Starting a New AoS Army – 1000 Points of Slaves to Darkness

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Well, we have done the rounds with at least one first 1000 point army per Grand Alliance, lap number 2 here we go. This week we will focus on the Start Collecting: Slaves to Darkness.

Currently going for about $65 on eBay, the nice thing about this army is that they can be used to spruce up any Chaos themed army as they follow all of the chaos deities. Included is 600 points and gets you moving in the right direction. Included in the box are the following:


  • Chaos Sorcerer Lord (140 points) leader 1 of 4
  • Chaos Chariot (no unit type 80 points)
  • 5 Chaos Knights (No unit type 200 points)
  • 12 Chaos Warriors (will use 10 for 180 points) battleline unit 1 of 2



Going over this list you have a lot of mobility, to begin with, and then a solid core for your Sorcerer Lord to hide behind.


The Chaos Knights you can choose between an ensorcelled weapon of chaos glaive, and while the glaive is tempting on charges for the rend and extra attack it is less than ideal after that. So I would go with the ensorcelled weapon with 3 attacks hitting on 3 wounding on 4. They have 3 wounds move 10, a 7 bravery and a save of 4+ so are pretty decent for fast-moving cavalry. They also get a bonus 5+ ward save vs mortal wounds which is nice and they subtract 1 bravery to enemy units near them, which can help against lighter infantry. The horses have a nice bonus attack as well with 2 attacks hitting and wounding on 4+. You can also take one of the Marks of Chaos if you have units that buff followers of the chosen god.


The Chaos Warriors are a beefy unit with 2 wounds, 5 move, 6 bravery, and 4+ save. Giving them shields makes them stand up to mortal wounds giving them a 5+ ward save. They each have 2 attacks hitting on 3’s wounding on 4’s.


The Chaos Chariot is another fast mover that gives you a base 8 move + a d6 to help them get into combat. With 7 wounds, bravery 6, and save of 4+ they have some decent staying power. I like the chaos greatblade, hitting on 3’s (because the champion carries it) wounding on 3’s and -1 rend. Your horses provide 4 attacks hitting on 4’s and wounding on 4’s or 3’s for both if they charged. Lastly, you get a whip from the driver that has 2 attacks hitting and wounding on 4’s

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Finally, your Sorcerer Lord is pretty standard with 5 move, 5 wounds, 5+ save and 7 bravery. He can provide a unit with reroll saves of 1 in his hero phase. Along with arcane bolt & mystic shield, the Sorcerer Lord can cast Demonic Power on anyone within 18 of him. That unit essentially rerolls all 1s for hit, wound, and save rolls until their next hero phase.


So let’s round out your little warband here and get another leader in that can act as a better general than your Sorcerer Lord. You only need 8 more chaos warriors so if you can find them cheaper awesome! Otherwise, a box of 12 more on eBay goes for around $20. The Lord of Chaos on foot runs around $10 on eBay.

  • 10 Chaos Warriors (180 points) battleline 2 of 2
  • 1 Lord of Chaos (100 points) leader 2 of 4


The Lord of Chaos lets you choose a mark: Khorne (reroll hit rolls of 1), Tzeentch (reroll save rolls of 1), Slaanesh (can run and charge in the same turn), or Nurgle (reroll wound rolls of 1). He has solid stats coming in at 6 wounds, 8 bravery, 4+ save and 5 move. He has 3 attacks with 3+ to hit, 3+ to wound -2 rend and 2 damage and 3 attacks 3+ to hit 3+ to wound and 1 damage. He can also spread his mark buff to a nearby Slave to Darkness unit that shares the same mark. What’s really neat is if he kills the enemy general you get a daemon prince in his place (if you have the model) or the Lord of Chaos dies you get a chaos spawn (also if you have the model). Either way, you get a free model to put on the table.


Finally, you have 120 points here and the best way to use that is to get a cockatrice which is flying and fast moving to go along with your chariot and knights. He is going for around $25 after shipping on eBay right now.


  • 1 Cockatrice (120 points) 1 of 2 behemoths

This guy needs protection but he can hit pretty well so the unit remains viable for mopping up troops or taking care of casters and artillery. At fly 12 he cruises, with 8 wounds can take a shot, but he only has a 6+ save so you need to play smart with him. He has a ranged attack of 10 inches that on a roll of a 4+ does D6 mortal wounds. Then 2 attacks hitting on a 4 wounding on 3, with -1 rend doing D3 damage. Finally, the Cokatrice gets 1D6 attacks (2D6 on a charge) hitting and wounding on 4, dealing 1 damage each. So he is pretty good at dishing out some damage but if you get some bad rolls or your opponent gets another unit into the melee you might want to retreat with him.


There you have it a solid all-encompassing chaos Slave to Darkness army. Generally, you would want to build some demons into this list or attach them to things like a Bloodsecrator to generate buffs, but I want to leave the list open to any of the 4 chaos gods. Total cost ($120 dollars)



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