GW New Release Roadmap For February 2023 & Beyond

gw-rumors-and-new-releasesHere is the latest Games Workshop new releases roadmap for February 2023, featuring tons of minis for most of the Warhammer games on the way!

Love GW miniatures? The new Games Workshop releases roadmap is back and more loaded than ever. We’re not joking either we mean loaded; there are a ton of minis on the way!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models to keep an eye out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

Games Workshop New Release Roadmap For February 2023 & Beyond

Table of Contents & Article Summary

aos banner age of sigmar logo

New Age of Sigmar Minis Spotted

AoS Roadmap 2023 7Don’t worry; the picture quality improves after this one and is a little less shrouded. Honestly, any guess is going to be quite a leap with this one…

AoS Roadmap 2023Next up, this basically just confirms Seraphon because what else could this be? Basically, nothing! So, notch one of those books up for the faction!

AoS Roadmap 2023 4This one looked like yet another miniature for Seraphon, so they might be getting a pretty big rework in 2023!

AoS Roadmap 2023 2This is obviously something for one of the Chaos books and might be a rework of something Khorne perhaps!

AoS Roadmap 2023 3Last but not least, we have this model. This could be for a lot of armies, but the way it’s holding the blade and the back piece, we would lean towards the Hedonites of Slaanesh.

Be sure to check out the video below for some more action shots.

Warcry & Underworlds Roadmap For 2023

AoS Roadmap 2023 6


Underworlds Roadmap

Over in the Gnarlwood, there are two more Warcry expansions to come in the current season – entitled Bloodhunt and Nightmare Quest. Warhammer Underworlds is expecting one more warband and the Beastbound Assault rivals deck.

So, they didn’t really give too much on these, more or less just a promise of more. So not too much to dive into, honestly other than the fact they promise more will be on the way.

New Beasts of Chaos Battletome Book Revealed!

Let’s start with the Beasts of Chaos Battletome.

Beasts of Chaos

Well, first up, they announced a new Beasts of Chaos battletome and said it will be next (well. alongside the Gloomspite Gitz). In the preview, they promised there will be some buffs and big ways to bring them into the new edition.

It sounds like anything from previous iterations will all be put into one big book, which is always easier than trying to gather a bunch of rules!

New Gloomspite Gitz Battletome Book

Gloomspite Gitz

We heard rumors for a long time about Beasts of Chaos and Gloomspite Gitz getting a combined box set and their books being revealed at the same time. Now it’s looking like those rumors might just be true!

They also promised a ton of buffs in this battletome, so things are looking up for the goblins!

New Beastlord

The venerable Beastlord is being redone in plastic, as you need someone formidable to lead your new herd! They even released some rules for him as we

Read more about Beasts of Chaos here!

Wolf Riders Are Now Snarlfang Riders!

Snarlfang RidersAs we said, these are basically the reimagining of Wolf Riders, and you just love to see them! Goblins riding wolves are just so iconic for all fantasy, so it is really cool to see them getting a rework!

Read more about Gloomspite Gitz here!

New AoS Battletome Roadmap for 2022-2023

Last but not least, we got a huge AoS roadmap!

AoS Battletome RoadmapThey are promising the next two books before the end of the year, which is pretty awesome. Then, Spring will see five different battletomes and one big one in summer. So, if you had to ask us, we would guess the summer book will be reworked Cities of Sigmar, but we’ll hopefully know more soon on that!

That being said, we would love to see the Seraphon get their time in the spotlight as well.

AoS Cities of Sigmar Dawnbringer Previews!

Cities of sigmar Preview

Unfortunately, they do say in the article that this is still a long way off. Even going as far as to say we will not see them this year. But let’s hope they don’t push too far into 2023.

Read more about Dawnbringer here!

9th warhammer 40k banner


GW Reveals Shrouded Warhammer 40k Minis & What’s Next For 2023!

Warhammer Community unveiled the new models, so let’s get into what they might be!

