Warhammer & 40k New Releases Roadmap For February 2024

gw rumors and new releases warhammer 40k age of sigmar horus heresy the old world necromunda notext games workshop new releases warhammer roadmapHere is the latest Games Workshop new releases roadmap featuring tons of minis for most Warhammer and 40k games headed into February 2024!

The new Games Workshop releases roadmap is back and more loaded than ever. We’re not joking, either; we mean loaded. There are a ton of miniatures on the way for all of Warhammer as far out as the summer of 2024! Be sure to check out all the new release roadmap previews from Games Workshop below for Age of Sigmar, Horus Heresy, and, of course, Warhammer 40k as well!

Warhammer & 40k New Releases Roadmap For 2024 UPDATED

games workshop new releases generic title Games Workshop New Releases Warhammer Roadmap 40k Age of Sigmar

If you don’t want to scroll through all the new Games Workshop roadmap releases for 2024, click the link below to jump to each section!

New Age of Sigmar Games Workshop New Releases

aos banner age of sigmar logo games workshop new releases warhammer roadmap

Click here to order your Games Workshop new releases from the 40k Age of Sigmar Warhammer Roadmap for less from these retailers:| Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or |Games Workshop’s Store

New AoS Daughters of Khaine & Callis & Toll Rise in Dawnbringers!

Callis & Toll

This was a bit unexpected, but the Daughters of Khaine are getting a new character to accompany their rules in the latest Dawnbringers book.

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Callis & Toll

Callis & Toll

If you’ve been watching them in the animations, it will be really cool to throw them down on the tabletop and let them wreak havoc!

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New AoS Dawnbringers Book

Callis & TollThis is how they’ve been expanding the game recently, and we can expect at least all the rules for the models that were revealed.

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Sekhar, The Fang of Nulahmia Rules, & Launch Box

AoS Fang of Nulahmia Miniature

This is quite an exciting miniature, if you’ve always wanted a vampire with a giant pet snake, here you go!

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GW Previews New Miniatures For Age of Sigmar in 2024

New Miniatures Age of Sigmar in 2024 2

New Miniatures Age of Sigmar in 2024Games Workshop revealed some of the next new releases for Age of Sigmar 2024 with five new miniatures, including Nighthaunt, Slaves to Darkness, and more.

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Spearhead: Stormcast Eternals


Spearhead: Stormcast Eternals is loaded with miniatures, representing a balanced fighting force out of the box – and a way to add a powerful leader or some valuable reinforcements to your roster.

Led by Yndrasta the Celestial Spear, this boxed set contains 16 plastic Citadel Miniatures, including a Stormstrike Chariot pulled by a pair of Gryph-Chargers. Bulking out the set are a unit each of Vanquishers and Annihilators, and a Knight-Vexillor to proudly carry the banners of the Stormcast Eternals into battle, ablaze with the glorious light of celestial energies.

Hordes of New AoS Flesh Eater Courts Models! (Separate Box Games Workshop New Releases)

New AoS Flesh Eater Courts ModelsThe Flesh Eater Courts are getting a giant swathe of new models for AoS and plenty of minis to expand your courts to new realms!

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New Cryptguard (Separate Box Release)

New AoS Flesh Eater Courts Models

The Cryptguard are tenacious guardians of their monarch’s estates, lowborn serfs who have earned great privileges through their valour and loyalty. They enjoy the most comfortable hovels, the chance to dine on leftovers from noble banquets, and may even wield a weapon from their majesty’s private armoury.

This was the kit we saw wandering around in the wild, and the minis look great! They seem to have a ton of options and plenty of trophies.

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Morbheg Knights (Separate Box Release)

New AoS Flesh Eater Courts Models

Many lords maintain stables of proud and noble pegasi, while others boast of fearsome draconith steeds, or claim to have mastered even stranger heraldic beasts. These all make fine mounts for the Morbheg Knights, their charges accompanied by a joyous, ringing laughter that stupefies the gutless and craven.

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Varghulf Courtier (Separate Box Release)

New AoS Flesh Eater Courts Models

Not every noble is meant for the burden of command. Others are destined for a purer purpose, and find themselves blessed with preternatural fervour and strength. These souls become hallowed templars, wandering champions who eschew the court to battle evil wherever they find it.

