Games Workshop New Releases Roadmap Into 2022

gw-rumors-and-new-releasesDon’t miss the latest GW new release roadmap for 2022, featuring tons of minis for most of the Warhammer games that are on the way!

Love GW miniatures? Well, the new release roadmap is back and more loaded than ever headed into June of 2022. We’re not joking either we mean loaded, there are a ton of minis on the way!

Between rules leaks and rumors for Squats, Horus Heresy, and Chaos, there look to be all sorts of releases coming for them as well too.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should keep an eye out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

GW New Release Roadmap For June 2022 & Beyond

Table of Contents & Article Summary

aos banner age of sigmar logo

Before diving into the confirmed release, let’s cover some rumors about what battletomes might also be among the first releases for 2022.

Gloomspite Gitz

Again, this is about a 3-year-old book, with how much things have changed with AoS in that time, not to mention a new edition, they need a little bit of work. They are still performing okay but could use some reworks.

We’re not sure what new minis they will get, as their model line isn’t that old. Still, they will probably get a new champion or two, or at least a couple of reworks.


ogor mournfang 'Let’s just say we are hoping beyond hope this is true, and that basically, they get a rehaul on almost all of their minis! We don’t even care about the book so much, just the need for some new minis! S0rry gluttons, your time may have come…

A large portion of their units is from before the change over to AoS, meaning they haven’t been touched in years and years. This could be a massive overhaul, or if GW doesn’t feel like it, maybe they just redo a unit or two. Let’s just hope that’s not the case!

Beasts of Chaos

sc beastsYou know an army needs a rework when the pictures on the site for multiple of their units are still on square bases. It’s like GW just didn’t even care enough to change them to the new format over the years.

So, yeah, they need a rework and new minis! Maybe they and Ogors can come in a new starter box together with all new minis! One can dream, but according to these rumors, we don’t have that long to wait until we know for sure

RUMORS New Bundle Box Sets Coming to Age of Sigmar

The first box is said to be Gloomspite Gitz vs Beasts of Chaos. This box is going to be full of new minis, so be on the lookout! We have also heard of Gitz vs. Slaves to Darkness too.

Then supposedly will be Start Collecting for Ogors, with Ossiarch Bonereapers getting the box after that. Slaves to Darkness are also getting some love in the way of an upgrade sprue (like the Cadian one) and brand new Chosen.

Lastly, we’re not sure about the box, but the upcoming Oath Breakers (Chaos Dwarves) will be kicking off the “Broken Realms” of the new edition, but that’s supposedly not coming until 2023.

Gloomspite Gitz vs Beasts of Chaos?

gloomspite gitz trollThis will be a dual army box, meaning if you play either side, you’ll be getting new stuff! The gobbo side of things will see a new Scuttleboss on Giant Spider. While the old mini isn’t too bad, it’s really nothing to write home about.

While that’s nice, Beasts of Chaos will be getting a whole host of new minis! They will be getting three new minis, Doombull, Bullgor, and Jabberslythe. All three of those kits really need a rework (not to mention everything they have). 

Gloomspite Gitz & Slaves to Darkness AoS Battlebox?

60030209010_GloomspiteGitzBattletomeArtThe Gitz Battletome is about a 3-year-old book, which is quite old with how much things have changed with AoS in that time. Not to mention a new edition of the rules.  If we had to guess they may need a little bit of work. Whereas the Slaves to Darkness have not grabbed as many updates as we would expect for them or even had new models in quite some time (start collecting box aside), so hopefully they get some awesome new minis.

We’re not sure what new minis Gloomespite Gitz will get, however, as their model line isn’t that old. Still, they will probably get a new champion or two, or at least a couple of reworks.

Start Collecting Ogors

According to the rumors, they will be getting a new box along with their upcoming new book. In that, they will grab a new plastic Slaughtermaster/Butcher. This is great because they’ve needed an update for a long time. Not sure if they will be grabbing other new minis or not, but at least they can look forward to one new one for sure. 

 Ossiarch Bonereapers

bone kings ossiarch bonereapers age of sigmarThey received some new stuff for Underworlds, so that’s usually a good precursor to new minis for AoS. This probably won’t happen for a while, but it looks like they will be getting a new hero on foot and Mortek Archers. So two new units is something you can’t complain about!

Slaves to Darkness

slaves to darkness chaosLast but not least, it looks like Chaos will receive some love. Maybe not as much as they need, but some. With  Chaos Warriors and Knights getting an upgrade sprue very similar to what they just did with Cadians. Luckily, they will also be getting brand new Chosen, which really need it because they don’t look very loved by the Chaos Gods right now. 

But remember, these are all rumors after all…


malerion walIt all started when they did a preview of Shadow, Iron, and Broken Realms and revealed this shadowy artwork. It reminded us of Malerion taking a new form. Some of you may have heard of the name “Malerion” aka Malekith aka the Witch King before from the world that was… We’ve also seen a little short story of him talking to Morathi and the fact that he is finally manifesting himself into the mortal realms.

Well, he needs an army to lead, so we expect them to be kind of like dark elves in a sense. We haven’t seen any minis, but this looks like GW has been setting them up for a long time now. If you want to read more about the initial time we thought they were coming, check that out here.

According to this new rumor though, these will be near the end of 2022 at the earliest…

Looking into 2023

seraphon lizardmen wal horIt looks like Seraphon vs. Skaven will be the first battle box of 2023, but that’s pretty far off and not super confirmed. So take that with as much salt as you need; we’ll just have to wait and see on yet one more thing.

Global disruptions seem to be putting more and more releases farther and farther out. Before, we used to be able to tell when a new edition of any game would drop.  These days however, look for more time to pass in increments of years between editions as well.

It is worth noting that if this rumor is true, Skaven will end up getting two battle boxes as they are confirmed to be in Echoes of Doom releasing  Summer of 2022.

Oath Breakers

chaos-dwarfWhile it’s been a really long time since we’ve seen a full-scale release for them, we’ve seen minis released here and there for a long time now from Forge World- which have since disappeared.

Let’s be honest, this would just be a really cool rework of an army that never really got its day in the sun (well maybe they did about 10 years ago). With these being the last of the three mentioned, we’re not really sure when we would see them, but they are probably who we are most excited for!

They have some really cool old minis to style the new army on and with the sculpts GW has been putting out, they could look amazing! Unfortunately, according to the rumors, they won’t be hitting the game until 2023 or later…

GW Reveals the Next Battletome Books for Age of Sigmar


Age of Sigmar 2022 Roadmap for releases and battletomes

We even have a shiny new roadmap for you to check out.

Idoneth Akhelian Thrallmaster & Fyreslayer Auric Flamekeeper (From Fury of the Deep)

fury of the deep 2

fury of the deep 3

New Daughters of Khaine & Nighthaunts Models

The newest character set to release for Nighthaunt is the Scriptor Mortis!

Finally, the Daughters of Khaine will receive a new character, and she has been described as particularly deadly: the High Gladiatrix.

It’s also worth mentioning that these character models from Arena of Shades and Fury of the Deep have not been released yet, and there is a good chance we’ll see them this year for the new price of $38 each, respectively.

GW Announces Cursed City Re-release & New Expansions!

Cursed city relaunch

This set sold out quickly when it was released, and many of you have been in touch to ask if it will be back. Today we can confirm that it will indeed rise again. For those of you that missed out the first time round, this is your chance to get your hands/bestial claws on some of the best Citadel miniatures of 2021, as well as the amazing co-operative Warhammer game. Look out for news on exact release dates in the new year.

Cursed city relaunch 2

Finally, if it’s not enough that Cursed City is returning, it will also be accompanied by expansions, so your adventure into Ulfenkarn can grow and continue with even more dramatic twists and turns. Spoiler alert: Radukar isn’t dead – he’s just really, really angry!