Warhammer 40k 2023 minis

With the war for the Imperium Nihilus escalating, even the Imperium’s finest will need reinforcements – and reinforcements they shall get. Garbled pict-captures from the Tarmoth System have caught glimpses of figures hefting what look like pretty huge weapons. If only we had a clearer picture, perhaps coming at a major event in the near future…

We’ve heard rumors about a Space Marine with a new type of missile launcher, and this looks like it could fit the bill!

rumor engine 10-26-21

This is the Rumor Engine we saw a long time ago, and it looks a lot like that weapon in the shrouded figure above, just with the top open, perhaps!

Warhammer 40k 2023 minis 2

Our look ahead at the Arks of Omen series revealed a fourth book lurking beyond the shadows, its details shrouded by decree of the Ordo Xenos. What dreadful alien threat could cause such drastic action to be taken, so far beyond the Imperium’s sight?

Talking about Xenos, this looks like it would be something for Eldar, Tau, or maybe if GW gets crazy, an Exodite Army even (check out the rumors here)! Exodites are sort of like Eldar, who left before the fall and are much more in tune with nature. Maybe the trees are a giveaway to that?

Or perhaps it’s none other than Commander Farsight getting that 2020’s glow-up like so many other characters…

Warhammer 40k 2023 minis 3

Speaking of space hulks… Kill Team! Now that the Shadowvaults have been cracked wide open, it’s time to speculate about Soulshackle – the mysterious next expansion set. We know quite a few factions who’d love to get their hands on some tasty mortal souls, but how many of them have experience fighting in the bowels of a space hulk?

Who likes souls and capturing people? Dark Eldar! We would love to see some new minis for them, but there is also a chance this is for the Corsairs, but everything screams Dark Eldar here. These were the three images showcased by Games Workshop, but there were two more models in the video they didn’t talk about.

Warhammer 40k 2023 minis 4

This looks like Traitor Guard to us, but it could even be Arbites re-imagined. With the recent release of all the cultist stuff, it would make sense to follow up with a bunch of Traitor Guard or at least a Kill Team box.

Either way, he appears to have some sort of breacher shield, possibly.

Warhammer 40k 2023 minis 5This sneaky fellow could be a rework for Snikrot or any Kommando, but it definitely looks Orky, and we would love to see a new Snikrot model!  Read More Here about the new models

This is the New Daemon Prince Kit For Chaos Space Marines!


Chaos Daemon Prince official GW imageThis is the section of the kit we saw revealed first, but the one kit will be able to make all kinds of variations!

Daemon Prince

This fearsome arch-fiend can be built in numerous ways, with different options to pay homage to each of the four dark gods, or Chaos Undivided! You’ll note that he bears some of the marks of his former existence as a Chaos Space Marine, now rippling and twisted into a horrifying new form.

Read more about the Daemon Prince here!

New Khorne Berzerkers Squad

Khorne berzerkers

This is a heavily updated version of the old model but still keeps with the old aesthetic. While this is the only model they showed off, we expect to see more before too long.

Khorne berzerkers 2

The new model looks bigger and has much more detail all around. However, you might be a little sad if you’re a fan of those old heads. Still, it’s great to see such an ancient kit get a rework finally!

Khorne berzerkers

They did mention the box set or Khorne Berzerkers will have ten models, which is pretty sweet.

Read more here!

Plastic Daemon Primarch Angron


The Daemon Primarch of Khorne is a gigantic slab of warp-fuelled muscle. He’s been totally reforged into the image of his bloody master, flesh as red as the cascade of gore he leaves in his wake. 

He is quite the monstrosity! This will be huge based on the base size and the model itself; let’s just hope the rules represent his insane power and ferocity.

Read more about Angron here!

World Eaters Lord Invocatus Revealed On Juggernaut

Another taste of the long-awaited World Eaters in the form of Lord Invocatus on Juggernaut was revealed at the 2022 Warhammer Day preview!

