GW’s New Warhammer & 40k Releases Roadmap For October

gw-rumors-and-new-releasesHere is the latest Games Workshop new releases roadmap featuring tons of minis for most of the Warhammer and 40k games on the way!

The new Games Workshop releases roadmap is back and more loaded than ever. We’re not joking, either; we mean loaded. There are a ton of miniatures on the way for all of Warhammer!

Be sure to check out all the other previews for 2023 from Games Workshop below for Age of Sigmar, Horus Heresy, and, of course, Warhammer 40k as well:

GW’s New Warhammer & 40k Releases Roadmap For October

Table of Contents & Article Summary

aos banner age of sigmar logo


The Blacktalons Come to Life in the Age of Sigmar With New Models!

Blacktalons Age of Sigmar Models

These heroes were immortalised in the Warhammer+ show Blacktalon – and soon you will be able to dispatch them on perilous missions of your own devising with cool new models.

Neave Blacktalon is the leader, a force of nature who wields her Whirlwind axes and can ride the winds aetheric at great speed. Her long campaigns in Aqshy and Ghyran have made this Knight-Zephyros a legend, though the toll of reforging has reduced her to little more than a living weapon. 

All the models are really cool, and if you play Stormcast or love the animation, then this will be an easy pickup.

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New Cities of Sigmar Models & Miniatures Individual Releases

New Cities of Sigmar Models 9

Pontifex Zenestra is the Matriarch of the Great Wheel, one of the many Cults Unberogen who worship aspects of the God-King Sigmar. Allegedly a great-grandmother at the dawn of the Age of Sigmar, she brooks no questions about the accompanying skeleton whose scars mirror her own.

New Cities of Sigmar Models 11Read More Here!

Freeguild Command Corps

New Cities of Sigmar Models 13Some very interesting minis are included in this command set, and if you want some wild doom and gloom in your army, these will be great.

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Freeguild Cavalier-Marshal

New Cities of Sigmar Models 16

Some Marshals prefer to command their armies from atop mighty steeds, charging into battle alongside the Freeguild Cavaliers, smashing through enemy ranks before wheeling around to strike again. 

Every fantasy army needs a cool hero on a horse, and here you go!

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New Battletome

New Cities of Sigmar Models 18

Every single unit will be featured in Battletome: Cities of Sigmar, a 160-page book with a huge background section covering every aspect of the Cities and how they wage war. The first place to get this book – and the first selection of miniatures – is in the Cities of Sigmar Army Set, coming soon.

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The Wildercorps Hunters Bring Out the Dogs For the Cities of Sigmar! (Individual Release)

Wildercorps Hunters

The Wildercorps Hunters are expert trackers, with an intimate knowledge of the rougher parts of the Mortal Realms. Often recruited from the Reclaimed – those peoples who survived for generations under the cruel lash of Chaos, while Azyr’s doors were closed – they’ve endured sickness, hunger, and inclement weather to hone their skills to a keen knife’s edge.

These new Wildercorps Hunters miniatures are really cool, with a ton of detail, and of course, dogs!

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The Fuses are Lit; New Freeguild Fusiliers Pack a Powdered Punch!

freeguild fusiliers 1

These thundering reports cut down charging Orruks by the dozen – handy, considering their gear leaves them little melee defence. Against daemons, gheists, and other ungodly abominations, they use shot inscribed with sigils or blessed by lifewater. They fly their banner high, as much a memento mori as a rallying standard, reminding themselves that death is just one missed shot away.

These walking mini-battlements look sick! Packing heavy firepower behind moving fortifications will surely strike fear into any Orruk that shows its face on the battlefield.

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Cities of Sigmar Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk!

Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk 2

GW has done a few Master Blaster-style minis before, but this one is really cool! You get a sniper and an Ogor with a massive shield to protect the gunner and hold your flank down. If you were hoping GW would take the line in a bit of a wild direction, they seem to have you covered!

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Phlugoth’s Shudderhood (Individual Release)

harbinger of decay

From a pus-coloured haze ride the Harbingers of Decay, envoys of entropy mounted on cadaverous steeds, hooves tapping out a terminal tattoo. 

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Jerrion’s Delegation (Individual Release)

marrowscroll herald

The Marrowscroll Heralds are inspiring warrior-envoys, draped in fine robes and bearing elegantly-worded missives. At least, that’s how they appear to the deluded eyes of the gristle-chewing ghoul peasants that make up the Flesh-eater Courts. 

