Havoc & Terminators: New Chaos Pre-Orders Next Week

chaos chaingun havoc bits

New Warhammer 40k Havocs and Terminators are on deck for pre-order next week for Chaos Space Marines, to wreck your tabletop!

More “heretical goodness” is on the way from Games Workshop! Warhammer Community is sharing a release of brand new plastic Havocs.

These guys have mastered their weapons to the extent that they’ve started fusing with them and adopting all manner of strange mechanical mutations like stabilising talons and bulging mechanical eyes to help them slaughter the foe.


This kit will allow you to build 5 Havocs, armed with an array of heavy weaponry. Inside, you’ll find 2 missile launchers, 2 heavy bolters, 2 lascannons, 2 autocannons and 1 reaper chaincannon, giving you loads of choice when kitting out your squads. What’s more, all of these heavy weapons are designed to be compatible with the Chaos Space Marines kit, meaning you’ll be able to use your spares to up-gun your chosen squads! A choice of heads, accessories, shoulder pads and more allow you to customise your Havocs even further.

Havocs Sprue

Havocs bring the heavy firepower – Terminators bring the heavy armour. The most elite of the Chaos Space Marines, these baleful champions look incredibly imposing in their new kit – hulking behemoths who look like they could kill you just by charging into you!

The question is with only one of each of the 5 types of weapons on a single sprue and what appears to only be three pairs of legs, will the box set contain TWO of these sprues? Or perhaps there is a second sprue with just two more sets of legs and duplicate weapons sans the chaingun? That seems to be the only way GW’s bits breakdown above would make sense.

What do you think the Havocs will cost us on release with the base marines now $60 a box?

Categorized as the best-armed Terminators to date, this kit features several melee and ranged weapons. These Terminators are going to look way better on the tabletop than their mid-2000’s counterparts.

Three of the rumor engines can be seen above as well. The Cadian Trophy Rack on the Reaper Autocannon figure, and the Power Fist bit on the top left model, and the power weapon on the right Terminator as well.

Chaos Terminator space marines 2019 new

Looks like another rumor engine bit is here on this model too. right down to the paint scheme…

rumor engine 3-1-19


Chaos Terminator space marines 2019 new

This updated Chainfist looks more bluntly and functional that is chainsword descendant.Chaos Terminator space marines 2019 new

Overall the sculpts are much more dynamic with tons of fur and tabard details adoring the models to really give them that renegade “I’m not bad just because I have spikey bits”, feel!


Chaos Terminator space marines 2019 new

Which of these new releases are you looking forward to the most? Will you be transforming your gaming experience? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and get your free hobby updates each morning as well!