Primaris Repulsor Executioner 40k Rules & Points SPOTTED!

Repulsor Executioner PRIMARIS space marine warhammer fest 2019

The Primaris Repulsor Executioner is waiting just around the corner! Don’t miss the new Warhammer 40k rules and points have been spotted!

There’s a snapshot of the datasheet showing the points for this new Primaris tank on Imgur. Check out what the new options will cost and let us know if you will be replacing your older Repulsors with the new.

Repulsor Executioner Weapon Options & Stats

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The Repulsor Executioner is the sad turnout of a cheap Primaris transport we were all hoping for (although this may be what we have been looking for all along). But hey, more firepower isn’t always bad. That being said, this thing still sits on the usual Repulsor chassis that we’re all familiar with. The main changes are that Executioner can transport six Primaris models (bigger Primaris models like Gravis armor take up two spaces), and has some bonus damage output.

This thing has all kinds of different weapon profiles that we need to go over. While it has some dakka that we all know about like Storm Bolters/Heavy Bolters, the main two changes that make this tank the Executioner is the Macro Plasma Incinerator and Heavy Laser Destroyer.

Weapons Hot

The Macro Plasma Incinerator is nice because it’s high strength and absolutely melts through armor or always forces an invuln save. The profile on this weapon that makes us nervous is the random D6 shots. It would be in a much better standing if it was just something like Heavy 3 or 2D3 shots. It’s never fun rolling a 1 on your shot and having to use a CP to fix it.

As for the Heavy Laser Destroyer, this gun has all the range you’ll ever need, guarantees two shots, and always does a minimum of 3 damage. Like the plasma, it’ll also either go straight through most armor or force an invuln save.

How Much Does It Cost?

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No matter how you spin it, this thing will be sitting just under 300 pts. You can check out all of the points yourself and see how many you’ll be wanting to fit into your list.

  • Repulsor Executioner Base Cost: 185 pts
  • Other weapon options: 40 pts, 30 pts, 15 pts, 31 pts, etc.
  • Repulsor With Laser Destroyer: 293 pts
  • Repulsor With Plasma Incinerator: 284 pts

So with that being said, is a 16 wound, T8, tank with two strong las cannon shots and some other infantry-killing dakka worth it? It could be a little on the high side. However, that’s nothing surprising for Space Marines in 8th edition. What do you think about the Repulsor Executioner? Will you keep rolling with your regular Repulsors? Which weapon option seems the strongest to you? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.