This is shaping up to be a good year for fans of the deranged cannibals on the tabletop!

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Braggit’s Bottle-snatchaz (Individual Release)


Most grots are known for being garrulous gitz – especially when there’s trouble to talk their way out of – but the Rabble-Rowzas are especially effusive, and go to war armed with the gift of the gab. 

A motivational grot/git is not something you see or hear about every day, but now that we’ve seen it, we can’t un-see it.

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Grimhold Exile (Individual Release)

grimhold exile

A Grimhold Exile is a rare sight even among the bloody-minded and death-defiant Fyreslayers – the sole survivor of a fallen magmahold, carrying with them the traditions and vengeful spirit of their lost home. 

Nothing quite beats an angry dwarf, and this new character has plenty of reason to be upset!

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New Age of Sigmar Roadmap For The Rest of 2023

AoS Book Roadmap 2023

Harbingers is the first book of a series. We’ve checked with the auguries, who have provided a roadmap of what the future holds for the Age of Sigmar.

With the massive build-up of Cities of Sigmar, it will finally be released in Autumn! The Dawnbringers series looks to wrap up by the end of this year with a book on each Grand Alliance.

Plus, the Cities of Sigmar are also finally getting their initial release.

warcry banner 2022

They just had their last big few releases come out, so it seems things are a little stale right now for Warcry… If we missed something, please leave us a comment or email us!


9th warhammer 40k banner

Warhammer Day 2023 Exclusive 40k Miniature

Warhammer Day 2023 Exclusive miniature

The Ancestors’ Wrath is an Einhyr Champion standing at ease, bearing a stag crest on her armour that’s mirrored by a motif on her shield. She also has a choice of three different heads – helmeted, lifted visor, and bare.

The Einhyr Champion is already a fantastic model, but it’s always nice to have a different pose you can throw down on the table! They also mention you can pre-order this, just like last year’s, meaning you won’t have to go to the event to grab it, which is suitable for everyone!

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The New Games Workshop Storage Case Wants To Probe Your Miniatures

GW's New Storage Case 3

When you’re done playing, close the case and seal it with the four clips located around the edge. The case itself measures 278mm x 220mm x 41.5mm, which makes it the right size to bag up for an evening game.

The Stormvault Skirmish Case will replace the bulkier Citadel Skirmish Figure Case when it is released, leaving the Citadel Battle Figure Case and Citadel Crusade Figure Case for your heavy duty transport.

If you use the current Skirmish case, it’s going away when this releases. This means if you might need another one or to get your first, you better do it before this drops.

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Scouts Are Here to Stay!

Scout Squads have been part of Space Marine lore for roughly as long as there have been Space Marines. With their lighter armour, tactical visors, and nifty mohawks, these stealthy youngbloods have been hitting the dirt upon distant objectives for decades. 

The new Scouts are taller and leaner, but they keep the carapace armour and other classical accoutrements of the Space Marine neophyte. It’s all there – you’ve got a choice of boltguns, Astartes shotguns, or pistols and combat knives for each of the rank’n’file, with plenty of accessories and heads sporting a fresh trim.

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Warhammer 40k Necron Combat Patrol

10th Edition 40k Combat Patrol


GW dropped all the rules for the new Combat Patrol format, and in that, they showed what looks to be new Tyranids, Necrons, and Space Marines box sets! While they haven’t talked about when they will come out, we know what the contents will be!

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2023 Warhammer 40k Christmas Battleforce Contents & Value Rumors


The 40k and AoS Christmas Battleforces Boxes are always packed with value, and now there is a rumored lineup for 2023; check it out!

There were a bunch of boxes last year if you count the extra Space Marine one’s Games Workshop tacked on at the end, but from the sounds of it, we will get about just as many time around for 40k. Obviously, like with all rumors, take these with as much salt as you need because nothing is confirmed until GW says it!

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RUMORS: New 40k Necrons & Ad Mech Models/Box Sets on the Way!

The new 40k Necrons, Ad Mech models, and box set rumors come from Valrak.

10th edition year 1 roadmapTo start, these are the next two armies with codexes coming up.

If you remember, in 9th Edition, when two books came out at basically the same time, they would release a box set with some new minis for both armies. From the sounds of these rumors, they will be doing the same thing in 10th Edition going forward.

