These Are the 28 New Space Marines Miniatures For 10th Edition!

new-space-marines-for-10th-EditionTons of new 10th Edition 40k Space Marines have been revealed at the NOVA Open GW preview; check out everything coming soon!

This is what Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community had to say about the new Space Marines, along with our commentary on it as well!

NOVA Open 2023 Reveals!

Nova Open 2

This massive preview will cover Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, The Horus Heresy, Blood Bowl, Warhammer Underworlds, Warcry, and The Old World, making it a must-see for everyone.

A 9 p.m. preview on a Wednesday night here in the States, what a great time for some Warhammer!

All of the New 10th Edition 40k Space Marines Revealed By GW!

Space Marines Reveals

…and more we shall get! These five multi-pose, multi-part Terminators are in scale with the push-fit squad found in Leviathan, but come with a whole bunch of extra options. The classic Terminator arsenal is all present and correct – storm bolters, plus a power fist or chainfist for every model, a heavy flamer or assault cannon, and a shoulder-mounted cyclone missile launcher, on top of a great big bundle of aesthetic options.

Space Marines Reveals 2


Space Marines Reveals 4To start, we’re getting new multi-part Terminators with more weapon options! The main thing people complained about was the lack of options. Well, it looks like this mult-part kit will give you far more options than the ETB kit!

Not only that, there will be a new multi-part Terminator Captain kit with plenty of options. They also mentioned he would give re-rolls for charging in the codex.


Space Marines Reveals 4Rounding out the new models and Terminators, there will also be a multi-build Terminator Chaplain.

New Jump Pack Intercessors

The Jump Pack Intercessors are selected from the most aggressive members of their Chapters, and pair dizzying close combat skills with the raw mass of a fully armoured Space Marine flying headfirst into enemy ranks. Their incredible models are some of the most dynamic Space Marines miniatures ever created, and give each Intercessor a real sense of weight and power on the charge.



These have been a really long time coming, and it looks like all the rumors were true! You can finally get your Primaris with jump packs and stuck in the fray way sooner! In the preview, they even mentioned they will have a 12″ movement, so quite fast.

Space Marines Reveals The Captain looks quite impressive, and from the looks of it, will have quite a few weapon options, and more options are always better! His rule will give you plus one strength on the charge, and this, combined with all the attacks, should be pretty strong.

New Multi-Part Sternguard Veterans

As you’d expect, there’s a wide range of guns on offer. Every model can be armed with a Sternguard bolt rifle with a variety of attachments, or a combi-weapon. One lucky Veteran can be loaded with a heavy bolter or pyrecannon, and the Sergeant can augment his armoury with a chainsword, power fist, or power sword. 

This unit comes with some older marks of armor for helmets, and even has a brand new weapon, the Pyrecannon!

They say the new box set will have loads of options to kit out both the captain and the squad.

You can give the whole squad bolters, combi-weapons, or plenty of unique special weapons.

The Command Squad is Back

This tasty update to the Command Squads of yesteryear features a Space Marine Captain and his trusty honour guard. In-game, this functions as a unit of four formidable comrades – a Company Ancient, a Company Champion, and two Company Veterans – led by a Captain. 

If you want a bunch of heroes in one squad, well, here you go!


The Captain model inside is also a brand new mini, so more options for all the Space Marines players out there.

Scouts are Here to Stay!

Scout Squads have been part of Space Marine lore for roughly as long as there have been Space Marines. With their lighter armour, tactical visors, and nifty mohawks, these stealthy youngbloods have been hitting the dirt upon distant objectives for decades. 

The new Scouts are taller and leaner, but they keep the carapace armour and other classical accoutrements of the Space Marine neophyte. It’s all there – you’ve got a choice of boltguns, Astartes shotguns, or pistols and combat knives for each of the rank’n’file, with plenty of accessories and heads sporting a fresh trim.

While the firstborn scouts were recently moved to Legends, and the models were put on the Last Chance to Buy List, the Neophyte is back with all new sculpts!

From the sounds of it, they will be very stealthy, have a smoke screen stratagem, and can even leave and come back on the board.  They were born in the darkness, the enemies of the Emperor merely adopted it…


The squad also has three different main load-outs and a bunch of heavy weapons, and you can take them in units of 5-10.

New Space Marines Codex on the Way

They come right out and say “chapters” are more or less gone in terms of rules. You can just take the detachment for the appropriate flavor of the main codex chapters. This means you can paint all the new miniatures up any way you want and use the rules to go along with them.

They also mentioned the new Space Marines code will be coming in the next few weeks, which is good news!

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

What do you think about all the new Space Marines revealed for 10th Edition 40k? 

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