GW NERFS AoS Again: New Points Change & Erratas


fyreslayer wal sigmar hor

Too OP please Nerf? GW just dropped new points changes and erratas to supplement the already outdated Generals Handbook 2019.  Check out what changed for your faction now!

Games Workshop revealed the points changes and a few minor tweaks here and there for AoS factions (mainly centered around the factions that didn’t make the General’s Handbook 2019).

GW Drops Age of Sigmar Erratas For Factions (Sort Of)

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slaanesh change

The reason why we say (sort of) is because, at the time of writing this, GW revealed all the Slaanesh changes in Japanese, and we can’t seem to find the Skaven, or Fyreslayers right now.  We’ll get back to you on that…

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We’ll be going over the chief points and rules changes, but make sure to look over everything for your faction yourself!

Points Changes on Flesh-eater Courts

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Flesh-eater Courts were a big hope for change in the gaming community. They have been a top army across multiple tournaments just because of their Dragons that get to fight first and fight multiple times in combat.

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Looks like that has changed.

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The Ghoul King on Terrorghesit went up another 20 pts while the Royal Zombie Dragon didn’t move at all. Crypt Horrors went up another 10 pts as well. But for the most part, the attention on the army came down to mostly Leaders. 

Terrorgheists & Zombie Dragons Dragons Get Reworded



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Zombie Dragons and Terrorgheist changes were found in the Legions of Nagash section on their Errata page. However, you can see how they’ve been changed in Magenta.

Fyreslayers Get Reworded as Well

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We found them! Fyreslayers might have lost some powers in the realm of buffs but Fyresteel had some actual range added to his throwing axe.

Skaven Get Updated

skaven battletome aos wal hor

Here they are! So there were a couple of changes in the wording of abilities but the major changes come from points values.

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Changes were made all over this faction. With most of the changes centered around the Wasrcroll Battalions, some other units also had their points reworked. Stormvermin dropped 20 pts base and the Hellpit Abomination also became 20 pts cheaper.

Gloomspite Gitz Changes

gloomspite gitz age of sigmar how to play


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There was a handful on the Gloomspite Gitz side as well. Loonbosses on Mangler Squigs went down 20 pts while the Dankhold Troggboss went down 30! And if you play Spiderfang Grotz, get ready to break your Arachnaroks back out because they all got a -20 pts decrease!

Khorne Gets Points Changes As Well

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Some of the big changes here are in the realm of Blood Thirsters. Skarbrand dropped 20, the Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury dropped 30, and the Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage dropped 10.

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The Bloodbound Warhorde shot up +40 pts and the Bloodthunder stampede went up +20.

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Overall, it looks like just about everything but the kitchen sink got listed under Khorne’s changes. Make sure you go over each of your units and see how much your list might have gone up or dropped overall. You might be able to squeeze another small unit of Bloodletters in there somewhere!

Faction Scenery Gets Changed

bad moon gloomspire gitz


faction scenery change

GW changed the restrictions on faction terrain as well. Now, you can’t place your terrain within 3″ of any other terrain piece on the board and must be at least 1″ from any other objective. This is on top of any other restrictions your terrain piece might have. Faction terrain has proven itself to be insanely powerful. Especially with a points price tag of 0. Moving forward, hopefully, more and more factions get terrain as they get updated.

Like we’ve said before, make sure you go over your factions that weren’t found in the General’s Handbook for their points changes. There’s definitely a lot of changes that were made so your list could have actually gone up or down depending on what you brought to the table. Now that we’ve got this AoS errata under our belt, what do you think about the changes for your faction? Did your army get better or worse?

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