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40k kill team banner

warhammer kill team roadmap 2023

More New Kill Team: Plastic Eldar Striking Scorpions or Exodites

kill team teaser

Judging by the (Predator Movie Monster-like) noise at the end and the Jungle-like depiction, this could be the long-awaited introduction of new plastic Striking Scorpions or even Exodite Eldar models.

Either way, this is a preview for the next edition of Kill Team this fall, and it will definitely feature Aeldari.

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new horus heresy logo banner

The Traitor Champion Consul is On the Way to Beat Down Loyalists!

Traitor Champion Consul


Though extensively modified with extra armour plates, details, and bonding studs, this Champion Consul bears the hallmarks of the new infantry suits revealed at the NOVA Open Preview last month. Known as the ‘Iron’ pattern, MkIII power armour features heavily reinforced plates on the front suitable for head-on assaults and boarding actions – a useful feature for a warrior who’ll never turn his back on an enemy.

The model looks great in the MkIII armor, and with all the reinforced armor plates, it stands out.

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New Plastic MK III Horus Heresy Tactical Squad

MK III Horus Heresy Tactical Squad

It looks like there will be a decent number of options in the kit, and having more Marks of Armor in plastic is always lovely.

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New Plastic Deredeo Dreadnought on the Way!

MK III Horus Heresy Tactical SquadWhile this has been resin for a long time, it’s finally nice to have it in plastic!

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Legiones Astartes Battle Group Box

Legiones Astartes Battle Group Box

But where to acquire this fabulous new gear? It’ll all be available at first in the forthcoming Legiones Astartes Battle Group. This massive box contains a whopping THIRTY MK III Tactical Space Marines, one Deredeo Dreadnought, and a Land Raider Proteus for good measure. 

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Fulgrim is Returning to Horus Heresy in Daemonic Form!

Fulgrim Horus Heresy

During the events of Angel Exterminatus by Graham McNeill, Fulgrim became suffused with the raw power of Slaanesh, and achieved an apotheosis undreamt of by his mortal kin. Though Perturabo struck down his physical body in retaliation for his brother’s betrayal, the lord of the Emperor’s Children merely discarded his mortal corpse and ascended as a Daemon Primarch.

And what a Daemon Primarch he is!

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New Assault Marines Model Teaser & 2023 Horus Heresy Roadmap

The final portion of Horus Heresy news from WHC is a little further into the future…

plastic HH assault marine

But one thing is missing – the mechanical whirr of a chainsword. That all changes later this year, when the plastic Space Marine Assault Squad soars in. They’re still a ways off, but Warhammer Community’s resident Vanus Infocyte managed to infiltrate the Design Studio’s mainframe and escape with these stunning renders.

Renders are an early point in model manufacturing, so these models might still be a bit far off into the future… Still, though, new plastic Assault Marines in plastic is exciting!

HH roadmap 2023

Speaking of the future, we have a roadmap, and we can see that the Assault Squad is near the end of this year!

deredeo plastic?

That’s not all that’s coming soon for the Legiones Astartes – here’s another glimpse from the battlefields of the 31st Millennium… 

This image was also teased with a Deredeo Dread in the back; that might be the Autumn Dreadnought release hopefully in plastic!

non-space marine hh teaser

In the stream, we got a hint at what the Mystery Faction in Winter might be… Our first guesses were some form of Guard thanks to the emphasis on “all of mankind” and the distinction of non-Space Marines, but there are plenty of possibilities!

A dedicated Daemon book might even come since they already have a few Horus Heresy-era models.

Horus Heresy Legions Imperialis

Legions Imperialis box

Warhammer: The Horus Heresy – Legions Imperialis is an all-new game set at the time of the Horus Heresy. While your standard 3,000-point battle of the larger-scale Age of Darkness constitutes a slice of a larger engagement, Legions Imperialis is that battle in full, with dozens of tanks and hundreds of infantry striving for supremacy and advancing to battle between the legs of Knights and Titans. It’s battle on a new scale.

The game deploys in August, with a huge Core Set containing a massive collection of exquisite epic scale miniatures, alongside a rulebook, dice, tokens templates, and measuring sticks.

The launch box was supposed to arrive in August of 2023 but has been delayed, and we haven’t heard a solid release date since then.

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Tiny Drop Pods Coming to Legions Imperialis!