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Flesh Eater Courts Characters

New AoS Flesh Eater Courts Models

Those noble scions who exhibit the touch of divinity are sent to the Cardinal order, where they learn the precepts of the Summerking’s faith – and eschew any claim to material power, keeping their sires safe from a potential priestly rival. These spiritual leaders must pledge loyalty to Ushoran alone, and endure a sip of rich kingsblood wine from his consecrated chalice. Those whose faith is strong enough find themselves able to enforce the Summerking’s divine will with wondrous miracles, and lead great missionary efforts into the barbaric wilds.

If you need to bless your troops and give them buffs, this is the model to do it!


Even the lowliest of villains are deemed worthy of an honourable death by the Grand Justice and his court – but the Royal Decapitators who carry out such judgements do so with little hesitation. 

How can you run a proper kingdom without a decapitator? Don’t worry; the FEC has you covered!

Once the greatest and noblest champion of Nagash, Ushoran was brought low by some cruel twist of fate, transfigured into a swollen goliath afflicted with an unquenchable thirst. It took the combined might of the other Mortarchs to subdue their cursed comrade and return him to their master. 

Last but not least is Ushoran! This is a pretty crazy mini and should have some insane rules to go along with it.

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Abhorrant Gorewarden (Separate Box Release)

Abhorrant Gorewarden

This model looks pretty amazing and even clears up some rumor engines! If you need someone to keep your palace safe, it’s hard to get by this!

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The Judge is in: New Flesh Eater Courts Grand Justice Gormayne Revealed!

Flesh Eater Courts Grand Justice

When you have a society as advanced and obviously political as the Flesh Eater Courts, you need someone who is going to oversee the big issues! It will be interesting to see his rules and how they give flavor to the model on the tabletop.

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Ionus Cryptborn Dragon (Separate Box Release)

Starting off with a banger, Ionus Cryptborn is the newest dragon coming to AOS and is possibly the best dragon mini GW has made yet!

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New Age of Sigmar Roadmap

AoS Book Roadmap 2023 games workshop new releases warhammer roadmap

Harbingers is the first book of a series. We’ve checked with the auguries, who have provided a roadmap of what the future holds for the Age of Sigmar.

With the massive build-up of Cities of Sigmar, it was released in Autumn! The Dawnbringers books also wrapped up by the end of 2023 with a book on each Grand Alliance.  Now its time to wait until the next roadmap preview, potentially at LVO 2024.

Games Workshop New Warcry Model Release Previews:

warcry banner 2022 games workshop new releases warhammer roadmap

Click here to order your Games Workshop new releases from the 40k Age of Sigmar Warhammer Roadmap for less from these retailers:| Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or |Games Workshop’s Store

Pyre & Flood Box Set

Pyre and Flood

Warcry: Pyre & Flood introduces two new warbands to the Ravening Ruin, the Ydrilan Riverblades and the Pyregheists. Elemental forces that are clashing over the fate of the Gnarlwood and all those who dwell within it.

Pyre and Flood 3

These sorry souls are tasked with keeping the endless braziers of Nagashizzar alight, filling them with mortal flesh and soul-matter so they radiate deathly magic. These smouldering spirits are now congregating in the Gnarlwood, preparing to turn it into a blazing bonfire of necromantic energy, a funeral pyre burning in celebration of their merciless god.

Pyre and Flood 2These were one of the shrouded figures in the 2024 New Year’s preview, and they look pretty awesome!

Warhammer Underworlds Banner games workshop new releases warhammer roadmap games workshop new releases warhammer roadmap

Click here to order your Games Workshop new releases from the 40k Age of Sigmar Warhammer Roadmap for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or |Games Workshop’s Store

Zondara’s Gravebreakers


True to its name, the Deathgorge is an unpleasant place. Its rime-coated tunnels are filled with deadly wildlife and roving warbands, who hunt its glacial innards for treasures of great power. Unlike the many greedy souls who make the treacherous trek here for glory, the Ghurish mage Zondara Rivenheart journeys not for riches or honour… but for love.

underworlds 2

Accompanied by three undead thralls and her lover Ferlain – still in beast form – she has made the arduous journey to the Deathgorge, determined to find a way to break the curse. Her cocktail of deathly and bestial magic is a lethal tool for battling through the frozen caverns. 

underworlds 3

It’s always fun to have new warbands to go to battle with, and if you love the undead, this is perfect for you!

