Too OP? GW Erratas AoS Sylvaneth Wyldwoods Already

New AoS Sylvaneth Model Lineup REVEALED

GW just updated the new Sylvaneth 2.0 battletome with a few clarifications on those silly Wyldwoods that breathe life into the army. Don’t miss this errata!

If you’re looking to play Sylvaneth in AoS, you will be placing a bunch of Wyldwoods. But the tree peoples battletome just got updated. Check out the latest so you can make sure you’re playing the faction the right way!

Terrain Rules Change in GHB 2019 Errata

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First off be aware that overall in the 2019 GHB errata, faction terrain rules have changed. Faction terrain (i.e the terrain exclusive to your army placed before the game) has to be set up more than 3″ from any other terrain feature and more than 1″ from any other objective.

Plus, whatever other restrictions your terrain piece might have. Either way, if you can’t set it up, it can’t be used in AoS 2.0 right now.

Placing Wyldwood Models


GW also had to clarify that when you place your Wyldwoods down, the two smallest points (i.e the tips) all have to be touching. Regardless if you bring three tree models or six.  They also pointed out that the rules for placing these terrains features after the game starts are per the battletome, except the pre-game one you can place before set-up. That feature will follow the GHB update above.

Other Important Wyldwood Restrictions

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The Vesperal Gem is basically a free auto-cast on any spell you want. However, you CANNOT use it to cast Verdant Blessing and plop some more trees down for free each turn.

To the Trees, er Wyldwoods!

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Perhaps the largest change is the fact that the old “blob” base Wyldwoods (above) have been updated to count as one terrain feature.  The reason this is important is because one of these bases is essentially three of the new Awakened Wyldwoods tree models which also form one terrain feature. But remember a terrain feature of these woods can be 3-6 tree models, which would essentially be two of the old Wyldwood bases (which you can’t do now per the update).

So long story short you can still use your old trees, just perhaps not in the most optimal configuration possible.

As far as everything else goes, all of the rules previously remain the same. So be sure to check out the Sylvaneth Wyldwood errata page for yourself before you play your next game!

With these changes made, how do you think the Sylvaneth will perform on the table? How many trees do you usually set up in each match? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!