Drop Pods Legions Imperialis

The Legiones Astartes utilise a number of methods of deployment into hostile war zones – but none are more iconic than the Drop Pod assault. Each pod is a self-contained orbital descent capsule, launched from a spacecraft and searing through a planet’s atmosphere before retro jets fire to slow its descent just enough not to be obliterated upon impact with the surface. Upon landing, a deadly cargo of Space Marines charges directly into the heart of battle.


Drop pods are just always cool, and when you have tons and tons of tiny models on the field, do you really want them to walk? No, you send them into the thick of battle where you need them the most!

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2 New Legions Imperialis Titan Battle Group Boxes Announced!

Legions Imperialis Titan Battle Group

Entire maniples of Knights and Titans strode the myriad battlegrounds of the Age of Darkness, and soon you’ll be able to build up your own Legio or Household with two new box sets of titanic war machines for Warhammer: The Horus Heresy – Legions Imperialis. 

It’s been a long time since we’ve seen big boxes available for Adeptus Titanicus, so these are a breath of fresh air!

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The Solar Auxilia Support Box Brings Epic Firepower to Legions Imperialis!

Solar Auxilia Support Box

Though an Auxiliary may lack the sheer superhuman punch of a Space Marine, their strict training regimen and fine armaments make them a threat on any battlefield – and what’s more, they number in the hundreds of thousands. They also bring lots and lots (and lots) of big guns and tanks, worthy of representation in the mass battles of Legions Imperialis. 

When you’re facing down such giant vehicles of war, you need all the fire support you can get! This box brings it in spades with 28 minis.

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GW Reveals New Tiny Terrain For Legions Imperialis


Let’s start with the new. The Civitas Imperialis City Road Tiles are fully sculpted, finely detailed plastic tiles that will transform a bare table into an immersive urban environment. These 12×12″ squares fit together neatly to build Legions Imperialis battlefields for any game size. 

Each pack contains two straight roads, two T-junctions, and two crossroads, giving you plenty of different ways to arrange diverse road layouts. Combined with your other urban terrain, you can set up whole cities packed with deadly intersections, exposed highways, and very literal dead-end turns.

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Legiones Astartes Support Box Brings Epic Firepower to Legions Imperialis!

Legiones Astartes Support Box

This box is packed with heavy firepower. Leviathan Dreadnoughts are some of the toughest units to crack below Knight-scale, and are more than capable of messing up heavy tanks with their mix of weaponry. They’re joined by Deredeo Dreadnoughts, which are absolutely stacked with devastating long-range armaments.

If you need all the firepower, this is going to be a fun pickup. It’s also worth noting they said everything inside the box will be plastic. Which is good for this box but could mean lots of offerings will be resin.

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Necromunda Arachni-rigs 2

The Succession Campaign Part 3 – Fall of Helmawr follows on from this, introducing new vehicles and equipment for House Van Saar, the Palanite Enforcers, and the Ironhead Squat Prospectors, as well as four new Dramatis Personae.

The Van Saar have plumbed the vaults for a nimble upgrade to their Arachni-rigs. This new variant – available in plastic – is designed for prowling wasteland outposts and broken terrain. 

These are really cool-looking, and with them in plastic, what’s not to love? Plus, even if you don’t play Necromunda, these could be used for all kinds of conversions. We would just recommend trying to magnetize those flight stands, as they could be a pain to store.

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Mind-Locked Wyrd & Cephalopod Spektors

GW Previews Necromunda

Gangs allied to the Psi-Syndica can bring these enslaved witches to battle as free Hired Guns. Mind-Locked Wyrds have access to six aggressive Wyrd Powers, including Scouring, Assail, and Hypnosis.* On top of that, they’re frightening to face in battle (literally), as their unsettling nature makes them Fearsome.

GW Previews Necromunda 2

That’s why this forthcoming set from Forge World includes three Cephalopod Spektors alongside one Mind-Locked Wyrd. These nasty little Exotic Beasts are beloved by Delaque Masters of Shadow, Phantoms, and Nacht-ghuls. Are they robots? Are they organic? Are they deeply unpleasant? Yes to all of the above, and that’s why you’re getting three of them.

Van Saar Ash Wastes Upgrade Pack

GW Previews Necromunda 3


Also out soon is the Van Saar Ash Wastes upgrade pack, containing 10 masked heads to protect their delicate little lungs and eyes from the ravages of the outdoors, as well as backpacks and high-tech doohickeys. Perfect for making sure no wasteland bugs get stuck in the teeth of your grav-cutter riders.

