The Best Hobby Products & Supplies for Gifts for Christmas

By Rob Baer | December 18th, 2022 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

Top-50-hobby-gifts-black-friday-miniaturesThere isnt too much time yet, but these are the best hobby products and supplies for miniatures make great gifts to give and get this holiday.

While not everything on this list will be on sale, if you’ve been eyeing something up, you might as well check and see! Never send more hobby dollars than you have to; see what you can save with our hobby essentials list right now!

With Amazon’s 2022 Merry Deals, shoppers will find all sorts of money-saving deals on the website. Of course, we have our own list of the best hobby supplies you may want to check out while these deals are on!

merry deals amazon

Amazon’s 2022 Merry Deals offers major discounts on electronics, tech supplies, and much more for everyone on your list. Check out options for your home, kitchen, and garden, with great deals on household appliances such as a brand-new coffee maker, blender, food processor, or toaster oven. 

You’ll find deals on gifts for everyone on your list during Merry Deals 2022. Fitness fanatics, movie buffs, handymen, and women — we’ve got the deals you’ve been looking for.

Amazon’s 2022 Merry Deals, Over 1000 Items

What is on sale exactly? Well, it changes day by day from the looks of it. Be sure to check back each day of Amazon’s 2022 Merry Deals.

50 Best Hobby Products & Supplies for Miniatures

As the world becomes increasingly modern, hobby technology has skyrocketed. Take a look at these products I recommend that’ll make your hobby journey a bit smoother.

TUTORIAL: Make your own light halo for under $50

Products For The Hobby Table

mobile hobby desk close smallREVIEW: Take Your Models Anywhere with This Mobile Hobby Table

  • Dx Racer Chair– A good chair is something you don’t want to skip out on if you find yourself at the hobby desk. This is what Rob uses himself.
  • Gunnar Glasses- Protect From Harmful Blue Light, great for those harsh painting lights and computer monitor

razer iskur chairREVIEW: Keep Your Posture While Hobbying: Razer Iskur Chair

sonic cleaner astraeusTUTORIAL: Cleaning Models With The Ultrasonic Model Cleaner (large)

Mini-Vortex Mixer citadelTUTORIAL: Best Mixer Shaker for Wargames Miniatures Paints

airbrush spray booth 3REVIEW:Spray Booth With LED Lights  Black Spray Booth (New Product)

Hobby Supplies to Pick Up

Transferring Citadel Contrast Paints to Dropper Bottles DecantTUTORIAL: Transferring Citadel Paints to Dropper Bottles: Decant

Light Halo Pictures of Miniatures tips and tricksREVIEW: Take Better Pictures of Your Minis With These

ELOTUTORIAL: Easy Lift-Off- Great for lifting paint off of minis you want to restore

W&N Brush Cleaner

sfg brushesREVIEW: Bomb Wicks VS Citadel & Winsor Newton Brushes

mr hobby weathering blackTUTORIAL: This Product Changes Everything!

chaos knights how to magentizeTUTORIAL: How to Magnetize Knights

marvel crisis protocol x-force drybrushedNew Monument Hobbies Pro Synthetic Detail and Sable Hair Paint Brushes and Dry Brushes!

GW Tools 20Wowstick Motorized Drill Watch us use at around the 24:00 mark in this video by clicking here.

Best Hobby Paints For Miniatures

Chrome MiniaturesTUTORIAL: How to Paint Chrome Miniatures 

  • AK Interactive AcrylicsAlready the favorite of many European Painters.
  • Formula P3 PaintsWhile Privateer has “fallen off” some in recent years, their paints are still great!
  • Army Painter WarpaintArmy Painter has been a staple for many since its introduction in 2007.
  • Vallejo AirVallejo paints have been favored over GW’s Citadel line for over 20 years.
  • Vallejo Game Color
  • Citadel Paint If you have to paint the “GW Way,” Citadel is the way to go, but there are so many better and cheaper alternatives out there; it pays to be brave and try something new!
  • Pro Acrylwas created by a true artist specifically for miniatures. These paints are one of the best and most affordable out there, and we 100% recommend them to all.

