New Sanguinius Primarch Set to Arrive in Malevolence

By Wesley Floyd | January 22nd, 2019 | Categories: Blood Angels, Forge World, Warhammer 40k Rumors

sanguinius wal

After years of waiting, the Primarch Sanguinius is set to arrive for the IX legion in the Horus Heresy game from Forge World. Here’s the latest!

After returning to social media in 2015 Forge World just reached 100,000 Likes on Facebook, and they decided to drop a piece of artwork for the community that’ll be involved in their upcoming release for Horus Heresy.

Sanguinius & Ka’ Bandha Back at it Again

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We’ve reached 100,000 Facebook fans! That’s a veritable Legion of Forge World fanatics. To reward your loyalty, here’s some brand new artwork from an upcoming release (can you guess which one?)

It looks like Forge World’s next big project is going to be a major plot advancement in the Horus Heresy timeline. With that said, it’s actually not the first time we’ve heard about this.

Malevolence Horus Heresy Book

Almost 900 people tuned in to WarhammerTV to watch what’s coming up from Forge World a while ago.  Book VIII, Malevolence, will be primarily about Blood Angels & White Scars. In addition, there will be a focus on Alpha Legion and Space Wolves.

Rules for Khan, Sanguinius, Omegon and other characters.

Also civil war within the alpha legion and signups prime and Chandax among other things. Heaps of background story about BA and WS and the others also demons are very themed as stand alone but can still be use to represent the 4 power or minor powers kind of build your own demon list.

Host of sacrifice is a Blood angels destroyer unit.

New revised rules for general destroyer unit are coming.

Next book will contain Dark Angels and 2020 all the red books will be updated and include all the legions.

forge world stream book factions


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There are stronger and more different Daemons battling out of the warp against the Legions, and these Daemons will be a standalone army. The Daemons of the Ruinstorm will be creatures of the warp working in unison from all parts. Not just under any Chaos Gods control. This book will contain rules for the Blood Angel and White Scar Legions and the Ruinstorm Daemons.

The exciting thing about the Daemons is that they can’t be summoned like other normal Daemons.

Remember we’ve already seen the new Blood Angel Praetors, and Contemptor’s hit the Forge World store earlier this month. Maybe they are heralds for what’s to come!

ba praetor terminator

So with Sanguinius and Ka’Bandha fighting in some art and there is the mention of Blood Angels and a focus on Daemons in-game, maybe Sanguinius’s arrival will, in fact, be with Book VIII Malevolence, as we know according to the previews there will be several primarch rules in there.

Horus Heresy Weekender is 6 Weeks Away!

It’s true the 2019 Horus Heresy Weekender is only about 6 weeks away, and guess what legion is featured on the header and tickets…


For fans of the Horus Heresy and Adeptus Titanicus, the Horus Heresy Weekender is the ultimate event not to be missed. Prepare to immerse yourself fully as you explore every detail of these worlds. Chat with the masterminds who created them, see the latest miniatures, and uncover what the future holds for the hobby you love.

Warhammer World is hosting their big Horus Heresy Weekender February 2-3rd, 2019. This will be the first major Heresy event to kick off the year and Sanguinus previews could be dropping there!

Would you like to see Sanguinius return as the next Primarch in 30k? Are you more excited about summonable Daemons?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.