Blood Bowl Nobbla 2

Gore the Gridiron

Gore the Grind


Gore the Gridiron

Nobody quite knows where Grashnak came from – stories about his early career flow like spilled ale through many a sporting tavern – but his trail through the Blood Bowl circuit has been one of broken bones, gored sternums, and crowd-pleasing bloodshed. His shockingly violent performance in his rookie year earned him back-to-back Best Newcomer and Most Vicious Player awards, and he’s since racked up a body count eclipsed only by the legendary Morg ‘n’ Thorg. 

Gore the Gridiron 2

The Great Black Bull is in his element charging across the pitch to deliver his signature twin-horned Blitz, leaving unfortunate players Gored by the Bull. This special rule helps him steamroll most muscly opponents, and even gives him a leg up against equally massive rivals. Someone is getting flattened when Grashnak gets up to speed. 

Adeptus Titanicus logo

Adeptus Titanicus Dire Wolf Scout Titans Get a Plastic Kit!

Dire Wolf Scout Titans plastic kit

This week, the Dire Wolf Heavy Scout Titan skulks into Legions Imperialis with an impressive new plastic miniature.

Previously available in resin, this hound has a bite that’s far worse than its bark, mounting a carapace weapon of a class usually reserved for larger Titans. In games of Adeptus Titanicus, we know that it loves to hide in dense terrain to ambush hulking  Reavers and Warlords, and it’s no less deadly in Legions Imperialis – especially when it has columns of tiny tanks to chew on.

Getting a plastic kit makes magnetizing and building easier, so we’re not complaining! Plus, these models now will have more options which is awesome.

Maybe the biggest change is they are using thinner bases, which lines up with the Epic Scale, so expect all new AT models to have these types of bases if we see more of them (re) released going forward.

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Warhammer Underworlds BannerThey just had their last big few releases come out, so it seems things are a little stale right now for Underworlds… If we missed something, please leave us a comment or email us!

Warhammer Old World Logo

Élisse Duchaard Model For Warhammer The Old World

lady duchaard

Élisse Duchaard bears all the symbols of her station – a golden grail, flowing robes of finest silk, and a mystical glowing sceptre. Her unicorn mount Ariandir needs no saddle, but is wreathed with vines and flowers that tighten his rider’s bond with nature.

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New Old World Bretonian Battle Standard Bearer

Bretonian Battle Standard Bearer

The Battle Standard Bearer is the fulcrum of any Bretonnian army, his resplendent banner a symbol of this chivalrous realm. 

This resin miniature is covered in details befitting his status as the herald of a glorious army of knights ready to make thunderous charges in the name of their liege. 

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First New Models Revealed for Warhammer Old World

bretonnian paladin

From the sculptor:

“Getting to work on a Bretonnian was so exciting!” adds Alastair, who created the Paladin. “I collected a small Bretonnian force previously for Warhammer Fantasy Battle, so being able to add to a range that I used to play with all those years ago was awesome. I really enjoyed being able to search through older source material for inspiration, there is so much rich design language in the old army books that really inspired the design of this miniature. In my mind, Bretonnian Knights are stoic warriors, and perhaps just a little pompous, so I wanted to make sure that those attitudes came across in the miniature by having him stand heroically over his beheaded opponent – an Orc who I am sure he bested in single combat with little trouble!”

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GW Confirms Old World Coming Soon & New Square Base Size

Warhammer Old World Square Base Size 3

As you can see, our painted models are on square bases – but these are slightly bigger than they were back in the days of Warhammer Fantasy Battle. The majority of models in Warhammer: The Old World will indeed sit on bigger bases – there are a few reasons for this.

Over the decades, our models have become larger and more dynamic, which means that many units have become difficult to arrange into ranks and files. Players must be able to line their models up without complex planning about which spear has to go where in order to use them in-game. On top of that, we didn’t like that the back ranks were hidden and hard to see.

So now, all 20mm bases have been replaced with 25mm bases. Most (but not all) 25mm and 25×50 bases have been replaced with new-sized bases. 

Well, this means if you have a ton of models still, you will most likely have to rebase a lot of them. We heard a long time ago, in 2019, that square bases were coming back, but this is really the first confirmation from GW about the actual size.

