Painting Eyes on Miniatures Made Easy: Warhammer

By Andrew Schrank | January 15th, 2020 | Categories: How To Tutorial, Videos, Warhammer 40k News

secrets to painting good eyes squidmarSquidmar is back with another quick tutorial for us today. This time with two different methods to painting eyes on our Warhammer minis easy!

Squidmar is rapidly growing due to his great tutorials ranging from full-scale models to tips, even to practical physics! Today he’s giving us the rundown on two main ways he paints his eyes and a small hack to help out. He also goes pretty in-depth explaining eyes in photoshop for the first half of the video, so if your interested, check it out at the bottom of this post!

Eye basedFirst up, Squidmar is going to use doom bull brown for the base coat for the entire socket. Then mix 50-50 Rakarth Flesh in and move inward and paint a base coat. Then pure Rakarth Flesh, once again moving inward. lastly 50-50 Rakarth Flesh and Ceramite White.

Eye done

He uses Dark Sea Blue From Vallejo for the iris, followed by a layer of 50-50 mix of Dark Sea and White. After that place a black dot for the pupil, and a white dot for the reflection! The large scale eye is now done.

small eye

The Smaller eye is obviously harder to get fine details in. Use the set method with browns and whites as before, but once you get to the iris you can use a new tool called a Micron Pen if you want instead of a brush to make it easier for you! Don’t worry about pupils and if you really want you can do one white dot for the reflection. Now the small eye is done too.  That does it for this one!

Squidmar Miniatures is a great place to learn all kinds of painting techniques!  Be sure to subscribe to Squidmar Miniatures YouTube channel for more tutorials.