Biggest GW Previews Ever: New Release LATEST

Angels of death wal space marine horDon’t miss the latest on all the new releases that were part of the big GW online previews over the weekend on Warhammer Community.

The first week of the Biggest GW Previews ever are here! Rescheduled due to the cancelation of Adepticon, Games Workshop is revealed their latest news and previews on Twitch and Warhammer Community Saturday, March 28th.

 Biggest GW Previews Ever: New Release LATEST

gw preview adepticon

Sure, we’ve seen a few models here and there over the past weeks, however, here’s all the reveals and more from Games Workshop!

New Fabius Bile Model & War of the Spider REVEALED

fabius bile twitchSeen first on the Twitch Stream, the GW team has confirmed that they pulled inspiration for the new Fabius from the 2nd Edition Chaos Codex Mark Gibbons artwork.

chaos codex 2nd edition fabius bileThey actually did the same thing for Mephiston earlier on. Now, we’ve got a pattern for the moves GW is making and we can expect more Mark Gibbons-inspired models in the future.

fabius bile 2


fabius bile 1As well as returning with an epic new model, Fabius is also the cover star of the next book in the Psychic Awakening saga – War of the Spider. As he spins his plans and schemes, his enemies close in on him – the Death Guard, Officio Assassinorum and Talons of the Emperor all have their reasons for wanting to stop Bile. Along with background on the battles taking place amid the ruins of the Cadia System, the book will include new rules for the Adeptus Custodes, Sisters of Silence and Imperial Assassins. There are also additional rules for each of the seven Plague Companies of the Death Guard and a new Chaos Space Marines sub-faction called Agents of Bile, representing the twisted creations of the Clonefather.

He is the Spider in War of the Spider- He’s Also Getting His Own Faction

psychic awakening war of the spiderSo it sounds like Fabius is still not very good at making friends. But with all the new Primaris dudes dropping dead on the battlefields, Fabius might have gathered enough pieces to start his own faction called the Agents of Bile. We know that Fabius is also going to be getting the spotlight in the next book with all the other factions shown above tracking him down.

On the Twitch stream, the GW team also mentioned something called The Torchbearer fleet. Sounds like it might be some kind of Custodes/Marine warband?

After looking at all these new teasers on the way to 40k, one of the biggest things we have to look forward to is how Fabius’ new warriors look. They could be Primaris…Or they could just be some kind of twisted, grim reflection of Primaris with some heavy body modifications. We’ll just have to keep our eyes on the horizon for more ahead.

Lumineth Realm-Lords Are Focusing On Shaping Nature

Like big hammers? Like forces of nature embodied in a bunch of rocks? Check out the Battle Cattle for Lumineth Realm-Lords!

lumineth realmlords alarith stonemageWe saw the Alarith Stonemage earlier on which looked to have been just a teaser for what got revealed today. If you look at the base of his model, there’s a little rock elemental doing the walking for him.

This is an Alarith Stonemage – an aelven wizard attuned to the power of the elements. This model isn’t just a brilliant example of what modern miniatures design technology can do (look how delicately they’re balanced!), it’s also a valuable battlefield unit that enhances nearby allies, as well as smiting enemies with gravity manipulating magic!

GW Reveals Lumineth Realm-Lords Battle Cattle & More!


lumineth spirit of the mountain 1Part mystical creature, part mountain, and it can go toe-to-toe with a Bloodthirster – what more could you ask for? And, of course, we couldn’t have a Warhammer Preview without some actual war hammers.

These massive mountain walkers are spirits of nature embodied in a literal mountain. Fighting for the Lumieth Realm-Lords, they’re going to be stepping onto the tabletop with massive hammers. Coming from the Warhammer team on Twitch, they’ve said that they’re VERY difficult to take down. No real word on their statline…But seeing that they’re a spirit dwelling inside a mound of rock, it makes sense that they could take a beating.

Named Spirit of the Mountain- Avalenor, The Stoneheart King

lumineth spirit of the mountain 2It also looks to be a two-part kit. The one wielding a big two-handed hammer is called the Spirit of the Mountain. While the red hoss here holding two war hammers is Avalenor, the Stoneheart King.

lumineth spirit of the mountain 3He is the eldest and the wisest of the mountain spirits that march to war with the aelves. Take a closer look at the model that is redefining what it means to be part of an aelf army.

Need Hammers in a Smaller Package? Try Alarith Stoneguard

lumineth alarith stoneguardIf you need hammers in your army but giant stone walkers aren’t your style, Alarith Stoneguard are also on the way to the Lumineth Realm-Lords.

lumineth alarith stoneguard 2These are the Alarith Stoneguard, the elite infantry of the Lumineth Realm-lords. They fight like immovable objects, wielding magical hammers that crush enemy skulls with a single blow. We hope that you’re ready to start seeing all of your problems as nails.

It’s going to be really exciting when we finally see what the datasheet stats on all these units for the Lumineth Realm-Lords looks like in the days ahead. We thought Troggbosses smacked hard. But those hammer-wielding mountains might be giving them a run for their money.

Now that the Realmlords are covered, here’s the latest on The Lion!

Dark Angel Primarch Lion El’Jonson Model REVEALED

We know he’s also coming alongside the Thramas campaign, which we’ve already seen some fair details on in the past.

horus heresy night lirds dark angelsAnother campaign book is also coming pitting Dark Angels and Night Lords against one another in the Thramas sector. It’ll be titled “Crusade” and we can also expect new models (probably Legion-specific) to hit the arsenal as well.

That’s not all! Along with the book, 2020 will see some amazing new models released that tie in with the Thramas conflict – all of which we’ll take a look at in due time. Meanwhile, the Siege of Terra series from Black Library will continue apace as Horus and the traitors press on with their attack on the Imperial Palace. 