Here’s a closer look at Curse City from our Unboxing video when it was released the first time around:

The box originally sold for $199, so we expect the re-release to go for around the same, which would be nice because it is more expensive on the secondary market. Again, they didn’t give an exact date on the actual release for the base set and expansions besides 2022, but we hope it’s sooner than later!


AoS Echoes of Doom Sylvaneth vs Skaven Box Revealed!

Echoes of Doom

What have the servants of the Horned Rat done this time? They’ve only gone and dug out a gnawhole right into the heart of Ghyran to pilfer a juicy harvest of soulpods – classic skaven. Led by the Grey Seer Skrittat, master of subtlety, they led a surprisingly successful heist into Neos.

This sacred land near the very centre of the Everspring Swathe was considered impenetrable, making the crime even more of an affront to Alarielle and her children.

Echoes of Doom 2This is a bigger mix of old and new units than we expected, but still, you get three new units in the box. Two for Sylvaneth and one for Skaven. It does make sense though, as if there were just new units for the Sylvaneth, the box wouldn’t make a ton of sense for players trying to get into the faction. They didn’t give us a release date quite yet, but usually, when you see the box, it’s not far off.

GW Unveils Tons of New AoS Sylvaneth Models!

This is the biggest line update they’ve basically ever had, with fast-moving bug models and the return of this lady…

Sylvaneth Lady of the Vines

Lady of vinesFirst up is this wild Lady of the Vines who has just recently been resurrected from events back in the realmgate wars. This is a pretty wild mini, and with how much lore is out there about this model, it will be really fun to play with!

New sylvaneth

After her untimely death in the Realmgate Wars, the Lady of Vines is back, thanks to the god-queen of the Sylvaneth – and a deep rage for all things that threaten the Sylvaneth smoulders in her thorny heart.

Gossamid Archers

Gossamid Archers

Gossamid Archers are lethal skirmishers afforded the power of flight by symbiotic zephyrspites – their arrows, loosed from elegant bows, play host to ravenous grubs that bore into their enemies. Yum!

New sylvanethJust like the Arch-Revenant, these models are actually being carried by bugs on their backs and their arrows will explode into bugs that dig into the enemy’s skin!

Spiterider Lancers/Revenant Seekers

Spiterider Lancers

These fearsome cavalry come in two flavours. Spiterider Lancers are Alarielle’s elite shock cavalry. Lightning-fast, they dart into combat and strike their foes down before they can react.

New sylvanethThese are very fast and hit quite hard. According to the preview, they have a decent number of attacks and wounds and fill a niche role for Sylvaneth-  getting somewhere fast and hitting hard!

revenant seekers

Revenant Seekers are a touch slower, focusing on the vital task of harvesting the life energy of fallen Sylvaneth to resurrect their allies.

You can build this kit into two different units, and we’ll have to see how they break it all up and if you can magnetize them or not.

New Battletome

Slyvaneth Battleome

All of these fabulous floral fighters and carapaced cavalry are arriving alongside the latest book for the Everqueen’s forest-dwelling sentinels, Battletome: Syvlaneth, which you can expect to see more of in the coming weeks.

Of course, with so many new models, they are also grabbing a new battletome book for Age of Sigmar 3.0!

New AoS Skaven Deathmaster!

The Skaven Deathmaster is an expert hero-killer armed with an arsenal of esoteric weapons coated in lethal toxins devised by the Clans Eshin, and more than a match for most targets. 

deathmasterIt looks like the theme from the recent Underworlds box is continuing for the Skaven!

Sneaky Skaven assassins have been around for a very long time, but this is the first time we’ve seen one in plastic. As you can see, it’s been updated with some very Warhammer Age of Sigmar-looking terrain while maintaining that classic Skaven look, including having a weaponised tail!

This probably won’t be a centerpiece for your army, but it has some really cool detail that would make for a fun painting challenge.

New Battletome Revealed

Skaven Book

Squeaking of Skaven, we can also reveal the next battletome for Grand Alliance Chaos – the children of the Horned Rat will be emerging into a realm near you very soon!

Well, if the Deathmaster wasn’t enough for you, they are also grabbing a new battletome and the cover art is pretty dope! This also isn’t the only thing we’ve heard about possibly coming for AoS, check out all the rumors we’ve seen here!

New AoS Slaves To Darkness Ogroid Theridons Revealed by GW!

Theridons are shock-assault infantry par excellence, corded with thick muscle and standing head and shoulders above lesser, human warriors. Their speed and bulk carries them straight through enemy lines with an unstoppable horn-tipped charge, swinging colossal axes as easily as an aelf would flick a paintbrush.


Once possessed of a mighty empire that stretched across great swathes of Ghur, the ogroids – known to themselves as Goroans – fought alongside Gorkamorka’s hordes, seeking the Destruction of all that threatened their civilisation. Unfortunately, the Bonesplitterz aren’t the most reliable neighbours, and the Goroan empire fell to rampaging greenskins. 


Ogroids 2

What remained of the Goroans were enticed by Archaon with promises of a new home, secure against all invaders – the land that would become the Eightpoints. There, under the shadow of the Varanspire, the ogroids raise dark citadels, forge mighty weapons, and serve as overseers in the armies of Chaos. 

And from the recent AoS Slaves to Darkness Battletome leaks we may already know their rules as well:

ogroid theridons new rules slaves to darkness

These rules seem to confirm a squad-type unit for the Ogroid Theridons, which looks pretty cool!

New General’s Handbook Brings Free Points & Big Changes

New General's handbookThey mentioned this book would focus much more on big blocks of units. As this most recent meta focused more on the big monsters, this will mix up the theme and go more towards infantry. Looks like some big changes for the little guys are coming?

General's Handbook

The action’s still raging across the Realm of Beasts, but while the last Pitched Battles pack was all about fielding monsters, killing monsters, or even turning into a monster, this season brings us back to basics. The latest General’s Handbook emphasizes your humble battleline troops – warriors who’ve become veteran survivors of Ghur. 

You’ll need these hard-bitten (and literally-bitten, given the wildlife they’ve been fighting) soldiers to claim and contest objectives – with new realm rules, grand strategies, battle tactics, and core battalions to help them do just that.* The book also includes 12 new battleplans – half follow the season’s themes of infantry reclaiming Ghur, while the other six are aimed at more general use.

It looks like they will do one of these every six months, so even if your army doesn’t come out on top, you shouldn’t have too long to wait for competitive play. This is a way to keep the rules moving and the meta shifting, but we just get worried about rules bloat.

Like with the 40k Chapter Approved, all the points will be free online, too, which is always nice.

New AoS Black Library Books & Models!

These models will both get their own new books from Black Library as well as the models! Pretty sweet, and they said both models would have rules in Age of Sigmar as well for sure.

warcry banner

Drekki Flynt


Drekki Flynt 2First up is Drekki Flynt, along with the Arkanaut’s Oath! If you’ve been hankering for a new book and mini, then this is right up your alley.



New Warcry Horns of Hashut Warband

These mortal followers of the god Hashut venture out in front of his all-conquering legions, seeking lands worthy of domination. They’re the vanguard of devastation and despair in a brutal machinery of endless war… and they have some very impressive hats.

Horns of HashutThe human followers of Hashut seek out places that would make for perfect foundries. They see themselves on a religious journey to cleanse the world for Hashut.

Horns of Hashut 2The models themselves are pretty sweet, and we have been hearing rumors of Chaos Dwarves getting a full new book and models. Guess what, they are called the Legions of Hashut, so this is the perfect segway into the army coming to fruition!

Centaurion Marshal


As a Chaos Ally, this quarrelsome quadruped can be taken by a host of warbands – and as you might expect from someone wielding four weapons at once, he’s very handy in a fight.

This was actually leaked as something coming for Slaves to Darkness, so it looks like you’ll be able to play this in both systems. As in the table of contents above, you can see it on pg 116.