This makes sense as the models have become more dynamic, but you will have to rebase some older models. This leads to the next question, are the models actually getting bigger?

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warhammer exclusives wal new releases pre order

Warhammer Day 2023 Exclusive 40k Miniature

Warhammer Day 2023 Exclusive miniature

The Ancestors’ Wrath is an Einhyr Champion standing at ease, bearing a stag crest on her armour that’s mirrored by a motif on her shield. She also has a choice of three different heads – helmeted, lifted visor, and bare.

The Einhyr Champion is already a fantastic model, but it’s always nice to have a different pose you can throw down on the table! They also mention you can pre-order this, just like last year’s, meaning you won’t have to go to the event to grab it, which is suitable for everyone!

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Games Workshop Announces New 2023 Event-Exclusive Miniatures!

GW exclusive miniatures 2023

From the 41st Millennium comes The Commissar’s Duty. This vignette depicts an absolutely iconic scene – an Astra Militarum Commissar with his sword planted in the battlefield rubble, standing tall as he delivers the Emperor’s Justice. Is he aiming at a foe, or at a Guardsman who needs to be made into an example?

He’s got a full tactical rock this time that he can stand on! Seriously though, this is a pretty cool model, and while it’s a little static, it should be striking on the battlefield.

GW exclusive miniatures 2023 2

Out of the Mortal Realms charges Tolgar Split-Eye, a frenzied Darkoath warrior sporting a natty eye-patch and swinging two huge axes. He also comes with an alternative head for building a nameless Darkoath Chieftain, which trades flowing locks for a fine beard.

This guy is a lot more dynamic and, with those giant axes, should be a good addition to your forces.

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Exclusive Miniatures For Warhammer Stores 2023

Warhammer Exclusive Miniatrues 2023

It’s nice to see Leagues of Votann getting an exclusive mini! They even say he will have the special Legends rules, which is somewhat rare. Obviously, you can just play him as a Kahl, but it will be nice to have a little datasheet when you buy him.

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Warhammer Exclusive Miniatrues 2023 2They don’t say he’ll have special rules, but that’s not the end of the world. As we said, you’ll have to go to the store during their anniversary to score these minis. We’re sure they will be on the secondary market at some point, but they will probably be more expensive.

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Baron of Dice Wargaming Faction Dice Sets: $15-$32.50

baron of dice marines

These new hand-swirled resin dice from Baron of Dice are bubble-free, are made for wargaming, and are perfect for 10th Edition Warhammer 40k!

baron of dice bone

Click Here To Get Your Dice Rolling On Point Now!

Baron of Dice makes some of the best rolling accessories out there, with great collections and even the option to make your own custom dice and bags! They have dice for most 40k factions, Age of Sigmar and fantasy dice, Star Wars, superhero dice, and so much more!

Latest New JOYTOY Warhammer 40k Action Figures!

flyima pre order joytoy

Click Here to Get Your JOYTOY Figures 12% OFF!

If you’ve been eyeing any of the fantastic JOYTOY Warhammer 40k action figures, use our exclusive discount code SPIKEYBITS at checkout to save 12% and get yours for less from Flyima! 

Best of all, they have free shipping to the States!

Pre-Painted Table of 10th Edition 40k Terrain: Jucoci Battlezone Creation Kit

Jucoci Battlezone Creation KitThe set comes with 36 pieces and a lot of variety, making your games super easy to set up!

Jucoci Battlezone Creation Kit 2

Jucoci Battlezone Creation Kit 3

Here are the specs on this set:

  • 【Compatible with WH40K】This is a terrain set which compatible with the board game WH40K.
  • 【36 PCS Terrains Set】This terrains set includes 36 PCS terrains. It can provide various terrains for your game table.
  • 【Pre-Painted】This terrain set is pre-painted. And it will allow you to have a fully painted wargame table within a few hours.
  • 【No Glue Required】This board game’s terrain set is easy to assemble and no glue is required. Please read the manual before you start to assemble. It will make your assembly work much easier.
  • 【Competitive Format】This terrains set is design for 2000pt games. It will create a fair and interesting battle zone for you and your opponent.

Click Here to Get Your New Terrain Set!

    That does it for this one, now stop looking and go get yourself a great new set of terrain for Warhammer 40k 10th Edition!

    Check out the latest for Warhammer 40k 10th Edition, new releases, rules, rumors, and more!

    Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

      All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

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