Painting Some of the Best Paint Ork Skin In Warhammer!

ork skin tutorial thumb

Get mean and get green! Emil from Age of Squidmar is bringing you a fantastic tutorial on painting some of the best Ork green skin in Warhammer!

Do you guys know what the best skin color in Warhammer is? It’s green! Today, Emil from Age of Squidmar is showing us how to paint green Ork skin. But we are not simply throwing green paint on a model here. We are going to show you the best techniques that the professional miniature painters use to add highlights to muscles and skin.

This is not a master class but a few tips and tricks you can use when painting skin. Let’s get painting!

 paint Ork Skin for Warhammer

For starters, a black primer is sprayed over our Ork model. A top-down highlight of white with an airbrush gives us an early highlight. When highlighting the skin, we are going to use planes of light and volumes. This means that if a light is shining from above, all surfaces hit by light on our model get a highlight. This is perfect for our Ork muscles.

 paint Ork Skin for Warhammer

Our first color for green skin is Citadel Death World Forest. For the first highlight, combine Moot Green and Elysian Green. Start at the top of an Ork muscle and work your way down, keeping most of the paint at the top. This will create some very well defined muscles. Add a dash of Screaming Skull to make some extra bright highlights as needed.

 paint Ork Skin for Warhammer

Next, grab a 50/50 mix of Screaming Skull and Moot Green to add a reflective highlight on the top of the muscles and chest. For the thinner skin, use Bugman’s Glow as a base followed by Cadian Flesh to highlight. For variational skin tones, use Citadel Mephiston Red and Vallejo Hexed Lichen.  Add this color to the deepest recesses of the muscles to add even more definition.

 paint Ork Skin for Warhammer

Painting green Ork skin can be a challenge, but with these tips and techniques from Emil, even an amateur can feel like a pro! Stay tuned for more amazing painting tutorials and videos from Age of Squidmar!

Don’t forget to check out Squidmar Miniatures YouTube channel for more tutorials.