3 Knights Vs a Whole Space Marine Army!

knight titan

Welcome back 40K Fans!  Today Juice has a very special Long War Battle report for you!  Knight Titans VS an entire Space Marine Army!

Brian Delgado once again joins Juice in the Long War gaming center!  Today Brian is bringing his killer Iron Hands list against Juice’s trio of Imperial Knight Titans in the Tripartite Lance and their allies!

EDITOR’S NOTE: Imagine how this army would do using the new 8th edition rules including a rumors 20 wounds for Knights!


Juice’s Knight Titan force almost has as many detachments as it has models!  The bulk of the force is made up of the awesome Tripartite Lance of Knight Titans.  Supporting this is Tigurius with a Librarius conclave and an allied detachment of space marine scouts, Centurion Devestators and a tech priest!

Knight Titans Glamour

Brian’s army may look unassuming, but it is most certainly one of the most lethal Space Marine lists out there!  Brian starts out with an Iron Fists battle demi-company and adds in a bunch of super tough Space Marine heroes along with a small detachment of Sisters of battle lead by Saint Celestine herself!  This crazy force has 23 Eternal warrior wounds with at least a 3+ Feel No Pain roll!  And thats not even counting Celestine’s ability to get back up!

Iron Hands GlamourWho will win this clash between the unkillable Space Marines and the giant death robots?


Check out the whole battle report below!