New Blood Bowl Model Release Previews:

Blood Bowl banner icon games workshop new releases warhammer roadmap games workshop new releases warhammer roadmap

Click here to order your Games Workshop new releases from the 40k Age of Sigmar Warhammer Roadmap for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or |Games Workshop’s Store

They just had their last few releases come out, so things are a little stale for the Blood Bowl Games Workshop New Releases Warhammer Roadmap. If we missed something, please leave us a comment or email us!

New Warhammer 40k Model Release Previews:

9th warhammer 40k banner

Click here to order your Games Workshop new releases from the 40k Age of Sigmar Warhammer Roadmap for less from these retailers:| Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or |Games Workshop’s Store

Kroot Are Back With a New 40k Army Box & Tau Codex

Tau Kroot

The backbone of any Kroot Hunting Pack is composed of Kroot Carnivores, skilled warriors with rustic equipment and savage countenance. With the new kit, Carnivores have several dynamic poses befitting their natural agility, and they come equipped with a tanglebomb launcher that adds explosive fire support to their Kroot rifle volleys.

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New Kroot Characters

Tau KrootWar Shapers are skilled warriors and their primitive weapons are highly effective in their experienced hands. Be it the twirling melee prowess of the bladestave and prey-hook, or the ranged power of the dart-bow and tri-blade

Tau KrootAccompanying the War Shaper is the Flesh Shaper, who takes pride in guiding the carnivorous practices of their fellow Kroot and ensuring that only the finest genetic material makes it into their pack’s evolutionary heritage.

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Krootox Rampagers & Krootox Rider

Tau Kroot hunting pack army box set They will act as linebreakers and skirmish cavalry that range ahead of the wider Hunting Pack. With up to six in each unit, they’re a big pile of melee power to be charging around the battlefield. These will be a great option for Tau, as they can smash enemies off objectives with combat. 

Tau Kroot hunting pack army box setThe Krootox, a hulking beast of a subspecies, makes a return as the iconic Kroot weapons platform. The new model is covered in ornaments, fetishes, and bangles to showcase their status as valued partners.  It’s nice to see the more classic Krootox Rider return with another big gun!

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New Kroot Hunting Pack Box Set

Tau Kroot hunting pack army box setAll of these will be available in a new launch box for Tau, but this is only about half of the new models that the Kroot will be getting!

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10th Edition Tau Codex

Tau Kroot hunting pack army box set codexThe Kroot Hunting Pack even has its own dedicated Detachment in the new Codex: T’au Empire, allowing players to deploy an all-Kroot force complete with thematic Enhancements and Stratagems.

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GW Previews What’s Next for Warhammer 40k in 2024

2024 year end model 1 silhoutteGames Workshop revealed what’s next for Warhammer 40k in 2024 with three new model silhouette teasers for Orks, Custodes, and Kroot.

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New Belial 40k Model & Deathwing Assault Army Launch Box

deathwing assault box set

Another launch army box set is here, this time dubbed Deathwing Assault. That name gives off major Space Hulk vibes as the moniker of their favored method of attacking their enemies.

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Inner Circle Companions

inner circle companions video

Games Workshop introduced a new unit type for the Dark Angels for their 10th Edition release. These appear to be bodyguards to characters and may function like the Bladeguard veterans from the Codex Marine chapters.

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Dark Angels Deathwing Knights

Dark Angels Deathwing KnightsThey mentioned in the stream they come with all the bits to equip all fice models with each set of weapons or hotted heads, which is nice as it adds more value to the kit!

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Asmodai Crashes into Warhammer 40k!

Dark Angels Deathwing KnightsThis is such a classic model, not only on the tabletop but also in the lore of the game!

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Orks Get A New Mini To Match Black Library Title Appearances

Ufthak Blackhawk

Talk about a sweet mini! A massive gun mounted on top of a loyal squig and a giant hammer to boot? Ufthak is here to lay down the hurt!