Lord Invocatus

Clad in every kind of spike and tooth, Lord Invocatus will lead future armies of World Eaters on a path of destruction. He has been previously mentioned in past Chaos-themed publications, so we’re excited that he finally has a proper mini to represent him on the battlefield. 

Lord on Juggernaut

That is pretty much what we expect from a model update. This guy is very similar to his previous self, but now looking better than ever!  Games Workshop mentioned this is the generic build version of Lord Invocatus, as the kit makes two models.

Read more here!

New World Eaters 40k Codex & Eightbound Models

world eaters army

First and foremost, yes, there is a huge Khorne World Eater release nearing the horizon. Meaning new models, rules, and lore! This preview added to the early previews we saw of Angron and Lord Invictus from earlier this year.

As Khorne is the defacto lover of melee, expect these new models to absolutely trash in close combat. Who even needs ranged weapons?

Even better, the exalted variants look to be even more absurd versions of the normal ones, so if you see these, it’s probably time to start running the other way.


There is actually a ton of variety in these kits, so shoutout to the designers for giving them such dynamic and varied models. Speaking of which, there’s one special guy too…

Read more here!

3 New Arks of Omen Box Sets Revealed By GW

GW revealed three new Arks of Omen box sets made specifically for playing boarding action games, but could also be used for regular 40k. Read More

GW Reveals New Imperial Guard Kasrkin, Sentinel, & Creed Models!

Just like with the Slaves to Darkness models, the army box is on sale, but not the minis by themselves. Plus, the new models are looking pretty sweet!

New Imperial GuardIf you ask us, there are more units than they showed off below in the picture. However, we’ll also speculate on those

New Imperial Guard 4

The New Imperial Guard Kasrkin models really take the look of the old ones and just up the ante! They are sleeker with better-looking weapons and just overall. If you ask us, that’s a pretty good upgrade.

Ursula Creed

New Imperial Guard 2


This is a really cool addition to the line, and the model has all kinds of throwbacks to Creed. However, we’re not so sure about the paint job on this one, mainly the face, but we’re sure it can be made to look cooler.

Cadia Stands: New Imperial Guard Army Set Box Revealed!

Technically still not released as of this writing; we know this box set releases on Black Friday 2022.

cadian army box contents

Games Workshop has revealed a new army box set for the Imperial Guard featuring a ton of new Cadian miniatures during the Warhammer Day 2022 preview!

cadian army box set imperial guard heavy weapon teams


cadian army box set imperial guard heavy weapon teams

cadian army box set imperial guard heavy weapon teams


cadian army box set imperial guard command squad

According to the Warhammer Day preview stream, all the new Imperial Guardsman models will be on 28mm bases like the revamped Eldar line.

Not to let the new Cadians outdo them, the classic Sentinel is also getting a makeover! There are concrete ways to differentiate between the varieties of sentinels available, but it looks like the box will make two kits.

There aren’t just revamped miniatures either; new units will also premier in this army box. Check out the Field Ordinance Battery we had been hearing rumors about. It can be built in three different ways and comes with various poses for the Guardsmen manning the guns.

Games Workshop also mentioned these would have a wide stance and be mounted on 100mm bases.

cadian army box set imperial guard ordnance battery field

Not to be left out, the stream also discussed the basic idea behind the new Imperial Guard Codex’s design. Regimental Doctrine is the new keyword that dictates how your guard army will differentiate how your Guard army fights vs. other Guard armies.

Read more here!

Imperial Guard Lord Solar Leontus

The new model was unveiled by Warhammer Community along with a new rule and the codex art for the book coming in the Cadia Stands army box!

Lord Solar

The model itself is interesting, and the base is definitely cool (is that a dead Chaos Reaver Titan Head?). It also looks like they left plenty of room on the cape to really go crazy with some painting effects.

Read more here!

New Imperial Guard Rogal Dorn Battle Tank Confirmed by GW!

