It’s happening! Primaris Ragnar Blackmane and ginormous Ghazgkull Thraka were just revealed by GW for 40k Saga of the Beast and Psychic Awakening.
Warhammer Community just revealed some characters that you don’t want to miss. Primaris Ragnar and Gazghkull “The Beast” Thraka are coming in hot with new sculpts!
Earlier Preview Highlights Leading to the Big Reveal
For the past few weeks, we’ve been seeing short stories of Space Wolves tracking down Ragnar who’s trying to hunt Gazghkull (AKA the Beast). But on top of that, Warhammer TV also dropped a YouTube video preview to help us get hyped for what’s on the way. Up to this point, we haven’t seen any good look at the models…Until now.
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It’s also worth mentioning that we’ve apparently also gotten an earlier look at Ragnar’s new Primaris Datasheet. These rumors came from Chapter Master Valrak:
Big changes here are +2 attacks, +1 wound, and +1 strength which is slightly better than the usual Primaris upgrade. It’s consistently been just +1 attack and wound each.
As for Frostfang, it’s supposed to be giving a +1 strength bonus, bringing Ragnar to S7 in combat.
It also looks like Ragnar is keeping War Howl, Jarl of Fenris, and The Belt of Russ. However, to play off the new Shock Assault rule that procs when Marines get locked into melee for the first time, he’s getting something mentioned as “Berserk Rage“.
Again assuming the rumors are true, Ragnar will be able to explode off of a charge with a whopping ten attacks that ignore standard Primaris save and will be able to one-shot 90% of ground-troop Primaris forces. He might be the Space Wolves form of a named Smash Captain soon.
And last but not least, his keywords are looking to be updated to hold Primaris. Not too big of a shocker there.
GW Reveals New Ragnar & Ghazghkull Models Saga of the Beast
Warhammer Community is hyping up the next wave of releases previewing TWO new models. Ragnar and Gazghkull! Buckle up because you’re about to have your mind blown.
Ragnar went hard in his first fight against Ghazghkull, willing to sacrifice his life to put an end to the alien menace. He fought with skill and bravery but ended up with an arm sheared off, a broken neck and several fist-size rents in his armour.
When the warriors of his Great Company found his body, it seemed like the Young King’s saga was over. There was only one option to save his life – attempting to cross the Rubicon Primaris. Ragnar’s spirit was strong and it was not yet ready to travel to the Halls of the Emperor so, somehow, the Wolf Lord clawed his way back to life.
Brought back into the fight meaner than ever, Ragnar was pulled from the jaws of death and refitted in Primaris form. Now he’s back and ready to tear up some enemies! Just look at the detail!
Now that he’s back in the fight, Ragnar’s more determined than ever to put an end to the mighty greenskin.
Speaking of a mighty greenskin…
The greatest Ork Warboss of the 41st Millennium managed to do what no one in the galaxy could manage – effectively kill Ragnar Blackmane, one of the Imperium’s greatest heroes. He didn’t have the fight all his own way though as Ragnar did manage to chop his head off. Of course, such a flesh wound wasn’t enough to stop the self-proclaimed prophet of Gork and Mork.
After an enterprising grot managed to find Ghazghkull’s head, his remains were taken to Mad Dok Grotsnik, and the Painboy had a plan. Lugging looted macro capacitors into his lab, he began his experiments and, as sheets of green power filled the sky, Ghazghkull lived one more.
Gazghkull had his head chopped off by Ragnar (just as he finished Ragnar off) but was saved by Mad Dok Grotsnik. Really, Gazghkull is the closest thing to an actual Dreadnought that the Orks have now. Interesting.
Coming in with an all-new souped-up killing machine, he’s back and bigger, madder, and angrier than ever! Gazghkull was already able to kick some tail on the tabletop. But with a new model as big as he is, who knows how much of a melee beast he’ll really be!
But that’s not all. With a side shot of Ragnar, Gaz, and a bunch of other Primaris/Orks, it looks like we’ve got some kind of Box Set headed our way with the rest of the minis around. Check out what WHC had to say:
These awesome new models are just the beginning – Ragnar and Ghazghkull are ready to rumble for a rematch, and the outcome could have massive consequences for the entire galaxy.
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With all of this finally revealed, what do you think could be in store next? Is a Saga of the Beast Box Set on our way? How many points do you think Ragnar and Gazghkull will be?
Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!