9th warhammer 40k banner

Voidscarred (Available on Their Own)

Eldar Corsairs

This glorious new plastic kit contains a host of options – as with the other kill teams released so far, such as the Ork Kommandos and Veteran Guardsmen – allowing you to build a dizzying array of individual fighters. For example, the Starstorm Duellist is a prideful pirate packing a pair of powerful pistols – and unlike the clumsy landlubbers in other kill teams, they can even blast away at Engagement Range thanks to their Quick on the Trigger ability.

Eldar Corsairs 2They have a ton of options and will just make for a really cool squad! It would be nice if you get more than one of each weapon option because, for a 40k game, they may prove hard to equip.

Eldar Corsairs 3


Eldar Corsairs 4


Eldar Corsairs 5

The Corsairs will first be available in the forthcoming Kill Team: Nachmund boxed set, which continues the narrative of the current Warhammer 40,000 season. As we hinted on Monday, Corsairs will also have rules in the truly comprehensive Codex: Aeldari.

While they look dope for sure, here is hoping we don’t have to wait as many months for this to come out on its own as we did with the Orks and DKoK single box sets.

Eldar Corsairs 6


Eldar Corsairs 7The wide variety of weapons is really cool and they all look pretty awesome and perfectly in-between Eldar and Drukhari, plus even have a Wraith Cannon!

It also seems like there will also be changes in how Farseers and Warlocks are fielded overall now in Eldar lists. Now, it’s all coming true, so some pretty good rumors if you ask us!

New Chaos Space Marines Models In Kill Team Nachmund

With the full box revealed, there are a lot of new minis inside, but generally, there is a long wait period between when the Kill Team boxes come out and they are released separately.

Much like the T’au Pathfinders from the Kill Team: Chalnath set, this box provides a ton of new customization options for an existing kit. Legionary kill team commanders are going to be spoilt for choice.

Let’s check out what you can make with all the new bits, but remember this will also probably increase the cost of the kit as well.

Chaos Space Marines Kill Team


Chaos Space Marines Kill Team 2


Chaos Space Marines Kill Team 3

You’ll be able to dominate the battlefield with a range of operatives. Like to gun down your enemies from distance? The Heavy Gunner’s reaper chaincannon will cut a swathe through your foes. Prefer to get up close and personal? The Shrivetalon is bound to leave a mark with his flensing blades. Need some psychic support? That’s where the Balefire Acolyte comes in.

Chaos Space Marines Kill Team 4


Chaos Space Marines Kill Team 5


Chaos Space Marines Kill Team 6


Chaos Space Marines Kill Team 7


Chaos Space Marines Kill Team 8

These operatives are painted up in Black Legion colours (the home for ambitious heretics of any persuasion) but these kit enhancements would look at home in most other Legions. The giant axe is perhaps indication of a Khornate mindset, while the Butcher’s fondness for flayed skin could be indicative of a Nostraman origin. The Balefire Acolite has a book and some flames.

The upgrades sprue (we assume it will be one new sprue in the kit) will give you a lot of extra options. Now you can have some more heavy support options as well as some giant CC weapons. Then, you also get some psychic options, so pretty cool overall.

Plus the wargear on these models matches up with the Legionnaires rules rumors for Chaos Space Marines that we have been seeing for their new codex.

With this and the other new releases, we hope to see even more Chaos soon! Or at least a new book before the end of the summer!  Either way the wait for both of these squads to release separately is on now!

This is the New Daemon Prince Kit For Chaos Space Marines!

Chaos Daemon Prince official GW imageThis is the section of the kit we saw last week, but the one kit will be able to make all kinds of variations!

Daemon Prince

This fearsome arch-fiend can be built in numerous ways, with different options to pay homage to each of the four dark gods, or Chaos Undivided! You’ll note that he bears some of the marks of his former existence as a Chaos Space Marine, now rippling and twisted into a horrifying new form.

Chaos Daemon Prince

Of course, this battlefield behemoth will have a datasheet to match his prowess. We aren’t quite ready to reveal that just yet, but you can bet your bottom credit that he’ll be a match for the best the Dark Millennium has to offer.Daemon Prince 2

This massive, evil-eye-popping miniature – if you can even call it a “miniature” – won’t be out for a while yet. We’ll certainly have more information on what this fantastic fiend can do in due course, however. Incredibly, he’s part of a dual kit – you’re also able to build the Daemon Prince for Warhammer Age of Sigmar, albeit with very different accessories.

New 40k Chaos Space Marines Models & Cultists Miniatures

New Chaos Space Marines Possessed

chaos possessed

Whether you’re a devout Word Bearer eager to share your body with a creature of the warp, an unfortunate victim of your Legion’s Master of Possession, or simply want to field a spectacular squad of devastating daemonkin, these warped and mutated creatures will fit into any force from the new codex.

New Chaos Preview


New Chaos Preview

Heavy-hitting half-daemons offer some monstrous melee power, making them a great way to back up a gathered mob of Cultists. Fortunately, there’s a new box of miniatures on the way to represent those motley mortals foolish or ambitious enough to throw in their lot with the Dark Gods.

New Chaos PreviewFirst up are a totally new kit for the Possessed that is scaled up to 40mm bases and stands shoulder to shoulder with a Primaris in Gravis armor. The kit looks like there will be many bits, and they even mention it is a big, multi-part kit.

New Cultists

Chaos cultists 2Next up, the Cultists are grabbing a new standard troop kit that honestly looks pretty sweet. They don’t mention how multi-part they are.

Chaos cultists

Vile abominations or blasphemous zealots – can’t decide? Why not both? The new Accursed Cultists represent the insane variety (and varied insanity) that overcomes mortal followers of the Traitor Legions, with a frenzied array of misshapen Mutants.

Accursed Cultists Mutants

Chaos Accursed mutants

These gaggles of unholy heretic are accompanied on the battlefield by the horribly warped Torments – twisted beyond recognisability by dark rituals and daemonic influence, these abominations lurch forward to pounce on their enemies with a bestial hunger.

New Chaos PreviewHowever, this isn’t everything cultists are getting. Next up are the Accursed Cultists Mutants, who have begun mutating with the dark warp energies.

They have been a part of the IP for a while, but it’s nice to see them grab models. Also, they mention they will be horde style, so we expect them to be quite cheap but have some nice strength.

Accursed Cultists Torments

accursed cultists

These grosteque guys lend a classic Lost and Damned feeling to any army of Traitoris Astartes – and they’ll be a welcome addition for any Chaos Lord who enjoys commanding a Cultist-heavy horde of mortal rabble, whether it’s an Alpha Legion rebel cell or the indentured helots of the Iron Warriors.

New Chaos PreviewBut wait, there is more for the cultists!!!! These Torments actually go along with the models above in a big unit. One of these can rip apart some Space Marines, so these actually give you some punch to the army.

New Chaos Cult Leaders, The Dark Commune

Chaos Dark Commune

This squad is the festering heart of any Chaos cult, and offers a profane platter of prayers and powers. The priestly Cult Demagogue leads the congregation, accompanied by the psychic Mindwitch and inspiring Iconrach, all guarded by two Blessed Blades, whose sword skills keep unbelievers at bay.

New Chaos PreviewThe new HQ choice and the leaders of your cultist insurrection is the Dark Commune. You get a psyker, banner, two bodyguards (Blessed Blades), and the Cult leader.

New World Eaters Codex Officially Announced For Warhammer 40k

Games Workshop has confirmed that they have totally taken them out of the Chaos codex, meaning they will be having a new set of miniatures with new Khorne Berzerkers, and they said a few surprises as well!

Earlier today we saw some major reinforcements that the Heretic Astartes are getting alongside their new codex. But while this heretical tome is certainly fuelled by hate and driven by vengeance, it isn’t quite as angry as you might expect – one Legion is conspicuous in its absence.

World Eaters 2They also mentioned that they would get rules in White Dwarf as a holdover until they get their own book.

World Eaters

Khorne Berzerkers can’t go anywhere without their roaring chainaxes, and they’ll be using these heinous hatchets to chop their way through everything the 41st Millennium has to offer.