Warhammer Community unveiled the new tank along with what you can arm it with! If you’ve been waiting patiently for this, it’s not too far away now!

Rogal Dorn Tank

The new Rogal Dorn Battle Tank is a behemoth of a vehicle, perfectly suited for smashing enemy positions and anchoring defensive lines. Its heavy armour gives it durability worthy of the Praetorian’s name, while its powerful engines ensure it doesn’t fall behind squadrons of Leman Russ Battle Tanks.

Read more here!

New Attilan Rough Riders Models

Warhammer Community unveiled the new Attilan Rough Rider Imperial Guard minis and a rule for what they can do on the charge!

Attilan Rough Riders 4

They really took the old look and revamped it, so pretty sweet to see the direction they are going with them.

Read more here!

Imperial Guard Cadian Accessory Set Upgrade Sprue

Warhammer Community unveiled the new bits and some ways you can use the sprue to make different minis. Let’s check it out.

Imperial Guard Cadian Upgrade Sprue

There really are a ton of bits, and from the sounds of it, it will be a separate kit (they say it will be released hot on the heels of the Cadian kit). You could probably grab just a couple of these and have enough for most of your army. If we look back at the Black Templars kit, it runs for $35, so we expect this to be a similar price. Read More Here

Imperial Guard Aegis Defence Line

Aegis Defence LineThe kit itself looks pretty cool; we’ll have to see the price before making any final judgments. Especially considering this is only 40 points. Either way, it will make for an excellent terrain piece, especially with how modular it appears.

Read more here!


Vashtorr The Arkifane

As a new “brain” to Chaos operations, this faction might just become more and more deadly for the Imperium. Hopefully, these new Arks of Omen books will give us more details and perhaps how the Imperium will fight back against this new Chaos surge.

Leave it to Be’lakor to not like new Chaos toys… He always was a stickler. BUUUT, this new guy looks amazing, and not even the First Daemon Prince can deny that!

Read more here!

new horus heresy logo banner

GW Previews What’s Next for Horus Heresy in 2023


Warhammer Community unveiled the preview and the new shrouded pics; let’s take a closer look!

Typhon Heavy Siege Tank

The Typhon Heavy Siege Tank is rumbling towards the front lines as we speak, and already the clamour of war echoes just over the New Year’s horizon. What else is in store for the Legions battling for the fate of the fledgling Imperium in 2023?

GW has been previewing every major game for 2023, and now it looks like 40k is really the only thing we have left after this preview! The Typhon Heavy Siege Tank is actually built on the Spartan chassis, but with a few extra sprues.

If you want to see more details about the Typhon, you can check that out here.

New Horus Heresy Miniatures For 2023

Horus Heresy 2023

But that’s not all we saw – what could some more of these hints be? More armoured firepower? Perhaps some high-speed reinforcements? That gentleman seems to be holding a fancy stick, and only Space Marines of a decidedly mystical nature tend to carry those into battle…

While you can’t see the details, it’s obvious this is most likely the Legion Scimitar Pattern Bike, perhaps being redone in  plastic finally like the majority of the other Horus Heresy vehicles from Forge World.

Horus Heresy 2023 2This looks a lot like it could be a Daemon of some kind or possibly another assassin joining the ranks.

Horus Heresy 2023 3Well, they already said only people with psychic powers carry a staff like this, but with the Council of Nikea banning psykers it’s hard to say what this could be.

Necromunda banner


New Escher Hangers-on

Escher hangers on

Paying heed to a Shivver’s precognitive talents can save a gang from tragedy or lead them to great riches. Of course, the future isn’t always clear, and a Shivver can sometimes give misleading predictions. That tall, moody stranger about to crash into your life could always be arampaging Ogryn.


Escher hangers on 2

Joining the new Shivver miniature is the Apprentice Clan Chymist. House Escher knows that the best way to learn all about poisons and toxins is through trial-and-error,* so they put their aspiring alchemists on the front lines with the gangs to pick up some practical experience.