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Scouts Are Here to Stay! (Separate Release Not Kill Team?)

Scout Squads have been part of Space Marine lore for roughly as long as there have been Space Marines. With their lighter armour, tactical visors, and nifty mohawks, these stealthy youngbloods have been hitting the dirt upon distant objectives for decades. 

The new Scouts are taller and leaner, but they keep the carapace armour and other classical accoutrements of the Space Marine neophyte. It’s all there – you’ve got a choice of boltguns, Astartes shotguns, or pistols and combat knives for each of the rank’n’file, with plenty of accessories and heads sporting a fresh trim.

Scouts will be released first in the Kill Team Salvation box alongside new Eldar Striking Scorpion miniatures!

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Multipart Space Marine Terminator Captain Is Missing

This model is pretty awesome, but you can’t get him yet! This makes us wonder if he will be paired in some new box, just like the scouts were. Interestingly, he wasn’t even put into the Combat Patrol, as there is a Captain in there, but the non-multipart kit.

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RUMORS: 7 New Eldar 40k Miniature Kits On The Way


Huge rumors point to a second wave of Warhammer 40k Eldar releases with seven new miniatures kits for Aspect Warriors and Phoenix Lords!

We’ve just seen the new plastic Striking Scorpions, but according to these rumors, that’s just the start!

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New Warhammer 40k Codex Roadmap Headed Into 2024

Codex Release Map games workshop new releases warhammer roadmap

They added GSC and Sisters to the list, along with one redacted codex! If you play either of those armies, you’re in luck for upcoming new releases from Games Workshop Warhammer Roadmap!

New Warhammer 40k Kill Team Model Release Previews:

40k kill team banner games workshop new releases warhammer roadmap

Click here to order your Games Workshop new releases from the 40k Age of Sigmar Warhammer Roadmap for less from these retailers:| Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or |Games Workshop’s Store

The Night Lords Rise in a New 40k Kill Team Box!

Night Lords 40k Kill Team

The Night Lords haven’t received much love from GW recently, so it’s nice to see them get an upgrade sprue to show off their true colors!

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GW Reveals New Plastic Eldar Striking Scorpions Miniatures (Separate Release)


Striking Scorpions are consummate hunters, specialised in stalking their prey through dense environments. These patient warriors often lay motionless for days, observing their victims before descending upon them in a whirlwind of shuriken pistols, mandiblasters, and chainswords.

It’s been a really long time since we saw new models for these, and they have definitely updated the aesthetic to the new edition. They are much slimmer than before but still keep the classic look. You even get an Exarch in the box, which is nice.


Armed with a diverse array of weapons, including Astartes shotguns, boltguns, pistols, sniper rifles, heavy bolters, and missile launchers, these customisable squads are more than capable of tackling the Asuryani threat – and the myriad other crash-landed kill teams now operating on Bheta-Decima.

We already saw these new Games Workshop releases when the Space Marines launched, but you will get 10 in the box to fight against the Scorpions.

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Kill Team Roadmap

warhammer kill team roadmap 2023 games workshop new releases warhammer roadmap

It looks like time has run out for the Kill Team Games Workshop New Releases Warhammer Roadmap. Perhaps we will see a new one at LVO 2024?

Latest New JOYTOY Warhammer 40k Action Figures!

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Joytoy Options


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If you’ve been eyeing any of the fantastic JOYTOY Warhammer 40k action figures, use our exclusive discount code SPIKEYBITS at checkout to save 12% and get yours for less from Flyima!  Best of all, they have free shipping to the States!

New Necromunda Model Release Previews:

Necromunda banner games workshop new releases warhammer roadmap games workshop new releases warhammer roadmap

Click here to order your Games Workshop new releases from the 40k Age of Sigmar Warhammer Roadmap for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or |Games Workshop’s Store

New Delaque Bounty Hunter

Delaque Bounty Hunter

The agents of House Delaque are feared for their stealth and subtlety, though no-one knows the source of their uncanny ability to communicate without sound or movement – the Psychoterica. This unknowable force grants strange powers bordering on the psychic to all Delaque exposed to it, and none show as great a connection to this mysterious energy as the infamous bounty hunter Yageloth, the Master of Whispers.