That’s not all – the codex will contain old favorites, dark legends, and some things that you’ve never seen before… We’ll be bringing you more updates on Codex: World Eaters and these murderous new miniatures over the next few months on Warhammer Community – so you can follow the Eightfold Path right up to release.

It looks like all the rumors we’ve seen about them getting their own book are true! This also means that Emperor’s Children even has a big chance of getting their own codex book down the road as well!

Chaos Knights Abominant 

The Abominant has everything you could want in a Chaos Knight – tusks, a volkite combustor to devastate distant enemies, an electroscourge to crush anything that gets too close, AND it’s a psyker. Yes, a Knight that has psychic powers! And that gun is a nod to classic Heresy-era weaponry, which their Imperial counterparts have all but lost.

The first miniature up is the upgrade kit to make a Knight Abominant, which will actually be a psyker. It covers most of the things from the Adepticon 2022 preview video, so don’t expect too much else from them. One thing to note here though, is all the current Questors, and Dominus Knights currently go for $170, so we’re not sure what the upgrade sprue will push it to when it releases separately…

Chaos Knight War Dog Karnivore


Armed with a reaper chaintalon and slaughterclaw, the Karnivore can tear its way through anything from Dreadnoughts to Trygons.

Be careful not to upset the Karnivore, or you’ll have to face its bigger brother – the Abominant! 

Next up is the Karnivore, which is fully geared up for close combat.

Lastly, we have the two new codex books, with as of right now, the Chaos one has not yet been released…

Adeptus Custodes & Genestealer Cults Combat Patrol Box Sets

Adeptus Custodes Combat Patrol


GSC Combat Patrol

Following on from the events of Shadow Throne, the perfidious Genestealer Cultists and the Talons of the Emperor are mustering Combat Patrols to continue their respective missions across the Imperium. You’ll be able to prepare for these campaigns with Codex: Adeptus Custodes and Codex: Genestealer Cults, which are both packed full of thematic rules like devastating crossfire, and peerless battle stances.

The Adeptus Custodes combat patrol box is interesting in the fact of how many Sisters of Silence you get. We thought they would do one more focused on other troops, but hey, if you want Sisters of Silence, this is a great box. With 32 minis inside the Genestealer Cults combat patrol that one has a lot of minis and a decent mixture of units.

They still have not released yet…

Chaos Space Marines Combat Patrol Contents Revealed!

Chaos Combat Patrol

At Warhammer Fest, we gave you a preview of what’s on the horizon for the Heretic Astartes. Spikes, gnarly mutations, and ornate trim as far as the eye can see are the order of the day – and the upcoming Combat Patrol: Chaos Space Marines delivers all three in spades.

Just from looking at the box, there are a decent number of minis inside and if the price stays the same as usual, this could be a decent value. We really don’t see how they could raise the price again, but we won’t put it past them. Here are the contents:

  • 10 Legionaries
  • Dark Apostle and Disciples
  • 5 Havocs
  • Hellbrute

RUMORS: Space Hulk & 40k Squats In One Box?

On April 1st, 2022, (KEEP IN MIND THATS APRIL FOOLS DAY) Games Workshop released the following video that has a tiny surprise at the end…

a short announcement

With the galaxy split in twain, and Xenos threats and the forces of Chaos in the ascendant, a new power rises:

Could it really mean the return of the Squats? Well, yes apparently, as they tried to pull the old double bluff on us!

GW Confirms New 40k Squats aka the Leagues of Votann


April Fool’s joke? The Leagues of Votann don’t do jokes! Or probably April for that matter…
40k Squats
Yes, they’re really real. In an April Fools double-bluff that had Tzeentch himself scratching his feathered head, Humanity’s long-lost cousins actually are making their return to the 41st Millennium as a full Warhammer 40,000 faction.
The model itself is really sweet and honestly, the name change is probably a good thing as it just sounds cool. But we won’t mind if you call them by their OG name!
40k Squats 2

These warriors have a long and proud martial history, and to those who aren’t on their bad side, they’re known as the Leagues of Votann – though they refer to themselves as Kin.

Although their civilisation shares common roots with Humanity, the Leagues of Votann have an uneasy relationship with the Imperium of Man. Unlike their superstitious Human cousins, the Leagues emerged from the Age of Strife with far more of their ancient technology intact, including some infamous advances the Imperium would consider extremely heretical.

This is a cool idea in terms of weaponry as well. It looks like you just won’t have shorter Guardsmen with Lasguns or something like that. Let’s just hope they have some really cool weapons!

40k Squats 3

Their knack for science and a headstrong nature make for skilled warriors backed up by reliable weaponry, as you can see from even this basic trooper. And while there’s no love lost between the Leagues of Votann and Humankind, the resurgence of Chaos and ascendent xenos hordes mean there are usually more pressing concerns than fighting each other.

Lastly, they say it will be a few months before we see them, but we’re sure there will be teasers and lore galore in the meantime!

New Leagues of Votann Squats Trike Hernkyn Pioneer

We’ve seen a few models for the Leagues of Votann, and we wished for more! Well, this is a totally different style than we’ve seen, and pretty cool for sure with the retro vibes!

Leagues of Votann New Squats 1

You’ve heard of flying pigs – well, what about a flying hog? For anyone who hasn’t been following the Leagues since parachute pants and giant shoulder pads were in fashion,* here’s the kind of trike the Kin were riding around in the 1980s.

Leagues of Votann New Squats 1

Leagues of Votann 4

Though the old Squat Trikes were noticeably less airborne, you can see a number of key design cues that carried over to the Hernkyn Pioneer… as well as a few places where the technology of the Leagues of Votann has clearly diverged from the Imperium. There’s no mistaking this for a Space Marine bike!

Overall, this is a pretty sweet model overall, and it’s cool to see them keep with that old Squats trike miniatures aesthetic for the new Leagues of Votann.


Leagues of Votann 3

And check out the tough-and-testy triker holding the handlebars of the Hernkyn Pioneer! It’s our first look at a female Kin, clad in a coat and goggles worthy of any aviating outrider. In the Leagues of Votann, when the clan-family calls, everyone answers.

Leagues of Votann New Squats 1We’re all for Squats, so any miniature or vehicle kit previewed for them is exactly what we want to see!

Free 40k Points & Big Changes Another New Chapter Approved

Chapter Approved

The biggest change for the coming season is the way that Command points work. Armies will start each game with around half as many points as before, so you’ll have to be more cunning with how you use them – it’s far riskier to spend all your CP on a devastating turn one combo. 

However, you’ll also gain extra CP with each battle round, so it’ll be easier to react to your opponent’s dastardly schemes in later turns as the game progresses.

Hopefully, this is a really interesting change as it seems like, it will cut down on the alpha strike lists, but we’ll have to wait and see.

Chapter Approved 2

The book includes secondary objectives for each army in the game, which have been rewritten and balanced against each other. Some are now harder to score, some are easier – and some are completely new. There are even bespoke secondary objectives for armies whose new codexes aren’t out yet, such as Chaos Daemons and Astra Militarum.

This is a good addition because it will may let the non-codex armies actually be competitive, which we are sure a lot of players can appreciate!

Chapter Approved 3

That’s because points updates will be free as of this new season of Warhammer 40,000! You’ll be able to get them in Warhammer 40,000: The App and right here on the Warhammer Community website.

You know we’re never going to complain about free points!

Necromunda banner

Necromunda: Ash Wastes Cargo-8 Ridgehauler

And now the big reveal, behold the Necromunda: Ash Wastes Cargo-8 Ridgehauler!


So why head outside at all? Simple – there’s plunder to be had. The surface of Necromunda is criss-crossed with trade routes between all the various hives, spaceports, bastions, and trade centres. Goods from the hive manufactories are ferried across the poisoned wastes on great land trains. There’s money to be made from protecting the Guild of Coin’s Cargo-8 Ridgehaulers, which are juicy targets both for the nomadic denizens of the Ash Wastes and for gangs of underhive bandits.