Escher Upgrade Packs

Escher upgrades

Give your gang a fighting chance with the Escher Ash Wastes Upgrades pack from Forge World – a 30-piece resin toolkit guaranteed to make your matrons stand out in their next wasteland dust-up.

Breathing what passes for ‘fresh air’ on Necromunda isn’t recommended, and each of the 10 new heads cover their mouths with respirators, masks, or very optimistic bandanas. Presumably they’re also equipped with industrial-strength hair gel, to keep those bombastic bouffants from being blasted by ash wastes weather.

Escher upgrades 2

Experienced Eschers never leave home without a supply of stims and chems from the Apprentice Clan Chymist – doubly so when a faulty Cutter jetbike might mean a long trek back to civilisation. A good backpack is perfect for carrying flasks, blades, and outlands trophies – plus a few bottles of Emperor-knows-what for the road.

Necromunda Chronos Pattern Ironcrawler

Warhammer Community unveiled the newest model for the game and some of what to expect in the way of rules.

Chronos Pattern Ironcrawler

This looks pretty cool, and from the sounds of it, this will have a similar base kit to the Cargo-8 and then have a few upgrade packs included.

Read more here!

New Necromunda Underhive Traders Coming Soon!

Underhive Traders

Who doesn’t want some elusive goods for their gang? It’s always nice to get a leg up on your enemies, and these can really help! It does seem like you can only hire one at a time, so if you’re nice, maybe you can lend out the other minis to your buddies.

Read more here!

New Necromunda House Cawdor Ridge Walkers

House Cawdor PreviewsFrom the looks of it, you’ll grab four Necromunda Cawdor Ridge Walkers in the box, which makes sense since they really aren’t too big. In the stream, they also mentioned there are going to be a ton of bits, so hopefully, you’ll be able to kitbash these!

Read more here!

New Necromunda Corpse Harvesting Party Keeps the Gangs Fed!

Warhammer Community just unveiled the new minis and a little of how they will help your gang through your campaigns! Let’s take a closer look.

Necromunda Corpse Harvesting Party 2

All the minis are pretty insane looking, but that only makes sense.

Necromunda Corpse Harvesting PartyThe leader of the party looks oddly regal for what she is, but hey…

Necromunda Corpse Harvesting Party 3

Looks like these are going to be resin from Forge World, but so has most of the recent Necromunda characters, etc.

Read more here!

Rex Spires and Estus Jet Necromunda Dramatis Personae Miniatures

Warhammer Community unveiled the new minis along with a few rules; let’s take a closer look!

Necromunda Dramatis Personae

This model is actually really cool and will make for an interesting character in any game system. If you have something you need to destroy in the underhive, then this is the guy you need in your gang!

Setting up three traps should make the enemy pause for a second, but if they go headlong, they might end up like Rex, without a few limbs!

Necromunda Dramatis Personae 3

She is the person to call if you need more arms and ammunition for your gang. Her poison blades also make her pretty deadly on the battlefield, so double the fun! Read More Here

New Necromunda Lady Haera Will Try to Take the Throne!

Necromunda Lady Haera

This is actually a pretty wild mini, and she could be used in some serious dioramas. Plus, if you throw her down with your gang, the other dregs might just bow down to her!

She loves to go out and destroy, so if your friend’s gang is getting a little uppity, she might be the lady to knock them down a peg!  Read More Here

Necromunda Ash Wastes Nomad Herder & Arthromite Duneskuttler Revealed!

Warhammer Community unveiled the new minis along with some rules! Let’s take a closer look.

Ash Wastes Nomad Herder

Unlike the Dustback Helamite cavalry, Duneskuttlers are vicious creatures that hunt for prey by burrowing into the treacherous sands of the Ash Wastes to ambush unwary passers-by.

