2 Unbeatable Christmas Bundle Boxes To Pair For Starting AoS

GW Christmas holidays

Stormcast Eternals and Nighthaunt have two separate boxes that are a match made in the Azyr. Check out the contents and savings from each one combined.

At the start of AoS 2.0, we saw the Stormcast Eternals and Nighthaunt get pitted against one another in a Soul Wars Box Set. Looking ahead to the 2019 Battleforces, these bundles are the perfect pair to what came inside the Soul Wars Box.

Using a previous Trav’s Hot Takes article we’ll be looking at the value of the Stormcast side of Soul Wars combined with their 2019 Battleforce., and vice versa for the Nighthaunt.

Soul Wars Box Set & 2019 Battleforces

Take a closer look at the points, value, and battlefield roles you’ll be mashing together if you got one of each.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Soul Wars AoS Soul Wars Starter Box: Is It Worth It?

The Soul Wars Box Set was first released at the start of AoS 2.0 and can still be purchased on GW’s webstore.

battleforce stormcast


battleforce nighthaunt

As for the Battleforces coming to AoS this holiday season, you’ll be able to grab a box for the Stormcast and Nighthaunt. A great building block if you wanted to expand from your Soul Wars selection that you split with a friend.

Important Note: some of the box contents give you a few more models than what individual kits offer. We’ll be calculating in the minimum number of individual kits it takes to get as close to what is offered in the bundles. (for example, if a box gives you 8 models but they are sold online in boxes of 5, we’ll be calculating the cost of two boxes). 

Stormcast Eternals Combined Value

lord celestant sigmar wal hor Don't miss this one, February has come early! The new Warhammer rules for Stormcast Eternals in February's White Dwarf have already been spotted.

If you took the Stormcast half of Soul Wars and added it to the Stormcast Eternals Exorcism Soulstrike 2019 Battleforce, this is what you’d have altogether. Looking at the contents under the lense of a 2,000+ point roster:

  • Lord Exorcist: 120 Points, Leader 1 of 6 $35
  • Lord Arcanum on Gryph Charger: 220 Points, Leader 2 of 6 ??? Not sold individually, the Mounted Named Arcanum is $40
  • Knight Incantor: 140 Points, Leader 3 of 6 ??? Not sold individually probably in the range of $30
  • 8 Evocators: 440 Points (220 for 5) $60 for five models
  • 5 Castigators: 160 Points (80 for 3) 3 ETB come for $15
  • 18 Sequitors: 440 (with horde discount, but 130 for 5): Battleline 1 of 3 $60 for ten models
  • 6 Evocators on Celestial Dracolines: 600 Points (300 for 3)  $120 total ($60 for three)
  • Celestar Ballista: 110 Points, Artillery 1 of 4 $25

Total 2490 Points.

Individual Kits Total MSRP: $520

Soul Wars Cost: $160 ($80 for Stormcast if you split it with a friend).

Stormcast Battleforce Box Set Rumored Cost: $185

Box Set Combination Total MSRP: $265

Total Savings: $255

Nighthaunt Combined Value

Legion of grief army nighthaunts age of sigmar warhammer

For the Nighthaunt, their half of Soul Wars and their 2019 Battleforce will get you:

  • Kurdoss Valentian, the Craven King: 200 Points, Leader 1 of 6 $45
  • Lord Executioner: 80 Points, Leader 2 of 6 ??? Lord Liekoron is a named Executioner at $30
  • Guardian of Souls: 140 Points, Leader 3 of 6 ??? No individual kit for him. Probably like other characters at $30.
  • Spirit Torment: 120 Points, Leader 4 of 6 ??? No individual kit for him. Probably like other characters at $30.
  • Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed: 120 Points, Leader 5 of 6 ??? No mounted version sold individually, probably $40.
  • 30 Chainrasp Horde: 240 Points (80 for 10), Battleline 1 of 3 $120 total ($40 for ten).
  • 19 Grimghast Reapers (4 are converted stalkers): 320 Points (160 for 10), Battleline 2 of 3 $90 total ($45 for ten).
  • 5 Hexwraiths: 140 Points, Battleline 3 of 3 $35
  • 10 Dreadscythe Harridians: 160 Points (80 for 5) $45
  • 10 Bladegheist Revenants: 180 Points, (90 for 5) $45

Total 1480 Points.

Individual Kits Total MSRP: $510

Soul Wars Cost: $160 ($80 for Nighthaunt if you split it with a friend).

Nighthaunt Battleforce Box Set Rumored Cost: $185

Box Set Combination Total MSRP: $265

Total Savings: $245

Have you thought about combining these two boxes together to round out your army, or going half with a friend to both start AoS? Do you play Stormcast or Nighthaunt? What’s your favorite unit for the faction in-game?

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