Ridgehauler 2This could make for some super fun raids and we can only imagine how important the cargo inside is to take this risk! Plus, the kit just looks really fun!

Ridgehauler 3

Yes, that is a Munitorum Armoured Container in the back. And yes, there are rules for upgrades, armaments, and various common cargos. In fact, this is just the cab – Ridgehaulers are highly customisable, and can be fitted out with up to four trailers bristling with heavy weaponry, extra armour, and other defensive boondoggles to your gang’s own specifications (and the depth of its pockets). You can build your own custom train!

It would be awesome to see one of these with four trailers and a whole gang trying to take it out and plunder everything!

Ridgehauler 4

Crucially, Ridgehaulers are owned and operated by the Guild of Coin – those are their hoodlums manning the gun turrets, who must be hired as specialist drivers and crew. However, any gang can hire them – except Ash Waste Nomads, who prefer to rob them than ride them. And as the campaign proceeds, you can trick your Ridgehauler further with things like nitro burners, all-wheel steering, crash cages, and lots and lots of guns. 

That’s cool every gang can take them, the only downside is GW mentioned the coming months when talking about the kit. so this might still be quite a way off from hitting shelves…

Necromunda Roadmap

necromunda roadmap

This toxic, rad-scoured landscape is too expansive to fit into a single book. In fact, the wastes are so vast we’re introducing them with a massive new boxed set, which will be followed soon after by a whole series of books exploring the factions that battle across the wastes. 

New Divergent Ironhead Squats Prospectors Coming to Necromunda!

Yes, you wait 30 years for the return of the Squats, and then they all come back at once! These are the Ironhead Squat Prospectors – tough and resourceful miners out in the ash wastes who are more than capable of defending themselves from anyone that tries to take the treasures they dig up.

Ironhead Squat ProspectorsIt looks like Squats are taking over all the aspects of the 40k universe, and these are divergent cousins of the Leagues of Votann kin!

Ironhead Squat Prospectors


Ironhead Squat Prospectors

The gang comes loaded with cool kit from boltguns to heavy stubbers, and they’re not afraid to use mining equipment like stone burners and power hammers in a fight either.

Ironhead Squat ProspectorsThey say they will be slow but super tough, good at shooting, and have great tech!

Ironhead Squat ProspectorsThese really harken back to the days of old, which is just awesome for anyone who really has that hard-hitting Squat nostalgia.

Ironhead Squat ProspectorsWhen the Imperium went through its rebuilding was Necromunda, Squats settled there, and guess what? They are still there kicking butt and searching for treasure. They are actually quite distant cousins, supposedly from the Leagues of Votann. So we’re not sure how they will work together, or if they are just totally something their own.

They mention they are super far apart, so we doubt they can be used in Warhammer 40k with rules. But then, they say they have some shared heritage, so who knows?

Book of the Outlands

book of the outlandsThere will be a new book coming along with the Ash Wastes and a ton of lore plus tons of new rules for campaigns out in the dusty wastes.

Necromunda: Ash Wastes Nomad Stormcaller Revealed!


In the ash-choked wilderness of Necromunda, visibility is everything. When your gang’s been hired to guard a Merchant Guild caravan, there are countless very real threats lurking just out of sight – so when a storm closes in and you hide your attackers from view, you’re going to need more than photogoggles and the headlights of your tricked-out dune buggy.

With a little less tech, hit and run tactics might be a hallmark of the nomads, and judging by the hints, evasive rules might help them to stand up and take over things like caravans in the wastes.

Stormcaller details

These shamanic warriors are practically born in the saddle of the terrifying Dustback Helamites they ride, leading war parties from the deep wastes to pillage great convoys of Cargo-8 Ridgehaulers and the hapless underhivers paid to protect them. Ash Waste Nomads work best with the element of surprise, and can learn the art of seeing through a dust storm* – so as the thickest clouds roll in, the Stormcallers begin the killing.

Furthermore, we know that this is a master Dusback Rider, so maybe there will be some speed bonus to show that skill off.

Stormcaller art

Are the Stormcallers psykers? Sorcerers? Really good at guessing the weather? No one can say for sure – and they’re not going to hang around outdoors long enough to find out.

Still, their meteorological mastery might have something to do with the stormcaller staves many of them wield. Like much else on Necromunda that’s been left in forgotten garbage dumps from an earlier age, these staves have all the hallmarks of archeotech. They also work quite nicely for whacking storm-dazed underhivers from the saddle of your Helamite as you bound past.

All-in-all it makes sense that these mysterious Stormcallers are good at what they do, after all a huge portion of their lore and lives are surely surviving in the wastes where others could not.

No word yet on if this can be made from the plastic kit, or if it will be a Forge World character like Vespa ‘Minx’ Merdena below!

Necromunda Ash Wastes Vespa ‘Minx’ Merdena

Vespa Merderna

But now there’s a new head of hair in town, and this one has more volume than a Goliath karaoke night. Vespa ‘Minx’ Merdena is the (joint) youngest of Slate Merdena’s dozen children, a wild child with a taste for violence and an eye for style.

Alongside her driver, Big Pete Plainsman (who sports his own magnificent beard), Vespa is the latest of the Dramatis Personae to come to Necromunda – and the first on wheels. Riding a beefed-up Orlock Quad, the two operate out of Cinderak City as guns-for-hire, protecting the Mercator Gelt convoys that radiate out of this great urban hub.

Honestly, this is a pretty cool mini and she has a belt-fed rocket launcher, so… What more could you want! Plus, with them being guns for hire, they will be super fun to use in the Ash Wastes!

Vespa Merderna 2

Vespa wields Mischief, a belt-fed rocket launcher which can Rapid Fire frag and krak rockets – suspiciously well-suited to putting a serious dent into the side of any Cargo-8 Ridgehauler she may come across in the wastes. And with a BS of 3+ and the Trick Shot skill, she’s going to be nailing targets much more often than not – unless she gets hair in her eyes.

With some good BS and rules, they might be picked up by a lot of people as you might need a lot of armor penetration in the new version of the game!

40k kill team banner

New Kill Team Moroch Traitor Guard vs Vanguard Space Marines!

Moroch Killteam

This will be set up like a lot of the most recent boxes, where there is one entirely new set and one upgrade sprue for an existing kit.

This time the Renegade Traitor Guard will grab the entirely new set, and the Phobos Space Marines get the upgrade sprue.

Moroch Killteam

Moroch Killteam 2There will be a decent amount of terrain inside and some quite big pieces that are properly line of sight blocking.

Moroch Killteam 3


Moroch Killteam


Moroch KillteamWe’ve seen two of the minis before (Ogryn and Commissar), but the rest of the Guardsmen will be entirely new! They actually look really cool, and it looks like there will be plenty of amazing options inside.

They also say the kit will be super flexible, meaning you can make all kinds of options.


Moroch KillteamThese are like the kit out there already, but the kit will come with one extra sprue. Just beware, this often raises the price of the kit,.

Moroch Killteam 5


Moroch KillteamThese seem to be some of the bits you’ll get in addition to the normal sprue.

warhammer exclusives wal new releases pre order

Exclusive Primaris Company Champion

Warhammer Community announced the new models along with some of the events you can get them at, such as AdeptiCon coming up. Let’s check out the minis you can score in 2022!

exclusive Minis

For Warhammer 40,000 comes the sword-swinging Primaris Company Champion. These formidable warriors of the Adeptus Astartes defend their chapter’s honour on the battlefield, armed with a devastating master-crafted power sword and skills honed over countless duels.

exclusive Minis 2

The Primaris Company Champion even has an entirely new datasheet for use in Legends games of Warhammer 40,000, loaded with three deadly Blade Stances. You can also use him in other games, perhaps as a particularly cool squad leader, or even the Emperor’s Champion.