Delaque Bounty Hunter 2

Unlike most of those touched by the Psychoterica, Yageloth is a full-blown psyker of awesome power, whose connection to the Silent Ones allows him to transcend the physical plane and become one with the shadows. He is a living embodiment of the force that connects all true Delaque, having gained his abilities on a foolhardy venture to the source of the Silent Ones’ whispers.

Squat Champion Unleashes a Massive Mining Laser

Squat Champion

The Ironhead Squat Prospectors are hardy folk, obdurately venturing out of their mountain fastnesses to comb the deep wastes for the treasures of times past, mining through refuse, rock, and hard-baked slurry to find old tech and raw materials to fuel their endless cycle of industry.

When you’re prospecting through the deep wastes, you sometimes have to turn your mining tools on the enemy!

Squat Champion 2

Fortunately, a lot of the prospecting equipment of the 41st Millennium doubles up rather well as a weapon, as we can see with the forthcoming Squat Champion with a mining laser. This Strength 9 weapon can slice through pretty much anything the outlands can throw at you, and even his suit-mounted circular stone-saw works nicely in hand-to-hand combat, while his Photo-lumen maintains visual range even in the darkest reaches of the deep wastes. 

New Rogue Doc and Gang Lookout for House Delaque

New Rogue Doc and Gang Lookout for House Delaque

Two of these hired helpers will soon be available to buy from Forge World: the Rogue Doc and the Gang Lookout. The first is a vital inclusion for any gang – a trained medicae who can make an additional Medical Escort action at the end of every battle for free, saving the lives of injured gangers.

House Delaque Ash Wastes Upgrades

New Rogue Doc and Gang Lookout for House Delaque 3

Then there are the House Delaque Ash Wastes Upgrades, which come with 10 unique masked-and-goggled head designs for your vehicle crews and outdoor gangs, plus two sets of five backpacks and 10 flasks. 

Games Workshop New Horus Heresy Model Releases Previews:

Horus Heresy banner 2023 white games workshop new releases warhammer roadmap

Click here to order your Games Workshop new releases from the 40k Age of Sigmar Warhammer Roadmap for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or |Games Workshop’s Store

GW Announces New Horus Heresy Expansion!

horus heresy expansion beta garmonThe battle for Beta-Garmon was a bloody conflict with many victories for both sides and the perfect spot for a new Horus Heresy Expansion book! Read More

Horus Heresy Solar Auxilia Plastic Kits

Solar Auxilia Plastic Kits Solar Auxilia Battle Group army boxIt looks like you will get 20 models in each box, and whether you play Imperial Guard or Horus Heresy, these are perfect for both!

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New Tactical Command

Solar Auxilia Plastic Kits

The Tactical Command looks like it will have a ton of options, and again, if you want something for your army to stand out, these are perfect!

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New Tanks

Solar Auxilia Plastic KitsThere will be three new tanks this time around in plastic, and they all look great!

Solar Auxilia Plastic Kits

The Leman Russ seems like it will only come with one main loadout in the standard kit, but you can also grab the upgrade as well for all the extra weapons in a kit for the assault version. The Strike Tank variant has four different turret weapons: a battle cannon, a vanquisher cannon, a gravis lascannon, or a gravis autocannon.

Solar Auxilia Plastic Kits leman russ

The Leman Russ Assault Tank adds even more turret options to your armoured squadrons, ramping up explosive firepower with a massive demolisher cannon and volkite macro-saker. For heavier armoured presence, the Malcador Heavy Tank boasts a ferocious armament, including a main turret cannon and heavy bolter sponsons.

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Aethon Heavy Sentinel

Solar Auxilia Plastic Kits Solar Auxilia Battle Group army box.

We saw the mini version of this in plastic for Legions Imperialis, but it’s nice to get the bigger version for Horus Heresy. Its central mount fits a multi-laser as standard, but it can be swapped for other guns, including autocannons, heavy incinerators, and volkite culverins.

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Solar Auxilia Plastic Army Box Set

Solar Auxilia Plastic Kits Solar Auxilia Battle Group army box.

If you want to grab some of the new plastic minis (or bolster your Imperial Guard force), the new box will come with tons of plastic!

