Forge World Hobbit Releases & 40k LATEST

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We’re seeing new minis for The Hobbit going on pre-order today from Forge World. Plus, we look back at the latest previews of upcoming releases from them for 40k and beyond.

Now available for pre-order are the following new releases from Forge World:

Mûmak™ War Leader £75


The commander of the Mûmak cohort upon the Pelennor, The Mûmak War Leader led the charge of the Mûmakil against the Rohirrim, seeing numerous Riders of Rohan trampled underfoot before meeting his end at the tip of Éomer’s spear.


This kit includes the resin and plastic components you need to assemble a Mûmak War Leader, which comprises a plastic War Mûmak of Harad and a set of resin upgrades which are used to denote its status as a Royal War Mûmak, including 2 War Leader models – 1 riding the howdah, and 1 on foot.

The plastic War Mûmak of Harad is an impressively large model; a war beast which tramples enemies beneath its hooves, breaking through enemy lines while the Haradrim warriors on its back rain deadly arrows down. The model comes with 12 Warriors of Harad (6 with spears and 6 with bows), and a Mûmak Champion.


The resin Mûmak War Leader upgrade set consists of 30 components which replace their equivalent parts on the Mûmak, including 2 replacement tusks, 13 spikes which attach to the tusks, a replacement trunk, and 2 ears. These ears are pierced through with ropes, which the War Leader – who replaces the Mûmak Champion – uses to guide the Royal Mûmak. The War Leader himself comes as 2 separate models – should the Royal Mûmak be slain, the War Leader can carry on on foot, clutching a long-bladed spear which can be treated as either a spear or 2-handed sword. A 25mm round base is included for the War Leader on foot.

Rules for the Mûmak War Leader are available as a PDF download.

Mûmak™ Warherd £195


Pick up 3 Mûmak War Mûmakil of Harad – along with the resin upgrades needed to build 1 as a War Leader – with this bundle. Included:


– 3 plastic War Mûmakil of Harad: impressively large models; who come with 12 Warriors of Harad (6 with spears and 6 with bows) to ride in the howdah, and a Mûmak Champion;
– 1 resin Mûmak War Leader upgrade set – this consists of 30 components which replace their equivalent parts on the Mûmak, including 2 replacement tusks, 13 spikes which attach to the tusks, a replacement trunk, and 2 ears. The War Leader himself comes as 2 separate models, one to be used on foot, clutching a long-bladed spear, with the other to be mounted upon the Mûmak.

Rules for the Mûmak War Leader are available as a PDF download.

So this week we’re seeing the new Mûmak Warleader and Warherd going on pre-order for The Hobbit. These look like they’re going to be great additions to your army! Make sure you head over to Forge World and pre-order yours today!new forge world logo

We’ve been getting a lot of previews lately of what’s on the way from Forge World. Earlier this week we saw the announcement of new weapon packs for House Goliath that will be available for pre-order soon.

With House Escher now armed to the teeth with a vastly extended range of weaponry, it’s high time the Goliaths evened the odds with an expanded arsenal of their own. Soon, you’ll be able to pick up three new weapon packs, each absolutely crammed with deadly new gear for your gang:

We don’t have a release date for these new House Goliath weapon packs, just that they’ll be available for pre-order soon.

We also got a preview recently of an old Rogue Trader model that is going to be getting revamped, and available for a limited time.

Very soon, the Land Speeder will be receiving similar treatment, as this classic design is brought to life in glorious resin. The new Forge World Land Speeder captures the spirit of its progenitor perfectly – while the mould lines may be crisper and the detail a lot sharper, there’s no mistaking the influence of Rogue Trader here:


So there you have it, new releases for The Hobbit are now available, and we’ve seen a lot of nice previews of what’s to come for Forge World.

What do you think about the latest items from Forge World? Let us know in the comments below.

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