Protect Your Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Set With Pre-Cut Foam Inserts

Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Set Foam Inserts featureInstead of spending your hobby time cutting foam, just get these pre-cut Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Set foam inserts from Battle Foam!

Are you tired of cutting out foam inserts to fit your favorite minis? Battle Foam has you covered! They have fantastic army-specific inserts that fit perfectly with the most popular minis. This time we are looking at something that will keep your entire core box safe, with places for your minis, accessories, and terrain!

This will be a hair taller than the starter set box, but you can still carry this around and keep everything safe no matter where you go! Their inserts are exceptionally well made and make transporting minis easy. It may be time to stop trying to make your own butchered inserts and grab some of these! Let’s check them out.

Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Set Box Foam Kit: $38.99

Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Set Foam Inserts 4These are just some of the inserts you can grab from them, and they all carry a wide array of Star Wars miniatures!

Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Set Foam Inserts 3This is slightly different from how the terrain is normally built, so before you build your terrain all the way, be sure to check this before you build it all. However, it’s close enough that it should be alright.

Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Set Foam InsertsHere are the specs on this set:

The Star Wars: Shatterpoint Core Set Box Foam Kit will hold the contents of the Star Wars: Shatterpoint Core Set Box game. It’s a great way to protect and organize the game pieces. The game templates, rule books, and tiles can be safely stored at the bottom of the box under the foam kit.

Please note that because of the size of the game contents, the foam trays will not allow the game box lid to close completely to the box. The box lid will sit about 2.25 inches higher than normal due to the trays being placed inside with the board game pieces. See picture.

Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Set Foam Inserts 2

This foam kit includes two trays that will fill the core game box. You will receive the following:

  • 1x 2-inch (50 mm) thick tray for miniatures, small terrain, and accessories.
  • 1x 5-inch (127 mm) thick tray for large terrain and cards.

If you love Battle Foam, check out what else they’ve been releasing lately. That does it for this one. Now get your new inserts!

Click Here to Get Your Shatterpoint Foam Inserts!