Dark Angel Primarch Lion El’Jonson Model REVEALED



dark angels lion 2


dark angels lion 3Clad in Dark Angels iconography from head to toe, he’s posed mid-swing on a Night Lord who shouldn’t have come to work that morning.

lion eljonson horus heresyThe new Lion El’Jonson model is every inch the perfect embodiment of the questing knight. He is clad in the finest armour available and covered in the iconography of the Dark Angels. The Primarch also comes with the option to be assembled with or without his helmet. This impeccable fighter even has a choice of which weapon he will cut through the traitors with – the Lion Sword or the Wolf Blade. Finally, his gaming base slots into a diorama base with a heap of dead Night Lords at his feet, representing part of the bloody Thramas campaign.

dark angels lion 1OH BOI HE COMIN! Lion El’Jonson is stepping onto the tabletop cleaving through any marine stupid enough to cross his path. With two head and weapon options, you might want to magnetize him once he finally drops. Let’s face it, there’s a pretty big difference between a chain/power weapon.

With all of this finally announced, we’re sure if you listen close enough, you can hear Dark Angels fans cheering all around the world right now. The Lion’s model is absolutely stunning and intricate. It’s going to be awesome to watch him wading through traitors on the table.

With those covered, here’s the latest on GW’s expanse into animation and films starting with their previews in February:

Warhammer Animated Storyforge: Death’s Hand Trailer REVEALED

warhammer storyforge wal

New animated films are on the way from Warhammer Storyforge. They’re bringing in Scions, Catachans, Assassins and in a series called Death’s Hand.


Along with this completed scene, we also got a look at some different characters’ concept arts.

heroes concept artWith the first concept art, we can clearly see the Inquisition and members of it will be the focal point of this series!

agents conceptWe also get some sketches of two other characters who seem to have more focus on fighting.

imperial shapechanger conceptAnother piece of art shows a member of the assassinorum. This Callidus is a shapeshifter so next time we see her she may look different…

eldari ranger conceptThe last piece of concept art is of an Eldar Ranger. Is it an ally? Is it an enemy? We just don’t know enough about the storyline yet to say for sure!

Warhammer Animated Storyforge: Death’s Hand Trailer REVEALED

 …we get to take our first glimpse at Death’s Hand. If you like the shadowy world of the agents of the Imperium, you’ll love this. Take a look.

warhammer storyforge 1We’re working with another world-class animation studio on this project, and as you can see, Death’s Hand has a very different style and feel to Angels of Death. This tale is gory, grim and dark, full of the back-stabbing and clandestine skullduggery that happens in the unseen corners of the Imperium to maintain the power behind the Golden Throne. Death’s Hand is part of an animated anthology series called Hammer and Bolter – we’ll have more updates on that soon. 

warhammer storyforge 2We’ve only just gotten a short trailer to go off of, but out of everything in the video, we know we have a Cratworld, a Callidus Assassin, an Imperial Noble, an Inquisitor, a Scion, and some Catachans. That’s a long list but we’re sure they’re just the tip of the iceberg as well.

As for the animation, the quality is really high and almost has some close artistic resemblances to the old superhero cartoons with Batman, Superman, etc.

Hopefully, we won’t have to wait very long to see more on Death’s Hand. But we should also remember that Death’s Hand is a smaller series in the larger “Hammer and Bolter”. With that said, we should see more stories in the future!

With all those done, there’s only a few more left, here’s the latest on their specialist games like Warcry, LOTR, and more.

Scions of the Flame Come to Warcry

warcry scions of the flame wal

Fans of Warcry and Lord of the Rings,  you’ve got some love headed your way with all new models from the latest from GW’s online previews.

As with the other warbands that we’ve seen in Warcry, they worship a specific element of Chaos – in this case, the Ever-Raging Flame. Along with these incredible models, they bring with them a range of unique abilities that will help you conquer the Eightpoints. These denizens of Aqshy will be seeking Archaon’s blessing soon (you could say that they want to become flameous) so it’s time to start practising your flame effects. Oh, and while these are the last of the “missing” warbands from the Warcry Core Book, they are by no means the final warband for the game.

warcry scions of the flame 1How SICK does this guy look? If he’s not used for a Scion of the flame leader he’ll definitely be finding his way onto the hobby tables for some conversions. He’s perfect or an AoS Chaos Lord or maybe a Master of Executions in 40k.

warcry scions of the flame 2With the quote from above, we know these guys like fire. Like really really like fire. So much that one of their guys is on fire. Going off looks alone, he could start the game already taking damage and be solely designed on running toward the enemy to set them on fire. Then burn to a crisp himself…

warcry scions of the flame 3Definitely something Warcry fans get to look forward to.

New LOTR Model: Éomer, Marshal of the Riddermark

lotr eomer 1

lotr eomer 3He comes as two models – mounted and on foot – and then you get to decide how to equip him. Choose whether to have him wearing a helmet or with his hair blowing free in the breeze. Choose whether he’s armed with a deadly sword or a lethal throwing spear. Finally, choose whether he carries a shield into battle or not. You even get to choose if his horse wears barding or not. 

lotr eomer 2


lotr eomer 4This is probably one of the more customizable models we’ve seen hit the LOTR line. With options for mounted and on-foot combat, he’s also got weapon and head bits to pick from as well.

Last Year’s Event Exclusive Lieutenant Now MTO

primaris lieutenant amuliusIf you remember, we first saw Amalius drop into the scene at 2019’s Adepticon as an event exclusive. Now, he’s coming back as an MTO for anyone who couldn’t get their hands on him.

With the first wave of previews down, we still have next weekend to uncover even more releases from GW ahead.

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What do you think about this big reveal? Are you hoping to get any of the new models when they release? Which are you most excited for?

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