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Velataris Storm Section

Solar Auxilia Plastic Kits Solar Auxilia Battle Group army box.

Additional units are also arriving in plastic, including the elite Veletaris Storm Sections, who deploy with powerful volkite calivers and can trade their gun for a vicious storm axe.

Solar Auxilia Plastic KitsAll of the rules for this army are already available in the Liber Imperium army book. Sadly, there are no plans to write rules for specifically using these miniatures in the 41st Millennium.

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3 New Miniatures Coming For Horus Heresy in 2024

Horus Heresy Miniatures 2024

Games Workshop revealed what’s next for Horus Heresy 2024 with three new miniatures, including a Command Squad and Solar Auxilia.

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Horus Heresy Gets Two Space Marine Apothecary Models

Horus Heresy Apothecaries 2

Games Workshop revealed two new Horus Heresy Apothecary models to keep your legion on the field (or at least their Gene-Seed safe).

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New Librarian Model Arrives for Horus Heresy

New Librarian Horus Heresy

A new Librarian arrives for Horus Heresy, the White Scars Stormseer Consul, ready to tap into the wisdom beyond his kinsmen!

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2023/4 Horus Heresy Roadmap

The final portion of Games Workshop Horus Heresy New Releases Warhammer Roadmap news from Games Workshop is a little further into the future…

HH roadmap 2023 games workshop new releases

Speaking of the future, we have a roadmap, and we can see that some of the Christmas/ LVO previews look to be on deck for spring.

New Legions Imperialis Model Release Previews:

Legions Imperialis banner games workshop new releases warhammer roadmap

Click here to order your Games Workshop new releases from the 40k Age of Sigmar Warhammer Roadmap for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or |Games Workshop’s Store

Adeptus Titanicus Returns In New Campaign Book

Adeptus Titanicus Returns

The Great Slaughter is here to answer that question. It’s the first major supplement for Legions Imperialis, and focuses on the apocalyptic battles that rocked Beta-Garmon as Warmaster Horus bore down on Terra.

The book opens with 50+ pages of background lore, complete with maps and illustrations to take you through the wars for the Garmon Cluster. With a focus on Nyrcon City, the major confrontations are presented in exacting detail, from the legendary Battle for Nyrcon City to the cusp of Titandeath, with countless profiles of the Legions, regiments, and squadrons that fought in the campaign.

We never mind getting more lore to read and more ways to play any game. Considering there weren’t a ton of missions to start, it’s also nice to have those additional rules as well. Read More

Malcador Heavy Tanks Join the Ranks of Legions Imperialis

Malcador Heavy Tanks Legions Imperialis

We’ve seen a bunch of tanks for the game, but more support is on the way as Malcador Heavy Tanks rumble into Legions Imperialis!

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Arvus Lighter Squadron

Arvus Lighter Squadron

Flyers are valuable assets in games of Legions Imperialis, and use their speed to soar in from beyond the board edge before strafing targets, bombing strongpoints, and delivering cargo. Given that it’s unarmed, it’s the third of these that the Arvus Lighter excels at, its speed and manoeuvrability making it perfect for dropping elite Solar Auxilia units into hotzones.

Mini Land Raiders Roll Into Legions Imperalis!

Land Raiders Legions Imperialis games workshop new releases

We’ve seen plenty of tanks for Legions Imperialis, but what is more iconic than a whole army of mini Land Raiders rumbling around?

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More Drop Pods Descend Into Legions Imperialis!

Drop Pods Legions Imperialis games workshop new releases

It’s not just Space Marines that ride these meteoric transport systems though; larger variants exist to launch hulking Dreadnoughts right to the action.

Dreadnought Drop Pods shuttle your Contemptors, Leviathans, and Deredeos right where you need them. They can carry one Dreadnought – snugly in the case of the bulky Leviathan – allowing them to deep strike ahead of your main force, and take advantage of the enemy’s weakest flank.

Why walk your Dreadnoughts up the battlefield when you can drop them where you want them? Considering these will be battles of such a giant scale, dropping in four Dreadnoughts at once would just feel cool and totally change the sway of the battle!

We’ve seen one set of Drop Pods for the game, but more are on the way to ferry Dreadnoughts and shield generators into Legions Imperialis!

