New AoS Daughters of Khaine, Callis & Toll Rise in Dawnbringers!

KrethusaA new Daughters of Khaine character has been revealed alongside Callis and Toll, plus the new Dawnbringers book at the LVO 2024 GW Preview!

This is what Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community had to say about all the new AoS reveals, along with our commentary on it as well!

Games Workshop LVO 2024 Preview & Reveals!

GW preview LVO 2024 2

If you’re attending the event in person, you’ll get your look earlier than everyone else, but don’t worry if you can’t make it – we’ll broadcast the full preview shortly afterwards. Since the event is in the evening in Las Vegas, you’ll be able to catch us here at Warhammer Community or at the Warhammer Twitch channel from 12am EST/5am GMT.

Once again, the LVO preview will be very late/super early in the morning. However, the time works out pretty well for everyone in Australia and Japan!

New AoS Daughters of Khaine & Callis & Toll Rise in Dawnbringers!

Callis & Toll

Krethusa was a loner in the sisterhood of Khaine from her early days, as she cultivated an obsession with Morai-Heg, the ancient Crone goddess who was swallowed along with the rest of the aelven pantheon by Slaanesh. She felt a presence visiting her in dreams and wholeheartedly believed it was Morai-Heg. For this, she was ridiculed, beaten, and ostracised. 


This was a bit unexpected, but the Daughters of Khaine are getting a new character to accompany their rules in the latest Dawnbringers book.

Callis & TollWhile she may be blind, she is an extremely powerful sorcerer!

Callis & Toll

Callis & Toll

The Saviours of Cinderfall are tasked with scouring the Kingsblood Curse from the Cinderfall District and saving Hammerhal. They are led by veteran witch hunter Hanniver Toll and his long-standing ally, the ex-Freeguild officer Armand Callis. You’ll recognise them from their Black Library exploits, and the Warhammer+ animation Undercity.

If you’ve been watching them in the animations, it will be really cool to throw them down on the tabletop and let them wreak havoc!

New AoS Dawnbringers Book

Callis & TollThis is how they’ve been expanding the game recently, and we can expect at least all the rules for the models that were revealed.

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

What do you want to see revealed at the preview for LVO 2024? 

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