What Everyone Is Saying About Citadel Contrast Paints

By Rob Baer | June 17th, 2019 | Categories: Citadel Color Contrast, Warhammer 40k Rumors

contrast large

Excited for Contrast paint? Check all the latest on Citadel’s Contrast Color paint including pricing, tutorials, and everything in between!

We’ve been hearing all sorts of news and tidbits revolving around Contrast paints. Now that is it finally here, we can take a look at everything we know about the product since the hype train began. From rumors to personal experience from hobbyists galore, check out everything you need to know on these paints.

Bottle Size

It was guesswork at first, but we finally got a side-by-side glimpse of the size of Contrast paint bottles. At 18ml each, they’re right in between the size of a normal paint pot and a wash.

contrast size pots

Ways To Use Contrast:

They look to also work over lighter colors as well. Henry from Cult of Paint had this to say:

Also, this is what happens when you airbrush them over silver

contrast cult of paint

Here are the very latest updates that we have published on the new paints so you can make the call if they are a hard pass, or must have!

Do They Live Up To the Hype? Unofficial Citadel Contrast Paints Review

Don’t miss our 100% unofficial review of the Citadel Contrast paints as we put them through their paces and give you our thoughts on the line. Read More

GW’s Contrast Paints: How They’ll Really Look On Models

Citadel contrast color new paints games workshop buy lineupDon’t miss how all the new Citadel Contrast paints really look on models with each of the new primers from Games Workshop! Read More

The Rumored Dark Side of Citadel Contrast Paints

contrast paint citadel color negativeAll the new Citadel Contrast paints are coming to stores, however, this story may have a dark side that has scores of retailers quite upset at GW. Read More

GW’s Paint Line Update: Prices & Lineup CONFIRMED!

contrast logo hor warlGW has a lot in store for the hobby scene waiting right around the corner. Check out the latest updates on everything there is to know about Citadel paints. Read More

Top 3 Hobby Projects To Do Before You Use Contrast Paint!

contrast paint citadel color colourNow that Contrast paints are here, take this time to get your models ready with these 3 hobby projects now! Read More

Contrast Paint or Bust! 2 Videos You Have To See To Believe

Contrast or Bust! Go beyond the hype with these two videos on the new Citadel Contrast Color paint that show more than one thick coat. Read More

Top 5 Things To Know Before You Decide On Contrast Paints

contrast colorExcited for Contrast paint? Don’t miss the top 5 things you need to know before you decide if the new Citadel Contrast Color paint line is for you! Read More

In the meantime, check out their website and explore the possibilities with the new selection of paints headed our way.

What paint colors are you going to go after first? Is there a certain model in your army that you’ll be using contrast paints on first? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.