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The Fast Attack Box Brings the Speed to Legions Imperialis!

Fast Attack Box Legions Imperialis

Every Legion has a range of nippy units, and the Legion Fast Attack box is packed full of the bikes, jet bikes and speeders you need to leave opponents eating your dust.

This box features a collection of very fast things that hover and fast things that roll on wheels, because even in the far future of Warhammer, the greatest minds of the Imperium cannot reinvent the wheel. 

Javelin and Proteus speeders are fast-moving weapon platforms which scoot around columns of tanks to fire on their exposed flanks or catch infantry squads unaware. The box can build four Javelin Land Speeders and four Proteus Land Speeders.

These look great in small form, and if you’ve always wanted to run legions of speeders and jet bikes, this box is going to be for you!

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Land Raider Spartan Tanks Blast Into Legions Imperialis!

Spartan Legions Imperialis

We’ve seen all sorts of different tracked death-dealers including the Kratos Heavy Tank and the earthshaking Medusa and Basilisk, but one tank has been conspicuously absent – the legendary Spartan.

This adaptation of Arkhan Land’s powerful Land Raider is finally revealed in epic scale. Built on a sturdy and reliable chassis, this tracked terror both protects and destroys equally well.

From the looks of it, you will get four tanks in a box, which isn’t that much compared to the other tank boxes. But we expect these to be much bigger than most tanks, so it makes sense. Either way, they look cool in epic form.

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Tiny Drop Pods Coming to Legions Imperialis!

Drop Pods Legions Imperialis

The Legiones Astartes utilise a number of methods of deployment into hostile war zones – but none are more iconic than the Drop Pod assault. Each pod is a self-contained orbital descent capsule, launched from a spacecraft and searing through a planet’s atmosphere before retro jets fire to slow its descent just enough not to be obliterated upon impact with the surface. Upon landing, a deadly cargo of Space Marines charges directly into the heart of battle.

Drop pods are just always cool, and when you have tons and tons of tiny models on the field, do you really want them to walk? No, you send them into the thick of battle where you need them the most!

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2 New Legions Imperialis Titan Battle Group Boxes Announced!

Legions Imperialis Titan Battle Group

Entire maniples of Knights and Titans strode the myriad battlegrounds of the Age of Darkness, and soon you’ll be able to build up your own Legio or Household with two new box sets of titanic war machines for Warhammer: The Horus Heresy – Legions Imperialis. 

It’s been a long time since we’ve seen big boxes available for Adeptus Titanicus, so these are a breath of fresh air!

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The Solar Auxilia Support Box Brings Epic Firepower to Legions Imperialis!

Solar Auxilia Support Box

Though an Auxiliary may lack the sheer superhuman punch of a Space Marine, their strict training regimen and fine armaments make them a threat on any battlefield – and what’s more, they number in the hundreds of thousands. They also bring lots and lots (and lots) of big guns and tanks, worthy of representation in the mass battles of Legions Imperialis. 

When you’re facing down such giant vehicles of war, you need all the fire support you can get! This box brings it in spades with 28 minis.

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Legiones Astartes Support Box Brings Epic Firepower to Legions Imperialis!

Legiones Astartes Support Box

This box is packed with heavy firepower. Leviathan Dreadnoughts are some of the toughest units to crack below Knight-scale, and are more than capable of messing up heavy tanks with their mix of weaponry. They’re joined by Deredeo Dreadnoughts, which are absolutely stacked with devastating long-range armaments.

If you need all the firepower, this is going to be a fun pickup. It’s also worth noting they said everything inside the box will be plastic. Which is good for this box but could mean lots of offerings will be resin.

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New Warhammer The Old World Model Release Previews:

warhammer old world title logo games workshop new releases warhammer roadmap

Click here to order your Games Workshop new releases from the 40k Age of Sigmar Warhammer Roadmap for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or |Games Workshop’s Store

Orcs & Goblins Army Box Arrives for Warhammer Old World

Orcs & Goblins Army Box

This has plenty of Greenskins in it, and if you grab a couple of these, you’ll have over 60 Orcs! However, keep in mind, this is more like a Vanguard box, not like the Army Launch boxes we saw before, as these don’t have rules inside. Their rules will be in the Ravening Hordes book, and there will also be an Arcane Journal for more rules, lore, and such about the Orcs and Goblins!

