New Forge World: Necron Seraptek Heavy Construct

Thundehawk crop forge world

That massive Necron model has finally made its way from previews to the Forge World website! Let’s take a look at the Seraptek Heavy Construct!

Forge World finally put up that Necron walker that was originally spotted in a Twitch Stream from a while back. When we first saw it, the team didn’t even have a name picked out for it. Comes with us and check it out.

There are actually two weapon variants for this mechanical beast. Let’s take a look at the rules first. Remember, These items are on pre-order for right now and are going to ship on  November 2nd, 2018.

New Forge World: Necron Seraptek Heavy Construct

Seraptek construct rules

Looking at the rules, this thing is fast and a melee beast. Six attacks that do six damage flat is nothing to scoff at. This this is better and clearing hordes than the stompy Gallant Knight, but it is a whopping 625 points.

The Singularity generator seems like the obvious tank-busting choice here, but who knows how many points this thing is…If you’re sold on one weapon variant, you can buy the model with the set of weapons already on. If you’re going to magnetize them, you can even buy the model and weapons separately!

Seraptek Heavy Construct-Singularity Generators  $310

seraptek construct

Singularity Generators Weapon choice

 A set of Singularity Generators: these weapons create miniature quantum singularities, drawing in nearby matter before collapsing in a catastrophic implosion. This resin kit comprises the 2 singularity generators themselves, 2 mounts for attaching them to the weapon arms of the Seraptek and 4 stabilisers, which attach to the sides of each generator.

Seraptek Heavy Construct -Transdimensional Projectors  $310

Seraptek construct 2

Transdimensional Projectors

A set of 2 Synaptic Obliterators and Transdimensional Projectors: these resin weapons unleash a burst of sub-atomic particles capable of tearing apart the molecular bonds of their target, and shift targets into a pocket dimension to die alone. This resin kit comprises 2 molecular disassemblers, 2 primary field generators, 2 focus chambers and 2 beam projectors which form the bulk of the weapons, with 4 coolant pipes, 2 power cables, 2 beam stabilisers and 2 weapon mounts for attaching them to the Seraptek.

Seraptek Construct Body $255

seraptek construct bidy

Singularity Generators $55

singularity generators

Transdimensional Projectors $55

transdimensional projectors

This will be a HUGE helping hand to any Necron player in the 8th edition meta. We may start to see these guys swarming the tables at competitive play. This could easily deal with a Knight if left unchecked.

Will you be picking one up for your army? What weapons are you going to give it?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.