Both the models are actually really cool, and that bug looks like he can smash through all kinds of gangers! READ MORE HERE

40k kill team banner

Into the Dark: Individual Releases

First up, there was an announcement for a brand new Warhammer 40k Kill Team boxset called “Into The Dark.” That box was released on September 10th, 2022, but we’re still waiting on the individual box set releases, which should come out before the new year (fingers crossed).

Moloch releases came out after about three months had gone by, so hopefully, these follow a similar pattern.

into the dark imperial navy breachers

As highly trained and specialized units, expect the Imperial Navy Breachers to be a pretty elite force.

into the dark kroot farstalker kindband

The Tau empire also has a stake in the boxset in the form of Kroot, who might just be more of a threat than we think.

Necrons Hierotek: Shadowvaults Kill Team Announced Individual Releases

Necron Hierotek Circles Kasrkin Kasrkin The stream mentioned the multipart versatility found in the Kasrkin Kit and that the Necron half of the box will contain several previously released kits along with never before seen upgrade sprues.

Necron Hierotek Circles

Not to be left out, this exciting new Kill Team set will include exclusive terrain pieces designed to spice up your games of skirmish combat.

Blood Bowl Nobbla 2

Bryce ‘The Slice’ Blood Bowl Star Player

Bryce the Slice


Bryce the Slice 2

Enter Bryce ‘The Slice’ Cambuel, who is exactly what you didn’t know you wanted. A Blood Bowl player in life, The Slice’s career ended prematurely when he was killed by his own chainsaw. Oops. But nothing can keep a good (or evil) dead player down, so back he came, with a bit less flesh, and a delightful new chainsaw crafted from only the finest spines and ribcages

warhammer exclusives wal new releases pre order

Exclusive Primaris Company Champion

Warhammer Community announced the new models and some of the events you can get them at, such as AdeptiCon. Let’s check out the minis you can score in 2022!

exclusive Minis

For Warhammer 40,000 comes the sword-swinging Primaris Company Champion. These formidable warriors of the Adeptus Astartes defend their chapter’s honour on the battlefield, armed with a devastating master-crafted power sword and skills honed over countless duels.

Read more here!

Exclusive Swampcalla Shaman

exclusive Minis 3

For Warhammer Age of Sigmar, meet Mugruk Da Watcha! This Swampcalla Shaman believes he’s found a new way of observing the battlefield using a special seeing-eye rock, but it’s really nothing more than a neat hat.

Read more here!

Exclusive Inquisitor Erasmus Cartavolnus

You can grab the new exclusive Inquisitor and Gutrippa Boss minis this year at Games Workshop store anniversary events!

 Click to get yours on Amazon or eBay

new exclusive inquisitor

This is honestly pretty cool with the huge flame exploding from the book and giant sword. While the pose itself isn’t super dynamic, all the extra pieces of flair make up for it. We’ll have to see if they come up with any rules for him, but probably not.   Still, he would be a cool Inquisitor to add to your forces.

GW Exclusive Gutrippa Boss Haggok

Gutrippa Boss

It takes a wily creature to command the respect of a Kruleboyz Gutrippa mob, and Haggok is always on the lookout for his latest would-be usurper to pre-emptively run through. With a (mostly) tame vulture keeping its beady eyes open for incoming threats, Haggok has time to relax a little and survey the battlefield, leaning casually on his skareshield. He fits in perfectly with your existing Gutrippa warbands, and as a unit leader, he has a more refined air than your average Kruleboy can muster.

It’s nice, at least this year, to see something other than Necrons or Space Marines get the minis! He’s not the most exciting model, but still pretty cool. If for nothing other than the vulture! We also saw Gutrippa Boss Haggok long ago as he was hidden in plain sight and in a rumor engine (or two).

Warhammer Plus Year 2 Miniatures Revealed!

With our two guesses, we were almost dead on! Warhammer Community has just shown off the two models.

MIbyllorr Darkfang chaos sorceressFirst up is Mibyllorr Darkgfang, a brand new Chaos Sorceress model and the one we couldn’t do as much digging about. We did, however, know it was a new Sorceress!

