GW FAQs Warcry: New Errata & More

warcry cover wal title new rules

Warcry just got hit with its first rules errata since its release. Check out the main highlights we spotted that may shake up your games!

Going over the first official changes and updates to Warcry, we’ll be going over some of the highlights. But be sure to check out Warhammer Community’s page for the full scope of changes.

Warcry Gets Its First Errata: Highlights

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Starting off with movement and measuring vertical distances, if you’ve played a few games, you’ve probably gotten into an argument about a fighter falling 2.8 inches off of a ledge. It turns out that the terrain isn’t EXACTLY 3″ even though the rules stated for fall damage requires a minimum of 3″ to fall. However, it’s been fixed saying that you round up to the nearest inch when measuring vertically. Now, whenever you fall off of any ledge, you’ll need to roll for damage.

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Also, it should go without saying, but your Warbands need to have a Leader and you can only have one leader per Warband.

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Some fighters like the Cypher Lords and the Splintered Fang have a few models that have 2+” range. If you have a fighter that’s hugging a wall being attacked by a weapon with a range greater than 1″, you DON’T get your cover bonus. This is to simulate that their weapons are able to get into the tight space you might be hiding behind.

Reworded Abilities

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Some of the abilities for fighter cards were changed as well. The biggest change probably going to the Onslaught ability. This was most commonly used for Stormcast with all of their Ranged weapons. However, it only applies to weapons with a range characteristic of 3″ or less. (Probably very needed).

Like we said before, be sure to check out all of the erratas yourself as they’ve also made changes to certain battleplans and missions. But with the highlights covered, what do you think about Warcry now?

Are Stormcast going to be forced to change up their lists with the rewording of Onslaught? Will fall damage become a more prevalent thing now? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!