Spotted- New Chaos Terminator & Berzerker Models?

Brother Chaplain Ginn called me late last night asking if I had seen the new Chaos Terminators…

Of course I replied no, where are they?  He told me somewhere in the new sixth rulebook and sent me a cellphone pic of a screenshot off the net.

Immediately I dashed to the office to grab my rulebook and find that exact page, as I recognized the battle scene.

Sure enough, I believe, hidden in plain sight are pictures of both new Chaos Terminators, and Berzerkers.

Of course this wouldn’t be the first time things were hidden like this, as the Imperial Bastions were spoiled to us in the 5th edition book almost a year before they were even released!

Let’s take a closer look.  These pictures are all from the main rules around page 390 the “Battle for Eagle Gate”.

First off the circle at the very top highlights what looks like the normal Fantasy Chaos Warrior Standard, however the Khorne Symbol on top is very squat in profile and is unlike any current Khorne Icon bit. Also look close at the similar symbol on the model’s head, which is very similar to the non existent standard top bit.

The next circle on the left shows a model that I personally have never seen before, which is why it may be turned sideways (in an attempt to obscure it).  There is a similar model from back in the day whose hand held a detached helmeted head, but there is no such head attached to this raised arm.

Now low back at the top circle, towards the bottom of the loop. The standard on the model there, while similar to the Empire Flagellant banner, this one has detached heads at the top of it. So unless that is a conversion as well, we’re talking a whole new figure or kit component.

Lastly direct your attention at the two terminator trophy racks I have circled towards the bottom.  Notice anything different?  The current mulit-part terminator kit contains these spikes on a rail system that attaches to the torso, right next to the arm slots.

These spikes are all attached down the back of the torso, with no missing notch to the sides showing where the rail would have gone.  I believe these, fellow Warmasters, are new Chaos Terminators, either from the impending Sixth Starter Box, or Codex release.

Here are more figures, whose profiles, and bits I do not recognize. Most notably is the three skull standard from the far left circle.

Above is perhaps the most compelling evidence of either new Chaos Terminators or elaborate conversions.

1. The thigh pads on the World Eaters on the left are studded, along with the leg trim as well. The ones on the left are not.

2. The trophy rack differences I addressed above. The Word Bearers on the right are the “old” models.with the railed trophy racks, while the new World Eaters on the left are the variant design.

Now lets talk BERZERKERS!!! Checkout the subtle differences I have spotted here, that again may indicate new figure components!

1. Fleshed arm holding a chainaxe, with a pieced ring near the elbow. Very chaotic.
2. Pointy arm. Previously only available off the metal// Fnecast Havoc Champion.
3. Two Handed Chainaxe?!! Oh my…
4. Not labeled various minute but noticeable differences in helms, and iconography.

This picture, well I don’t know quite what to make of it yet.  The figure in the back left, is definitely unknown, and terminators are puzzling.
The Khorne helms are very similar to the Forge World ones, but unlike those, they are not attached to their torsos (see opposite).

The rest of the parts to the Terminators seem to be the standard multi-part plastic kit, so perhaps we are looking at a conversion sprue here?

Look at the FW one on the left, and back at the ones above. What do you think?

Am I on to something here, or is it all in my head? What say ye? Oh and be sure to checkout my Sixth Edtion Rulebook review as well below. – MBG

Well upon further review, it appears that many of the figures I pointed out are indeed conversions, which makes this army even more amazing.  Check them out here;

Note the Dreadnoughts are also the Forge World ones as well.