A New Way to Play Star Wars Legion (with Bolt Action rules)

start wars legion vaderOne hobbyist out there has gone the extra mile and meshed two games together to help Star Wars Legion play better using Bolt Action rules!

Jay’s Wargaming Madness is a blog spot that has all kinds of reference sheets and sweet ideas for the tabletop. But looking at Star Wars Legion with Bolt Action’s unit priority here’s a new way to play your game!

Try Star Wars Legion With Bolt Action Rules!

dengar star warsWe know that games of Star Wars Legion can be a bit two-dimensional. Playing on a somewhat flat area with different measuring sticks and colored dice to win your games, it’s safe in saying it’s not the most “challenging” tabletop game to play. It’s biggest gripe seems to be huge differences in power levels of units that just sorta seem to linger.

We’re not knocking it, but you may want to give this rules setup a try, if you have been looking for something a little better.

star wars bolt action 1Here’s a big one. Instead of players taking turns on moving their forces the traditional way, order dice are loaded into a bag and one is chosen blindly (sorta like the current game). This is the method of turn-taking for Bolt Action as players go back and forth activating units. The best part about this is that it’s random which means you can’t always activate Darth Vader first and have him run through the entire enemy’s army.

There are also different kinds of orders laid out as well as movement, which was tweaked to a variety of inches depending on the unit.

star wars bolt action 2The same can be said for weapons. Instead of using a combination of sticks to measure how far your unit can go/shoot. you just measure in inches how far away your target is from the model.

If you also happen to be shooting at a vehicle, there’s a different table that may look vaguely similar to 7th Edition 40k’s damage table. Depending on what you’re shooting the vehicle with, you can get certain bonuses to damage.

star wars bolt action 3There are even different Force powers to choose from depending on your faction as well as the potential to resist them. Heroes pass them on a 5+, Jedi Masters/Sith Lord pass them on a 3+, etc.

Faction Unit Sheets

rebel units

imperial unitsThese two sheets aren’t exhaustive of the nits available to each faction but it shows what type of squad they are as well as what they’re armed with, their morale type, etc. If you’re even remotely familiar with Bolt Action and Star Wars Legion you should be able to play this game without having any real problems.

Get these Star Wars Legion Rules Now!

What do you think about this rules setup for Legion? Does this make the game more in-depth? Do you like the random turn priority mechanic?

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