For Streaming

New section under progress featuring all the gear we use to record video content and stream.

jabra wireless earbuds

  • Elite Earbuds For Podcasts & Streaming- Pretty much waterproof (I dropped them in a 3 ft mudpuddle), and indestructible ( I also smashed them on the asphalt twice).  15-hour battery life and quick charging case make these my go-to now for everything from phone calls to streaming.
  • Powerful Slim Laptop we use for streaming and working at conventions.

3D Printers Are Great For Miniatures

learn-3d-prinitngTUTORIAL: Learn 3D Printing Today

These days it’s even easier for hobbyists to source and print bits, perhaps more so than any of us had thought.  The undeniable allure is that it’s not too expensive for any person to get into 3D printing in order to monetize and/or supplement their hobby.

3D Printers:

Anycubic Mono X 

photon mono SE


  • Anycubic Monois pretty affordable and easy to use
  • Anycubic Photon Mono SE– printer is magic for minis.
  • Anycubic Mono X Printer– seems to be the new favorite of miniature hobbyists that swear by Anycubic.
  • ELEGOO Mars 2– Clocking in generally cheaper than the Anycubic series of printers (except the base mono) ELEGOO Mars 2 is a perfect “in-between” printer that is a great quality at a great price!
  • ELEGOO Saturn 4k Printer– Between the much larger print area and a resolution approaching actual 4k, the Elegoo Saturn has quickly become a favorite of hobbyists for 3d printing miniatures!

3D Printing Supplies:

3d printer rob 5

You won’t need the pickle jars or the UV cure unit if you get the Anycubic Wash & Cure Station. The new version is pictured above, the old one below.

anycubic wash station large

Recommended Airbrushes & Supplies

You Should Buy a Good Airbrush AlreadyHarder & Steenbeck Evolution Airbrush (left) and Colani (right)  REVIEW: High-End Airbrushes

Tooty Compressor

Tooty No-Name Compressor REVIEW: More Than a Beginner Airbrush Compressor

Figure Storage Options For Miniature Wargaming

Project Cart With 6 Cases for MiniaturesTUTORIAL: Store Your Miniatures Safely For Under $20

push cart

REVIEW: Pack & Roll Foldable Tournament Cart

Rob face large containerTUTORIAL: Store Your Larger Miniatures Safely Too!

  • Sterlite Bins x12 – You can put a metal sheet in the bottom of these and throw your minis with magnetized bases inside!
  • Hobby Bags – You can never have enough transportable bags to keep your hobby supplies in one spot

magnetizing-resin-plastic-bases-for-miniaturesTUTORIAL: How To Magnetize Resin & Plastic Bases For Miniatures

Adeptus Titanicus Hobby Gear

titanicus command terminals magnetic

TUTORIAL: Magnetize Your Adeptus Titanicus Command Terminals

With Amazon’s 2022 Merry Deals, shoppers will find all sorts of money-saving deals on the website. Of course, we have our own list of the best hobby supplies you may want to check out while these deals are on!

merry deals amazon

Amazon’s 2022 Merry Deals offers major discounts on electronics, tech supplies, and much more for everyone on your list. Check out options for your home, kitchen, and garden, with great deals on household appliances such as a brand-new coffee maker, blender, food processor, or toaster oven. 

You’ll find deals on gifts for everyone on your list during Merry Deals 2022. Fitness fanatics, movie buffs, handymen, and women — we’ve got the deals you’ve been looking for.

Amazon’s 2022 Merry Deals, Over 1000 Items

What is on sale exactly? Well, it changes day by day from the looks of it. Be sure to check back each day into cyber Monday for the latest!

With all of these supplies covered, what’s been your best purchase? Do you have any other hobby recommendations?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 

Get ad-free access to our hobby videos, and a monthly crate of miniatures, plus support some of the best creators out there for as little as $6 a month on Patreon!


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