New Monthly White Dwarf Content REVEALED

By Rob Baer | August 25th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors


Checkout more of what’s on the way next week in the form of the new monthly White Dwarf, magazine and an incredible array of new content for existing games!

This image was spotted across the internet late Wednesday evening which seems to indicate a ton of new content is on the way for some of our favorite games!

new monthly white dwarf boxed games

And Games Workshop is showing off more previews of the new monthly Magazine on their Facebook page:

So, time for another look at the soon-to-be-here first issue of the new monthly White Dwarf… and it’s another old favourite for you all. Witness, the return of A Tale of Four Warlords! And just think, this is only one of the great new features we’ve got for you. Surely you’re excited by now, right?

new monthly white dwarf

So, less than two weeks until the new White Dwarf is here! We’ve heard a lot of suggestions on what you want to see in the new magazine and perhaps the most requested feature has been… battle reports. Well, here’s a sneak peek of a little something we think you’ll rather like… Excited?


And if you think that layout looks familiar, compare it to the Collecting Age of Sigmar magazine that came out back in July:

I’ve read a lot of hobby publications in my day, and I have NEVER been as blown away by one as I have with this new Getting Started guide to the Age of Sigmar!


This magazine is packed with tons of full bleed vivid images, page overlay spreads, multi page immersive battle reports, and almost 20 pages of hobby how-tos.


Plus they have re-worked the AoS rules into a more digestible format over more than just the standard 4 pages as well.

After reading this very engrossing supplement for the game, I surely hope this is also a “pilot” for what will be the format of the new monthly White Dwarf in September.


But don’t take my word for it, check it out for yourself below:

Getting Started with Warhammer Age of Sigmar REVIEW

Lastly we’ve also heard from retailers across the world that their will be a new White Dwarf miniature available separately this release as well too boot!

More on the new Monthly White Dwarf

Source: 7-27-2016

  • The first four numbers (issues?) of the new White Dwarf miniature come with a gift. The first mini will come with the September, and will be worth around 20 €. The price of the magazine is 8 € .
  • It is almost as thick as the General Manual Age of Sigmar. Including the magazine in its 156 pages :
  • Reports of extensive battle.
  • Painting guides and reports of ‘Eavy Metal.
  • How Citadel miniatures are made. Possibly the first report of this kind will focus on Nagash.
  • Articles and background to campaigns or thematic headings.
  • More warscrolls.
  • No advertising or commercial developments: these will be announced weekly through social networks.

Checkout what’s coming next for the WD, from Games Workshop themselves:


Well, you’ve been waiting, you’ve been asking, and now we have a very special announcement for you all…

It’s back! From September, White Dwarf is returning as a monthly magazine and it’s bigger and better than ever before!

That’s right, from September White Dwarf will be back as a glossy 156-page, A4 monthly magazine with all the news, features and pictorials you know and love and a whole chunk of new stuff you never imagined. News, Golden Demon, Battle Reports, Painting Masterclasses, Designers’ Notes, exclusive games, new rules and more! And, of course, gorgeous photographs of the best miniatures in the world.

The first issue is out on Friday 2 September and comes with our most amazing cover mount ever – a special gift to you to celebrate the glorious return of monthly White Dwarf.

Want to be one of the first to get hold of it? Subscribe before 14 August and get an exclusive pre-launch price – and subscribers get their copies mailed early. Head on over to for details.

And if you’re already a subscriber to White Dwarf or Warhammer Visions, check your mail for news of an exclusive subscriber offer.

In the meantime, of course, White Dwarf will remain your essential weekly guide to all things from the worlds of Warhammer. We’ll have more to tell you about the new magazine soon, but for now here’s one of the mock-up covers we designed while working on the first issue. You’ll have to wait a bit longer to get a glimpse of the real cover, though…




It’s Back! White Dwarf is returning as a monthly magazine and it’s bigger and better than ever before!

From September, White Dwarf will be back as a glossy 156-page, A4 magazine with all the news, features and pictorials you know and love – and a whole chunk of new stuff you never imagined. News! Golden Demon! Battle Reports! Painting Masterclasses! Designers Notes! Exclusive games and rulesets! And of course, gorgeous photographs of the best fantasy miniatures in the world.

The first issue is out on Friday 2nd September and comes with our most amazing cover mount ever – a special gift to you to celebrate the glorious return of monthly White Dwarf.

Subscribe before 14 August and get an exclusive pre-launch price – and subscribers get their copies mailed early.

Please note, product image is for illustrative purposes only. Not actual cover of September 2016 issue.

Wow did we read that right:

No advertising or commercial developments: these will be announced weekly through social networks.

That is a noted departure from the way that Games Workshop has done things in the past that is for sure!

All these questions will be answered in just a few short weeks…