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New Arcane Journal

Orcs & Goblins Army Box 2

The Arcane Journal expands on that army list with plenty of lore, maps, and iconography, as well as two new special characters, two Armies of Infamy – the Nomadic Waaagh! and the Troll Horde – and a green fistful of extra rules to use in your armies, including magic items, spells, and units like the Troll Hag.

If you want more spells, armies of renown, and lore, this will be a great pickup.

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New Orcs & Goblins Characters

Orcs & Goblins Army Box 3

There are two fabulous new models for the Orc and Goblin Tribes: a fearsome Black Orc Warboss brandishing a great weapon, and the deeply weird Orc Shaman Ogdruz Swampdigga – a new named character found in the Arcane Journal. Both are cast in Forge World resin.


Orcs & Goblins Army Box 4There will be only two new characters this time, but we’re sure they will eventually get more. Just keep in mind that these will be resin.

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Warhammer The Old World Tomb Kings Necrolith Bone Dragon (Seperate Release)

tomb Kings Necrolith Bone Dragon

The Tomb Kings are coming back to life with the new Warhammer Old World Necrolith Bone Dragon and riders!

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Warhammer Old World Bretonnian Army Launch Line-Up Revealed!

Warhammer Old World Bretonnian Army LaunchThis is the biggest reveal we’ve seen yet for Old World, and they mentioned the release date will be Early 2024. However, as they said before, not everything will be new (or even in plastic), so we’ll start with the new plastic minis, then hop into all the upcoming releases in resin, and old repackaged models.

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Élisse Duchaard Model For Warhammer The Old World

lady duchaard

Élisse Duchaard bears all the symbols of her station – a golden grail, flowing robes of finest silk, and a mystical glowing sceptre. Her unicorn mount Ariandir needs no saddle, but is wreathed with vines and flowers that tighten his rider’s bond with nature.

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Orks Get A New Mini To Match Black Library Title Appearances

Ufthak Blackhawk

Talk about a sweet mini! A massive gun mounted on top of a loyal squig and a giant hammer to boot? Ufthak is here to lay down the hurt!

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Invocation of the Elements- Tau Miniature: Warhammer Stores Exclusive 2024

Exclusive Miniatures Warhammer 2024

This miniature, titled Invocation of the Elements, wears flowing robes inscribed with the icon of the Ethereal caste, while their staff is embellished with each of the other caste’s insignia. The jar they carry in their other hand emits a choice of four fumes themed after each element, while the model itself stands atop a ruined aquila – suggesting that the T’au are fighting on an Imperial world.

This new Ethereal caste miniature for Tau will stand out from your other Ethereals! If you play Tau, this will be a hard model to pass up for the new year.

Brakki of the Gilded Key- Fyreslayer Miniature: Warhammer Stores Exclusive 2024

Exclusive Miniatures Warhammer 2024 2

This miniature is packed with detail, from the intricate key that gives the duardin his name to the raging flames atop his Latch-axe. It also features a beautiful cape fashioned from the scales and hide of a Magmadroth, and Brakki is sure to stand out on the battlefield when you use him in your Fyreslayer armies as an alternative Runesmiter.

If you need a dwarf with a key, GW has you covered in 2024! While not the most dynamically posed miniature, he should be a good addition to your army.

Rumor Engine new GW header wal hor games workshop new releasesThat’s it for now. If you’re still hungry for more, here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models we should watch out for in the subsequent previews for new releases.

Overall, the Games Workshop new releases roadmap promises a lot of exciting miniatures for Warhammer and 40k games in the coming months. With so much on the horizon, it’s hard not to be excited for what’s to come.  Be sure to check out all the other new release roadmap previews from Games Workshop below for Age of Sigmar, Horus Heresy, and, of course, Warhammer 40k as well:

    All the Latest Warhammer New Releases & Model Rumors Roadmap

    What is your favorite of these upcoming Games Workshop New Releases from the Warhammer and 40k Roadmap? 

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    About the Author: Travis Pasch

    Travis Pasch

    travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

    Socials: @paschbass 

    About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

    Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

    Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!