The Happy Jedi: Star Wars Destiny

By Barclay Montgomery | August 15th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

kit fits

No day is ever a bad day for Jedi Master Kit Fisto. This Shii-Cho Master is able to defend against brutal melee attacks as well as dish it all back. Shii-Cho baby!

The Happy Jedi: Star Wars Destiny

The Happy Jedi: Star Wars Destiny

Jedi Master Kit Fisto is a new Blue Hero character that favors defense in his attack form. His character die features 1 melee, 2 melee, 3 melee for a resource, 2 focus, and 1 resource.

His melee sides will be important for defense as he has a passive ability that kicks in before he takes damage: you may remove one of his character dice or upgrade dice showing melee damage and block damage equal to the value showing on that die. About to take 5 damage on Kit Fisto? If you have his 3 melee side showing, remove that die to block 3 damage and only take 2. Defense! heirloom lightsaber

A great upgrade for Kit Fisto is the Heirloom Lightsaber. Not only does it have solid melee sides, it can also work well for his defensive ability. Once it is equipped to him, it also has Redeploy, just in case your enemies overwhelm Kit’s defenses. Kit Fisto’s 2 focus can help make sure his dice are on point with melee action. there is no try

A new ability upgrade can work wonders for Kit Fisto. There Is No Try cost 2 resources and provides a strong utility die to your character. Just make sure that you have extra resources to resolve it. 1 melee, 2 melee for a resource, 1 focus, 2 shields for a resource, and 1 resource make this a powerful upgrade to any Force user.

It also has an Action ability to reroll its die. Then you may resolve it, increasing its value by 1, or otherwise remove it. Out of resources, but There Is No Try is showing a 2 melee for a resource? Use its reroll or even use it for a Kit Fisto block!

force jump

Finally, another great defensive upgrade for Kit Fisto is Force Jump. At a bargain cost of 1 resource, you gain a defensive die with 1 shield, 1 shield, and 2 special ability sides. These special ability sides can be resolved to turn a die showing damage to a side showing a blank; then reroll its dies instead of removing it. This can give you more shields or another chance to resolve its special.

Either way, Kit Fisto will be a defensive powerhouse.

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