While this exclusive Space Marines Primaris company champion doesn’t have a set role in regular 40k games, it would make for a ton of really cool proxies, and since it’s a GW product, nobody can hassle you for it. It’s an interesting mini but not the wildest thing we’ve ever seen.

You’ll be able to acquire these miniatures at Warhammer events throughout 2022 – such as AdeptiCon, which is taking place from the 23rd to the 27th of March in Schaumburg, Illinois.

If you’re going to the event and want either, better to pick it up there instead of trying to fight for it on the secondary market.

Exclusive Swampcalla Shaman

exclusive Minis 3

For Warhammer Age of Sigmar, meet Mugruk Da Watcha! This Swampcalla Shaman believes he’s found a new way of observing the battlefield using a special seeing-eye rock, but it’s really nothing more than a neat hat.

exclusive Minis 4

Wearing a blindfold won’t keep this malodorous mage from getting stuck in with a bogbark staff and he’s brewing up a bevy of elixirs to empower the venom-tipped weapons of his fellow Kruleboyz. Mugruk isn’t accompanied by a pot grot, but he can still jab at foes with his own backup stabba.

Exclusive Inquisitor Erasmus Cartavolnus

You can grab the new exclusive Inquisitor and Gutrippa Boss minis this year at Games Workshop store anniversary events!

 Click to get yours on Amazon or eBay

new exclusive inquisitor

The Ordo Malleus is dedicated to hunting and exterminating daemons wherever they appear, and Erasmus Cartavolnus has been doing it for over 300 years. Despite his advanced age, this zealous Inquisitor still strides the battlefield in search of daemonic quarry, and his knowledge of binding rituals is second to none.

This is honestly pretty cool with the huge flame exploding from the book and giant sword. While the pose itself isn’t super dynamic, all the extra pieces of flair make up for it. We’ll have to see if they come up with any rules for him, but probably not.   Still, he would be a cool Inquisitor to add to your forces.

GW Exclusive Gutrippa Boss Haggok

Gutrippa Boss

It takes a wily creature to command the respect of a Kruleboyz Gutrippa mob, and Haggok is always on the lookout for his latest would-be usurper to pre-emptively run through. With a (mostly) tame vulture keeping its beady eyes open for incoming threats, Haggok has time to relax a little and survey the battlefield, leaning casually on his skareshield. He fits in perfectly with your existing Gutrippa warbands, and as a unit leader, he has a more refined air than your average Kruleboy can muster.

It’s nice at least this year to see something other than Necrons or Space Marines get the minis! He’s not the most exciting model, but still pretty cool. If for nothing other than the vulture! We also saw Gutrippa Boss Haggok a long time ago as he was hidden in plain sight and in a rumor engine (or two).

GW Previews New Miniatures Models for Warhammer+ Plus

If you want to see the sneak peek of the minis, they come in around the 35-second mark.

Warhammer + new models


Warhammer + new models 2


warhammer plus models

A new year also means new subscriber-exclusive miniatures to come for year-long members. Did you catch them in the trailer? We’ll be showing them off in full later in the year. 

The first one, if you ask us, is much easier to tell as a Chaos character of some kind. Just look at how furrowed and evil his brow looks! Judging by the armor it also looks something like a Terminator to us. The second model is a bigger shot of the body, but it could honestly be a lot of different factions. We assume it will be for AoS, and it really looks like the most likely candidate is Ossiarch Bonereapers. The armor looks like it could be something for them and obviously, they love their quarterstaffs.

But that second shot of what we assume is its staff, is very Chaos looking…

First Set of  Minis for Warhammer+

Exclusive miniFirst up is the Vindicare Assassin, this looks like a 3D render, but that is only half right. While it is a prototype 3d print it’s an amazing diorama model for what hobbyists will get down the road. They basically have a year to nail it down. Still, this is honestly pretty sweet! Not sure what base size this will be on, but it will make a perfect centerpiece for you to really sink your teeth into and let your painting ambitions go crazy. This makes sense for a model as it can be used by so many factions, so any Imperial player can take advantage of it.

Exclusive mini 2An Orruk takes the spot for AoS. The mini looks pretty sweet, but the one thing that’s hard to tell is how big it is. They said the skull on the back is an Ogors and the skull in its hand is a Stormcast. So this is just going to be giant! The Choppa itself is probably bigger than some minis out there. Again though, you won’t get this mini until you are subscribed for a full 12 months.

New Warzone Nachmund: Rift War

Warzone Rift War


War Zone Nachmund: Rift War has all the lore and maps you’ll need to follow the conflict – plus tons of ways to spice up your games. Along with new Armies of Renown and a Codex Supplement, you’ll find a whole campaign system for running a War of Desperation in all modes of play. Using new alliance rules and Campaign Master’s Edicts, you and your friends can fight for control of three brutal War Zones, each with its own special rules and Legendary Mission. 

new horus heresy logo banner

Horus Heresy Starter Boxset Has Been Revealed!

It’s time to get excited! Even though we don’t have an exact release date, it’s a good time to be playing Horus Heresy for sure!

Horus Heresy Starter 2

This is a complete game for two players in a box that’s packed with incredible new miniatures. If you don’t feel like sharing, it’s a fantastic way to start or expand a new Warhammer: The Horus Heresy army! The miniatures are all plastic and much easier to build, making the game more accessible than ever before. (Who are we kidding, you’re not going to share it…)

Horus Heresy StarterWe’ve been waiting on this new Horus Heresy box for so long now, and seeing it finally confirmed by Games Workshop at Warhammer Fest is quite nice.

Horus Heresy Starter 3Getting this bad boy in plastic is going to be super awesome!


What else could you possibly need? A tank? A transport? Why not both? The Spartan is bristling with lascannon arrays and can transport up to 26 Space Marines in power armour. This is the first time this mighty tank has been available in a plastic kit.

Horus Heresy Starter

You also get templates, measuring sticks, dice, and the new rulebook for Warhammer: The Horus Heresy – which you’ll be able to buy separately soon after the boxed set is released. The rules have been updated and improved, perfect for a time of Titans, Primarchs, and Legions of superhuman warriors.

It wouldn’t be a proper starter without all this stuff! Plus, getting the templates is nice if you haven’t played before or haven’t played 40k since the age of templates.

You won’t have long to wait to get your hands on this unbelievably packed boxed set, and while we can’t reveal full details of pricing, we can confirm that the set will cost less than £200 or $300 (US) when it launches. That’s a lot of Beakies for your bucks…

While they don’t give us an exact release date, we can start guessing at the value! Check it out below.

Rumored Horus Heresy Starter Value

There are two big things to note first. We don’t know the prices of the individual kits 100%, so this is as close as we can get for now. Also just to note, these are all going to be priced in plastic, with estimated pricing compared to the latest price increases.

  • 40 Mark III Space Marines $220 ($55 for 10)
  • 10 Cataphractii Terminators $140 ($70 for 5)
  • Contemptor Dreadnought $70 (based on the Redemptor kit)
  • Characters $55 (based on the Space Marine Characters pack)
  • Spartan $110 (drop from resin based on the Repulsor Executioner price)
  • Rulebook and other potential accessories $50

Total MSRP: $645 not counting  accessories  Confirmed Box Price: <$300

Total Values versus box price: at least $345 in value

So while the initial price is a little higher than we had hoped (but expected), this has some great value, and you get more than 100% of the box price in value. Plus, you just get so many minis!

This will be a great pickup if you want to get into the game.

Horus Heresy Special Weapons Packs

It looks like the rumored bits we saw are all coming true and in plastic!

The Mark VI Tactical Squad is one of the most flexible kits ever. It’s the lynchpin of your army – which you need to claim objectives and win games, and with the addition of these new weapon upgrade kits, you can transform it into Legion Tactical Support Squads or Legion Heavy Support Squads to really bring the hurt.

Special Weapons Horus Heresy

The Special Weapons upgrade set contains 10 meltaguns, 10 plasma guns, 10 volkite calivers, 10 volkite chargers, 10 flamers, and 10 rotor cannons.

