Make Textured Bases Yourself With Green Stuff Rolling Pins

Green Stuff Roller

Checkout how super easy it is to make your own textured bases in whatever size you want with Green Stuff World’s rolling pins!

Welcome back hobby maniacs!  Today Rob is reviewing some awesome Green Stuff rollers from our friends across the pond at Greenstuffworld com!

These super cool Green Stuff rolling pins offer tons of options!  Each pin is covered in all sorts of amazing details letting you choose which part of the pattern you want to show up when you start rolling out those bases!  These simple to use rolling pins come in TONs of different patterns, letting you pick the perfect one for your collection!

Green Stuff World

Textured Rolling Pins: 15.00€

Textured rolling pins capable of impressing a continuous repeat pattern on clay and putties. Made of clear PMMA plastic with amazing non stick properties. Not toxic. They come in several different textures that you can purchase based on your specific needs.

Today Rob is testing out the Aztec Temple rolling pin.  Here he has spread some Greenstuff over a 25mm base from GW and is going to see just hoe easy to use these things are!

Green Stuff Roller

Look at that incredible detail!  With these rollers you can manufacture dozens of awesome bases in a short span of time!  These rollers are well worth the investment!

Greenstuff test

Press play and watch the whole video below to see just how easy it is to make your own bases!

These awesome Green Stuff rollers as well as many others available from, and don’t forget the rolling rings too!