These Are 14 Hobby Patreon Creators To Support This Holiday

space marine terminator walDon’t miss our list of 14 hobby Patreon creators to support this holiday season who are doing great things for the community overall!

If you enjoy learning new tricks or getting inspiration by watching others, there are some Patreons out there. Here are some of our recommendations for hobby-centered Patreons.

Editor’s Note: this list isn’t exhaustive as there are hundreds of great channels paving the way for the hobby.

14 Hobby Patreon Creators To Support

Tabletop Minions



This is a great channel with a genuine desire for hobby growth in general. From coverage on painting tips to new content in the tabletop world, this channel comes with three ways to show monthly support.

I want to help the tabletop wargaming community and introduce new players to the hobby that I love with my videos, and you can help make it happen and become a special member of the Tabletop Minions. Join one of the three support categories and your monthly pledge will help me to expand the work that I’m able to do with the channel and you’ll be available to get exclusive access and behind-the-scenes content. Thanks for watching!

Terrain Tutor

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In a more scoped-in view of the hobby, the terrain tutor is an awesome source of knowledge on everything to support your games. If you need inspiration or help with making incredible landscapes for your minis to battle on, the terrain tutor offers some next-level tips on turning simple bits and pieces into pretty awesome terrain features.

In here on Patreon trying to make my dream of being a full time terrain tutor to the community a reality. It’s all explained in the vid, in my own unique and bouncy style, check it out and if you’ve got any questions, ask away!
Thanks for your support Terrainiacs!, I genuinely couldn’t do this without you awesome bunch of people!

Squidmar Miniatures

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Squidmar Miniatures is a crazy channel that focuses on painting tips and tricks that are usable in any hobby platform you wish. With more of a focus on AoS and 40k, these painting tutorials offered are leagues above just getting your models to “tabletop quality”. This channel even comes with three ways to show support!

I want to help the wargaming and miniature community by paying forward what I was given when I started the hobby. I’m sharing my experiences and creating new videos every week. I want everyone to be able to benefit from this channel, from long time hobbyists to folks who are brand new to painting.

squidmar ork

Jack of Clubs Painting

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This is another great painting channel with Wyatt Turk, who joins us on the Long War Twitch Stream! With three ways to support his channel, you can learn all sorts of unique tricks on bringing your minis to a higher quality.

Jack of Clubs Painting (Wyatt Turk) is a professional miniature painter, and also runs a twitch channel dedicated to live entertainment, discussion, miniature painting, and painting tutorials. The goal of the channel is to spread the love of our great hobby and create an environment of fun community and learning. Supporting the channel through Patreon helps the channel grow in production value, and viewer prize support. The more the channel recieves through Patreon, the more great content can be produced. 

Guerilla Miniature Games

guerilla patreon

Out on his own now from Games Workshop, Guerilla Miniature Games is a fantastic source of battle reports on all the latest factions for 40k and AoS as well as other great hobby content!

Hey there Patreoners! I’m Ash and I’m a long-time Games Industry professional that is now a stay-at-home parent. My YouTube channel brings Tabletop Gaming content to you seven days a week and Patreon is what keeps my kids fed and creator studio running. Thanks so much to all my amazing Patrons and the folks at Patreon for making this possible.

Pop Goes the Monkey

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You might know POP Goes the Monkey as a 3D-printing alternate bit-making source. They’ve got some amazing pieces that you won’t find anywhere else. They also have their own Patreon channel to help support new custom creations!

ITC (Independent Tournament Circuit)

itc patreon

You might have heard of the ITC with its most popular avenue, Warhammer 40k. While the ITC is growing steadily with more and more tournaments using these rules sets, you can also show support by monthly subscriptions that go 100% toward fueling this awesome platform.

Marco Frisoni- Not Just Mecha

marco frisoni patreon

Get a new look at painting with Marco. He does all kinds of painting tutorials and his work is definitely remarkable. Show your support!

I’m Marco and I’m a professional miniature painter!
I create every single week all kinds of videos about miniature painting for YouTube, ranging anywhere from tutorials to instructional and informational videos!
My goal is to produce the videos my past self would have killed to watch

Next Level Painting

next level patreon

Yo dawg, Next Level Painting with Kenny Boucher, focuses in on bringing your favorite tabletop minis to unreal levels of quality. Each video is instructional and poised toward growing your hobby experience!

The Glacial Geek

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My channel shares my geeky nature in order to entertain my viewers, or try my damndest to do so. I currently create Warhammer 40,000 videos (mostly Battle Reports) with an emphasis on stressing the fun of the game. I celebrate all aspects of the journey into the Grim Dark future through modeling, painting, and battling armies of the 41st Millenium.

The aim of this Patreon campaign is to raise funds to provide more and better content, including branching out into other aspects of Geekery, and to upgrade my equipment to provide higher quality programming.

If you watch his Battle Reports and reviews want to show a little support, why not help him out financially in any way you can!

Reptilian Overlords

reptilian overlords patreon

Reptilian Overlords is an awesome source to get some unique bits of your own for conversions and stand-in minis for your favorite tabletop games. They design everything and give access to their creations through Patreon support! They’ve also been working on creating a game of their own called AXEMONGER.

Welcome to the Reptilian Overlords Patreon. Thank you for stopping by! Reptilian Overlords produces some of the finest resin miniatures and conversion bits for tabletop gaming in the world. While we’ve kept busy creating new and exciting bits to customize your models, we’ve also been working behind the scenes on an exciting project called AXEMONGER.

With your support we’ll continue expanding the Axemonger universe with short stories, narrative background, and illustrations. In return, I’m very pleased to offer patrons inspiring miniatures and conversion bits as downloadable STLs. Each STL file comes with a personal use license for your hobby projects. And of course, patrons get to read all about the denizens of Axemonger and play with some really cool miniatures.


astartes patreon

If you haven’t seen the incredible fan-made series of short films called Astartes (which you need to check out), he has his own Patreon page that you can show support for as well. By donating, you can give suggestions on where to take the film next. However, recently, the YouTube account was hacked and has been held hostage for money. It’s currently being handled to be returned to the rightful owner.

Hello! I am the artist behind Astartes, a series of short Warhammer 40,000 fan-films. I have created this page for anyone who would like to support me in creating more content for the project. Any support means less time I have to spend working for others and more time spent on Astartes!

Patrons will have access to behind the scenes previews of work, polls to influence creative decisions and Q&A’s.

Elminiaturista Patreon

Their paint jobs are simply amazing but on top of that, they know how to make easy-to-follow tutorials and make coaching fun. Overall, if you’ve been looking for a way to get your minis looking better, you should check this Patreon out! They even have a tier you can support to get monthly one-on-one coaching for any technique you want to work on.

Spikey Bits

spikey bits patreon

Finally, there’s us! If you haven’t check out our Patreon, you are missing out. We put out exclusive hobby content as well as miniatures, hobby loot crates and more for your monthly support!

  For ten years, we have brought you some of the best unboxings, product reviews, and tutorials videos out there!

This is your chance to get miniatures crate full of products we feature in our videos with a membership here. You literally profit with this Patreon, while helping to support us. Pay it hobby forward now!

Support Spikey Bits

Which Patreons do you support? Did we forget any that you think are worth mentioning?

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