?

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