New AoS Dawnbringers Book 3 & Dragon Revealed

new-age-of-sigmar-dawnbringersSome sweet new minis, like an amazing Dragon, alongside Dawnbringers book 3, were revealed at the Warhammer Day 2023 GW Preview!

This is what Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community had to say about (miniatures being revealed), along with our commentary on it as well!

Warhammer Day 2023 Reveals!

GW Previews kill team

This parade of awesome articles will culminate on Saturday with an extra-special live reveal show on the Warhammer Twitch Channel. Things kick off at 2pm BST, and there’s a real welter of stuff to unveil: new books and miniatures for Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Age of Sigmar, a new box and a new faction for Kill Team, and big news for Warhammer: The Old World.

The last few previews have been quite late at night, so it’s nice to finally see one coming at a somewhat average time here in the States, unless you live on the West Coast, as you might have to get up early!


Here are the quick links to all the previews from Warhammer Day 2023. Click on any of them for the full articles!

New AoS Dawnbringers Book 3 & Dragon Revealed





In order to continue on their quest, the warriors of Sigmar must rely on the help of a dubious ally who has not been seen in the Mortal Realms for as long as many can remember. Enter the God-King’s prodigal son and first Lord-Relictor, Ionus Cryptborn.

The Warden of Lost Souls is a tragic figure, who has spent decades searching Shyish fruitlessly for a cure to the flaw in the Reforging – an affliction which has robbed his closest friends of their hearts and minds, and left his own voice no more than a sepulchral rasp. Now though, he has been called upon by Sigmar once more, to serve an as-of-yet unknown higher purpose.

Starting off with a banger, Ionus Cryptborn is the newest dragon coming to AOS and is possibly the best dragon mini GW has made yet!

Cryptborn Storm

Ionus Cryptborn takes flight alongside two fire-belching Stormdrake Guard in Cryptborn’s Stormwing, a box which will be released alongside the Dawnbringers: Book III – The Long Hunt. 

If you want to pick up the new, dragon, you’ll have to get him (at least at first) in Cryptborn’s Stormwing, which contains Stormdrake Guard. Their own box goes for $125, so this bundle box will be a little bit pricey, and contain a decent amount of points for list building!

Ionus is also getting an on-foot model, that actually looks quite different, wearing completely different armor to his mounted variant.

Dawnbringers Book 3 Revealed


dawnbringer 3

The Aqshian Crusade pushes into the Great Parch where they must battle the Goretide of Khorne, as old allies from the earliest days of Warhammer Age of Sigmar lore reunite for a grudge match against Khorgos Khul. In Ghyran, the Dawnbringers are beset on all sides by teeming hordes of deranged Ogor Gorgers, but a powerful new Sylvaneth ally makes himself known.

The Long Hunt amps up the twisting and turning narrative of the Twin-Tailed Crusade, and is stuffed with new rules to represent the major movers, shakers, battles, and forces in the next chapter of this two-sided story. 

Book 3 is coming up quickly with a focus on Order this time around, so expect some lore and rules within it.

New Sylvaneth Belthanos Model Revealed




Belthanos, First Thorn of Kurnoth, has arrived. He is responsible for keeping the spirit of Kurnoth, the Sylvaneth God of the Hunt, alive, and should his eternal chase ever cease, the dim embers of godhood would gutter out forever. 

Belthanos will also arrive alongside Dawnbringers book three on his unique beetle.

Belthanos is always at the fore of the Evergreen Hunt, sounding his warhorn from atop his Carnelian Greatspite. This is more than just a big, brutish, and bellicose bug – the Greatspite is a manifestation of pure jade life magic, and conveys Belthanos to his targets with vital haste and perfect coordination.  

Belthanos himself is an adept of arboreal warfare, and holds authority over all Kurnoth Hunters. Their prey do not know they are marked for death, but once the Evergreen Hunt has a quarry little can stop its pursuit – spurred on by the primordial rhythm that pulses in the heart of all Sylvaneth.

Belthanos, along with a small warband, will be how you pick up the new mini at launch.

Belthanos’ involvement in the Twin-tailed Crusade is chronicled in Dawnbringers: Book III – The Long Hunt, and this harmonious hunter will be released as part of the Blades of Belthanos, a box containing Belthanos, three Kurnoth Hunters, and three Revenant Seekers – who can also be built as Spiterider Lancers.

Seven new minis and a decent-sized character mean this box might be on the pricey side, too. Kurnoth Hunters go for $60 and Revenant Seekers for $65, so based on his size, Belthanos may end up in the $60-$80 range. With that being said, it will probably cost nowhere close to the giant Stormcast dragon box above.

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

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