New AoS Skaven Spearhead Box Value is a Little “Scammy”

Is this Worth It & Value Cheap skaven spearhead contents

Here is the new Skaven AoS Spearhead box value, contents, and pricing in our updated savings breakdown- this one is a head-scratcher!

New AoS Skaven Spearhead Box: Contents, Pricing & Value

Spearhead Skaven

These Spearhead boxes are a great choice for new players who are interested in exploring a particular faction. They offer a quick and easy way to assemble a small army and jump straight into playing games. These boxes are similar to the Start Collecting Sets, which were introduced by GW in 2016 and are designed to help players get a feel for the faction and start building their skills right away.

The Skaven have put together two powerful Spearhead forces. One can be found in the Ultimate Starter Set (one of three variants of Skaventide), while this new one is called the Warpspark Clawpack. It includes 25 miniatures, such as a classic Grey Seer, three Stormfiends, a Warp Lightning Cannon, and 20 new Clanrats (from Skaventide.)

Skaven Spearhead Box List Price: $145 CAD$175 £87.50 €115

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skaven spearhead contents and value

  • Base Size: Varies
  • Height: Varies
  • Alignment: Chaos
  • Faction: Skaven
  • Role: Commander, Troops, Artillery, Monster
  • Material: Plastic
  • Number of Minis: 25
  • Release Year: 2024

Buy The Skaven Spearhead

          Skaven Spearhead Pricing By Country

          Country Price
          United States $145
          Canada CAD$175
          United Kingdom £87.50 
          Europe €115

          Skaven Spearhead Contents & Description

          Skaven Hel CrownThis is very similar to the old Skaven Vanguard box, with some updated Clanrats; however, with 25 miniatures inside, you can get your rat army started!

          Grey Seer

          Skaven Grey SeerThe Grey Seer commands a powerful presence despite his frail frame. Cloaked in tattered robes adorned with arcane symbols, his beady red eyes gleam with malevolent intelligence. In one clawed hand, he wields a gnarled staff crackling with warpstone energy, while the other clutches a scroll of forbidden knowledge.


          StormfiendsStraight out of the mad labs of Clan Skryre, Stormfiends are the ultimate patchwork monstrosities, cobbled together from whatever body parts were lying around. These towering brutes don’t just rely on brute force—they’re packing some seriously over-the-top experimental weaponry. Whether they’re plowing through hordes of foes or single-handedly stopping an enemy charge with a torrent of fire, these big guys bring chaos and destruction wherever they go.

          Warp Lightning Cannon

          Warp Lightning Cannon

          The Warp Lightning Cannon is the ultimate tool of destruction, crafted by the mad geniuses of Clan Skryre. This beast of a weapon has no trouble ripping through units and monsters like they’re made of paper.

          The model itself is a quirky contraption featuring a massive, rickety timber frame balanced on a collection of mismatched wheels that look like they could fall apart at any moment. Held together by a haphazard mix of metal plates and rivets and fine-tuned with a bunch of cogs and screws, the cannon’s centerpiece is an imposing, mysterious metal barrel emblazoned with Skaven symbols—because why wouldn’t you want to show off your allegiance while causing mass destruction?


          Skaven Reinforcements Skaven Spearhead value contentsBeing a Clanrat is like being a single drop in a sea of gnashing teeth, claws, and filthy fur. These guys are the cannon fodder of the Great Clans, armed with rusty weapons and draped in tattered rags. Individually, they’re about as brave as a cornered rat, and their fighting skills are nothing to write home about, but when they swarm together in overwhelming numbers, they become a deadly, chittering tide of stabbing blades that can bring down much larger foes.

          Of course, even this chaotic mob needs a bit of direction, so you’ll often see the slightly braver (and more ambitious) Skaven stepping up as champions, musicians, or banner bearers to keep the horde in line. How they manage to craft instruments in the middle of battle is a mystery, but somehow, they pull it off!

          AoS Skaven Spearhead Box Review: Contents & Value

          Skaven Rules 3 Skaven Spearhead value contentsSo, you’re eyeing that Spearhead box, huh? Good choice! These boxes are basically the VIP pass to starting a killer AoS army. You get a solid mix of units – from the tough-as-nails troops to those snazzy specialist units. It’s like assembling an all-star team right out of the gate, plus you can even play this box as is in smaller games of AoS, aptly called “Spearhead.”

                  Models Unit Name Value
                  1 Grey Seer  $35
                  3 Storm Fiends $79
                  20 Clanrats $52
                  1 Warp Lightning Cannon $42
                  Blood  Angels Combat Patrol
                    Total MSRP:  $208
                    Savings Versus Box Price: $63

                  AoS Spearhead Comparisons

                  Check out how the new Skaven Spearhead value stacks up against other bundle box releases, including the new Blood Angels Combat Patrol box from 2024.

                  Box Set Name Price Qty of Minis Value
                  Deathwing Assault $220 22 $124
                  Blood Angels Combat Patrol $168 17 $71.50
                  New AoS Skaven Spearhead $145 25 $63
                  Dread Talons Battleforce $230 35 $140
                  Cities of Sigmar Spearhead $145 17 $96

                  Is the Skaven Spearhead Worth It?

                  This is where things get a little “scammy” if we may be so bold. Of the newer Spearheads we’ve seen, this is actually on the lower end of value for the same contents as before. Yes, these are exactly the same miniatures from the old Vanguard box, just with the Clanrats switched out for the new Easy to Build (ETB) or push-fit ones, and an increase in price.  So… it does get you a decent number of minis inside, but it’s a little lackluster. Not only is there just one new unit inside, but the value isn’t that high, and these new Clanrats are available at a discount pretty much everywhere with the overproduction of Skaventide.

                  Either way, this is a decent way to get a Skaven force on the table quickly if this is the only bundle you have access to. However, there will most likely be far better deals out there for most of 4th edition when it comes to Skaven miniatures.  The only thing this box has going for it is the non-Clanrat miniatures, which may be a little tougher to find these days.

                  What to Buy Next?

                  Skaven Jezzails 6 Skaven Spearhead value contentsConsidering the new Skaven Battletome is pretty fresh, it’s hard to say, but with this box, you are leaning into the Skyre side of things, so we would get some more big rats and more artillery! Plus, there are tons and tons of new units to pick from, so there is something to be said for just buying what looks cool and going from there!

                  So, if you’re gearing up to join the Skaven ranks and unleash some chaotic mayhem on the battlefield, this Spearhead box may be a good deal, and it may not be, depending on what other bundles are still available out there. Either way, with that much firepower at your command, your opponents won’t know what hit ’em!

                  Click Here For All The AoS Spearhead Pricing & Values

                  What do you think of the new Skaven AoS Spearhead Box and contents, is it good value or not?