Azrakh the Annihilator

The second model was exactly what we thought. BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!

Exclusive Miniatures For Warhammer Stores 2023

Warhammer Exclusive Miniatrues 2023

It’s nice to see Leagues of Votann getting an exclusive mini! They even say he will have the special Legends rules, which is somewhat rare. Obviously, you can just play him as a Kahl, but it will be nice to have a little datasheet when you buy him.

Read more here!

Warhammer Exclusive Miniatrues 2023 2They don’t say he’ll have special rules, but that’s not the end of the world. As we said, you’ll have to go to the store during their anniversary to score these minis. We’re sure they will be on the secondary market at some point, but they will probably be more expensive.

Read more here!

JOYTOY Sisters of Battle Warhammer Action Figures Revealed!

All the new pics come from Gcores

JOYTOY Sisters of BattleYou actually get five figures with this set! Also, these will be hitting shelves in January, so even earlier than the White Scars.

Read More Here!

Adeptus Custodes Action Figures

JOYTOY Adeptus custodes Figures 2The models will be shipped out in March, so they are really not too far away. Plus, these generally go up in price when they are off-pre-order, so you might as well save some cash now and get them fast as soon as they drop.

Read More Here!

XV8 Crisis Battlesuit 02 (7.2-inch):

Tau JOYTOY 11There are actually two battlesuits available, so whichever is your favorite, hopefully, you can get.

XV8 Crisis Battlesuit 01 (7.1-inch):

Tau JOYTOY 9The suits just scream mecha Tau, and at over 7″ tall, this will be quite imposing!

Black Templars Redemptor Dreadnought(11.7-inch):

JOYTOY Black TemplarsWe’ll never complain about new dreads! They have pretty much been taking the base models and adding on the scheme, but it’s still really cool.

Ultramarines Primaris Techmarine Tybestis:


JOYTOY Teases More Giant Grey Knights Dreadknight Pics

According to the JOYTOY Twitter account, this new action figure will be MASSIVE!

Dreadknight JOYTOYThey even said in the post that this is slated to be 20″ tall and range from $250-$300.

So it will be just a giant, but obviously, the price will be quite high as well. Still, we’ll keep our eyes peeled, as this will be one of the coolest kits around!

Read More Here!

New JOYTOY White Scars Action Figures Revealed!

JOYTOY White Scars 2This will buff up your forces in one buy, and if you don’t roll better with them watching over your games, there might be no hope for you!

Read More Here!

New White Scars Bikers

White Scars JOYTOY 6You can’t go wrong with White Scars bikers, but it does look like you’ll have to buy the bikes and riders separately!

White Scars JOYTOY 7

Heavy Intercessors

JOYTOY Heavy IntercessorsThese guys are cool, and if you need that extra firepower, you can’t go wrong with these! Well, hopefully, they at least make your mini Heavy Intercessors actually shoot better!

Read More Here!

JOYTOY 40k Space Marines Action Figures Availability

It’s happening- these dope new JOYTOY 1:18 scale Space Marines action figures are available worldwide!  Currently, you can get them from Amazon, eBay as many sellers are shipping from Asia, but some stores like Entertainment Earth have availability in the US as well.

You can also pre-order them from time to time on Games Workshop’s website for delivery in 180 days, but those windows are only for one week and are hit or miss so far.

These new JOYTOY pre-orders are currently available on Flyima. Use Discount Code: SPIKEYBITS at checkout to save 10%! 

JOYTOY White ScarsJOYTOY Flyima


The items below are currently available from multiple sellers; check out the links below to grab yours!

JOYTOY PRe-order

Joytoy new wave

Click Here To Get JOYTOY From Entertainment Earth, 10% off at Flyima, or Sideshow Collectibles

Check out the latest Warhammer 40k rumors for the rest of the 9th and even 10th Edition, new releases, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

    All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

    What is your favorite of these upcoming Games Workshop new releases from the Roadmap? Which of these will you be picking up?

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