This is honestly a ton of weapons, and it’s so nice as you’ll actually be able to arm your squads with the weapons you want!

Special Weapons Horus Heresy 2

Need to kill your enemies from further away? There’s an upgrade kit containing 10 heavy bolters and 10 missile launchers.


Special Weapons Horus Heresy 3

Prefer fire, melta, and plasma weapons? There’s an upgrade kit for you! It features 10 plasma cannons, 10 heavy flamers, and 10 multi-meltas.

Getting 10 of each is just so much better than worrying about what you’re arming each model with. Let’s just hope they are easy to magnetize.


Special Weapons Horus Heresy 4

Finally, there’s an upgrade kit with 10 volkite culverins, 10 lascannons, and 10 autocannons.

New Horus Heresy Expansion Boxes & Rulebooks Unveiled!

Horus Heresy Starter

First up are the two Legiones Astartes army books – one for Loyalists and one for the Traitors.* Each book includes the profiles for shared units, from heroic Praetors to armoured Contemptor Dreadnoughts, as well as weapons, special rules, and guides to building your Legiones Astartes army.

The Liber Hereticus contains rules for all nine Traitor Legions, including Rites of War, Primarchs, Legion-specific units and wargear. If you’re of a more Loyalist bent, the Liber Astartes contains the same for the nine Loyalist Legions.

If you’re playing the game, you’ll obviously have to get these rules for the legions.

MKVI Expansions

Got the rules but need some reinforcements? The Mark VI Tactical Squad will also be available separately. This kit is packed with options and makes 20 Space Marines, so you can muster either two 10-man squads or one big 20-man one. Good luck to any enemies who want to shift that.




Prefer older marks of power armour? The Mark III and Mark IV Tactical Squads are getting repackaged into units of 20, making it easier than ever before to fill out the ranks of your Legion.

New Characters

HH Characters

You’ll also be able to grab a pair of classic heroes to lead your forces into battle. Fans of the VI Legion and the XV Legion will want to pick up these plastic character miniatures. Geigor Fell-hand and Azhek Ahriman were both originally available in the Burning of Prospero boxed set, but this is the first time their models will be available separately – and both heroes will have rules in their respective Liber Astartes books.

Plastic Kratos Heavy Assault Tank

We saw rumors, and some leaks of this quite some time ago, but it’s good to see the Plastic Kratos Heavy Assault Tank is coming out for sure!

Kratos Heavy tank

Eagle-eyed viewers of the stirring trailer for Warhammer: The Horus Heresy will have noticed something new for the Age of Darkness. If you were one of those people, award yourself five hobby points because you spotted the Kratos Heavy Assault Tank.

Kratos Heavy tankThis tank is pretty awesome, and it has plenty of firepower to boot. Plus, it looks like it will be super fun to hobby on!

Kratos Heavy tank 2

In terms of hitting power, the Kratos sits between the Sicarian and Fellblade, armed with a massive battlecannon, a volkite cardanelle, or a melta blast-gun – in other words, your choice of huge weapon to kill whichever type of unit might give the rest of your army problems. But what do these three new guns do?

Plastic Kratos Heavy Assault Tank Horus Heresy Rules

Kratos rules

First up, the Kratos battlecannon offers a choice of shells. Need to kill a lot of enemy troops in one shot? Go for the high-explosive shells. Want to take out more heavily-armoured threats? Load in the armour-piercing ammo. Facing a massive enemy tank? See how it likes the taste of flashburn.

Kratos rules 2

If you’re happy to trade flexibility for sheer firepower, the melta blast-gun will give your tank a more specialised role – it makes the Kratos the bane of enemy tanks and transports.

Kratos rules 3

Alternatively, if you want to chew through massed ranks of enemy infantry, you can go with the volkite cardanelle. This giant heat ray will merrily melt the flesh from their lightly-armoured bones.

We hadn’t seen the weapons quite yet, so this is awesome! However, we’ve also seen rumored rules for the overall profile below!

kratos battle tank horus heresy rules.jpg

You can see the guns are the same as they showed rules for, so we’d say these are pretty legit. One other thing to note, you have to pay for the third type of shell on the main cannon.

Deimos-Pattern Rhino (Mk1)

The Deimos-pattern Rhino was a common sight on the battlefields of the Age of Darkness, and a new plastic kit is on the way for this legendary vehicle.

Deimos Pattern Rhino

Hot on the heels of the RTB01-esque Mark VI Space Marines comes the classic look of the Deimos-pattern Rhino. It will be easier than ever before to roll out a fully mechanised army for Warhammer: The Horus Heresy.

RhinoFinally having this kit in plastic is just awesome! Plus, who doesn’t want more trusty Rhinos hanging around?


You’ll notice that the plastic Deimos-pattern Rhino shares design cues with the Sisters of Battle Rhino, and you’d be perfectly within your rights to drive it around in Warhammer 40,000 – after all, a number of these venerable workhorses survived until the 41st Millennium. 

Deimos Pattern Rhino 2

The kit comes with loads of options, including pintle-mounted weapons and wargear. The Rhino can be taken by any Legion, making it one of the best ways to get around whether you’re a Loyalist or a Traitor.* It’s similar (but not identical) to the Deimos-pattern Rhino from Forge World, and it will sit perfectly alongside your existing collection.

Horus Heresy Plastic Sicaran Kit Confirmed by GW!

Originally designed by Roboute Guilliman and Ferrus Manus, the Sicaran featured elements from a number of STCs to create a high-speed destroyer tank to complement the Predator and Land Raider. Thanks to its incredible speed, it can outflank slower vehicles and bring its accelerator autocannon to bear on the weaker side and rear armour of enemy war machines.

SicaranThe new kit is pretty sweet with, seemingly, a lot of fixes to the resin build. Most notably, the tracks. Plus, this has always been an awesome kit, but now that it’s in plastic, you should have a better hobby experience than before!


Sicaran 2

Beyond the giant autocannon, this new plastic kit comes with more weapons than you can shake a stick at. You can choose from heavy bolters, lascannons, heavy flamers, or volkite culverins as sponson weapons, and there is a choice of combi-weapons, a havoc launcher, a multi-melta, a heavy bolter, or a heavy flamer as a pintle-mounted weapon.

Hopefully, these will all be easily magnetized as well because, with all the options, you want to use them! The good thing is most time tanks are easy to future-proof, so we have high hopes for this one.

Liber Astartes & More New Horus Heresy 2.0 Rules Leaks

new horus heresy logo banner

Seems like the red books may be getting replaced with this new style-book, the first apparently dubbed the Liber Astartes.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Horus Heresy Rules & Product Leaks. Click on the gallery above to see new Horus Heresy models and rules rumors!


Horus Heresy All-Plastic Legion Tactical Squad Revealed!

Let’s hope they release some of the beakies just on their own because so many people love to build their marines with them, as you should!

horus heresy plastic legion


horus heresy plastic legion 2

Long-time Warhammer fans will notice echoes of the original plastic Space Marine kit, the legendary RTB01 box. Released in 1987, that set was similarly full of posable Mark VI Corvus Armour. The Legionaries in the new kit are larger, more imposing, and less bow-legged, but they have that same versatility – and the same option to strap a great big chainblade to the barrel of their gun for an extra dose of marine-on-marine ultraviolence.

Form the looks of it, you’ll get a lot of options in the kit and be able to build them for either side.

horus heresy plastic legion 3


horus heresy plastic legion 4

This is an incredibly versatile kit, with plenty of options for posing and gear. This is a Legion Tactical Squad, so it’s (old-style) bolters and bayonets for everyone, though the Sergeant gets a plasma pistol and a choice of power sword, power fist, or lightning claw.

They are honestly, just so cool! Plus, we just haven’t seen a really big release for HH in a while now, so that alone makes this exciting.

