Rumor Engine Latest: 18 New GW Models?

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Are these some of the next models from GW? Do you know what these bits are? The dust has settled on the Daemon Engines, let’s see what bits go where, now!

GW has been giving a steady stream of rumor engines like clockwork. We’ve also been seeing a handful spotted in different kinds of previews.  Get caught up on the latest rumor engine bits that were spotted in previews as well as what we’re keeping our eyes peeled for.

18 Rumor Engines Left to Pick Out of the Previews

Table of Contents & Article Summary

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August 21, 2018

This Week’s Rumor Engine: We Tyraneed Your Opinion

rumor engine 8-21-18 This Week's Rumor Engine: We Tyraneed Your Opinion

A rumor engine has popped and it seems like we are looking at a top-down pic of a Tyranid. Check out the latest image and tell us what you think it is.

September 4, 2018

Primaris Getting Transport? New GW Rumor Engine

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It looks like the Imperium might be getting a new model. Take a look at the Engineering spotted in this Rumor Engine.

September 11, 2018

Smoke Detected: This Week’s Rumor Engine

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Smoke is filling up the air again with this rumor engine. Take a look and make your guesses as to what it could be!

Some readers have commented this is the Primaris Infiltrator’s smoke grenade, but if you look closely the smoke trails don’t match up. Could we see a multipart kit in the future?

September 18, 2018

Any Weapon is Better: GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 9-18-18 Any Weapon is Better than No Weapon: GW Rumor Engine

It’s that time again! A Rumor Engine pic has been spotted and it looks like they’re up in archaic arms. Take a look at the latest details.

September 27, 2018

Viking Boats in Warhammer: New GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 9-25-18 Viking Boats in Warhammer? This Week's Rumor Engine

We’re back with another Rumor Engine. By the look of it, Vikings are headed this way! Peek at the latest rumor engine yourself and drop your guess.

October 16, 2018

Odd Armor Plating: GW’s Latest Rumor Engine

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We’re back with another rumor engine and it’s left us scratching our heads. Our best guess is that it’s some kind of armor. Take a look.


October 30, 2018

GW Rumor Engine: More New Space Marines?

GW Rumor Engine: More New Space Marines?

A GW rumor engine popped up and it looks a lot like the back of a pressurized suit. Do you see something else here? Take a look!

Dec 4, 2018

GW Rumor Engine: A Torch to Light Your Way

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A rumor engine has trickled down to us from the GW headquarters. Check out what we’ve got as we explore some possibilities.

Dec 11, 2018

GW Rumor Engine: You’ve Got to Have Thick Skin

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GW’s latest rumor engine is showing some scaly skin! Before we jump to conclusions, let’s weigh all of the possibilities. Tell us what you think!

Dec 18, 2018

GW Rumor Engine: More BIKES Coming to 40k?

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GW dropped another rumor engine and it’s as clear as mud. Are new BIKES! coming to Warhammer? You be the judge!

January 2, 2019

GW Rumor Engine: A New Primaris Weapon?

rumor engine 1-8-2019A new rumor engine from GW appeared showing what we think is the end of a new flamer-type weapon. Let’s go over a few of the major points.

January 22, 2019

BLIPS! New GSC or Primaris Spotted In Rumor Engine?

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Games Workshop gave us another rumor engine to throw some guesses at. Blips are on the radar! But what could the blips be?

March 5, 2019

All That Glitters Isn’t Gold: GW Rumor Engine

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Is this some kind of decorative base going to an AoS character? Slaanesh loves riches and everything in excess!

March 19, 2019

A New GW Rumor Engine Appears: A Hatch to Keep you Safe

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Does this look like a hatch on top of a Sisters of Battle tank? Could it be a new Primaris transport?  Some readers have commented on how this matches up with the Onager Tank hatches for the Ad mech, what do you think?

March 26, 2019

Sound the Horn! New GW Rumor Engine

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Sound the horns! The enemy is approaching! Could this be some kind of Slaaneshi instrument?

April 2, 2019

Warhammer Leatherface? New GW Rumor Engine SPOTTED

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Who’s the poor chap that lost his face to become a fashion statement?

April 9, 2019

Warhammer Genie in A Bottle? New GW Rumor Engine SPOTTED!

If you rub the wrong lamp, you won’t get a Genie…You’ll get a tormented spirit.

April 16, 2019

Cracked! A New GW Rumor Engine Spotted

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This bit is one of the hardest ones we’ve ever had to identify. We really don’t have any clue as to what this could be.

Latest Identified Bits

If you missed some of the bits that have already been identified earlier this year, you can check them out below. Thanks to our readers for sniping out some hard finds!

rumor engine More to the Rumor Pile: 25 Rumor Engines to Debunk New Space Marines & Chaos? 25 Rumor Engine Mysteries

Latest Confirmed Rumor Engine Releases:

July 17, 2018

This Rumor Engine is Making waves

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July 24, 2018

Rumor Engine: There’s a Gem in the Crown

rumor engine 7-24-18 Rumor Engine: There's a Gem in the Crown.

July 31, 2018

The Serpent’s Coil: Another Rumor Engine Spotted

rumor engine 7-31-18 The Serpent's Coil: Latest Rumor Engine Spotted

slaanesh model 3

The three rumor engines from above actually go to this one whole model! There’s a lot going on but it looks like some kind of summoning portal for some Daemonettes in AoS.

January 15, 2019

A Wing of Terror: New GW Rumor Engine

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March 12, 2019

Could This Be The Ambull’s Cousin? GW Rumor Engine

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While we haven’t seen the actual model yet, the two rumor engines from above look to match up to the bug that was spotted in the AoS Looncurse video teaser. 

January 29, 2019

A Crude Whip: New GW Rumor Engine Appears!

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This bit looks like it goes to a Champion of Slaanesh for AoS. There’s a little Daemonette with a whip ready to slap somebody silly.

February 5, 2019

Grimdark Construction Equipment? New Rumor Engine Spotted

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magmic battleforge

This bit is one of the bellows on the back of the Fyreslayers Magmic Battleforge.

Not a lot has changed since our last roundup. While some of you are saying that the scales look like Fulgrim (and we agree with you) we can’t go right out and say that it’ll be the underside of a Primarch. One thing is for sure, we need to keep our eyes peeled because there are a lot of promising bits out there! Let us know what you spot in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.