Horus Heresy Beaks 4

Horus Heresy Beaks 3


Horus Heresy Beaks 2

The Tactical Squad has more than weapons to play with – the kit also includes optional wargear such as a Legion vexilla (the fancy back banner you spotted in the trailer), a nuncio-vox (for keeping in touch with command), and an augury scanner (to help intercept sneakier foes), as well as packs of meltabombs, frag grenades, and krak grenades.

With them all being plastic, it really opens the possibilities for great conversions as well. Plus, with all this revealed, they have more or less just confirmed the rumored starter set below is exactly what we thought.

New Horus Heresy Plastic Praetor Revealed By GW!

Did you catch the gripping Praetor-on-Praetor battle royale in the cinematic trailer for Warhammer: The Horus Heresy? Well, we saw the glorious miniature for one of these Astartes officers at AdeptiCon, and now we’re ready to meet a second new plastic Praetor – this time in Mark VI Artificer Armour.

Praetor Horus Heresy

Praetors were the mightiest warriors and battle-leaders of the Space Marine Legions. They commanded the war hosts of the Great Crusade and held the power of life and death in their hands. Such inspiring heroism requires a suitably imposing miniature…

…and this new plastic Praetor perfectly captures the majesty of these legendary commanders.

This is a pretty cool mini! It captures that old-school feel with a ton of great detail, even though it might be a little static.

Praetor Horus Heresy 2

The Praetor is armed with a master-crafted volkite charger to burn through massed infantry and a potent power weapon (which can alternately be used as a paragon blade) to slice through any enemy warriors. Meanwhile, his artificer armour and forcefield-projecting iron halo keep him safe from incoming fire. His cape offers no such battlefield benefits, but it is both fashionable and practical, should he ever find himself needing to look cool on a windswept rocky outcrop.

It looks like you’ll get an extra head, but we’re not sure how many other options you’ll get. If you look close at the center of the start set image above it seems like that version of the model has a different head as well!

Sons of Horus Praetor

Horus Heresy New Minis 2

The Praetors are some of the first kits moving to plastic, making the game more approachable than ever before. If you’re a fan of the lore or the Horus Heresy series from Black Library, but you’re not so familiar with advanced resin kits, this is the edition of the game you’ve been waiting for. Both miniatures will be in the launch set for the new edition, on which we’ll have more details coming very soon…

Next up is the Praetor, who is pretty badass honestly. However, it looks a lot like the mini in the rumored starter pics too from the side, fighting the Imperial fists painted one!

New Horus Heresy Plastic Land Raider Spartan Tank

The mighty Land Raider is a design that has stood the test of time ever since Arkhan Land dug it out of the catacombs on Mars – but what’s a Legion Praetor to do when their prized Terminator squads can’t quite squeeze into its armoured hold? They reach for the Spartan Assault Tank – and now, with a stunning new plastic kit, you can too. 

Land Raider spartan

Also known as the Land Raider Spartan, this armoured carrier was designed* to punch through the most overwhelming enemy defences and deliver a knock-out blow of massed Astartes infantry.

It looks a lot like you would expect, but that look is timeless and awesome! The best part though? It’s plastic!

Land Raider spartan 2

When not carting Space Marines about, the Spartan is also an effective vehicle-killer in its own right, armed with a whopping eight lascannons. Grouped into two quad-linked arrays, these lay down accurate bursts of firepower strong enough to crack open any enemy hull.

You can even swap out the heavy bolter for two more lascannons! So if you need to punch through enemy armor, this should be able to do the trick with 10, that’s right, 10 lascannons! Then, the gunner can have a ton of options as well, so plenty to choose from.

Land Raider spartan 3

It became a common assault vehicle during the Great Crusade, where its nigh-impervious chassis could shrug off regular anti-tank weapons as it ferried up to 26 Legionaries – or 13 Terminators – into the fray, with a surprising turn of speed for its size.

The new Land Raider Spartan has plenty of carrying capacity, and when you drop 13 Terminators on the enemy, you know their day is about to go badly.

New Horus Heresy Plastic Contemptor Dreadnought Revealed!

Hot on the heels of the Spartan, Games Workshop officially revealed the Plastic Horus Heresy Contemptor Dreadnought, and it looks great!


plastic contemptor dread

If you like the idea of a fallen hero of your Legion marching imperiously into battle, small-arms fire bouncing harmlessly off its armour and atomantic force field, to crush all who oppose them in glorious combat, then you’re going to love the new Contemptor Dreadnought.

Not to mention by the looks of it, this could easily be any legion with the right paint job. There’s no built-in iconography, making this a super flexible kit.

Not only is it a hardy unit on the battlefield, but it’s also brutally powerful both at range and in melee – after all, it’s essentially a massive Space Marine! What’s more, the new multipart plastic kit includes a wealth of devastating weapon options.

There’s also the big benefit of assembly, resin does have a few extra steps in assembly, while plastic just simply doesn’t!

The Contemptor’s right arm can take ballistic weapons in the form of a bolt cannon or autocannon, or a tank-busting melta cannon or lascannon. Meanwhile, the mighty left-hand power fist can be equipped with a built-in combi-bolter, heavy flamer, plasma blaster, or meltagun. And if you fancy adding some high explosives to your walking arsenal, you can even outfit your Contemptor with a carapace-mounted havoc launcher!

A good assortment of weapons will make this new kit one with a ton of flexibility, just like the old resin Forge World model.

In short, this is a fantastic release! One of the best and most popular Forgeworld kits, the Contemptor Dread even saw some play in 40k, so this is a huge release!

Ka’Bandha is Finally Getting a Warhammer Miniature

Ka’Bandha, is getting a “miniature” release as one of the biggest Chaos Horus Heresy character sets from Forge World!

New Horus Heresy Ka’Bandha Miniature

The newest addition to the Horus Heresy character series will be one of the most infamous names of the saga, Ka’Bandha. Sanguinius and Ka’Bandha fought almost to the death on more than one occasion, and while Ka’Bandha’s rules have been released for a few years now, we have yet to see a dedicated model for him.

Ka’Bandha 2

Ka’Bandha 2

Needless to say, we’re impressed. He is covered in Khornate imagery and icons, and he stands over the broken body of a Blood Angels legionary.

Ka’Bandha revels in the slaughter and has added mountains of skulls to Khorne’s domain from the early days of the Horus Heresy to the twilight of the 41st Millennium. He cuts a fearsome figure on the battlefield, resplendent in detailed daemonic armour, and is by far the largest Forge World Character Series model released so far.

Horus Heresy Lucius


The Emperor’s Children are renowned for their pursuit of perfection, especially the arts of war, but one stands head and shoulders above the rest. That man is Lucius, known in the 31st Millennium as the Faultless Blade, and now he’s coming to etch his razor-sharp signature on the battlefields of the Horus Heresy.

This ambitious captain began to earn a name for himself in the latter years of the Great Crusade, gaining a reputation for excellence in personal combat, and for his arrogant, self-serving attitude. As his desire for perfection reached the point of obsession, Lucius fought solely for his own satisfaction, and he even came to welcome the Horus Heresy as an opportunity to test himself against the cream of other Legions.

It’s Lucius, the not-yet eternal! The model itself is really cool, while it’s not the most insane thing ever, it does really capture the feel of the lore and shows off what he’s all about. They also mention his dueling prowess, so hopefully, he’ll be able to cut down plenty of other characters! 

Marduk Sedras

Horus Heresy Thursday

Sedras is one of the Dreadwing – a corps dedicated to the total annihilation of enemies, cultures, and even planets with terrifying weaponry – and one of the oldest Space Marines alive. He is a veteran of the Unification Wars who fought in the presence of the Emperor Himself, and inspires excellence in all Dark Angels who march under his banner.

This is a really cool model lore-wise and you actually get to play with a model that fought in the presence of the Emperor! This is a pretty cool little addition to the line. On top of that, they mention he will be plastic, so that means even most characters and heroes will all be plastic!

Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

Click Gallery below for full-size images.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should keep an eye out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

What is your favorite upcoming release? Which of these will you be picking up?

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